The Prodigy PRO DG T1 target made by Prodigy Disc was PDGA Approved as of 12-18-2014.
"The Prodigy PRO DG T1 will set a new standard for Professional Disc Golf Targets. The 30 Chain configuration, with 3 sets of horizontal chains, is the most effective way to eliminate the disc from passing through the target. This set of chains also prevents the disc from hitting the pole, all but eliminating the chance to bounce back towards the thrower. The target is visually appealing, with a powder coated top band and basket. It is virtually indestructible, made to exceed all the specifications required of the PDGA to be called a “ Championship Target". Not only does it look great, and catch better than any target on the market, the trademark “Strike Zone”, which is a square, created by the inner chains, makes focusing on the target easier. No more fear of a rejected putt. Putt with confidence in the T1." - by Prodigy Disc
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