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Aug 04 2004, 10:46 AM
I am going to be taking my own and one of Claytons if I remember correctly... (Jason correct me if I'm wrong) I should be able to pick up the baskets at your house Myhero maybe tomorrow or Friday, I just have to steel the truck from Luara... I should be able to bring out all four on Saturday...

Aug 04 2004, 11:03 AM
Pepper you have 2 of Clayton's and 1 of yours.....if you could get the 2 from John it would help us out tremedously. So that makes 3 off the ??? list confrimed(Danny confirmed last night). Thank you, only a couple to go :D

Aug 04 2004, 11:10 AM
Eric's lurking.....forgot about your basket, could you bring it out???

Aug 04 2004, 01:11 PM
May be a little tight but I think I could get 5 to you on Saturday... What time do you need them there???

Aug 04 2004, 01:14 PM
Pepper, bring one to the mini tonight and I'll take it home until Saturday.....


Big E
Aug 04 2004, 01:25 PM
yes i can bring my basket. Just remember that i made it from scratch so everthing is not exactly the same as a profesionally made basket. For example the basket may be a little bigger at the bottom or a little tall. but i will be more than happy for you to bring it. I think it will do the job better than the skill shot!

Aug 04 2004, 01:26 PM
Can't make it to A-town tonight I get off at 6 in Grapevine so I usually play Bear Creek on Wednesdays... I only live 2-3 miles from the park Jason can take you over to my house after the mini if you would like or I can just bring the 5 on Saturday...

Aug 04 2004, 01:32 PM
We fit 5 in your truck before and it wasn't too bad..... except for that SCRATCH down the side :(. Either way you want to do it is fine with me Brian. And Eric I'll add yours to the list....Thanks

Aug 04 2004, 01:35 PM
New confirmed list

Chamberlain's 2
Clayton 2
Nolan 2
Pepper 1
McGough 1
Toolen 1
Josh Dann 1
Shawn Wasden 1
Danny Reeves 1
My-Hero 2
Eric 1


The Q's

Hopefully we'll have evreything we need :D

Aug 04 2004, 03:19 PM
Just saw your pleading cry for baskets...put me down for 1. If I ever get around to flipping the other one around, I would bring two. :cool:What time do you need them there?

Aug 04 2004, 03:20 PM
So be prepared to lose some plastic :confused:

You might have talked me back into it with that scenario...IS THERE know I am getting closer to that OMB now and need my trees :o

wuss :)

Aug 04 2004, 03:25 PM
Don and our baskets are still on vacation. I believe they will return by sometime Friday. If so, you will have them in Cedar Hill Saturday morning. I will sign us up tonight at the Arl mini.

Aug 04 2004, 03:35 PM
Willy if you can bring them both and I'll get your Trophy bucket fixed up. I'll leave the holes that are close to the parking lot empty so 8:30 would be fine....that way everyone gets an hour to play the holes before we get started. Laura if they're back, great, if not hopefully we'll have it covered. Thanks everyone :D :cool:

Big E
Aug 04 2004, 03:57 PM
hey is anyone going out there tonight i was thinking about walking the course.

Aug 04 2004, 04:33 PM
Nope. We are playing the Arlington Wednesday Night Mini. Come out if you can. Everything is played from the short tee pads. A great way to play that course.

Sign ups at 5:30. Start at 6:00. Same price as the Sunday Mini.


Big E
Aug 04 2004, 04:35 PM
o that sounds much better

Aug 04 2004, 04:44 PM
So be prepared to lose some plastic :confused:

You might have talked me back into it with that scenario...IS THERE know I am getting closer to that OMB now and need my trees :o

wuss :)

Right now it is only supposed to be 82 that day and I am in,,,just don't want to commit if it hits the high 90's again....not enjoyable golf

Aug 04 2004, 05:18 PM
Adam, the trick is to bring 2 gallons of water, one to pour on your hesd and one to drink. :D

Aug 04 2004, 05:23 PM
Tried the at the Fling 2 years ago and didn't even have any cerveza the whole day...still had heat stroke. Of course, now they have revised the weather again for Sat up to 91...we shall see..

Jason - I will let you know by Friday

Aug 05 2004, 09:15 AM
The time is here!

This Saturday the 7th of August for the First Annual Cedar Hill Club Championships.

Event: First Annual Cedar Hill Disc Golf Association Club Championships
Entry Fee: $20.00 (Plus optional $5.00 Ace Pot)
Date: August 7th, 2004
Time: 8:00 - 9:00 sign up. 9:30 players meeting. 10:00 start first round. Second TBD
TD: Brian Lamoreaux
Phone #: 972-998-1311
Course Info: Lester Lorch Park in Cedar Hill (20 minutes South of Dallas).
From Arlington, take I-20 East to 67 South in Duncanville.
Go approximately 8.3 miles to Mt Lebanon Road.
Turn RIGHT at the stop sign. Follow Mt Lebanon for .7 miles.
Turn RIGHT on Texas Plume Road just past the large white mansion.
Go past the Baptist Camp. Go about 1 mile.
Do not take the first turn into Lester Lorch Park. It is only an upper section with a wild flower area.
Continue past this entrance to the second entrance on the right with a long, downhill, driveway.
Parking will be at the bottom of the drive. I'll have the entrance marked somehow.

This is the first ever tournament in Cedar Hill, Texas.
This is a sponsorship tournament with all funds raised to be used in the installation of two, 18 hole courses on the property.
First and second place will each receive a trophy in the Open, Masters, Grand Masters, Advanced, Novice, Amateur and Women's divisions.

Two rounds of 18 holes.

We will be using portable baskets during this event.

Ace Pot (with playoff), CTP's and raffles.

Lunch is NOT provided.

Aug 05 2004, 10:09 AM
Brian will there be any payout, or will all of the money be going towards new buckets? Either way is fine with me just curious... I need to be there around 8:00-8:30 on Saturday with the five buckes right???

Aug 05 2004, 10:29 AM
After the mini last night at Bear Creek i made an announcement about the Cedar Hill tourney on Saturday. There was a HUGE interest, but i didn't know the exact directions. I told them to come here to find detailed directions. I hope some of them make it out.

Aug 05 2004, 10:52 AM
No payout.....all the funds raised from this will go directly to course ammenities(benches, tee signs, etc.....). If you can get those 5 out closer to 7:30 or 8:00 it would make my life easier :cool: We will be out at the park tomorrow evening marking teepads and basket locations if anyone wants to swing by and take a peek at the course layout. Just call myself or Brian to let us know you're coming out and we will give you directions.

Jason Chamberlain 817-703-3926
Brian Lamareaux 972-998-1311

I'll update the basket list shortly :D

Aug 05 2004, 12:13 PM
New confirmed list

Chamberlain's 2
Clayton 2
Nolan 2
Pepper 1
McGough 1
Toolen 1
Josh Dann 1
Shawn Wasden 1
Danny Reeves 1
My-Hero 2
Eric 1
Willy 2
Charles Cox 1
Keith Maechen 1

Looks like we have 1 extra at this point if all of the baskets make it :eek:. If you are coming out, have a basket and are not on the list, please bring it if it is not too much trouble. You never know what can between now and Saturday.

Please keep in mind that the City will be out for this event to observe how Disc Golf and the players are going to work in their park. Baskets are not in the ground yet and 1 stupid thing happening could effect the outcome. There is no alchohol allowed in the park, and as off now it is relatively litter free. As you will notice this weekend, this is going to be a great park for our sport, I'll be amazed if we see more than one park patron out there and disc golf will be about the only thing there. Can't wait to see everyone this weekend :D

Big E
Aug 05 2004, 03:08 PM
just kidding.

Aug 05 2004, 04:39 PM

No beer for now. This is in my long range plans to correct. This time, however, anyone seen drinking beer may cost us the entire future of the park.


Aug 05 2004, 05:47 PM
The latest report from the city is that the property still has a little water run-off from the storms last week. Might not be a bad idea to bring your water socks just in case. It shouldn't be bad, but there is a chance of landing in a little water.


Aug 05 2004, 05:49 PM
This is my last time online before the tournament. If anyone has any questions, they need to call my cell phone.


See you on Saturday.


Aug 07 2004, 12:24 AM
looks like perfect weather for tomorrow, barely any wind, low humidity, high of only 90deg...

Aug 07 2004, 01:25 AM
I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!

Aug 07 2004, 02:09 AM
Tee signs are up, course is freshly mowed and I can't wait to hear everyone's comments after the 1st round :p. After the 12" of rain that Cedar Hill recieved we discovered that Lorch has a small drainage issue :(, but we moved a few pads and some pins so they are not in the swampy areas. WET SOCKS would still be a good idea though......there are a couple of walks through fairways and in between pins that still have standing water.

Brian recieved a call last night from Sandy(the main contact with the city)......She's coming out to PLAY :D:D;) I can't tell you how great it would be to have her become an avid Disc Golfer, that would make the course that much better(see LIVE OAK for the perfect example).

When we pulled in to the parking lot this evening the city already had 10++ trash cans and 2 port-a-potties out for the event, so I think that we can say we have another great Disc Golf city coming up.

See everyone tomorrow :cool:

Aug 07 2004, 09:51 PM

Aug 07 2004, 11:11 PM

Aug 08 2004, 03:35 PM
john "myhero" won open...49 and 51 i think.
mark reddoch won int...

dont remember the rest.

the course was amazing. great weather for texas in august. i loved the design...when this goes in permanently, hopefully 36 holes, i think it will be everyone's new favorite in DFW, if not the entire state or this entire part of the country!

the course was still a little wet from the flooding last week, but i heard that the pond is spring the wetness up the hills around it could be from the risen aquifer, springing up in the hills. that should subside in a week or two when the aquifer goes down to its normal level. this was the first time in at least 28 years that anywhere in DFW had that much rain in 24hr, so i think the course held up fine, considering.

there was such a diverse mixture of shots required for this course. and LOTS OF SHADE! someone said the course reminded them of audobon mixed with bear creek...i dont know about me it reminded me of the wimberley meadows course, but more in the woods with more tight shots...especially the "trails" holes where you have a 150ft or so hole with a winding fairway that is only 10ft or so wide, with hills. very interesting.

Aug 08 2004, 07:19 PM
:( I can't believe I missed this! I just signed up for these forums and ran across this thread last night. bslamoreaux, and everyone who made this happen, should be proud of this accomplishment! Reading the posts starting in January up till today give a great insight on what it takes to get a new course up and running.

Kudos to all of you!! I can't wait to play it!!

Aug 09 2004, 12:29 AM


Aug 09 2004, 04:10 AM
:( I can't believe I missed this! I just signed up for these forums and ran across this thread last night. bslamoreaux, and everyone who made this happen, should be proud of this accomplishment! Reading the posts starting in January up till today give a great insight on what it takes to get a new course up and running.

Kudos to all of you!! I can't wait to play it!!

::points up:: Agreeing with what he said! I think I learned a LOT from what this thing says! I really think it would be awesome to become a DGC designer at some point in the future, and reading this was amazing insight into the way things work, as pertains to getting approval!

I think that this thread is going to help me greatly in getting a new course on my campus here...

Congratulations on the awesome sounding course, man... if I ever get down from Ohio for any reason, maybe I'll try to hit the links on your course! If it really is as good as sounds, AWESOME!

All those courses in Texas makes me want to go there, but then I realize that Ohio+Michigan+Indiana tri-state area has more courses over a smaller area, and it makes me happy, lol.


Aug 09 2004, 09:35 AM
Scores will be posted completely later tonight. My home computer is on the fritz right now and I couldn't post them yet.

If I recall the winners for their divisions were:

John Mauiro
Charles Cox
Mark Reddoch
Willy Castaneda
Andrew Toolen (with the only ACE!)
Keven Geesa
Darren Russell
Juli Steel

If I forgot anyone I am sorry.

Thanks again to everyone. Especially the Chamberlains for all of their help.


Aug 09 2004, 09:39 AM
Just thought of one more...

Don Quattlebaum.

Aug 09 2004, 10:03 AM
The Course was sweet, lots of shade for the summer heat and pretty secluded... I like the location and the land is perfect. I have to agree that it does remind me alot of the meadows at Circle R, but that shot going over the pond is beautiful. I had a great time playing with some of my local buddies Clayton, John and Rob were great to play with all day... Nice shooting John wish I would have played better, but looks like I'll have plenty of time to brush up on that course in the near future... Thanks to Brian, the Chaimberlins and anyone else that helped out to get the course up and running. I now have four courses Vet, Z-Boaz, Crowley and Cedar Hill that are with in 20-25 min of my house all with potential of being world class courses :D

Aug 09 2004, 01:23 PM
Now there's at least 4 World Class Championship caliber courses in Dallas/Fort Worth.

Veteran's Park, Z-Boaz, Crowley, and CEDAR HILL!!!!!!!

Holy cow. What a course. It requires every imaginable type of shot known to our sport. A great mix of long, relatively open holes, and holes that are only 10 feet wide at it's widest point!!! In fact, i had to partially crawl to 2 of my lies. That probably would explain the poison ivy bumps on my arm, chest, and legs :mad:

I'd like to thank the mastermind behind this project, Brian Lamoreaux!!! Without his dream, none of us would have been able to enjoy the event, or the course.

Also, a HUGE thanks to The City of Cedar Hill. They supplied everything from the beautiful park, to the tournament tables, to porta-poddies, to a golf cart/dump truck hybrid!!! How cool is that to have support from the city!! Thank you CEDAR HILL!

Thanks to Discraft and Hill Country Flyers for all of your support as well.

Playing all day with Clayton, Pepper and Rob was truly an honor. I couldn't have asked for better company on a golf course.

Congrats to all of the participants!!! We all will become winners once this course goes into the ground permanently!

PS:....Pepper has been winning all of my CTP's. Stop it! Let other people have a chance! :D

Aug 09 2004, 02:31 PM
First of all thanks to the city of CEDAR HILL for all of the support that this project has recieved. This weekend would have been a mess without all of the things that they did to help out. Thanks to Brian for going on a whim to try and get a course closer to home.....look what has come of it now :D. He went though ALLOT to get this far and I would say he could not have done a better job with it.

I'd like to say thanks to all of the players that came out and supported was great to see everyone out there playing a course that I had a hand in the design aspects of. We had a bunch of positive feedback on it and some constructive critisizm that will only make the course better. I know that the schule was very rough, but this is a nature preserve that gets virtually no traffic, especially of the beaten path. For those of you that got to see the layout, some of the holes will remain while others will never be seen again :(. Some of that is due to an ADA trail that is going in and the rest is flow issues and holes that were just way to freakin easy. My-Hero's round at 49 was pretty hot(he shot that with 9 birds :confused:) and is too low of a score IMO :p, so we need to get rid of some of those birdie holes and add in a few more where a 3 feels great to have.

Stay tuned for progress on the course, hopefully it will be in the ground by the first of the year :cool:

Aug 09 2004, 04:01 PM
I failed to thank the ADGA, The Chamberlain's, The Toolen's, The Maiuro's, Bryan James, and Xerox for their sponsorship as well.

PS:......i can't wait for Lamoreaux to read his PM :D

Aug 09 2004, 11:14 PM
Thanks Brian for all your hard work and Thanks too all who pitched in to make this a great tournament. The course was very enjoyable and a good challenge to say the least.
Thanks Cedar Hill !!!! It is nice to see the city support Disc Golf. Can't wait to play again!!

Aug 11 2004, 12:33 AM

Aug 11 2004, 12:49 AM


Aug 11 2004, 03:01 AM
Stop it, already!! You're all starting to sound like Cware :mad:

Aug 11 2004, 09:14 AM
Sorry about the scores people. My computer at home is still out and I can't do that kind of thing from work.

I'll ask the Chamberlains for another favor.... ;)


Aug 11 2004, 09:59 AM
hey spooner and that's a BAD THING?? /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif


Aug 11 2004, 10:13 AM
I'll try to get them up tomorrow evening. Mini tonight :D

Aug 11 2004, 02:14 PM
Not neccesarily... just a "predictable" thing, that's all. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Aug 13 2004, 12:48 AM off my arse to get the scores posted

DivCode Place First Name Last Name PDGA Rd1 Rd2 Total
MPO John Maiuro 49 51 100
MPO Clayton Bethman 52 51 103
MPO Reno Rob Canadien 54 55 109
MPO Chris Pepperling 57 54 111
MPM Keven Geesa 58 59 117
MPG Willy Castaneda 54 51 105
MPG Skip Maxwell 58 64 122
MM1 Don Quattlebaum 56 53 109
MM1 Mike Anderson 60 54 114
MM1 John Welch 52 62 114
MM1 Kendall Steel 61 56 117
MM1 Ryan Cooner 61 57 118
MM1 Gary Shugart 56 63 119
MM1 John Baumhower 59 63 122
MM1 Steve Parker 64 59 123
MJ1 Darren Russell 61 61 122
MA3 Andrew Toolen 60 59 119
MA3 Mark Victry 72 68 140
MA3 Steve Meadors 95 999 DNF
MA2 Mark Reddoch 57 55 112
MA2 Britt Browning 56 58 114
MA2 Mike Mrkacek 64 57 121
MA2 Josh Dann 61 60 121
MA2 Brian Cox 64 58 122
MA2 Lee Dunston 61 61 122
MA2 Eric Teddy 64 63 127
MA1 Charles Cox 51 54 105
MA1 Dan McGough 58 58 114
MA1 Keith Meachen 60 58 118
MA1 Coby Ratliff 59 62 119
MA1 Angelo Cardone 60 62 122
MA1 Troy Berry 65 999 DNF
FW1 Juli Steel 64 62 126
FW1 Tricia Dunston 65 67 132
FW1 Laura Quattlebaum 78 71 149
FW1 Ginetta Chamberlain 82 71 153
FW1 Deidre Struchen 82 73 155
FW1 Sandra Martin 100 999 DNF

Once again, thanks to everyone that came out and all of the support Cedar Hill has recieved(even if you couldn't make it).

Don't count on seeing scores this low out there ever again :D:D:p

Aug 13 2004, 11:50 AM
If you feel the need to make it harder, here is a list of the holes i birdied.

Rnd 1:

birds: 1,4,6,7,9,14,15,16,18
bogs: 3,5,8,13

Rnd 2:

birds: 4,6,9,13,14,15,16
bogs: 3,17

Looks like 3 was the only hole i bogeyed BOTH times. (Didn't make the gap off of the drive either time :confused:)

LOL, and it looks like 4,6,9,14,15,16 are too easy :oYea, RIGHT! :D

Aug 13 2004, 12:29 PM
Looks like 3 was the only hole i bogeyed BOTH times. (Didn't make the gap off of the drive either time :confused:)

LOL, and it looks like 4,6,9,14,15,16 are too easy :oYea, RIGHT! :D


I saw both of your "drives" from the HQ's. I hope my laughter didn't distract you. ;)

I agree, those holes were to easy. Dont expect to see them again. At least not like you saw them this time. Especially hole 16. It was aced and will never exist again. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Aug 13 2004, 12:51 PM
I swear that i will never practice long holes with tight gaps off of the tee ever again. In practice, i put 3 drives through the gap, and half way around the corner.

When it counted, saw :confused: I must admit thta the 2nd shot rollers that i had to throw after missing the gap were PERFECT, but still left me pin high and 50 left :confused:

Aug 13 2004, 01:14 PM
Definately have to get rid of 9 & 16.......We moved the basket short on 5 & 14 so those holes will get tougher. Look for more holes like 10, 11, and 12 to replace those that are going away :D

Aug 13 2004, 03:20 PM
BTW, 4 will still exist but plan on a champion pad in addition to a longer, tighter pin placement.


Aug 23 2004, 03:03 PM
New information.....

The city had a meeting last week to discuss the events of the tournament from August 7th. Everything was very favorable. The Parks Board is thrilled and ready to assist in anyway possible in the future. The Parks Department (two of the main contacts actually played) is already wanting to know how they can help with the next event. (For those that don't know, the city supplied port-a-potties, a golf cart with storage bed, tables and chairs last time) This city is VERY supportive. :D

We should be able to start ordering equipment and begin construction by early October.

Thanks again to those that participated in the tournament, either by playing or helping to clear the course prior to the tournament.

I will provide any further updates as I get them.


Aug 23 2004, 03:11 PM
That's great news, Brian! It sure sounds like working with Cedar Hill is going to be a pleasure.

Can't wait to see that course permanent! I especially can't wait to see hole 16 go bye-bye :D That hole didn't like me at all.

Aug 23 2004, 05:32 PM
Thanks again to those that participated in the tournament, either by playing or helping to clear the course prior to the tournament.

What about being a thorn in your side? :D

Aug 24 2004, 09:19 AM
Thanks again to those that participated in the tournament, either by playing or helping to clear the course prior to the tournament.

What about being a thorn in your side? :D

I should thank you for that? :eek:

Oct 04 2004, 12:50 AM
any update? :)

Oct 08 2004, 12:42 PM
The city has pushed back my meeting with them until after they open their new $7 million recreation center next weekend. Everyone has their attention focused in that direction right now.

After we meet I will let everyone know what is going on.


Big E
Oct 15 2004, 05:24 PM
Hey It the middle of October! Has any work started on the Cedar Hill Course? I cant wait to play that course again!
Later on!

Oct 16 2004, 03:40 AM
Brian had to go to one more meeting with the city and then everything will go full steam ahead :D We still have allot of tweaking to do before final holes are decided upon and my work schedule hasn't been very forgiving on my free time lately :mad: Everything slows way down for me after Thanksgiving, so I will be able to put all of my efforts into the WORLD CLASS courses at Cedar Hill.

Big E
Oct 18 2004, 08:54 AM
good to hear. Did you just say COURSES or was that a
type-o. Anyways I can wait for there to be "courses" to be across 67 from my work. Later on!

Oct 19 2004, 02:06 PM
good to hear. Did you just say COURSES or was that a

Courses. Not a type-o.

More information soon.....


Oct 19 2004, 09:04 PM
Yea......more birdies!! :D

Actually, the way i've been playing it'll be more bogeys! :confused:

USDGC lamoreaux?

Oct 20 2004, 05:57 PM
I'm new to DISCussion, but I happened to come across this thread in my travels. I'm in the beginning stages of planning a disc golf course in my area (Pocono Mountains PA) and I would love to get a look at your proposal to the parks department. I know this is from a long time ago, but any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Oct 20 2004, 11:33 PM
Someone mentioned this post to Brian earlier and he said he would get the info to you tomorrow. Good Luck :D

Oct 22 2004, 12:30 PM
You guys should put the course at Northwood University. I wish you guys would put a basket on that hill behind centerfield of the baseball diamond, where I hit my longest bomb. :D

Funny story: We were playing Northwood while I was at TWU and Miss Texas was attending the game doing a photo shoot. I was a little full of myself then. After we took infield before the game started, I jogged over to Miss Texas. I said "Hi there Miss Texas, I'm Mr. Baseball we should hook up after the game." She wasn't that amused, but maybe after I lead off the game and hit that first pitch fastball off the mountain in centerfield maybe it put a twinkle in her eye. I winked at her as I rounded 3rd base. :D

Oct 22 2004, 06:11 PM
I winked at her as I rounded 3rd base. :D

Ahh. But did she wink back?

Oct 23 2004, 01:00 AM
I was a little full of myself then .

That was the funniest thing KMac has ever posted.......just because of the "then" in the sentence :D. Of course you gotta know him to appreciate the irony in that quote ;) :D

Big E
Nov 03 2004, 10:01 AM
whats the deal last I heard they where supposed to start working on the course in october! I hope you guys open this park quick I cant wait much longer I work 2 minutes away and I just want so bad to have a course that close to work!

Nov 03 2004, 10:07 AM
I think Brian is almost done with all of the red tape he had to go through. Hopefully we'll start actually doing some work after the final in Lewisville.

Big E
Nov 03 2004, 01:49 PM
That's great news. I just played Lewisville for the first time and that course rock's! Anyways let me know if you need help.

Nov 03 2004, 02:13 PM
FYI. This city has all of the information they need to place the orders for the baskets and sleeves. I am going to keep on them to ensure the orders are placed as soon as possible.

Things are looking very good right now.


Nov 03 2004, 03:44 PM
Hey Brian, how's the course layout looking? Is it going to change a lot from the tourney layout?

Nov 03 2004, 04:44 PM
Hey Brian, how's the course layout looking? Is it going to change a lot from the tourney layout?

Yes, there will be some changes. The tourney was only 18 holes. The final course will run with 27 permanant and 9 temp (Tournament only) holes. There is much more land at our use than what everyone saw during the August tournament.


Nov 05 2004, 02:44 PM
i just saw in the new DGWN that the big show is coming to cedar hill..looks like the debut of the new course(s) will be valentine's day weekend '05! (or before, i'm assuming)

Nov 06 2004, 10:08 AM
27 holes to put in in 4 months. That will take alot of help.

Nov 06 2004, 02:12 PM
27 holes to put in in 4 months. That will take alot of help.

You'd better believe it...........fortuanely we have a great volunteer base in the area to draw from. It's going to be one hell of a ride though

Pizza God
Nov 07 2004, 06:01 PM
Post work days here and I may try to make one of them.

Me and Dallas (my son) helped clear out the area on #10 at ZBoaz before the course was installed.

I also helped a little with Arlington when it went in and A Lot with Jimmy Porter when it went in.

Nov 30 2004, 09:23 AM
Post deleted by bslamoreaux

Nov 30 2004, 09:25 AM
Cedar Hill has finally cut the PO's. One more signature and the PO's are off to the suppliers.

I have a meeting with the City and County Parks people next week at the park. Once that meeting is over, works days begin.

This course is going to be awesome.

Thanks for everyone's help up to this point. Now it's time to get dirty! :eek:


Nov 30 2004, 12:23 PM

Big E
Dec 03 2004, 11:27 AM

Dec 03 2004, 04:42 PM
All - I went to the Cedar Hill Christmas Tree lighting ceremony last night to suck up a little ;). It worked. PO's were released today.

Getting closer.

I still have my last walk through with them next week. After that, it's time to work.


Dec 03 2004, 04:44 PM
Oh, I forgot. They have asked me to have a little demonstration of the sport at an upcoming city event. Not sure about the specifics yet but it is in the middle of the town square. They showed me where thought I could have some space. It is right in the middle of everything going on. They are REALLY excited about this sport coming to their town.

It's awesome!

Dec 04 2004, 02:08 AM

Dec 06 2004, 02:14 PM

We are getting very close.......


Dec 06 2004, 02:18 PM

What kind??? :D:D:D

Dec 06 2004, 02:25 PM

What kind??? :D:D:D

Rest easy John, they are "quality" baskets.....

Dec 06 2004, 03:22 PM
Quality baskets on a Quality course! I wouldn't have expected less. :D

Congrats Brian!

Dec 06 2004, 03:51 PM
Rest easy John, they are "quality" baskets.....

Hmm.. sounds like they must be Mach V's or DiscCatchers, right? :D

Dec 06 2004, 04:03 PM
Please let them be discatchers!!!

Dec 06 2004, 05:47 PM
Please let them be discatchers

Not gonna happen.....wouldn't be prudent. :D

Are all 27 coming this week? This is very exciting.

Dec 06 2004, 06:19 PM
Yeah, Adam.... since Brian hinted they are "quality" baskets, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that they are Chainstars... I know, it's a risky guess and all, but call it a hunch. :p

Dec 06 2004, 06:26 PM
and a Discatcher isn't :D

The Yellow buckets make finding the hole so much easier, but either way...27 more holes for the DFW area...Way to Go Brian

Dec 06 2004, 06:31 PM
Okay...I'll admit it...Discatchers are great, quality, catching devices. I even own one with inner chains. Ooops...Did i just say that?

The above message will self destruct in T-minus 5............... :D

If you guys missed your chance to see the course because you were at World' have a great surprise waiting for you in your metroplex!

Dec 06 2004, 06:33 PM
I own one also, so I am pretty partial to them also. After my first time at San Saba I was hooked on them. Easy to spot and great catch if they have the inner chains also.

Either way it is going to be great. Can't wait to see the holes as I missed them at the 1st event

Dec 06 2004, 06:40 PM
I owned a Discatcher Sport for about a week earlier this year :D

Dec 06 2004, 08:49 PM
That is another story...Sport..not quite the same :D

Dec 06 2004, 11:54 PM
Brian discussed all of the basket options with the city and the final choices were either Mach 5's or Chainstars. The reason behind this is the fact that the property is a nature preserve and they didn't want that bright yellow band to be the most prominate thing in the whole park. I'm going to have my metal shop manufacture # plates for the baskets and use the red reflective # signs similar to Veteran's to make spotting them easier. IMHO Chainstars are better than the Mach 5's and the great folks at DISCRAFT were willing to work with us more than any other company :D. You figure that if you're purchasing 36 pole holes you ought to get some kind of deal right :D:D

After Brian and I walked the park last weekend there was another water hole discovered, a couple more beauties tucked in the woods, and we found another small creek that will come into play on a couple of holes :D:D:D.

Can't wait to get started ;)

Dec 07 2004, 09:21 AM
Are all 27 coming this week? This is very exciting.

Actually John, all 36 (plus a couple of practice baskets) will be arriving with this shipment. I hope they are here by the end of the week.

FYI - The temp (tournament only) section will have sleeves and collars. We will not need to use portables on these holes.


Dec 07 2004, 10:43 AM
36! Wow!!! Even more impressive. Congrats!

Big E
Dec 07 2004, 02:27 PM
are u going to have a work week this weekend?

Dec 07 2004, 09:29 PM
Yessir...........talked to Brian earlier and he has just recieved a shipment of 36 brand new Chainstars :D:D.

We'll be out Saturday marking some of the holes and hopefully doing a little clearing. We'll post what time sometime later in the week. Bring that crazy little dog of yours and see if either one of us can actually get within 5' this time :eek:

Dec 08 2004, 01:22 AM
Jason ,Let us know if u need help, we can come out around 2 or so if you all need us. I can't wait for this course !!! Brian, you have did a great job putting this together. I'm sure you have spent many hours planning this out, :DThank you very much

Dec 08 2004, 01:41 AM
I'll give you a call........nothing like having our best worker out to help :D:D.

I'm not BSing either, Juli has to be the hardest working person (male or female) to set foot on any crew I've had the honor of working with. When most of the guys are wanting to stop and take a break Juli is calling all of them [*****] :eek:. With her and Lee combined I think we can have this course in within the next 2 weeks ;)

Dec 08 2004, 01:43 AM
Wow, I just realized I went over 1000 posts......sorry I didn't do anything special or call attention to the fact :D:D

Big E
Dec 08 2004, 09:32 AM
I have some time to burn after work tonight, if you are wanting to work on clearing some stuff. Hey by the way I am supposed to play some night golf at the Vet. I wont get bothered by the "MAN" for being out at the park after dark will I? Anyways if you guys need any help tonight give me a shout!

Dec 08 2004, 02:42 PM
Eric, we are not going out there today. By the time I get home from work it is almost dark.

We are going to be down there Saturday morning though. Marking and a little clearing.


Big E
Dec 08 2004, 03:33 PM
Saturday I am available so far. So let me know what time and I will be there.

Dec 09 2004, 11:58 AM
I'll probably be at the park by 9 or so. Bring trimming tools and work gloves if you have them. Definately wear long pants and work boots, most of the areas we will be working on are heavily wooded and there is no telling what kind of animals we are going to run into.

Remeber this park has every type of poisonious snake known to exist in the Texas area in it.

Dec 09 2004, 12:09 PM
Ok, time to get going. Jason and I will be down there by 9:00 on Saturday for a work day.

I have a meeting with several people from the city and county Friday afternoon to show them what we are going to be working on. This is the official meeting to establish what is off limits and what we can do.

Hope to see some of you down there.

My cell phone number is 972-998-1311 if you need directions.


Dec 09 2004, 05:12 PM
I will be there Saturday to help you guys out... You need anything besides my chainsaw and myself ???

Dec 09 2004, 05:17 PM
Any of the Dallas golfers going to show up???

Dec 09 2004, 06:02 PM
I will be there Saturday to help you guys out... You need anything besides my chainsaw and myself ???

Pepper - you and a chainsaw sounds dangerous. I'd like to see that :D. That is all you need. I'll have an ice chest with beverages and some other hand saw type things.

See you then.


Big E
Dec 10 2004, 12:14 PM
I should be there about 9 A.M. But I dont have any tools. But I will bring my BAD [*****] DOG! I will try to keep him off everyone this time!

Dec 12 2004, 08:22 PM
I'm down.

Where is the course at?

Big E
Dec 13 2004, 09:29 AM
Sorry for the no show! I got busy doing some other stuff but I will try to make the next.

Dec 13 2004, 11:06 AM
Sorry for the no show! I got busy doing some other stuff but I will try to make the next.

Don't worry about it Eric. It's all good.

We are working again this coming Saturday at 9:00.

Jason, Ginetta, Brian Mace, Chris Pepperling and Collin Evans made it out to help Saturday. They made a great opening for a water tee shot and put a huge dent in the pond-side green while Jason and I cleared another hole and started the trail to the next hole. Jason and I went out again Sunday and finished cutting down the schule blocking that pond-side landing area.

Hope to see everyone again on Saturday.


Dec 13 2004, 11:48 AM
Brian I will either be late coming out there Saturday, or will not be able to make it... I have to work from 8-1 in the morning :( I did get around 10-15 people that said they would be out there if I got them directions. Jason said he was going to print up some flyers for me to pass out to them... Let me know if you guys will be out there that long and I will meet you there after work...

Dec 13 2004, 12:54 PM
Hey Pepper, I think we will be there for the better part of the day.

Towards the end of the week I'll post something more specific but at this point, I should be there all day.

Thanks again for the help Saturday.


Dec 13 2004, 04:25 PM
Cool, if everyone shows up that said they would be there we should have at least 20 people Saturday...

Dec 13 2004, 04:36 PM

Dec 13 2004, 05:12 PM
Coming from the Ft Worth/ Arlington area take 20 east to 1382 and head south to 67, go south on 67 and take the Mount Lebanon exit. Go right on Mt Lebanon you will go about 2.5 miles to Texas Plume (there's a big white mansion just before it) go right. The first parking lot for Lorch park is on the right at the top of the hill, apr 2 miles down and is marked, go past this about 1/4 mile and you will see a gated entrance with 2 brick columns, this is the entrance you want. Go to the bottom of the hill and it dead ends into the park.

Dec 13 2004, 05:14 PM

Here are the directions from Arlington.

From Arlington, take I-20 East to 1382, turn Right (before I-20 splits and goes uphill towards Duncanville).
This will take you past the Cedar Hill State Park and into a part of Cedar Hill.
Turn South (Right) on Highway 67 (This is just after Wal-Mart, Kroger, McDonalds, Whataburger, etc).
Take 67 South two or three miles to Mt Lebanon Road.
Turn RIGHT at the stop sign. Follow Mt Lebanon for .7 miles.
Turn RIGHT on Texas Plume Road just past the large white mansion.
Go past the Baptist Camp. Go about 1 mile.
Do not take the first turn into Lester Lorch Park. It is only an upper section with a wild flower area.
Continue past this entrance to the second entrance on the right with a fence and a long, downhill, driveway.
Parking will be at the bottom of the drive.

Feel free to call me if you get lost. 972-998-1311.

Dec 13 2004, 05:16 PM
Coming from the Ft Worth/ Arlington area take 20 east to 1382 and head south to 67, go south on 67 and take the Mount Lebanon exit. Go right on Mt Lebanon you will go about 2.5 miles to Texas Plume (there's a big white mansion just before it) go right. The first parking lot for Lorch park is on the right at the top of the hill, apr 2 miles down and is marked, go past this about 1/4 mile and you will see a gated entrance with 2 brick columns, this is the entrance you want. Go to the bottom of the hill and it dead ends into the park.

Jason beat me to it. Darn work keeps getting in my way.

Dec 13 2004, 06:06 PM
Kind of funny all of the directions are coming from Arlington, is this going to be an extention of the ADGA or are some of the Dallas boys going to show up this time :eek:

Dec 13 2004, 08:52 PM
Hoping we can get some of the Dallas crowd's not that far guys . The location of the park works out great for me, just stop by and get a round in on the way home from Downtown ;)

Big E
Dec 14 2004, 09:17 AM
I am going to take extended lunch brakes to play a couple rounds! Cause I work across the street!

Dec 14 2004, 12:11 PM
you ADGA guys need to update you back to back to back.

Dec 14 2004, 10:54 PM
For those of you who havent been to the Lorch (that is what I affectionatly call it now), it will be monumental for the metroplex. This has the potential to be the finest DG Facility around. Take the opportunity to give back to the sport you love. When you take your children grandchildren there you can say you were a part of it's inception. There is a lot of work to be done, but with plenty of good hands we will have it going in no time.


that's all I got to say 'bout that

Dec 15 2004, 09:23 AM
Colin, thanks for the good words about Lorch. When I say it people just think I am biased. :D

Just got word that the city will be dropping off a golf cart for us to use Saturday. That will help.

See you all there.

Dec 15 2004, 09:59 AM
Sorry Fles it is going to stay up at least until the end of the year... We are proud of the ADGA :D

Dec 15 2004, 11:39 AM
ya, but i was saying that it only says back to back. Where yall won back to back to back. I would be proud of that too.

see yall on sat. :D

Dec 15 2004, 11:49 AM
Ok MAJOR work to be done Saturday, if anyone has if you have a chainsaw, loppers, a tree saw, bow saw, etc.......please bring them out if you are coming. Brian has a few extra sets of work gloves, but if you have some bring them definately need them, that shule is really thick and nasty .

If you need directions or have any questions call me @817-703-3926 up until Saturday(for some reason my phone has no signal in the park), Brian's always has signal though.....972-998-1311. See ya'll Sturday morning.

Dec 15 2004, 01:10 PM
Take another look it does say back to, back to, back... Only thing wrong with it is that it has ?? instead of !!! :D

Big E
Dec 15 2004, 04:20 PM
I have a family thing this weekend in texarkana. But if you need any help sunday let me know!

Dec 16 2004, 06:09 PM
REMINDER - Work day this Saturday..... :D

Ok MAJOR work to be done Saturday, if anyone has if you have a chainsaw, loppers, a tree saw, bow saw, etc.......please bring them out if you are coming. Brian has a few extra sets of work gloves, but if you have some bring them definately need them, that shule is really thick and nasty .

If you need directions or have any questions call me @817-703-3926 up until Saturday(for some reason my phone has no signal in the park), Brian's always has signal though.....972-998-1311. See ya'll Sturday morning.

Dec 20 2004, 11:04 AM
What an awesome work day this last Saturday. I can't even begin to thank everyone enough for coming out. As a matter of fact, there were so many people that I can't think of all of their names right now.

Just know that I really appreciate EVERYONE that made the trip out there.

We finished clearing the landing area by the pond, completely cleared the tee, fairway and landing area of another hole. And then cleared a path from this hole to the next through some seriously nasty stuff and then knocked out the tee and 90% of the fairway and green of the next hole. You can't imagine how nasty this area was before all of these great people got in there and got dirty, and bloody in some cases.

At least we had plenty of refreshments on hand.

This place is going to be incredible.

More about the next work day coming soon!

Here are the people that I can think of off hand that made it out Saturday:

Jason and Ginetta Chamberlain
Britt Browning
Lee (forgot his last name from ZBOAZ)
Dixon Jowers
Brian Mace
Don Quattlebaum
Kendall and Julie Steele
Lee, Tricia and Sabre Dunston
Pat, Steph and Logan Cantrell
Chris Fleshner
Mark Victry

Who did I forget? It felt like we had more people out there with this much activity going on......


Dec 20 2004, 11:09 AM
Lee (forgot his last name from ZBOAZ)

Lee Letts more than likely, the tall lanky goober that he is :o

Dec 20 2004, 11:41 AM
Lee (forgot his last name from ZBOAZ)

Lee Letts more than likely, the tall lanky goober that he is :o

If that is him, he was a working fool. He was a huge help this weekend.

Dec 20 2004, 12:33 PM
You forgot Clayton "Chilli Chill" Bethman. I think that you got everyone else. That place is going to be great!! :cool::) :D ;) :D

Dec 20 2004, 12:57 PM
You forgot Clayton "Chilli Chill" Bethman. I think that you got everyone else. That place is going to be great!! :cool::) :D ;) :D

Ooops. My bad.

Thanks Brian.

Dec 20 2004, 07:27 PM

When is the next work day scheduled for? I am off this Thursday and Friday and if you have anything going on I would love to be involved!!


Dec 23 2004, 10:26 AM
No work day planned for this weekend. Too much going on with the holiday and all. Everyone should go play WOLF at the VET after the weekly mini on Sunday instead.

Merry Christmas everyone!


Dec 27 2004, 12:51 AM
are baskets in the ground at this course, and can it be played in its current state? I may want to play it this week if possible.
Mike Anderson

Dec 27 2004, 04:05 AM
No baskets yet...........we're still trying to get all of the welding done on them. I'll be out there Tuesday working and can give you a pretty good idea of the layout. Let me know.

Big E
Dec 27 2004, 10:57 AM
I dont think there are any baskets in the ground yet!

Dec 27 2004, 11:17 AM
Work day this Tuesday for those that are off for the Holidays.

Jason will be there around 11:00. I might be able to get off and be there as well. A few people are planning on being there to help with some more clearing.

I was out there yesterday for about three hours and made another nice green deep within the trees. This place is going to rock!

See you on Tuesday.


Big E
Dec 27 2004, 11:56 AM
When are you guys going to start installing the basket! I dont want to put the cart before the horse but I was just woundering! Tuesday I can probably show up!
<font color="green"> </font>

Dec 27 2004, 01:20 PM
When are you guys going to start installing the basket! I
<font color="green"> </font>

This all depends on the city. If they can start the welding now, it will be soon. If not, they will go in right before the February Big Show.


Big E
Dec 27 2004, 01:44 PM
Welding? I work at a fab shop, what welding do you need done! Our shop is on the other side of 67 north of Mount Lebanon!

Dec 27 2004, 01:56 PM
The baskets all need to be welded to prevent theft (see Bearcreek as an example). If the city can do it, then we wont have to spend a weekend doing the welding and instead can spend more time working on the course. Plus, if the city does it, it doesn't come out of our budget. If someone else does it, we have to pay them.


Big E
Dec 27 2004, 02:41 PM
I was just mentioning because it would speed it up for you! The little welding that needs to be done to the baskets I can probably get done for free! but do what ever is easiest for you guys just trying to help.

Dec 27 2004, 03:52 PM
Eric - I appreciate the help.

You have a PM.


Dec 29 2004, 01:50 AM
What a productive work day!!!!!! Thanks to Clayton, Juli & Kendall, Britt, Don Q and of course my better half :eek:. We'll be out at the park Wednesday and Thursday if anyone has a few hours to spare.

Allot of progress has been made, but there is still allot to do, any help would be appreciated :D.

Dec 29 2004, 11:44 AM
What a productive work day!!!!!! Thanks to Clayton, Juli & Kendall, Britt, Don Q and of course my better half :eek:. We'll be out at the park Wednesday and Thursday if anyone has a few hours to spare.

Allot of progress has been made, but there is still allot to do, any help would be appreciated :D.

Incredible progress yesterday. We finshed one hole from last week and totally completed two others. One of which has a pain in arse, I mean arms (just ask Jason).

A visit from the city during our work day was also productive. The city has agreed to assemble and weld the baskets for us this coming week. They have also agreed to some other requests of mine that will help with everything.

Thanks again to everyone that has been coming out to help.

If you can, come on down today or tomorrow to help. We could really use it.


Dec 30 2004, 06:40 PM
Good luck !
Always good to hear about a new course and hearing Ginneta did some work ;)

Dec 30 2004, 09:27 PM
I have been super busy lately but I think I may have a little time tomorrow after team golf (if I can wake up). Will anyone be working tomorrow?

Dec 31 2004, 01:07 AM
I'm out!!! :D, but Mace and Brian will be out there. 3 days, at least 3 hours a day, with a chainsaw is about all I can do . With all of the help we've had out there we have come a long way. Thanks to everyone that has come out put in a little time. Time for me to sleep...........if the vibration in my arms will stop :mad:.

Jan 03 2005, 02:13 PM
Man has this place come a long way!!!!!!!

I will be out there most of this coming weekend. I hope that those that are playing the Poison Ivy Open have a blast. If you are not playing, come on down to Cedar Hill if you have the time.

The next MAJOR scheduled work day is on January 15th. We will need to clear a couple of holes and start setting basket sleeves that day. I will have a couple of carts for us that day as well some refreshements to be enjoyed along the way.

We really need all the help we can get at this point. Bring chain saws, gloves, hand tools what ever you have to help make it easier. I would recomend long pants at least no matter the weather conditions.

Thanks to everyone that has helped so far. You are the reason that these new courses are going in the ground so soon. :D


Jan 06 2005, 05:21 PM
Yall working this Sunday? I will come down and join in if yall are.

Jan 06 2005, 05:32 PM
We'll be out to do some work Saturday around 11 in the morning (I need my beauty sleep, you know ;)).

Jan 06 2005, 06:09 PM
I'll be there at 9:00 on Saturday and then again on Sunday sometime around that same time.

Anyone looking to help this weekend and come on down and then call my cell phone. 972-998-1311.

BTW - The gate will look like it is locked. Give it a tug as I will only have the chain wrapped around the post. Please do the same as you enter the park. It doesn't take long for people to see the open gate and start driving around.


Jan 06 2005, 06:10 PM
(I need my beauty sleep, you know ;)).

Unlike Jason, I have realized that more sleep will NOT help my looks...... :D

Jan 06 2005, 06:26 PM
Jason might want to think about plastic surgery, cause thats about the only way to improve that mug :D. I will shout sun. morning to get the directions etc...

Big E
Jan 07 2005, 10:49 AM
I am going to try to make it out Saturday, cause I am poor this week! So I cant play at bear creek! After last weekend at Z-Boaz I might not play for a while, it is to humiliating!

Jan 10 2005, 11:44 AM
Another good workday on Saturday. With the help of Don Q, wife and co, we were able to partially clear what will be an awesome hole. It's going to play down hill, through heavy trees to a landing zone and then take either the left hand route, the right hand route or the over the top route past a huge downed tree to the green surrounded by monster oaks. It plays around 450 - 500'. Wow! It is much more awesome than I can explain here.

OK. Here we go. This Saturday and Sunday are the BIG workdays. The city is providing the carts, the concrete and the auger. We need to provide the man power.

This Saturday at 9:00. We could use everyones help. This place is going to be awesome and wouldn't you like to look back and say that you helped to put it in the ground.

I'll post more later.


Jan 11 2005, 10:25 AM
Reminder DFW. Work days in Cedar Hill this weekend. Both Saturday and Sunday starting at 9:00.

If you have the time, we could use the help.


Jan 11 2005, 12:22 PM
Before anyone states wimping out of coming out this weekend due to the winter weather, it's no excuse not to be there. It is best to wear a layer or two of long sleeves and jeans to keep the briars from making your legs and arms look Don's did when he wore shorts. The colder weather will make that perfect. We'll all warm up soon with the work. I can think of no better way to burn those holiday calories off than helping put in what will be one of the best courses. So how many more courses before we hit 200 in TX?

Big E
Jan 11 2005, 01:49 PM
Hey I got my first ace with my GLO Teebird TL, the one with the Cedar Hill Open stamp! Anyways stoked about my first ace! I will try to make it out some time this weekend! It is actually easier for me to come out during the week so if you guys are out there during the week after work give me a shout!

Jan 11 2005, 03:24 PM
Hey I got my first ace with my GLO Teebird TL, the one with the Cedar Hill Open stamp! Anyways stoked about my first ace!

Cool! What hole on which course?


Big E
Jan 11 2005, 04:20 PM
Hole 14 Crowley from the white tee!

Jan 11 2005, 08:44 PM
Not a bad first ace... congrats! :D

Jan 12 2005, 12:25 PM
Reminder - Big work days this weekend.

I'll be out there Friday from 1:00 on as well if anyone wants to come out and help for a little while.

Big E
Jan 12 2005, 03:53 PM

Jan 14 2005, 11:05 AM
I know this is restating the info here, but it is very important that we have all the help we can get this weekend. There will be a map and dirrections up on ( later this morning. It is a great feeling when you play a course and you can stand there while your buddy is throwing and you look around and remember, "I made this hole possible with my efforts". That lasts forever!! :cool:

It is now time to make it happen at Cedar Hill. The course is coming along nicely, but we need your help to finish the job. We will be having work days at Lorch Park each of the next three Saturdays, starting at 9am. We need all the help we can get in order to put these 36 holes in the ground, so if you have any time at all on the next 3 Saturdays please come out and spend it with us. The most important day will be this Saturday, but we can use your help when you can give it.

Please bring the following tools if you have them; any type of tree saw, pole saw, pruner, lopper, stiff rake, shovel, gloves, etc.

Jan 14 2005, 12:39 PM
It is a great feeling when you play a course and you can stand there while your buddy is throwing and you look around and remember, "I made this hole possible with my efforts". That lasts forever!! :cool:

I am in total agreement there. I believe Juli and I are planning to spend our Saturday there. I hope to see a lot of labor on hand.

Wish I could have been there last Saturday instead of Ft. Sill playing Army, but having DQ working makes up for just about any other three people not showing :D.

Jan 14 2005, 12:56 PM
but having DQ working makes up for just about any other three people not showing :D.

Couldn't agree more......he's pretty dangerous to plant life when he has a chainsaw in his hands ;). If anyone has a chainsaw they could bring out we could sure use it. I've got about 1200' of fairway to clear and that crap is thick!!

See everyone Saturday.

Jan 14 2005, 01:47 PM
I have to work at least a half day tomorrow. How late will people be at Lorch Park? I'd like to join y'all.

Jan 14 2005, 01:56 PM
I've been recovering from all this crud going around....sore throat and cough and what not, but would like to come out and help. I don't have many tools, but I can bring me and some gloves. Plus I don't know any of you fools ;) so if ya see a tall skinhead looking dude just wandering around, feel free to be friendly, say hello, and put me to work. :D

on a side note, before I drive out.....what does the parking look like? My car is very low to the ground and would high center very easy. I can't do potholes and inclines very well.

Thanks in advance

Jan 14 2005, 02:04 PM
The plan is all day for me......I predict Mace form 10 until 2............or whenever he gets hungry, whichever comes first ;) :D.

So I guess the answer is 4:30 or so.

Jan 14 2005, 02:06 PM
The parking lot is paved, but there are a few speed bumps getting to it. Just go slow ;).

Jan 14 2005, 02:17 PM
Our plan is to be there until dark. Like Don says, it is best when some people show up early and others show up later because then those that were there early can take a break. It is hard to keep going from 9 AM - 5:30 PM, but we need crews out there all that time. So it is best to have a morning group and an afternoon group.
We'll be there whenever Don gets up and ready. John, look forward to seeing you after you get off work tomorrow afternoon.

Big E
Jan 14 2005, 02:40 PM
Hey is there still going to be someone out at the park today around 1p.m. I thought I heard there would be! If there is I will be at the gate at 1!

Jan 14 2005, 02:57 PM
Brian is out him on the cell 972-998-1311.

Big E
Jan 14 2005, 02:59 PM
Thanks Jason

Jan 18 2005, 03:32 PM
This is getting exciting, these courses are going to be really cool. You will be challenged at every turn. You will need everything in your bag....and some things that may not be in your bag yet!!!!

We are having work day's again this weekend, primarily on Saturday. Even if you only have 2 hours please come out and spend some time in the creation process. The feeling and memories will go with you for a long time, especially when you are playing the course after it is in.

If you are just going to go out and drink beer and play all day on Saturday give us half of the day.

Jan 18 2005, 03:44 PM
Hey, this course is actually in Dallas County, when are some people from Dallas going to show up to help?

Pizza God
Jan 18 2005, 11:42 PM
Trust me, If i could be there, I would. Just ask Mace. I even made it to ZBoaz and help clear out the green on hole 10 and the fairway on hole 11. (with Dallas in tow, my oldest)

I will be at a little deal in Houston Saturday and am driving back on Sunday this weekend, but maybe next weekend I can put in a few hours. (If my manager does not have me working open to close again)

Yes, I know I'm the boss, I let my asst manager make the schedule for me and him, I only ask off for those times I really need it and let him pick his own schedule. This keeps him happy.

Jan 19 2005, 02:01 PM
laura you have mail

Jan 20 2005, 04:16 PM
Reminder - We need your help in Cedar Hill. I will be at the park from 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM or so both Saturday and Sunday.

If you can help, please stop by for a while. This course is coming along nicely. A couple of more work days and this thing is done. :cool:

Thanks to everyone so far that has given of their time.


Jan 20 2005, 05:19 PM
Brian - I didn't see post-hole diggers on the list of needed items. Do you need a set this Saturday?

It appears a group of the smack talkers from Dallas are coming down Saturday morning to help out for 4 hours or so.

See ya then!


Jan 20 2005, 05:38 PM
The city's hooking us up with pnuematic augers so I don't think we need post hole diggers. See you Saturday.

Jan 20 2005, 05:46 PM
Even better....are you all going to be putting some rebar into the poles on the goals to deter theft? and welding them?

Jan 20 2005, 05:47 PM
The city's hooking us up with pnuematic augers so I don't think we need post hole diggers.

This City of Cedar Hill has been awesome! They've hooked us up with the augers, carts to get us from one end of the park to the other, assembly and welding of the baskets, etc... With this kind of support, the sport has to grow!

Jan 21 2005, 02:03 PM
Don stayed up all night last night smoking a couple briskets to bring out tomorrow along with chips and bread for sandwiches. :)
If there were not enough reasons to come out tomorrow, now you have Don's cookin' for all that come and help out for a few hours. :cool:
By the way, tomorrow's my birthday, so be nice to me. :D

Jan 21 2005, 02:09 PM
Sounds great Laura, thanks!

And Happy Birthday :D :D

Jan 21 2005, 02:15 PM
Can't wait for some brisket.

Since it's your B-day is it time for the spanking train again :eek:.

I'm on vacation all next week and will be at the park pretty much everyday with Mace and a few other people. If you are off during the week and can give a few hours just let me know and I can tell you what times we'll be at the park.

Jan 21 2005, 03:12 PM
Happy Birthday, Laura!! :D

I'll be out there, but Pebbles (Rebecca) won't be able to make it. Too bad for her, too... she loves BBQ... I'll just have to eat a little extra for her, right? :D

9:00'ish isn't too early to be there tomorrow, right?

Jan 21 2005, 03:25 PM
Not at all, we should be there ready to work by then.

Jan 21 2005, 04:49 PM
go stdrs :Ddang laura how does don get all the time for the stuff he does? happy b day are you an omb yet :D

Jan 21 2005, 05:23 PM
Yes, as of tomorrow, I will be an OMB. That means I am too old for a spanking train, Jason. :D

Jan 21 2005, 05:31 PM
Too old ? Where did you hear that nonsense.

You are only old enough when you figure out how to stay away from such things on your birthday. :cool:

Jan 21 2005, 06:25 PM
Happy Bday mrs Q. :D

Jan 21 2005, 06:48 PM
I'll just have to see if I can think of another excuse to keep from getting a spanking train........

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes.

Jan 21 2005, 11:43 PM
The whole family is coming out tomorrow around lunch time. Looking forward to DQ's cooking, LQ's birthday, and using my pole saw.

Jan 23 2005, 12:28 PM
man loved what i saw yesterday. this is definately a gem in work.anyone reading these posts with some spare time should come on out. have a good time helping clear the place. this is at least going to be the best course in the dfw area.jason if i missed the spanking train yesterday you'll have to get another one going today :D

Jan 24 2005, 12:16 AM
Simply Amazing...what a piece of land..and just for our frisbees and fun...

Jason...did you get your walkie-talkie back? I called Brian and told him where I found it, but it wasn't there when I called him. Hope so.

More to come...but DFW>>>>>>>this is going to be the home we all play...AMAZING

Jan 24 2005, 10:45 AM
Thanks to Frank and Adam for the good words above.

What a great working weekend! I lost count on the number of people we had out there. At one point, after several people left, we had 22 golfers and 7 city people working together to make this happen. :D

At this point we have one major hole to finish, one major hole to start and two pads and trails to cut. After that all we need to do is minor adjustments and this thing is ready for The Big Show!

It's just amazing to be a part of this. Watching people come together, many of whom I had not met previously, helping to get this installed.



P.S. Frank, was that you in pond on Sunday, on hole 17 of the Beaver course, looking for something made of plastic?

Jan 24 2005, 12:24 PM
Frank....... :confused: I had no trouble making it across.. I will give you some pointers next time we play.HEHEHHEH!!!
Yes Brian, it is great to see everyone come together and put such effort out. I have enjoyed working with all of you!!

Jan 24 2005, 12:25 PM
This is going to be a great park with challenging and fair holes. The word to remember is "Fairway" stay in them and you will do well, get out of them and you are in serious trouble.

But the fairways here are wide (20' to 30') and free of clutter. And this is still the initial layout, I'm sure improvements are going to be made after a few tournaments are run on it to make it even better. I think that these courses will rate among the best in Texas.

Make sure to put the Big Show Pro/Am on your schedule and see these courses before they are open to the public. Let's show the Parks departments of Cedar Hill and Dallas county how much we appreciate the support they are showing in allowing disc golf into this beautiful piece of land.

Jan 24 2005, 12:44 PM
no brian that was my son bryan throwing his mothers disc that julie gave her :eek: so there julie :Dnote to self... one beer can to the back of julie's head :D

Jan 24 2005, 01:16 PM
.. And this is still the initial layout, I'm sure improvements are going to be made after a few tournaments are run on it to make it even better....

Very true Gary. For this very reason, the concrete tee pads will not be installed until much later this year. I want these courses to be played, and I mean played alot, before we decide on the absolute final configurations.

I know that I am opening myself up to a great deal here but I'm going to say it anyway. I will be accepting constructive criticism from players participating in The Big Show. This does not mean come b*tch to me because you hit a tree or landed in the pond :cool:, more like allowing you to come to me with ideas on how to improve the course. This would mean improve it for all players, not just your personal abilities. I will absorb all of the information and then I will decide what changes are made.

So, come play The Big Show, then offer some friendly suggestions.

Before you complain to loudly about a hole, keep in mind that the person(s) that helped to prepare this course for you to play, just might be playing on your card. :D


Jan 24 2005, 01:29 PM
You mean we're suppossed to navigate a frisbee through all of those trees!!!!

Actually, the Aug. 7th, tournament and original 18 hole layout was incredible. I'd have to admit that Brian never saw nine of his holes being birdied the first time someone came out. :DLooks like he took that into consideration and tweaked some of those holes a little.

This place is going to be a piece of paradise in our own backyards!

Jan 24 2005, 01:29 PM
ok i'll go first i have a complaint. this course doh!!!! i mean courses are to good. about a year from now my wife will filing for divorce because of it, due to my constant absence. so my complaint is that she'll get half my discs :D

Jan 24 2005, 01:33 PM
It would be nice to hear that some of these new courses in TX had a member of the DGCD helping out with advice on the designs. It's not that they necessarily would design them better but they would likely analyze them better in relation to improvements and changes to meet guidelines for specific skill levels from each set of tees.

Jan 24 2005, 01:38 PM
pardon my ignorance. but what is the dgcd?

Jan 24 2005, 01:40 PM
It would be nice to hear that some of these new courses in TX had a member of the DGCD helping out with advice on the designs. It's not that they necessarily would design them better but they would likely analyze them better in relation to improvements and changes to meet guidelines for specific skill levels from each set of tees.

Are you volunteering? :D

Jan 24 2005, 01:43 PM
Disc Golf Course Designers group. It's a group of about 70 beginning to veteran course designers (including TX vets John Houck and Andi Lehmann) who have developed the design guidelines adopted by the PDGA plus additional analytical tools for designers.

Jan 24 2005, 01:44 PM
Are you volunteering?

I have been HIRED for such work :D

Jan 24 2005, 01:48 PM
with all the input that is going on at cedar hill i don't know if you could top what's been done so far.

Jan 24 2005, 01:52 PM
I've only been about to get out there once to help, but from what I saw this is gonna be fun.
When will the course be open for casual play?

Jan 24 2005, 01:52 PM
This is TX. We don't HIRE people. You'll work for food. :D

Actually, great thought has been put into the last few courses designed in DFW. You, or the people of the DGCD group, won't be disappointed.

Besides, think of all of the revenue saved.

Jan 24 2005, 02:15 PM
I've only been about to get out there once to help, but from what I saw this is gonna be fun.
When will the course be open for casual play?

Dixon, the baskets should be in the ground by February 5th, one week prior to The Big Show.

I'll post something later when I have the exact date because I would like to get them in sooner then that.


Jan 24 2005, 02:17 PM
Chuck, you have a PM.


Jan 24 2005, 05:23 PM
can you describe the course briefly?

Jan 24 2005, 06:04 PM
hills,trees, long, short, open, tight, water, trees, green, tunnels, scenery, hyzer, straight, anhyzer, trees.

Jan 24 2005, 06:06 PM
You forgot the spikey vines :D I am covered in scratches and I had long sleeves on.

I am sure the holes will be mostly cleared of those and over time just people using the park will clear it up more and more.

Jan 24 2005, 06:09 PM
can you describe the course briefly?

Joe, the best I can tell you is this.

These are two courses located on one piece of property. It is an 86 acre Dallas County Nature Preserve located on the Southern most county line. It is heavily wooded with lots of elevation changes, several natural openings that make great fairways and a 5 acre spring-fed pond. Lots of wildlife to be seen down there; I�ve seen Beavers, Foxes, Coyotes, Bobcats, Racoons, Possums, Hawks, Snakes, etc�.

The holes themselves will involve a few water shots as well as some blind shots. One course I have pretty much set is around 5600 feet. That would be from the regular pad to the regular pin. The other course will probably measure out a little shorter because it is in the heavier wooded section. Accuracy is the key. If you can throw it where you want to, you will do well here. If not, you will be forced to get better.

I hope this helps.


Jan 24 2005, 06:11 PM
"You don't want to be there" was the most often heard comment after a drive.

The "open" holes aren't really that open and the "tight" holes aren't really that tight.

How's that ?

I only got to play the back course.

The holes in the woods had fairly large landing areas (generally over 30' across) and tight throwing alleys (often only 15' across). Most had high ceilings, but some were less than 20'. The overhead canopy prevents over the top shots on most holes, but it is too high to be a great concern on most throws. It's not an extremely long course and the emphasis is on precision shots.

P.S. You do not want to get out of the fairway, for any reason, ever.

Jan 24 2005, 06:12 PM
Sounds Evil. /msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

Keep up the good work guys!

Jan 24 2005, 06:22 PM
Just curious. How many blind shots? and what are they like?

Sounds like a great course. Congrats.

Jan 24 2005, 06:38 PM
On the front (longer) course, I dont think there are any blind shots (but I didn't get a chance to play that one).

On the back, It is kind of hard to tell since only the sleeves were in on most of the holes. I don't remember more than a handful, and you could easily see where you wanted to be from the tee on those.

Most of the holes give you a look at the basket in the winter time. I'm sure the number of blind holes will go up in the spring/summer, but the fairways are very well defined.

Now I'll be quiet and let Brian talk.

Jan 24 2005, 06:40 PM
"You don't want to be there" was the most often heard comment after a drive.

The "open" holes aren't really that open and the "tight" holes aren't really that tight.

How's that ?

I only got to play the back course.

The holes in the woods had fairly large landing areas (generally over 30' across) and tight throwing alleys (often only 15' across). Most had high ceilings, but some were less than 20'. The overhead canopy prevents over the top shots on most holes, but it is too high to be a great concern on most throws. It's not an extremely long course and the emphasis is on precision shots.

P.S. You do not want to get out of the fairway, for any reason, ever.

So basically another Z-Boaz, sweet, cant wait until the 12th. Will there be Maceman doubles on friday?

Jan 24 2005, 06:41 PM
P.S. You do not want to get out of the fairway, for any reason, ever.

On Aug 7th, i had to crawl to two of my lies. The only way out was to turn the disc upside down and slide the disc on it's flight plate and pray that it made it to the fairway. I still can't figure out how those two shots found their way to that lie. :confused:

Jan 24 2005, 06:45 PM
Now I'll be quiet and let Brian talk.

Gary, your doing fine. It sounds great when you talk about the courses and it sounds like bragging when I talk about it. :D Besides, I'm obviously biased, as most people would feel, in these discussions.

Jan 24 2005, 06:46 PM
Judging by that gut of yours, it was probably pretty difficult to crawl up to the discs. Mr. Sumo wrestler. :D

Jan 24 2005, 06:58 PM
Sorry, I gotta get this one too.

So basically another Z-Boaz, sweet, cant wait until the 12th. Will there be Maceman doubles on friday?

No, it's much more like east coast (NC) courses than anything else in TX. I would say it will be more like the Beast than Z-Boaz when it wears in without the really long open holes.

I am sure that some longer placements will come before it is finished, but for now it's a good length for precision shots. If you are hitting your lines and staying in the fairways, you can score very well. From what I remember, the lines are clear of small trees so there is less poke and pray and more good shot opportunities.

Jan 24 2005, 07:12 PM
I dont think there will be any doubles that day. A clinic is scheduled for that afternoon in Cedar Hill.


Jan 24 2005, 07:12 PM
he said poke and pray :D

Jan 24 2005, 07:34 PM
Sorry Frank, I know your game is more like toss and cuss. :D

Jan 24 2005, 07:47 PM
I agree. I've never played any course quite like it, but most similar to the Beast in Waco. It seems to be very technical.
There are 36 holes that are all completely different.
BTW, thanks everybody that came out and wished me a happy birthday. It was a fun day.

Jan 24 2005, 08:44 PM
Sorry Frank, I know your game is more like toss and cuss. :D

Stop that, Gary!!! I was trying to lurk in here all nice and quiet like, and you have to go drop a whammy on Pinkie like that... too funny!

Jan 24 2005, 09:34 PM
Judging by that gut of yours, it was probably pretty difficult to crawl up to the discs. Mr. Sumo wrestler. :D

Okay Mr. Stogie, you'd better be nice or i'll sit on ya the next time i see ya. :eek:

Jan 24 2005, 09:47 PM
I have adjusted the schedule and location of the clinic, due to the fact that Barry Shultz will not be at Cedar Hill. He is going to play Brooksville that weekend and then come out for The Z Boaz Open Pro Weekend.

There will be Pick Doubles on Friday February 11, flex start between 3pm and 4pm.

I am looking into having the clinic in the field at Bear Creek. I will let you know more soon.

Thank you all very much for your help out there. Saturday was the single biggest work day I have ever seen in the DFW area. I feel safe estimating it at no less than 25 volunteers and 7 city employees. :) :) :) :) :)