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Women's Global Event

Women's Global Event

Yes! Only the first two rounds played at a given WGE event will count towards a player's results in the global standings.

For example, Rita Roller competes in a WGE event on Saturday. Then she plays another WGE event on Sunday. She will have two entries on the WGE leaderboard: one for each event.

If Annie Anyzer competes in a WGE event that has two rounds scheduled on Saturday and one on Sunday, only the first two rounds she plays in the event will count toward the global standings.

All rounds will still count toward general player statistics (such as points, ratings, and wins) in the usual manner.

No. The complete WGE Player’s Pack should go to the WGE participants.

No but on June 1, anyone may purchase a WGE Player’s Pack for $30 plus shipping.

Yes. If there are no local tournaments, you might consider sanctioning and running your own WGE tournament. You will need to complete a sanctioning agreement and meet all sanctioning requirements (current membership, certified official, fee payment) and all WGE tournament requirements (three propagators playing on the same layout for both rounds, upload scores, submission of TD Report. etc.).

Check out the PDGA Tour Event Planning & Management resources for more information on running a tournament.

If it is a women-only WGE and you don’t have enough female propagators, consider asking some male propagators to help out by playing the exact same layout as the women for both rounds that count for the WGE.  You would not need to charge them an entry fee or provide them with player packs or prizes (but if providing food to the women it would certainly be nice to feed the guys too).  You MUST report the male propagators in a division they are eligible for (example: MPO or MA1) and be sure to have those divisions assigned to the exact same layout as the female-only divisions in Tournament Manager.  Up to five (5) male propagators may be used in this fashion at women-only WGE tournaments without the need to pay post-event fees for them.

By noon EST on May 21, 2024

TDs must submit and publish the unofficial results from the WGE rounds via the PDGA Tournament Manager page by noon (EST) the day after their tournament ends.

No. However, we strongly encourage all WGE Tournament Directors to purchase the players’ packs since they are an exceptional value and will add to the visibility and impact of your event. WGE players’ packs can only be purchased through the Official PDGA Store.
TDs may purchase player packs through the Official PDGA Store.



  1. All WGE tournaments must be officially sanctioned by the PDGA and comply with the Official Rules of Disc Golf, Competition Manual, and Tour Standards. To sanction your tournament please visit and submit a sanctioning agreement. Please be sure to specify in the Event Notes that you would like your tournament to be included in the Women's Global Event.
  2. The event must be at least two rounds and every layout must have at least three ratings propagators. At events that only offer women's divisions, the TD may offer a mixed division of up to four players in order to serve as ratings propagators without paying post-event fees for those players.
  3. For Junior divisions under 12, the score of the first round will be submitted by the Tournament Director and rated by the PDGA. Note that the layout played by Juniors under 12 must have at least three propagators (with eight officially rated rounds of 700+) playing that same layout to get an accurate rating for the PDGA Women's Global Event. For all other divisions, scores from the first two rounds of each participating tournament will be submitted by the individual Tournament Directors and rated by the PDGA. These round ratings will be totaled and averaged to determine a player's "Global Score." For the rounds to qualify, the event must include two rounds and have at least three ratings propagators (players with a PDGA rating of 700+ and a minimum of eight officially rated rounds) playing on the same course layout during each round for ratings to be calculated as accurately as possible. Global Scores will be updated throughout the day with our Women's Global Event Champions being officially announced on
  4. If you are sanctioning a standalone WGE tournament that only offers women's and girls' divisions, please name your event “WGE - XX” where XX is the name of your event.  (For example “WGE – Springfield Disc Gals”). 
  5. If the event also offers mixed divisions, add “+ WGE” to the end of the tournament title  (For example “Springfield Sizzler + WGE").
  6. Pro-Am events must offer all 27 women's and girls' divisions (those with FP, FA, and FJ prefixes). TDs are highly encouraged to run divisions with fewer than three competitors so that players in those divisions can compete against the global field.
  7. Pro-only and Am-only events must offer all women's and girls' divisions that are applicable to their event class and sanctioning Tier. For example:
    • a Pro-only B-Tier would have to offer all Pro women's divisions;
    • an Am-only A-Tier would have to offer all Am women's and Junior girls' divisions;
    • an Elite Series event would have to offer FPO.

Check with your local WGE Tournament Director for deadlines. There may be a deadline for registration and/or a deadline in order to obtain a WGE Players’ Pack. For events in the United States, the last day of ordering to guarantee that a WGE Players’ Pack arrives in time for the event is July 22. Events outside of the USA should order the WGE Players’ Pack by June 10.

We recommend that you pre-register for your local WGE as soon as possible to help the Tournament Director prepare for the event and to secure your player pack (if offered). Each local WGE has its own process and day-of registration may NOT be available, so please check with your local WGE Tournament Director for more info.

As a TD of a WGE-Only event, you will need to submit the sanctioning fee (for example, $50 for a C-tier), optional $50 non-refundable proof of insurance fee (if needed by park, city, etc.) and certified official's exam fee (if needed, fee is $10). The PDGA per-player fees and temporary membership fees are waived for WGE for female divisions.

Note: If you are running a regular tournament and are including your female divisions in the WGE, the per-player fees and temporary membership fees are only waived for those female participants in the Women's Global Event. 

Yes.  Along with complying to all the current PDGA Tour Standards, there are a few more requirement we ask of WGE Tournament Directors. 

We encourage all registered WGE to use for their online player registration pages. Through this, the WGE staff can streamline our communication to both the players and tournaments directors.

To sanction a Women's Global Event, review the PDGA Event Sanctioning Agreement online and submit your event. Before registering your WGE, be sure that you are willing to meet all mandatory requirements for the WGE.

The WGE Players’ Packs will be made available for WGE Tournament Directors to purchase. Check with your local WGE TD to confirm whether this players’ pack will be offered at your event. There will be a registration deadline determined by your local WGE TD for receipt of the players’ pack. If your local WGE TD is not offering the WGE Players’ Pack, you can purchase one at the PDGA Store [update link once built out]. While supplies last, the WGE Players’ Pack is available to everyone on

Please note that you must fulfill all of the requirements below for your tournament to show on the online event calendar. You have submitted an event sanctioning agreement.

  • You have paid all sanctioning fees.
  • You are a current PDGA member.
  • You are a PDGA certified official.

If you believe you have fulfilled all these requirements, but still don't see your event on the schedule, please contact the PDGA Event Support Team. To ensure that your event is highlighted on the schedule as a WGE event, please write “WGE” in the Event Notes field of the sanctioning agreement and include “WGE” in the title of your event.

All you need to do is upload your local player registration list via PDGA Tournament Manager. You can review your current registration on your individual results page, while the Women's Global Event results page will be updated automatically with the current list of global participants. 

Yes, this is an official PDGA event and all guidelines set forth in the PDGA Tour Standards still apply. You may submit the TD report directly from Tournament Manager.

The division you play at a WGE event is the division where your results from that event will show up on the global leaderboard. This is different than how the Global Masters Series works.

For example, if you are 51 years old and you compete in FP40 at a WGE event, your results from that event will post to the FP40 leaderboard. 

If you compete in FA50, your results from that event will post to the FA50 leaderboard.

Scores will automatically be updated on the overall WGE results page. The deadline for Tournament Directors to submit the scores is August 8, 2022. PDGA Women's Global Event winners will be announced on August 15, 2022 in an article featured on the front page of and throughout the WGE social media pages.

You will need a minimum of one female playing in a female division and a minimum of two players (female or male) who are ratings propagators playing on the same course layout during both rounds. For the rounds to qualify for the WGE, the rounds must be the first two rounds of the event and must be played on the same course and layout each round. Propagators are PDGA Members rated 700+ with a minimum of eight officially rated rounds. Ratings propagators are required to calculate the ratings for the two rounds included in the WGE.


Yes, all WGE tournaments must be officially sanctioned by the PDGA. To sanction your tournament please visit and submit a sanctioning agreement. Please be sure to specify in the Event Notes that you would like your tournament to be included in the Women's Global Event.

Yes. If there are no local tournaments, you might consider sanctioning and running your own WGE tournament. You will need to complete a sanctioning agreement and meet all sanctioning requirements (current membership, certified official, fee payment) and all WGE tournament requirements (three propagators playing on the same layout for both rounds, upload scores, submission of TD Report. etc.).

Check out the PDGA Tour Event Planning & Management resources for more information on running a tournament.

For all divisions except Junior divisions 12 and under (FJ12, FJ10, FJ08, FJ06), the scores from the first two rounds of each participating tournament will be submitted by the individual Tournament Directors and rated by the PDGA. These round ratings will be totaled and averaged to determine a player's "Global Score." For the rounds to qualify, the event must include two rounds and have at least three ratings propagators playing on each layout during each round.

For Junior divisions 12 and under, the score of the first round of the event will be submitted by the Tournament Director and rated by the PDGA. Note that the layout played by Juniors under 12 must have at least three propagators playing that same layout to get an accurate rating for the PDGA Women's Global Event.

For tournaments without sufficient propagators in women's divisions, up to five male propagators may play the same layout to ensure accurate ratings without incurring PDGA post-event fees.  These propagators should play in Mixed divisions for which they qualify.