The 2015 Aussie Open
The 2015 Aussie Open
The First Major in the Southern Hemisphere

G ’day, mates! This weekend we will see yet another benchmark not just for disc golf, but more specifically disc golf in Australia. As the sport continues to grow at an astounding pace, we are seeing people in new parts of the world stepping up to offer a quality disc golf experience on a pristine piece of native land. The tournament staff of the 2015 Aussie Open is no exception.
Chris Finn #37970 had a dream a long time ago to see his favorite past time develop into a recognized sport in Australia. After the first time he touched a Frisbee when he was twelve, he knew this was what he was meant to do. So he began promoting. After many years of painstaking work, the first Aussie Open was held in 2013. The main goal of the event was to put disc golf back on the radar of a nation that had been exposed to the sport in the mid to late 70’s. He was successful in his mission.
Chris is not the only key piece to this detailed puzzle. Robert Kyle #51699 is an American who moved to Australia years ago with a very similar desire. A constant promoter and educator of disc golf, Robert has stepped up as the tournament director of this great event. To help with the promotional aspect of the event is Andrew Ferguson #8549, who has been running sanctioned events on the eastern side of the country for years. Alongside of an amazing crew of volunteers, they will be running the first Major disc golf event in the Southern Hemisphere. This weekend, the world will witness the fruits of their labor.
Of course, none of this would be possible without the ever-budding relationship between the local disc golfers and the local sporting club. The Mundaring Sporting Club is home to a beautiful bowling (think bocce) complex. It also has an 18 hole golf course that hosts leagues and tournaments in prime season.
We know what you’re thinking. How does disc golf fit into this primarily older demographic? It wasn’t an easy pill for many of the members of the club to swallow at first. After meeting Chris and Robert and many of the other local disc golfers, however, an instant relationship had spawned. Not only would disc golf bring in more dollars, it would also bring a youthful face and a new perspective to this this great sport community.
First things first; a championship-caliber disc golf course needed to be installed. If you've been hiding under a rock for the last couple of decades, we understand why you might not have heard of Jussi Meresmaa #14600. Designer of over 200 courses in his native land of Finland and around the globe, Jussi has designed some of the most scenic yet challenging layouts in the game. When the idea of this event was presented to Jussi, he obviously wanted to be a part of it.
Chris and Jussi perused the club grounds, dodging kangaroo scat and looking for potential fairways and greens. After many trials and adjustments, the Mundaring Disc Golf Club was born. They have designed what has been called by many the top course in all of Australia.
Tonight, the event kicks off in true Aussie fashion. The Opening Ceremony will take place on the shores of the Indian Ocean at the Sorrento Surf Life Saving Club. There, players will be treated to a wonderful meal, a history lesson of disc golf in Australia, as well as a native aboriginal song and dance routine, all while rustling their feet in the sand and watching yet another spectacular sunset.
Play will begin Thursday morning at 10:00am AWST (Australia Western Standard Time) with a shotgun start so be sure to check out the full results wherever you are. The Spin TV is here to capture the action and we'll have live coverage on Twitter and Instagram. The live hole-by-hole scoring will be begin on Saturday for Round 3 and will continue on Sunday for the fourth and final round.
Coming on the heels of Australia Day, the 2015 Aussie Open will make disc golf history this weekend. As the temperatures continue to rise, so, undoubtedly, will the stature of Australian disc golf. Cheers mate!
Great first day despite the
Great first day despite the weather!