I have been playing for about a year and still haven't found a disc that will fade left for me.
The Stinger curves left all the way but a curve is not what I need.Thanks for any help.
I have been playing for about a year and still haven't found a disc that will fade left for me.
The Stinger curves left all the way but a curve is not what I need.Thanks for any help.
I don't think any disc will go straight and fade left like that. Someone with more knowledge of areodynamics can probably tell you why. The best you can do is a left curve with no fade unless you want to learn to throw RHBH or LHFH.
Nov 12 2004, 10:49 AM
You could try a Stingray. I throw a TL for those shots {SE,well used} but my 2 finger isnt great
Important: When throwing discs that are proper weight for your skill and ability and arm strength, all discs will fade left straight out of the box. This is the natural tendnacy for a RHBH throw.
If you are looking for discs that you can release flat and they will fly for the majority of their flight flat and then fade left you may want to try, depending on the distance you want.
CFR TL (not teebird or teebird-L, they are different discs)
These are the ones I can think of now. Basically these discs I can throw dead flat and straight, some flex right but the will end up fading left.
Good luck
Nov 12 2004, 11:06 AM
He is throwing FOREHAND :o
Nov 12 2004, 11:13 AM
Nothing will fade left for you if you throw RHFH. You put a counter-clockwise spin on this disc with that throw (as does a LHBH thrower) and it will always have a low-speed fade that goes right.
There is a lot more going on aerodynamically than this, but here is a simple explanation: If the disc is spinning counter-clockwise the right side of the disc is moving faster than the left side relative to the effective on-coming 'wind' (airflow on the disc). This will drag down the right side of the disc, thus causing the fade to the right.
What you need to do is learn to throw RHBH to get the fade you desire.
I have the same issue since I am a rigthy, but throw LHBH for some strange reason. My LHFH is "like a girl" (no offense), and I do have a good RHFH, but it is basically the same throw as my LHBH. I have been spending a lot of time to learn my RHBH to get the low speed left fade you are wanting.
I have tried had get something LHBH (or RHFH) to do what you are requesting and have come close with these throws:
1) Some beat Roc's will go straight for a while and then tip over to the left after 150' and will hold that line with very little speed fade. Releasing with the correct amount of hyzer angle is key. My Discraft Storm works kind of like this too.
2) Throw something very flippy (mildly beat in Stingray or beat Leopard for example) with a bunch of hyzer. It will flatten out and turn over mid flight. The big problem with this is that you have to get both the hyzer angle AND the elevation perfect or it will either flip over too much and cut roll back right or it will stall out and fade right.
IMO, option 2 is too risky to try in most most predicaments where you need that left fade. You are better off scoring-wise to throw 2 short putter shots and taking your 3 and concede just 1 shot rather than risking 2 to the guys throwing RHBH (or LHFH).
Nov 12 2004, 11:15 AM
Nov 12 2004, 11:20 AM
Ill have to second that advice. Theres nothing better then having a DEADLY HYZER. All wide open holes 400 and in become duece holes ;)
I found this recently and it might be interesting if you're familiar with aerodynamics or some sort of super genious:
Nov 12 2004, 11:28 AM
Theres nothing better then having a DEADLY HYZER. All wide open holes 400 and in become duece holes ;)
There are better things better than that!!!
1) A deadly anhyzer that goes 700'.
2) A deadly thumber that goes 500'.
3) A deadly 400' jump putt.
3) A deadly 720 degrees chicken wing blindfolded that goes 800'.
Any wild-*** deadly shot you can think is by definition deadly and will give you lots of deuces. And lots of Aces if it is truely deadly enough.
:p ;)
Nov 12 2004, 11:39 AM
There are better things better than that!!!
1) A deadly anhyzer that goes 700'.
2) A deadly thumber that goes 500'.
3) A deadly 400' jump putt.
3) A deadly 720 degrees chicken wing blindfolded that goes 800'.
Any wild-*** deadly shot you can think is by definition deadly and will give you lots of deuces. And lots of Aces if it is truely deadly enough.
The thing is i was being SERIOUS :eek: :D
Luke Butch
Nov 12 2004, 11:55 AM
A comet will probably be the closest disc you can find that will "fade" left. More like it will turn over and glide w/o coming back.
SORRY, I misread that. I thought it was a RHBH.
My bad.
There is no easy way to make a disc end left when throwing forehand. The only way to do it is to get a long disc and turn it over into the ground, but then it usually rolls out.
Learn the Backhand. It's not hard.
You could also experiment with Forehand rollers. Find a disc that you can control and make it work. I can use my putter to to a straight to left roll for about 250'. It's handy.
No No No,, I throw forehand as well and the best thing to keep a anhyzer forhand is a light disc. I prefer a light Valk and put alot of snap on it and it will never come out of it. If your throwing into the wind it is alot easier to do as well. Trust me. It works all day long!
Rodney Gilmore
Nov 13 2004, 12:25 AM
I found this recently and it might be interesting if you're familiar with aerodynamics or some sort of super genious:
OK they're smart, but more importantly, do these boys have game?
Chris Hysell
Nov 13 2004, 12:42 AM
Anything thrown properly. Have you heard of the forehand roller? It goes left, right, or straight.
Nov 13 2004, 01:14 AM
I use a KC 10x or 11x Eagle 170-172 and I can usually get it anywhere from 300-390 ft.
Nov 13 2004, 08:18 AM
throw back hand!!!!!
Thanks for all your help but I should have given more info. I am 70 yrs. old with a stainless steel collar bone which prevents me from throwing RHBH with power. I do throw short approaches and putts RHBH. i can only throw 190' forehand. The Stingray worked fine before I learned to spin,now even that fades right.I have over 30 SE,CE and DX Valks and they have always faded right,as well as 160+ other discs I have.I use Lightning F-2 Flyers for long straight flights with no fade but still haven't found a disc that will fade left.I see a lot of guys saying some discs will "Flip" and thought that meant those discs would turn left,(RHFH) but I must have misunderstood that meaning.I also throw everything flat and straight
because I have no consistancy tipping a disc up or down as I throw.
Flipping left is same thing as turning left. It will happen during the high speed portion or first half of the flight. If the disc does not hit the ground during that part of the flight, it will then slow down into the low speed fade portion of the flight, where the disc will fade to the right. During the high speed portion the disc can turn and flip over to the left and hit the ground while still turning left, but that is not fade and you said you wanted fade not turn, correct?
Maybe you could look for a disc that flips over late in its flight? You'd have to ask someone else about which disc will do that though.
You said you can make the stingray curve left, but it'll always fade back to the right for you? If the only problem is it coming back and fading to the right, try just using it for awhile, a worn disc has less fade and the stingray will fade back to the right less as it gets more worn.
Now I am confused,Jack. Everything i throw,goes straight almost to the end of its flight then turns/fades,hooks to the right.Some worse than others. When I throw the SE Valks flat and hard, they go straight almost to the end then turns/fades/hooks to the right.When a basket is on the left of the fairway behind trees and such, I have to throw an F-2Flyer straight then putt in to the basket.I would like to be able to throw straight and have the disc turn left and save a stroke.
Thanks so much for all your help.
Ah well, actually... I guess the thing is, you have to throw pretty hard for most discs to flip over left during the highspeed portion of flight, probably farther than 190' if you have a clean throw, and it sounds like you do.
The disc isn't going to go straight and then fade to the left because the spin of the disc makes the disc fade to the right at the end. Different disc types can just make the influence of the spin less or more significant, they can't change the direction the disc will fade in.
You're probably going to need to just throw as long as a left hook as possible by slightly having the left (inside) side of the disc lower than the right (outside) side of the disc when you release it. Also try to make sure the nose of the disc isn't pointing up at all.
My girlfriend has the same problem with the metal collar bone. She throws FH as well. When ever she needs to turn a disc over I point her towards a light 147-152 class driver. If you throw the light weight drivers with the amount of power you have, it should turn over fine. Matter of fact you wont be able to stop it from turning over. I know this for a fact as I have been one with FH since day one. If all else fails the archangel will definately turn over all the way to a roller. Wanna get rid of some of that CE plastic?
The key is a light, DX valkyrie. Once you get it beat up (it'll only take a few good hits on a tree or a little road rash) and you'll have trouble getting it to go right for you. It'll always flip. It still may fade back to the right (if it has enough hang time), but hopefully you'll have gained enough distance going to the left that a small right fade won't hurt.
So, get a 150g DX valk, beat it up a little and I'm sure you'll be happy with the results. Probably a leopard and stringray would work similarily as well. They key though is that they are DX plastic.
Nov 15 2004, 02:26 PM
My Z-Buzzz seems like a great go~left~disc (with little to no right fade) when thrown RH-sidearm with some 'annie'...the 'roll' to the right after hitting the ground must be taken into account, though.
I still stand by my post. Although the other alternatives may work for people with normal bone structure I have to say from first hand experience, the lighter is the way to go. Like I said, my girlfriend has a metal plate on her collar bone, and she can turn them over the entire time. It might only go 200 feet, but this is an awesome distance considering everything else wrong with her.
If you need a crazy disc that will turn left for a right handed finger flick you need to get an optimizer there are two different ones made in Canada you want a soft second run with the hotstamp I use it all the time I finger flick it righthanded with it tilted straight down it goes out tips left mine will actually tip left come back to the right and fade left again this sucker is my secret weapon and has gotten me out of more trouble also a great roller. Its brother the maximizer also makes a great driver/roller with a good snap
Dec 13 2004, 09:01 PM
If you need a crazy disc that will turn left for a right handed finger flick you need to get an optimizer there are two different ones made in Canada you want a soft second run with the hotstamp I use it all the time I finger flick it righthanded with it tilted straight down it goes out tips left mine will actually tip left come back to the right and fade left again this sucker is my secret weapon and has gotten me out of more trouble also a great roller. Its brother the maximizer also makes a great driver/roller with a good snap
You are probably the first person EVER on these boards to recomend the Opimizer. If it works, more power to you.
Chris Hysell
Dec 13 2004, 10:08 PM
I hate to spoil your fun here but the answer is every disc. All it takes is proper technique. I use a Z-Talon for the left turnover forehand. It holds a line very well and gets great glide. I also like the Z-Reaper for the same shot. Or a magnet or an xpress or whatever I feel like throwing.
Luke Butch
Dec 13 2004, 10:34 PM
If you need a crazy disc that will turn left for a right handed finger flick you need to get an optimizer there are two different ones made in Canada you want a soft second run with the hotstamp I use it all the time I finger flick it righthanded with it tilted straight down it goes out tips left mine will actually tip left come back to the right and fade left again this sucker is my secret weapon and has gotten me out of more trouble also a great roller. Its brother the maximizer also makes a great driver/roller with a good snap
Only a Canadian would try and promote the Optimizer. If I were a canadian I would not want to bring up the fact that I live in the same country those are made in.
I'm not kidding if you guys haven't tried this disc yet its worth the $10 or 20 just to add to your collection if you don't like it give it to a kid but it works great for me and once its beat up it just keeps floating and the maximizer with a powerful snap will turn over and roll too. ;)
I know people that like them for rollovers and sidearms. Of course we are all crazy Canadians, so there ya go.
Dec 14 2004, 11:31 AM
No, I've thrown one. I could throw it spike hyzer with a tail wind and flip it to roll. I gave it to my girlfriend...who rolls it.
Luke Butch
Dec 14 2004, 12:51 PM
I've heard that if someone with a big arm throws a optimizer as a grenade it will come out of it and fly straight, and maybe turn over still.
Dec 14 2004, 02:28 PM
what's a spike hyzer?
A steep hyzer thrown from 7:00ish and released at about 1:00ish (If you were on a clock that is)
Dec 14 2004, 02:33 PM
what's a grenade?
Heard the term before, but can't recall off hand.
Quote "What's a grenade?"
A "grenade" shot is gripping the disc in a "power grip" fashion- only upside down. For right handed backhand shots, the ideal is to swing the disc low to high releasing almost directly above the target in a serious hyzer angle. It's useful when you have to get over a bush or tree directly in front of your lie and the basket. (other times too of course.) So if you understand this so far try it and watch how the disc lands. It usually holds its almost vertical hyzer angle the whole way and lands on edge... usually bounces of the ground right near the pin... and flops once or twice in place... usually without rolling or "fly-by" ing past the basket. Again, if executed right, and if I explained this visually well, it is a great shot, high and straight above the basket to get over trees and usually close, if not into the basket.
Dec 14 2004, 08:36 PM
Thats what I though. I've used it before, and its great for approaches in high wind situations. The disc almost always gets up and down with little or no lateral movement. You can throw REALLY flippy discs and have them pan out a bit, but thats less predictable. (I think thats what the post about grenades and Optimizers was talking about)
Dec 15 2004, 05:53 PM
I have been playing for about a year and still haven't found a disc that will fade left for me.
The Stinger curves left all the way but a curve is not what I need.Thanks for any help.
I have not logged on in a few days, but I will throw my two cents in here. Penny #1. I carry a beat up dx Cheetah that (almost) refuses to turn left (RHBH). I carry it just to turn right. My problem is getting too much turn. Penny #2. My beat up dx Cobra makes the slowest right hand turn. You can read the paper on this shot. If you have any room at all, you should be able to get a Cobra to turn left for you.
I carry no warranties on distance, since niether of these discs go further than 250' :(