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Ratings Today

Ratings Today

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 - 09:42

Check out your new ratings now

After some issues with Am Worlds pools, the new ratings are now up. We have five players with ratings of 1040 and higher for the first time - Nikko Locastro, David Feldberg, Nate Doss, Josh Anthon and Shane Seal. Shane only has two rounds in Louisiana for his rating but he made them count.

We're adding another ratings update this year that will be posted just two weeks from today on September 13th. That update will include all of the Global events along with the final NTs at Pittsburgh and Maple Hill. The September update will be the final ratings update the USDGC can use to determine the performance scores for each competitor.

The update originally scheduled for October 4th is moved back to October 25th. That update will include ratings from the upcoming big tournaments - US Women DG Championships, the new PDGA Championship and the special format USDGC.