2017 PDGA Elections Now Underway!
2017 PDGA Elections Now Underway!
Elections Underway - Please Vote!

The 2017 PDGA elections are now underway and will run during the entire month of July.
Elections Process
During the first week of the elections all current members for whom the PDGA has an email address on file will receive an email from our elections service, Intelliscan, Inc. with their PDGA online election instructions including their individual ballot. On or about July 20, all members with valid emails who have not yet voted will be sent an e-mail voting reminder. Those members who do not have any access to a computer or internet capability will also be able to contact the PDGA office and request a mailed paper ballot. Provided this request is received by the PDGA no later than July 20th, a ballot will be mailed to the member.
PDGA Global Board of Directors Election
In accordance with the PDGA by-laws, there will be two at-large Board members elected this year for the positions currently held by Rebecca Duffy and Robert Decker. The two candidates who obtain the most votes in our annual elections will secure office and serve 3-year terms from September 1, 2017 through August 31, 2020.
Some of the Board’s main activities include: setting PDGA policies; hiring and supervision of an Executive Director, who is responsible for headquarters, staff, and ongoing operations; financial management including annual budget; identification of responsible future Board members; and representing the membership’s visions for the future of the sport and the Association.
Ideally, prospective Board members should have some of the following mix of skills and qualifications: professional experience involving management, marketing, financial, strategic planning, entrepreneurship, and/or the non-profit sector; communication skills in representing the PDGA and in corresponding with members, including access to e-mail; a passion for disc golf; and familiarity with and commitment to the PDGA. Honesty, integrity, openness, and having the time and desire to work hard are key personal attributes.
The five declared candidates for the 2017 PDGA Global Board of Directors election are:
• Fernando Brown, #20093 - Texas
• Robert Decker, #17745 - Kansas
• David Foss, #68895 - Virginia
• Nate Heinold, #49340 - Illinois
• Fishead Tim McCrory, #21964 - Texas
Board candidate biographies and statements can be accessed here.
PDGA Europe Board of Directors Election
This is the first ever election to select members to serve on the PDGA Europe Board of Directors. A Board is a requirement to maintain non-profit status and is mandated by PDGA bylaws. Responsibilities include attending summit meetings, conducting monthly teleconference calls and ongoing communication to accomplish required business. Some of the Board’s main activities include: setting PDGA Europe policies; hiring and supervision of a Continental Director responsible for headquarters, staff, and ongoing operations; financial management including annual budget; identification of responsible future Board members; and representing the membership’s visions for the future of the sport and the association.
The initial PDGA Europe Board will consist of four European members, as well as three members who are appointed from North America. The Board will consist of seven total members.
The four European Board members will be elected this year and will serve three year terms from September 1, 2017 to August 31, 2020.
For additional information on the PDGA elections process please click here.
2017 PDGA Europe Board Candidates:
• Natalie Holloköi, #4455 - Switzerland
• Richard Kollar, #61991 - Slovakia
• Seamus Scanlon, #11756 - United Kingdom
• Kajsa Wickström, #57521 - Finland
Board candidate biographies and statements can be accessed here.
PDGA State/Provincial Coordinator Elections
Also on the ballot will be the coordinators for these states and provinces: Alabama, Alberta, Arkansas, Armed Forces Overseas, California (North), Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Manitoba, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Ontario, Pennsylvania, Quebec, Rhode Island, Saskatchewan, South Dakota, Texas (South), Vermont, Washington, and Wisconsin. The candidate who obtains the most votes in their state in our annual elections will secure office and serve a 2-year term from September 1, 2017 through August 31, 2019.
Some of the state coordinators’ responsibilities include: representing the PDGA in a positive light to members, clubs, agencies, and communities; working with TDs and clubs within their state or province and in adjoining areas to schedule PDGA Tour and other disc golf events; serving as state/provincial liaison to the PDGA Tour Manager in setting the Tour schedule and in addressing and resolving Tour event issues, and voting for and recommending candidates for annual PDGA awards.
State and provincial candidate biographies and statements can be accessed here.
Please Vote!
When you receive your email ballot in early July, please take a few minutes of your time to complete and submit it. In doing so not only are you fulfilling one of your basic rights and responsibilities as a PDGA member, but you are also demonstrating that the work performed by these core volunteers is important and worthwhile, both for you personally, and for the PDGA and disc golf as a whole.