Nov 16 2004, 12:12 PM
I tried to look it up on web, but it's confusing. What is Fly18? :confused:

Nov 16 2004, 12:30 PM
Disc golf on a ball golf course following the same course routing as promoted by Reese Swinea.

Nov 16 2004, 12:33 PM
Its ROLLER and HUGE AIR SHOT heaven :D

Nov 16 2004, 12:49 PM
Aint that the truth. Problem is when I hyzer spike and hit the ball green, repairing the divots is a b*&^h! ;)

Nov 16 2004, 12:56 PM
An average par 3 in ball golf is about 150yds = 450ft, which is a long hole for disc golf. How does this work? Do they use the same tees? Are the baskets next to the greens? Do you play in between groups of ball golfers?

Nov 16 2004, 01:03 PM
Usually its played on a ball golf course that doesnt have alot of traffice to it. Sometimes the Baskets are next to the Greens sometimes they are in clumps of trees that are off in the rough and Ball golf Greens and Sand traps are usually OB. I have yet to play one of Reeses courses but i am looking to play one when i go down to florida. I have played a par 72 Fly 18 knock off her in MI and its is awesome to play. To play a fly 18 course with a 4 some would take about the same amount of time as a ball golf foursome so potentialy you could have 2 ball golfers and 2 Disc golfers in the same GROUP :eek: :D

Nov 16 2004, 01:10 PM
So I assume there is some sort of 'greens fee' involved?

Nov 16 2004, 01:33 PM
I can anwser that best.My site is down for 1 week for overhaul.Wow where do I start?Fly 18 was a concept, it started with asking questions and being a player.I started in1996 at Huntington Beach CA.The next year I went to worlds and had to room with this guy named Ken Climo.He won that year also.I started working at HB and pay for play in the park.We were following Snapper at that time.Worked there for 1 1/2 years and relaised the potential.Two years into the sport I would go to a big event and there was no tee area or a dangerious one WHY?I did something about that with my fly pads they are now at every major event in the world and in parks where no poured concrete pad was allowed.Not to mention most all of my golf courses across america.I also produced a line of collectable discs called the fly girls with awsome graphics.Now back to fly 18 it started at a park Eldo in long beach CA I used to manage that course.There is a golf course that runs along the disc golf course I think it is #15 that started it.We would be putting and the golfers would always make time to look at us.We never stopped to look at them so one day I sat there all day.... they want to play........But not in a park.The fence divided us from playing together like other sports ie Snowboarding we and them were segerated.Through this experment I wrote a movie called fly 18.With my writing skills and typing the pages come across as a randsome letter that has no end.But the movie is funny.How do I get our sport on the other side of the fence?There were lots of obsticles and no directions.Satrted in Titisville FL at my dads new house on the 16th fairway.We were sitting on his porch and no golfers were going by at 10:30 on a saturday I asked my dad why he said this is out of season for golf :Dmy chance I told my dad about my plan and he laughed hard there is no way you will ever get those disc golfers on this course or any other course anywhere I know your crowd.I went out and desinged the course with my dads bike with pen in hand.3 hrs later I returned to tell my dad I went to the pro shop to ask for thr GM my dad sais you did not tell him your name did you?????I did not get a call back I flew home.But 45 days from that day my friends with discs and carts and barleymist drove by my dads house no words needed.That was almost 5 years ago now have done 11 perm and 27 temp disc golf courses across america on golf courses.I still do work in parks or private land every course has a purpose.This my be my longest post ever ,but some may not the whole story, that will be comming out in 2006 in my new book ,the movie is 2 years away. I just want more people playing the game we love.Fly 18 is an option and only gives us creditability as a sport we have come a long way.We will have everything we always wanted when I finish I always need help I am just a 43 year old with a 5 year old son and a wife of 16 years with a dream. Sometimes my words are crass but I am a dooer....As I was typing my friends just called they want to go play the monster at mission trails SD par 71 13,004 ft how can I say no.Can you say coffee Game on fly 18

Nov 16 2004, 02:15 PM
...Now back to fly 18 it started at a park <font size=2>Eldo in long beach CA</font> I used to manage that course.There is a golf course that runs along the disc golf course I think it is #15 that started it.

...but ONE of the MANY reasons our course is <font size=2>"locally world famous"!!!</font> :cool::cool::cool:

Nov 16 2004, 02:29 PM
Disc golf on a ball golf course following the same course routing as promoted by Reese Swinea.

I would amend the definition as such: Disc golf on a ball golf course following the same course routing, as promoted by Reese Swinea, whose keen concept and tireless efforts are spoiled by a lack of English grammar/writing skills and a profound tendency to bash the PDGA, the status quo, and ruffle the feathers of virtually everyone he interacts with! :D

Nov 16 2004, 02:54 PM
Disc golf on a ball golf course following the same course routing as promoted by Reese Swinea.

I would amend the definition as such: Disc golf on a ball golf course following the same course routing, as promoted by Reese Swinea, whose keen concept and tireless efforts are spoiled by a lack of English grammar/writing skills and a profound tendency to bash the PDGA, the status quo, and ruffle the feathers of virtually everyone he interacts with! :D

I don't necessarily disagree with any of that, but I was going for a less editorialized definition. :D

Nov 16 2004, 03:01 PM
Disc golf on a ball golf course following the same course routing as promoted by Reese Swinea.

I would amend the definition as such: Disc golf on a ball golf course following the same course routing, as promoted by Reese Swinea, whose keen concept and tireless efforts are spoiled by a lack of English grammar/writing skills and a profound tendency to bash the PDGA, the status quo, and ruffle the feathers of virtually everyone he interacts with! :D

well said :D

Nov 16 2004, 03:02 PM
A more correct answer is that Fly18 is Reese Swinea's business venture. He makes FlyPads and puts disc golf courses on ball golf courses.

When you phrase it your way, you are saying that all disc golf courses on ball golf courses are Fly18, which isn't true.

Nov 16 2004, 03:35 PM
Now would you guys have said this [stuff above] to his face this weekend? :confused:

Reese, I bet a SoCal-affiliated, PDGA-sanctioned event on a Fly18 course would be a great showcase, and change a lot of opinions, etc., hint, hint!!

Nov 16 2004, 03:41 PM
man are you getting fries with that butt smooching :o:D

note the happy face :D

Nov 16 2004, 03:44 PM
Reese, I bet a SoCal-affiliated, PDGA-sanctioned event on a Fly18 course would be a great showcase, and change a lot of opinions, etc., hint, hint!!

that would be an event worth traveling to!

some folks like to rag on reese and fly18, but just look at the concept - it is very cool.

btw, if the average ball golf course is 18 * 450, thats 8100 feet. not a short course, but not exactly a long course either.

Nov 16 2004, 03:46 PM
Flies? I said flies!!

Nov 16 2004, 03:50 PM
450 is a par-3 ball golf hole, the shortest ones on the course. On a par 72 layout there are also par 4s and 5s which are humongously long disc golf holes.

Emerald Isle is on a par-56 executive ball golf course, and I think those distances translate extremely well to disc golf. I have ot thank Reese for getting my home course put in as I was in course purgatory before EI came along.

Nov 16 2004, 03:53 PM
Reese, I bet a SoCal-affiliated, PDGA-sanctioned event on a Fly18 course would be a great showcase, and change a lot of opinions, etc., hint, hint!!

Ahem. Ahem.

I do believe there has been one of those. It would be nice to have one on a full-sized course, too.

Nov 16 2004, 03:56 PM
Reese, I bet a SoCal-affiliated, PDGA-sanctioned event on a Fly18 course would be a great showcase, and change a lot of opinions, etc., hint, hint!!

that would be an event worth traveling to!

some folks like to rag on reese and fly18, but just look at the concept - it is very cool.

btw, if the average ball golf course is 18 * 450, thats 8100 feet. not a short course, but not exactly a long course either.

450 YARDS!! That's 1,350 * 18 = 24,300!!! The longest single disc golf hole I've ever played was 900', and I was happy as hell to score a 4. Think, McFly, Think!! ;)

Nov 16 2004, 03:56 PM forgot to plug the Ol' MacDonald meet, there...not Fly18, per se, but a tourney on a B&S course, nevertheless!! Sandalman, does that sound travelworthy?

Nov 16 2004, 04:02 PM
EI was Fly18 installed, but EIEIO-1 was not in any way affiliated with Fly18.

Except for a couple of pairs of sunglasses thrown in at the last second.

Nov 16 2004, 04:14 PM
...exactly what I said, just with the correct facts, etc.

...not sure if it got mentioned, yet, but the "Fly18 Empire" is expected to soon include the Discwing merch. Was Flyboy using 'yet-to-be-approved' discs this weekend? Just kidding, but he was throwing quite a bit farther than I remember from just this May, of the few [Keith was another] to get pin-wide� in 2 throws on #18, that of uphill, dog-legged, into-wind, 700++ feet-of-difficulty-ness.

Nov 16 2004, 05:28 PM
Jeff and jack went up the hill then fell.Birds of a feather do flock together you 2 should make a nest.Jeff your purpose is to have none.I would love to have an event but this takes away from my puprose building courses.When the Donald builds a hotel does he run the fight, no a pomoter does, with the help of the Donald. I did suggest that the Masters be held at the Trails next year and would like some help to pull this off.Most of the days I am viewing courses but today I am doing contracts working at home on 2 new courses one in san diego and 1 in LA.Fly will continue to spell some words wrong but judge my work not my grammar. Vision Purpose F18 :D

Nov 16 2004, 05:39 PM
When can i get a Fly 18 course in Michigan??????????????

Nov 16 2004, 05:52 PM
Even though I rarely pass on an opportunity to bash Reese, I defintely appreciate him getting the Emerald Isle course put in. :)

And thanks to Reese also for the years he ran around getting SoCal stuff together for the tourneys. (Shirts, towels, trophies, etc.) Thanks Reese!

I'll resume bashing tomorrow. :D

Nov 16 2004, 06:05 PM
Emerald Isle and Mission Trails are pretty sick courses...The baskets are awesome, since they force you to putt dead-on...No room for error, which makes courses with DGA, Innova, etc. baskets a whole lot more fun. REESE WHEN WILL YOU HAVE CONTRACTS SIGNED FOR SAN DIEGO :D???

Nov 16 2004, 08:05 PM
btw, if the average ball golf course is 18 * 450, thats 8100 feet. not a short course, but not exactly a long course either.

450 YARDS!! That's 1,350 * 18 = 24,300!!! The longest single disc golf hole I've ever played was 900', and I was happy as hell to score a 4. Think, McFly, Think!! ;)

hmmmm... didja miss yer 10mg valium this morning?

allow me to quote the original:

"An average par 3 in ball golf is about 150yds = 450ft, which is a long hole for disc golf. How does this work? Do they use the same tees? Are the baskets next to the greens? Do you play in between groups of ball golfers?"

ah sweet vindication!

Nov 16 2004, 08:07 PM forgot to plug the Ol' MacDonald meet, there...not Fly18, per se, but a tourney on a B&S course, nevertheless!! Sandalman, does that sound travelworthy?

more details? between "ol'macdonalds" and "EIEIO" i'm getting a bit nervis. if i wanted to play with a bunch of farmers, i'd go to oklahoma :D

Nov 16 2004, 10:27 PM
...I've heard where Atwood called Rhett a 'Hair Rancher', is that what you mean by more details?

Nov 16 2004, 10:29 PM
haha.. no, i've met rhett, no problem there. i mean whats the "ol macdonald meet" ?

Nov 16 2004, 11:09 PM
Ol' Mac Donald meet ===> "E-I-E-I-O".

2nd part not a joke; that's the anagram for the Tournament's actual name. The "Ol' MacDonald" ["had a farm; E-I-", etc.] part is just my convolution of humour. Blame no further. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
And, enter EARLY for that one, is my best advise.

Back to Mission Trails, which is both "non-executive" and "non-ex-Reese", wasn't it in 2001 that the inagural event of the "Fly18 Tour" was held there, when Ken and Juliana came out? I got lots of autographs, also drove the golfcart for a buddy; that was a blast. :p

Evidently, that tour, billed in DGWN [at the time] as 'the richest', didn't overwhelm the more established PDGA's. Perhaps, the "14 disc limit" was too far ahead of it's time... :eek:

...what I want to know is, wouldn't the attendance at a PDGA Super, or Major, or NT event outpace that of the typical weekend at "these" places? And wouldn't you EXPECT to pay a bit more for this type of experience? Well, admittedly this theory hinges on typical patronage, for which I have no clue, but it seems it would make a good business deal. :confused:

Nov 17 2004, 12:32 AM
Thanks Rhett and congrats on your win.I hope EI has helped raise your game and your family play time.I hope to do some events next year I will look for your support player or helper.

Nov 17 2004, 11:02 AM
btw, if the average ball golf course is 18 * 450, thats 8100 feet. not a short course, but not exactly a long course either.

450 YARDS!! That's 1,350 * 18 = 24,300!!! The longest single disc golf hole I've ever played was 900', and I was happy as hell to score a 4. Think, McFly, Think!! ;)

hmmmm... didja miss yer 10mg valium this morning?

allow me to quote the original:

"An average par 3 in ball golf is about 150yds = 450ft, which is a long hole for disc golf. How does this work? Do they use the same tees? Are the baskets next to the greens? Do you play in between groups of ball golfers?"

ah sweet vindication!

What vindication?? I said 'average par 3". There are par 3's that are over 200 YARDS long, and there are par 4's and 5's that can be over 600 YARDS long. Get a clue, then get back to me. Your probably the kind of ******* that doesn't even have the common courtesy to give a reach-around....... Nevermind, it was just a common misunderstanding. It was wrong of me to assume that you knew anything at all about the distances involved in a traditional 'ball' golf course. I apologize for my rash behavior and I absolve you of your past transgressions.

Nov 17 2004, 11:13 AM

ah sweet vindication!


What vindication?? I said 'average par 3". There are par 3's that are over 200 YARDS long, and there are par 4's and 5's that can be over 600 YARDS long. Get a clue, then get back to me. Your probably the kind of ******* that doesn't even have the common courtesy to give a reach-around....... Nevermind, it was just a common misunderstanding. It was wrong of me to assume that you knew anything at all about the distances involved in a traditional 'ball' golf course. I apologize for my rash behavior and I absolve you of your past transgressions.


Ha!!! How 'bout them apples!! "The only thing that comes from Texas are steers and queers. You sure as hell ain't no steer, so that pretty much narrows it down. I bet you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose!"

Nov 17 2004, 12:05 PM
An average par 3 in ball golf is about 150yds = 450ft, which is a long hole for disc golf.

450 ft is not a LONG disc golf hole. Especially if we are talking about wide open holes on a ball golf course. :D Long is like 600 plus or the 1000+ footer on the Hudson Mills Monster Course of the par 72 out at Byron MI Now some of those holes are LONG!!!!!!! :D

Nov 17 2004, 01:26 PM
An average par 3 in ball golf is about 150yds = 450ft, which is a long hole for disc golf.

450 ft is not a LONG disc golf hole. Especially if we are talking about wide open holes on a ball golf course. :D Long is like 600 plus or the 1000+ footer on the Hudson Mills Monster Course of the par 72 out at Byron MI Now some of those holes are LONG!!!!!!! :D

Check the stats on Mission Trails in San Diego...You like to throw far right??? :D

Nov 17 2004, 01:33 PM
btw, if the average ball golf course is 18 * 450, thats 8100 feet. not a short course, but not exactly a long course either.

450 YARDS!! That's 1,350 * 18 = 24,300!!! The longest single disc golf hole I've ever played was 900', and I was happy as hell to score a 4. Think, McFly, Think!! ;)

hmmmm... didja miss yer 10mg valium this morning?

allow me to quote the original:

"An average par 3 in ball golf is about 150yds = 450ft, which is a long hole for disc golf. How does this work? Do they use the same tees? Are the baskets next to the greens? Do you play in between groups of ball golfers?"

ah sweet vindication!

What vindication?? I said 'average par 3". There are par 3's that are over 200 YARDS long, and there are par 4's and 5's that can be over 600 YARDS long. Get a clue, then get back to me. Your probably the kind of ******* that doesn't even have the common courtesy to give a reach-around....... Nevermind, it was just a common misunderstanding. It was wrong of me to assume that you knew anything at all about the distances involved in a traditional 'ball' golf course. I apologize for my rash behavior and I absolve you of your past transgressions.

thanks for the enlightenment. its obvious you've spent about 10 minutes watching the PGA channel on saturday afternoons!

actually i was refering to the Grand F, who brought the whole thing up by talking about the average length of a par3. many courses are par3, and i thought that the readers of this thread could make the transition and understand that i was talking about a par3 bg course. sorry for over estimating you, i wont let it happen again. :D

if its less than 200-250 yards, a bg hole is not truly long for dg, and without some compelling reason is still a dg par 3.

note to TGF: i'm from pennsylvania. altho you are also, you seem like you would fit in well in texas given your taste for meat.. anyway, jdubs is looking for a reach-around, which i've heard is one of your skills. maybe you should check him out.

Nov 17 2004, 02:33 PM
450 ft is not a LONG disc golf hole. Especially if we are talking about wide open holes on a ball golf course. :D Long is like 600 plus or the 1000+ footer on the Hudson Mills Monster Course of the par 72 out at Byron MI Now some of those holes are LONG!!!!!!! :D

I was playing #4 at Byron with Mark Ellis and a first-time player. The first timer wants to know where the basket is. Mark says, "Just put your drive out by those fairway stakes. After your second drive, then we can talk about where the basket is."

Nov 17 2004, 03:05 PM
I was playing #4 at Byron with Mark Ellis and a first-time player. The first timer wants to know where the basket is. Mark says, "Just put your drive out by those fairway stakes. After your second drive, then we can talk about where the basket is."

The funny thing is, that would be good advice to give ANYONE that has never played out there :eek:

Nov 17 2004, 04:04 PM
[/QUOTE]thanks for the enlightenment. its obvious you've spent about 10 minutes watching the PGA channel on saturday afternoons!

actually i was refering to the Grand F, who brought the whole thing up by talking about the average length of a par3. many courses are par3, and i thought that the readers of this thread could make the transition and understand that i was talking about a par3 bg course. sorry for over estimating you, i wont let it happen again. :D

if its less than 200-250 yards, a bg hole is not truly long for dg, and without some compelling reason is still a dg par 3.

note to TGF: i'm from pennsylvania. altho you are also, you seem like you would fit in well in texas given your taste for meat.. anyway, jdubs is looking for a reach-around, which i've heard is one of your skills. maybe you should check him out.


The 'reach around' quote is from Full Metal Jacket, a favorite among Marines. I believe TGF was only playing off of that b/c the quote about the 'steers and queers' is from the same monologue in the movie. I was honestly trying to apologize and admitting that it was a simple misunderstanding. There's no need to bring out the hostilities. I guess sarcasm and other emotions are tough to transmit via the written word, even with the help of various 'smiley' faces and the such. No hard feelings. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Nov 17 2004, 04:07 PM
hey Jdubs, no harm no foul... i'm in an antsy mood cuz of all the silliness going on in other threads. sorry if i offended you... i didnt mean to, and i prolly responded without enough smileys as well

Nov 17 2004, 05:06 PM
Aw shucks. Just kiss and git a room already....

Nov 17 2004, 05:09 PM
<font size=-5>OB_on_Topic_Content:</font>

Emerald Isle is a par-56 bg course, so it is basically a "par 3 bg course". Most of the dg holes are shorter than their bg conterparts. As such, it is a very nice disc golf length course compared to the current status quo of disc golf courses. Not real long, but not a pitch-n-putt either.

Nov 18 2004, 11:46 AM
Par 3 means if you cant putt on on your 2nd shot for birdie from the right tee area it is no par 3.There were 3 to 4 holes at the masters event that were half par bad design.You could only par it at best.Either make it shorter or longer.I was hoping to open my new San Diego course this weekend It may not open till next week.The course will be under $5 to play yes it is a golf course.Next week I have to go before the board in LA at a city meeting to present disc golf.Another course in SimiValley real close to contract.I hope to install 2to 3 more courses this year. ;)

Nov 18 2004, 12:18 PM
Par 3 means if you cant putt on on your 2nd shot for birdie from the right tee area it is no par 3.There were 3 to 4 holes at the masters event that were half par bad design.You could only par it at best.Either make it shorter or longer.I was hoping to open my new San Diego course this weekend It may not open till next week.The course will be under $5 to play yes it is a golf course.Next week I have to go before the board in LA at a city meeting to present disc golf.Another course in SimiValley real close to contract.I hope to install 2to 3 more courses this year. ;)

Answer this, since it sounds like it is past contract stage...Is it North, South, or East of Morley?? :)

Nov 18 2004, 12:24 PM
I played the Fly 18 in Sarasota Florida...while I think it was a really cool concept, I got bored after about 12 holes.

Nov 18 2004, 12:37 PM
Another course in SimiValley real close to contract. ;)

Sweettt!! Now thats an UNTAPPED area....Closest courses would be Sylmar and Santa Barbara...and just a hop/skip from my Parents house :D

Nov 18 2004, 12:39 PM
I was hoping to open my new San Diego course this weekend It may not open till next week.The course will be under $5 to play yes it is a golf course.


The Redwood Empire Team WAS planning on Mission Trails Friday BUT if your new course is in we might just RE-ROUTE :D

Let me know whats up.. ;)

Nov 18 2004, 12:43 PM
Is it worth the money MTL? Ant and I are meeting up and playing there next Friday since both of us will be in FL on vacation and will both need DG vacations from our vacations. Sarasota is the 1/2 way point - I will be in Naples and he will be in the Orlando area.

We also plan to play the other 2 Sarasota courses - which I have played before. Like both of them.

Nov 18 2004, 12:46 PM
I played in a tournament, so I don't know what its like when there is not a tournament. The other 2 courses are fun like you said. I would play those before the fly 18 personally. That thing will take 3-4 hours and will kill your arm

Nov 18 2004, 12:48 PM
I was hoping to open my new San Diego course this weekend It may not open till next week.The course will be under $5 to play yes it is a golf course.


The Redwood Empire Team WAS planning on Mission Trails Friday BUT if your new course is in we might just RE-ROUTE :D

Let me know whats up.. ;)

Magilla, if your arm is as big as you say, play Mision Trails...There is not and will not be a course that will test distance, with obstacles like MISSION TRAILS :D

Jake L
Nov 18 2004, 01:03 PM

We have a park in NC called Tanglewood (

I have seen the golf course and it would be farkin' sweet to play disc golf there!

Nov 18 2004, 01:05 PM
Thanks for the feedback. Ant really wants to do it for the experience of playing on a BG course and driving a cart for DG. I too want to do it, but am not as keen as Ant is. I wonder if there is a way to bail after 9 holes and save some money.

Do they set up yellow rope (or other artificial OB) for tournaments a la USDGC? Just curious since I always like to compare my scores to tournament scores/ratings.

Nov 18 2004, 01:45 PM
Par 3 means if you cant putt on on your 2nd shot for birdie from the right tee area it is no par 3.

Perhaps in the Fly18 universe, but in the PDGA, a par 3 means "two close-range attempts to hole-out". And...if you follow the "par" threads, "close-range" can be as far away as [something like] 217 feet.

I don't think not being able to pin a par three makes it bad, just tough. In essence, amongst 'equal' drivers, the 'separation value' of putting is decreased, and the value of 'bogie avoidation' is increased.

Back to you Reese; WHERE is that L.A. course going, and do you mean City or County?

Nov 18 2004, 01:48 PM
Magilla, if your arm is as big as you say, play Mision Trails...There is not and will not be a course that will test distance, with obstacles like MISSION TRAILS :D

Been there already............looking for something new.

The Napa City Course(BG) is every bit the equal to Mission Trails...AND Reese had NOTHING to do with it :p

ANYTHING on a FULL length Ball Golf Course is a Challenge ;)

Nov 18 2004, 02:00 PM
kind of, but nothing USDGC crazy.

when I played it, all greens and sand traps were O.B.

The greens really didn't come into play except for one or two holes, but the sand traps did. One par 5, it was like 400 to clear a sand trap. So you had to make the decision off the tee to lay up or go for it.

Nov 18 2004, 02:50 PM
that is a no brainer for me - lay up.

Thanks for the input though!

Nov 18 2004, 03:08 PM
that is a no brainer for me - lay up.

Thanks for the input though!

No Brainer for me as well..........GO FOR IT! ;)

Nov 18 2004, 04:09 PM
that is a no brainer for me - lay up.

I think I cleared it by 50 feet or so :D

Nov 19 2004, 12:13 AM
Mike I did have something to do with this course witch is still temp.Both marty and marvin got ahold of me for info whitch I sent to the GM of the course.After looking at the paperwork the GM did not want to pay anything and did not want to tell the city he was doing this,After all marvin was willing to do it for free and bring him players I was not and needed a contract.Fly 18 is used like row vs wade. I am sure that my paperwork with ficinial # helped to make a decision.The GM got something for nothing and no contract in his eyes he got the better deal. :D

Nov 19 2004, 01:57 AM
Mike I did have something to do with this course witch is still temp.Both marty and marvin got ahold of me for info whitch I sent to the GM of the course.After looking at the paperwork the GM did not want to pay anything and did not want to tell the city he was doing this,After all marvin was willing to do it for free and bring him players I was not and needed a contract.Fly 18 is used like row vs wade. I am sure that my paperwork with ficinial # helped to make a decision.The GM got something for nothing and no contract in his eyes he got the better deal. :D

True dat!
I will say that the course there is a bit lacking, BUT Im told they now have NEW BASKETS. Ive made a few Tee suggestions but have been poo,poo'd. It wont be long before the grounds keeper starts to complain about the Rips in the Womens Tees :eek:

With New tees off to the sides as with MOST Fly18 courses this could be even better. But for now its better than nothing, IF you want to drive a cart....and drink a beer....etc... :o

Id still rather play Stafford Lake :D

Nov 19 2004, 12:37 PM
Mike will you be down for team challenge?My new course should be in it will be fun like E I.Close to mission.I may have 2 if my LA course goes in also.I will be down at team challenge to SPAM....... :DLet me know about Mission if you guys want to play we have 2 for one play cards $25 for 2 with cart weekdays call me and I will set it up.Some players have learned not to play mission first before the event.He so big :oI will not be opening the SD course this weekend next weekend is more likely.There is a chance it could be open for Thanksgiving to work off the meal.I might need some chaselounges for people to take a nap on.Heres a new tournement Triptofen challenge who can stay awake after thanksgiving day meal with a turkey leg on every other hole and some barleymist to boot.How about that spelling Chow for now....

Nov 19 2004, 01:42 PM
I still haven't played Mission.....can you hook me up with a $25 card for the Megster and I? We can probably get down there during the Christmas break.

If the new course is open on the weekend of the team tourney, then that's a good reason to go down and check out the TT....cause I can go play nearby. :)

Nov 19 2004, 03:03 PM
I can't believe that you have not played Mission Trails yet...Awesome course :D

Nov 19 2004, 05:42 PM
I haven't had a Monday available in forever. That coupled with the time that Reese send me a pretty much all-F-Word email about putting Mission Trails on the SoCal site. :) No "would you please" and then an escalation. It was "straight to the F-bombs".

I did kind of avoid it on purpose for quite a while.

But now that I'm willing, I just haven't had a good opportunity come through.

Nov 19 2004, 06:38 PM
:eek: I now have a Fly 18 window sticker :eek:
Love those golf carts ! ! ! ! :D

Cool !!!!!! A new Disc Golf course in San Diego !!! :eek: :D

Nov 20 2004, 12:06 PM
Rhett I dont have potty mouth. :oYes after almost 2 years in the ground I was not mentoined in any so cal litature maps.But there was courses in there that were so obsilite obsticlel courses with no baskets an so on.Kinda like the PDGA not even reckonizing like that spellin my tee pads.After years of sponsership at worlds no mention under recourses for fly pads .Concrete asphalt or natural.OK I have drifted.Yes I will pick up some passes this week when working on the new course.Grasshopper you may move to the next level. :DTeam challenge would sure be nice for mission trails :D

Nov 20 2004, 01:27 PM
obsilite obsticlel

Reese could do better having his kids spell check his posts for him! :D

Nov 20 2004, 08:38 PM
I give others hope..Just think, if this guy can land a golf course and cant even spell check so can I ....Einstein did not even rember his Phone number.I have lawers when I need them thats why they get the big bucks.They have spell check.Jeff I can laugh at my words, they have hidden messages that will be cracked like the pyramids.What I do spells a good time. ;)I do hope to have a course in the northeast next year or sooner....

Nov 20 2004, 09:53 PM
I do hope to have a course in the northeast next year or sooner....

WOO-HOO!!! :cool::) :D :D

Nov 21 2004, 10:30 AM
Team challenge would sure be nice for mission trails :D

No it time or money.. :p

Nov 21 2004, 12:37 PM
I dont understand.time and money.You all are playing for nothing but braggin rights.You dont have to shut down the course for 1 round each day.I know it is hard to think outside the park. ;)

Nov 21 2004, 02:31 PM
I dont understand.time and money.You all are playing for nothing but braggin rights.You dont have to shut down the course for 1 round each day.I know it is hard to think outside the park. ;)

Reese for as long as youve been around, it suprises me that you obviously KNOW NOTHING about how this event works.

We in all total have to play 84 holes in round robin play. 60 alone, in the first day. Then with a 19 hole Final. 2 teams play 103 Holes in 2 days. :eek:

You show me how that could possibly be done at Mission Trails without shutting down the course OR running out of time :p

Yes we do play MOSTLY for pride and Bragging Rights, BUT 1st does now get ALMOST double our entry back and 2nd gets entry back. SOO there is a "Little" more incentive :D

Nov 22 2004, 08:34 PM
:mad::p ;) :D

Nov 22 2004, 10:04 PM
Are you working towards installing any Fly 18's in Las Vegas? There's so many to choose from here, and some would really be cool to play disc golf on. Thx

Nov 23 2004, 11:49 AM
I did some work and was turned down.There are plenty more options I am always looking for some help Thanks Reese F18..Lets make it happen :cool:

Nov 23 2004, 04:31 PM
Reese, any news on that course in San Diego that was going to open up last week???

Nov 24 2004, 12:12 AM
The week of the team challenge will be the opening. yes there was a delay thier lawer was in mexico for a week.The thanksgiving day week was bad timming also.Patience is a virtue :D

Nov 24 2004, 12:17 AM
But definitely before Christmas, right? /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Nov 24 2004, 10:30 AM
Hey All !!!!!!!!!!

Have a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving ! ! ! ! !

I'm very fortunate to still be here to celebrate life and giving thanks to all my Disc Golf people's :D

Hope this finds y'all Happy , Healthy and Ready to have some
Fun !!!!!!!
Play a Fly 18 course near you.
It's the best fun you can have on a Ball Golf Course !!!!!

Nov 25 2004, 01:45 PM
Yes Before Christmas.Even santas helpers will like this one.Knomes are welcome ,you know the short lawn people.The staff is awsome like E I you will feel welcome. ;)

Nov 25 2004, 02:53 PM
Sweet :cool:

Nov 29 2004, 04:24 PM
Will the new course be open Saturday? That's only five days away. Morley is a long long drive for me, so being the greedy "me first" kind of guy that I am, I need to be able to play some disc golf before I drive down there to check out the Team Tourney. (Watching Magilla school some Ams is only worth so much. :) )

Let me know.

Nov 30 2004, 11:53 AM
99.9% I went snowboarding yesterday took some diggers it hurts at 43.if there are any changes I will let all know.Chow

Nov 30 2004, 02:40 PM
When can we find out where? :)

And are you doing any kind of opening day media thing like at Emerald? The cameras like Megan, so I can get on TV if I stay by her. :D

Dec 01 2004, 02:24 AM
AS i SAID I would get back.Today I did find out it wont happen this weekend i am said to say. It is still going ahead but some more legal issues.It is still going ahead no names now to protect the innocent.It was going to be a great time to open with snappers course being closed for the weekend and me them there with a big sign to direct them to SD newest course.It was being rushed for that but like great wine it takes time .I have lots of courses near contract some in the north east. :( ;)

Dec 01 2004, 02:27 AM
There is always the trails the big boy with am tees my offer still stands Rhett you and mini and family. :)

Dec 01 2004, 03:06 PM
AS i SAID I would get back.Today I did find out it wont happen this weekend i am said to say. It is still going ahead but some more legal issues.It is still going ahead no names now to protect the innocent.It was going to be a great time to open with snappers course being closed for the weekend and me them there with a big sign to direct them to SD newest course.It was being rushed for that but like great wine it takes time .I have lots of courses near contract some in the north east. :( ;)

/msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif BOOOO!

I guess Ill be playing EI then...

Mission Trails is "poo, poo" for the Arm before having to play 103 holes in 2 days :D

Dec 01 2004, 03:42 PM
Just a suggestion here: when you get to the point where you are ready to open, try and announce it at least two weeks in advance and try and do some kind of little opening ceremony thing. That way disc golfers have a chance to plan to attend the event, and a big turnout for "opening day" can only be a good thing.

Dec 01 2004, 05:51 PM
AS i SAID I would get back.Today I did find out it wont happen this weekend i am said to say. It is still going ahead but some more legal issues.It is still going ahead no names now to protect the innocent.It was going to be a great time to open with snappers course being closed for the weekend and me them there with a big sign to direct them to SD newest course.It was being rushed for that but like great wine it takes time .I have lots of courses near contract some in the north east. :( ;)

/msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif BOOOO!

I guess Ill be playing EI then...

Mission Trails is "poo, poo" for the Arm before having to play 103 holes in 2 days :D

Wow, Magilla, you actually understood the context of what he wrote? I guess you're a lot better at deciphering "Reesespeak" than the rest of us.

Dec 02 2004, 01:53 AM
Maggila I have 2 of your discs from David L Baker lakes.I will bring them down to SD this weekend .What day are you planning to play EI witch is a must........ :cool:Rhett I never know when that day is I am so excited to get a course I dont wait around.4 of the courses did have a grand opening with huppla......I do agree though....Jeff its a west coast thing...... :cool:

Dec 03 2004, 02:35 AM
REESE...Why don't you know exact dates of your new partnership? Especially if you are dealing with business contracts...COFFEE IS FOR CLOSERS!!! :o

Dec 03 2004, 11:17 AM
Things change.This course went from a percentage of greens fees to a buy out.There are always multiple layers of management and people that are aginst the whole concept.I lived in New York city I know how to close.This course will be open in under 30 days from a cold call to playable course.I closed 8 last year.My coffee is getting cold. ;)

Dec 03 2004, 12:21 PM
Things change.This course went from a percentage of greens fees to a buy out.There are always multiple layers of management and people that are aginst the whole concept.I lived in New York city I know how to close.This course will be open in under 30 days from a cold call to playable course.I closed 8 last year.My coffee is getting cold. ;)

There isn't multiple layers of management to deal with if you are talking to the "DM"...If you are a closer then you would know this :o

Dec 04 2004, 11:19 AM
Dont you need some dou nuts :DI know you have lots of time on your hands and I wont tell you how to write a parking ticket.PS I do have more baskets on golf courses than anyone in the world and growing.There is no book telling me how to do it but I am writing it.Timming is everything. ;)

Dec 04 2004, 11:44 AM
Dont you need some dou nuts :DI know you have lots of time on your hands and I wont tell you how to write a parking ticket.PS I do have more baskets on golf courses than anyone in the world and growing.There is no book telling me how to do it but I am writing it.Timming is everything. ;)

I'm eating a doughnut right now, I'm also writing you a parking ticket for being handicapped and parking in a regular spot. Your book will take forever to write if your timing isn't right...or is ot timming? :D

Dec 06 2004, 11:57 AM
Timming is everything. ;)

Tho propir speling dose hilp, to!

Dec 06 2004, 12:02 PM
Butt ist not nessasary. :D

Dec 06 2004, 01:53 PM
Wuwt th' flock?


Jan 08 2005, 03:03 PM there a new Fly18 course opening in San Diego soon (or has it opened), and if so, where?

(...he asked, realizing that getting a straight answer is not very likely)

Jan 09 2005, 10:10 PM
No some 50 year old dger offered 9 baskets for the course for free with the help of innova.No pads no cards no carts. :confused:

Jan 10 2005, 01:34 AM
So it is not a fly 18 course, but there is a course, right? Where?

Jan 10 2005, 01:42 AM
Yeah, where? That would be the first public course down there...not counting Mission Bay's temp, 'natch.

Jan 10 2005, 01:56 AM
You seem mad...Where is it Reese?

Jan 10 2005, 02:40 AM
What the heck is going on now?

Jan 10 2005, 02:41 AM
That would be the first public course down there...

What th eheck are you talking about, slo? Morley is a public course. Emerald is a public course. ??? :confused:

Jan 10 2005, 03:05 AM
Those are business, but I don't know what plans this "50 year old" has, so that was hasty. I hope it's a course which will encourage new blood to the GAME; the serious ones will join the sport.

...another earmark...hope there's some news on this.

Jan 10 2005, 03:08 AM
Dont forget mission trails over 3 years old.I will let the new owners do there work in promoting it.It is hard to reason with a kamaksi pilot.. This is not the firist it wont be the last.I do have another smaller course in SD a full 18 with carts and close to the same size as Emerald Isles opening soon ;).

Jan 10 2005, 03:11 AM
Those are business,

Did you perchance mean "free course" instead of "public course"? And it won't be the first, as Morley was free way way back in the day. Pay-to-play in the case of Morley Field also means "exclusive use". What that means is no picnic-ers under the baskets like you get at "free" courses. :eek: Worth every penny.

Public does not equal Free.

But I there really a new course in San Diego County?

Jan 10 2005, 03:12 AM
So...where's that other; where will YOUR next one be? Details, please. :confused:

Jan 10 2005, 03:13 AM
I didn't know if Mission was a public course or not, but it has to be, eh? :)

Better keep the security on high until you get the contracts signed, Reese. Even if I rarely see eye to eye with you about stuff, this sure sounds like a bull [*****] move.

Jan 10 2005, 03:15 AM
So...where's that other; where will YOUR next one be? Details, please. :confused:

Am I picking on slo too much lately? :D

slo, I suggest you read that post by Reese where he says someone came in and gave away baskets to a course he was working on. If Reese is smart, he won't tell ANYONE where the next course is going until he actually signs the deal.

Jan 10 2005, 03:23 AM
Lately? :D:D

H.B. was free once, too, but yes, let's not 'digress' there a pay/ pay/FREE thread? I'll contribute my viewpoint there, and actually, I'm not against pay-per, per se. Usually.

But Reese, you could tell us where the 'foiled' attempt is, now that it's 'too late'? :cool:

Jan 10 2005, 04:04 AM
I don't mind digressing (and it seems to be common around here...). I am more than willing to pay to play if it affords the best option. My original home course was pay-to-play (Rockledge, FL), and I didn't mind paying, since the next nearest basket course was 500+ miles away. I don't mind paying at Morley or Emerald, since the alternative is a long drive (no pun intended) to O.C., or aiming at trees in a local park.

I think we would see far more recreational players in the San Diego area if we had some free-to-play courses, for while the baskets do sometimes attract picnickers (BBQing chickens in the chains?), they also attract new players.

Anyway - any info on where the new courses are/will be?

Jan 10 2005, 12:58 PM
I did never mention the name of the course and wont.It was a city course that I was about to open when a 3rd party got involved that was trying to get some baskets in a park area and the city told him that they were going to do somthing on thier golf course.He went over and told them my design wont work and they only needed 9 baskets and no tee pads.He had a hard time so he brought in Innova Tim S was the one who went down to secure the deal thanks tim...I will say no more now you all know ,yes I am ******. :mad:I have had many bumps in the road this wont be the last.

Jan 10 2005, 01:52 PM
Ugh. :(

Even though I frequently think you're an idiot, keep up the good work, Reese. :D

Jan 10 2005, 05:27 PM
Thanks for the "info", Reese. It sounds like getting any early info from you on courses before you have contract and check in hand is not a possibility, and I can respect that.

BTW, I do enjoy Emerald, and hope to play Mission Trails some time in the future. I think your product is a neat one. I heard about the course in Titusville, and wanted to play that one some day (I grew up there). Is it still in place?

I'll look other places for information on new courses.

Jan 11 2005, 08:36 PM
titusville is no longer, but sarasota has one instead now!

Jan 12 2005, 12:10 AM
sun valley golf course in La, Mesa is the course that got pirated from resse

Jan 12 2005, 12:13 AM
Hell yeah! I know where that course is

Jan 12 2005, 12:30 AM
Wow, I thought Mission Trails was close to my sister's house, but this one is so near I can get them both in the same mapquest frame, at the highest magnification!'s right: here. (

I misunderstood; I thought the city nixed the Bolf idea for a evidently it will be p/p/p. thing, though...I find the image of Mr. Disc Golf, Mr. Innova as a Pirate disturbing...surely there's another side of the story?!? :confused: :confused: :confused:

Jan 12 2005, 05:53 AM
Great - another choice in SD! I wish it was 760, but that's OK. If I remember correctly, you should be able to see the lay from the freeway.

Jan 12 2005, 01:38 PM
sun valley golf course in La, Mesa is the course that got pirated from resse

It just ain't right.

Who was the co-pirate?

I also suggest someone start a new thread under the Courses folder to talk about prices/times/details of this course. Even though lots of us here get tired of Reese, it still ain't right to pollute the Fly18 thread with talk of a stolen course.

Jan 12 2005, 08:11 PM thing, though...I find the image of Mr. Disc Golf, Mr. Innova as a Pirate disturbing...surely there's another side of the story?!? :confused: :confused: :confused:

I don't know that a patch would go with my ensemble, although I am sure it would go with my eye.
In an effort to keep the record straight, something that some people either choose not to do or they do not know the facts, I was asked by both the course manager and Christian Wille (the person who made the deal) to come down and give my feedback on incorporating a disc golf course onto their nine hole par three golf course. It is my understanding and belief that Christian was turned on to the potential for a course at the Sun Valley Golf Course by someone from the city of La Mesa, so if anyone is to be accused of blindsiding Reese it should be the person within the city who turned Christian on to the course. My conversations with Barry (the course manager) and Christian involved whether or not I felt the course was suitable for a disc golf course. I told them it is. The course owner started asking me questions about course design and he specifically asked me about nine hole layouts verus eighteen hole layouts. I told him eighteen holes was feasible by utilizing some additional baskets and some alternate tee locations. It is my feeling that he will expand the potential layout once he sees some success with the concept. I expect a similar reaction toward installing rubber mats for tees. Once the course manager sees that the concept is viable and that the two activities can coexist he will look to put more into the disc golf side of things. My sense was that he is still not convinced that the disc golf concept will succeed on his course so he wants to take a more conservative approach. As a side note to this whole discussion, had Reese called me and asked me to come down and talk to the course manager and give my two cents on the course design, I would have been down there just I was when Christian and Barry asked me to come down. Some people utilize the resources available to them. Some people don't feel those resources are as valuable. I am sure the fact that Reese is pushing Dr. Fred's baskets and Gateway discs had nothing to do with his lack of contact with me and his growing relationship with Discwing will not influence his decision to utilize one of the biggest disc golf advocates on the west coast. If I have left details out about the process for convincing the folks at Sun Valley to put in a disc golf course or if anyone has questions for me about this situation, please feel free to contact me. My door, my phone and my email are always open to anyone who wishes to discuss disc golf.


P.S. Thank you SLO for portraying me in a more favorable light than I deserve

Jan 13 2005, 05:38 AM
Thanx, Tim for giving us your perspective on how this came down. It's interesting to see how the business side of the game is played out, since what most of us are usually interested in is playing the game itself.

I wonder if there is a discussion board out there where Nicklaus, Pete Dye , Rees Jones, et. al., trade shots across the bow (sorry, couldn't help the pirate metaphor) regarding ball golf courses that they competed to develop.

Jan 15 2005, 04:02 PM
For the record the the gm barry did his homework by visiting my courses and talking with the owners to get real #s.When he saw the real deal with over 350 rounds per month he thought how can I do this cheaper enter Chris W.He said he was an innova distributor but on his card he spelled inova wrong.Tell sign.As far as Tim I have done a lot of things for disc golf with Tim we started SOCAL to better the game.As i mentioned Tim was asked down by chris he was doing his job.I did not need the help of innova to secure the deal.I do sell innova discs at my courses.Without the facts about dg on a golf course there would not be a course there.Innova and chris have got a course through my hard work.I will move on I have other courses to build.

Jan 17 2005, 03:07 AM

My son and I enjoy playing Emerald, and I think the Fly18 idea is a great concept. Do you have certain criteria that you look for before pitching a sale, or do you try any course you see? What's the best indicator of whether a ball course will add DG - low rounds per month?

If you would rather reply via PM, I would understand - don't want to give up the competitve secrets.

I have a few ideas for North SD County courses for you, if interested. I have no interest in pursuing what you do - not enough hours in my days as is...

Jan 18 2005, 12:54 PM
I have a no compete with EI but if you call I will go into details.Thanks Reese Fly18 714-235-0100

Jan 26 2005, 12:46 PM
Chicago will be the next fly course!!!!Open in march mid month.This will be my first northeast course it will be worthy of a roadtrip... ;)We will be planing a grand opening.Next week I will disclose the name of the course and location.I hope to have another course in the north west this year and am working on TEXAS again.I am always looking for people that want a fly style course in thier town I am only 1.Looking forward to a great year.Chow ;)

Jan 26 2005, 01:36 PM
Chicago will be the next fly course!!!!Open in march mid month.This will be my first northeast course it will be worthy of a roadtrip... ;)We will be planing a grand opening.Next week I will disclose the name of the course and location.

Reese, congrats on the new course and all, but if you think Chicago, IL is located in the "northeast" you might want to check a map! :D

Jan 26 2005, 02:09 PM
I think it only relative. Chicago is northeast of southern California. But the rest of us all know that Chicago is in the midwest.

Adding to the confusion, I attended Northwestern University which is just north of Chicago. It was named that because at the time (1850's) it was the northwest corner of the developed country.

I'm gonna stop here because this seems to be going south.

Jan 26 2005, 03:23 PM
I think he means Chicago, Maine.

Jan 26 2005, 04:24 PM
Yall must be operating under some misguided yankeecentric naming convention. While I understand that Chicago is typically considered to be in the Mid West, look at a map!
I would have to say Chicago is in the northern portion of the far eastern section of the central USA. While not quite as easy to say it's far more accurate than Mid West.

(disclaimer: The previous statements are not an endorsement of flyboy's abuse of the english language nor of his various attitudes and/or opinions.)

Jan 26 2005, 04:27 PM
:DI try hard.

Jan 26 2005, 06:53 PM
...and am working on TEXAS again

Let me save you some time, Reese... Texas doesn't need "working on" :eek: We're quite alright without your attention... but thanks, anyway! :D

Feb 08 2005, 08:48 PM
I think it only relative. Chicago is northeast of southern California. But the rest of us all know that Chicago is in the midwest.

Adding to the confusion, I attended Northwestern University which is just north of Chicago. It was named that because at the time (1850's) it was the northwest corner of the developed country.

I'm gonna stop here because this seems to be going south.

There isn't much that isn't Northeast of Southern California unless you go to the islands, texas or florida. So the Northeast is pretty friggon huge.

Feb 28 2005, 05:04 PM
Better late than never my first course in Chicago is a GO.This course is inside the city limits and will be great it is a midlength ex course.I hope to have it open in march weather permitting.Never worked an ice augar.I will look forward to meeting all the locals and playing the new course.More details to on ;)

Feb 28 2005, 06:12 PM is a midlength ex course.

Is that what Emerald Isle is?

Feb 28 2005, 06:48 PM
Better late than never my first course in Chicago is a GO.This course is inside the city limits and will be great it is a midlength ex course.I hope to have it open in march weather permitting.Never worked an ice augar.I will look forward to meeting all the locals and playing the new course.More details to on ;)

Congrats guy...But I don't understand what you need an ice auger for...Are you going to place a basket out on a frozen pond? Ummm...that's not a good idea. Those pond thingys thaw out in the spring - I mean, this is Chi-town not the artic circle.


Okay...I'll stop being a smart-aleck now...I'm just excited to hear all the details about the course because my folks live in a Chicago suburb and I visit there often. Maybe I could make a stop out there because I am really interested to see how the Fly 18 stuff works in person. Keep us posted purdy please!


Feb 28 2005, 07:53 PM
I'm excited to have a long course around here that I can play! Woo-Hoo!!
I'm looking forward to it.

Feb 28 2005, 09:33 PM is a midlength ex course.

Is that what Emerald Isle is?

What is the ball golf par at Emerald?

Feb 28 2005, 09:36 PM
What is the ball golf par at Emerald?


I ask because I think Emerald is of very good disc golf length. Birdies are there, but they aren't short and there is OB if you aren't accurate. Upshotting actually comes into play.

If this is what Reese calls "mid length" executive, then Chi-town sounds promising. :)

Feb 28 2005, 09:36 PM is a midlength ex course.

Is that what Emerald Isle is?

This new Chicago course sounds like another cheesy Fly9 course like they had in Houston. No multi-shot par four or par five holes, just all lame par threes.

If you're going to install a Fly18 course, it's gotta be the real deal. A par 72 course that follows the same layout as the ball golf course. Don't bother installing anything else, chances are it's NOT going to be something people will want to pay to play again and again.

Feb 28 2005, 11:13 PM
Rhett EI is an ex course mid is 60 to 66.Jeff why dont you shut your pie hole :mad:.This course will par out at 65 or 66. Will talk more later.

Feb 28 2005, 11:30 PM
Rhett EI is an ex course mid is 60 to 66.

Sounds pretty cool. More true two-shot holes.

Mar 01 2005, 12:28 AM
Better late than never my first course in Chicago is a GO.This course is inside the city limits and will be great it is a midlength ex course.I hope to have it open in march weather permitting.Never worked an ice augar.I will look forward to meeting all the locals and playing the new course.More details to on ;)

What course is it on? Looking forward to playing it. Do you have any idea on the cost of green fees & cart?

Mar 01 2005, 01:43 AM
Better late than never my first course in Chicago is a GO.This course is inside the city limits and will be great it is a midlength ex course.I hope to have it open in march weather permitting.Never worked an ice augar.I will look forward to meeting all the locals and playing the new course.More details to on ;)

What course is it on? Looking forward to playing it. Do you have any idea on the cost of green fees & cart?

Reese told me not to post anything yet, but then I see that he as already posted! He just wants to scoop me. ;)

It is a mid-60 par ball golf course. Just about half-way between 56 and 72. Having been the only one to actually walk the course looking at it for disc golf, I think it will work out very well for disc golf. It's Reese's money (I'm just his lackey) so I'll let him to decide when to let everyone know what course and exactly where it is. It is conveniently located to most everyone in the Chicago area.

Brett, you'll know soon enough...Reese and I elected you to the design committee today!

Mar 01 2005, 09:55 AM
Jeff why dont you shut your pie hole[QUOTE]


Mar 01 2005, 09:59 AM
I hope that this goes well with the Fly 18 course. I like what Reese is doing, I just hope that it's not a crash and burn like other Fly 18 courses. :p

Mar 01 2005, 11:36 AM
Now I'm curious to see where "conveniently located to most everyone in the Chicago area" is. That sounds like a contradiction in terms. :D

Mar 01 2005, 12:49 PM
Now I'm curious to see where "conveniently located to most everyone in the Chicago area" is. That sounds like a contradiction in terms. :D

I can tell you that this is the 5th course that I have looked at for Reese and it is the easiest to get to. It is close to two major expressways--only about 5 minutes once you get off the expressway.

Convenient to me doesn't mean that it is a 15 minute drive for me it just means that it is easy to get to. Also, because it is in Chicago it is central to the surrounding suburbs.

Mar 01 2005, 01:14 PM
Sounds like this will be a nice counter to all those old 9-hole short courses in Glencoe and points north that I used to play while in Grad. school. Another reason to get back to Chicagoland and visit.

Mar 01 2005, 02:14 PM
Sounds like this will be a nice counter to all those old 9-hole short courses in Glencoe and points north that I used to play while in Grad. school. Another reason to get back to Chicagoland and visit.

Yes, it will. Everything, it seems is a compromise, but this concept isn't going to work on every course. To start Reese and I were limited to those courses that were interested. Is it THE best piece of land in the Chicago area? No. But it is a course that WANTS disc golf and wants to try disc golf. And it will be such a better alternative to all the 9 hole courses in the area when you want to go out and play a longer 18 hole course with all the amenities.

Mar 01 2005, 03:10 PM


Now if some more of these snobby arsed Texas Course owners would get the clue.....

Mar 01 2005, 03:39 PM
Contracts are signed :D :DThe name of the course is Edgebrook golf course it will be a par 66 with 12 par 4s.All holes will have pro and am tees.The course will be around 11,200 ft in the pro layout.This course has lots of hills and mature trees with lots of water :eek:This course is in the forest and very walkable but carts will also be avb.Only 12 miles north on the 94 from down town..... ;)I have worked very hard with the help of Jon Brakel to make this happen ,now the real work will begin.I have an option to put it in this month weather permitting ,the course is not seculed to open till mid late march for golf.The work has been over 6 months in the coldest of times thanks again to Jon for not giving up.This is no pitch ,and putt there may be a smaller set up for winter play next year ,like a par 56.If I open it before golf starts we may only be able to play it on the weekends because of staffing.Jon will be in charge of the events for the grand opening any volenteers?that would like to help build the course contact jon or myself.This course will be worthy of a roadtrip :DI am looking forward to all that have not played a fly style course to enjoy the experience.This is no park, it will show your weakness and strengths.Pricing for walking and carts are still being decided on they will be good.Thanks for now when should we put it in?FLY IN CHI TOWN :o

Mar 01 2005, 03:41 PM
Cong, it is hard for me to read what he types, maybe the Texas owners just caint understand them folk, from up yonder

Mar 01 2005, 04:18 PM


Now if some more of these snobby arsed Texas Course owners would get the clue.....

Considering Reese's lack of interpersonal skills, I wouldn't blame snobby Texas course owners...

Mar 01 2005, 04:26 PM
Yeah, I have never played his courses so I won't say anything about his product, but he sure dont' play well with others. :D:D

Mar 01 2005, 05:05 PM
Yeah, I have never played his courses so I won't say anything about his product, but he sure dont' play well with others. :D:D

I find Reese to be easy to get along with in person/phone. His communication style does not lend itself easily to the written word, but generally he means well. He is also opinionated about his product and is stubborn as well. Since I already like his product, it makes it much easier to work with him. :D

Mar 01 2005, 05:12 PM
Now that Reese has cleared it for the announcement of the course, I can be more clear. It is right off 90/94 on the far western edge of Chicago. So it is easy for anyone in the city or the suburbs to get to. I can't wait...this is going to be a very fun course!

Mar 06 2005, 10:29 AM
I'm quite excited about this new course development. I live in Portage Park, in NW Chicago, and have played this ball golf course. It is 20 blocks from my front door (about 5 minutes away). Anything I can do to help, feel free to contact me.


Mar 06 2005, 08:28 PM
I'm quite excited about this new course development. I live in Portage Park, in NW Chicago, and have played this ball golf course. It is 20 blocks from my front door (about 5 minutes away). Anything I can do to help, feel free to contact me.


Thanks Spike, I appreciate the offer. We will probably need help with installation. I'll let you know when.

Mar 09 2005, 11:06 AM
Disc golf on a ball golf course following the same course routing as promoted by Reese Swinea.

I would amend the definition as such: Disc golf on a ball golf course following the same course routing, as promoted by Reese Swinea, whose keen concept and tireless efforts are spoiled by a lack of English grammar/writing skills and a profound tendency to bash the PDGA, the status quo, and ruffle the feathers of virtually everyone he interacts with! :D

I am offended by this post by Jeff Lagrassa. I talked to Reese on the phone for 45 minutes two times, and he never ruffled any of my feathers. He sounded like the nicest guy, all he wanted to do was promote the sport by bringing it to a higher level.

I think it might be a good policy for disc golfers to refrain from using "Mean Girl" social behaviors in trying to ostracize other disc golfers from the group.

Mar 09 2005, 01:32 PM
Gratsi ;) After looking at the weather in chi town, I think april is mo betta. :)

Mar 09 2005, 08:41 PM
Hey Frisbee, why don't you go check out the last couple of pages of the "New Course in Wilmington, North Carolina Inland Greens" thread in the "Courses" section, and see how nice of a guy Reese sounds in there.... and how he's just trying to "bring it to a higher level" /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

He sounds like the same ol' jerk, to me.

Mar 09 2005, 09:20 PM
Congrats on Chi-Town! There's a whole lot of young folks up there with not many places to play.

I'm finally getting the chance to play over at Wellington this coming weekend. Have heard great reviews and can't wait!


Mar 09 2005, 10:07 PM
Bam Bam I saw his post on Wilmington. What a jerk. Everybody knows you can't make condoms from bituthane ( (coaltar rubber compound). Can you imagine hooking your hydraulics with roofing bituthane on your downspout? Wow. What a jerk.

Mar 10 2005, 02:24 AM
Reese's best post ever. :o ;) :D

Mar 10 2005, 07:14 AM
I know why people hate reese.

1. if he takes disc golf to stick golf courses, there won't be the usual places to hide and smoke plants.

2. disc golf won't be free anymore, it will be like 10 or 15 bucks, which means they will have to get jobs

3. he's ugly and has funny teeth and talks like a chimp

Mar 10 2005, 10:52 AM
I talked to Reese on the phone for 45 minutes two times, and he never ruffled any of my feathers. He sounded like the nicest guy, all he wanted to do was promote the sport by bringing it to a higher level.

I think it might be a good policy for disc golfers to refrain from using "Mean Girl" social behaviors in trying to ostracize other disc golfers from the group.

Well of course you and Reese think alike. The rest of the sane world doesn't need me to point out what Reese is like, he does that well enough on his own.

Mar 10 2005, 12:41 PM
Jeff it is not spring yet ,go back under your rock.I will get to meet your pie hole self, that has cabin fever ,at worlds this year.I cant wait :( I am bringin my bad grammar and puncitation...Spellcheck that :oHave a nice winter :cool:

Mar 10 2005, 01:44 PM
Jeff it is not spring yet ,go back under your rock.I will get to meet your pie hole self, that has cabin fever ,at worlds this year.I cant wait :( I am bringin my bad grammar and puncitation...Spellcheck that :oHave a nice winter :cool:

Charming, indeed /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Mar 10 2005, 02:15 PM
I probably don't talk as well as I write, so what's the dealio? :(

Mar 10 2005, 02:56 PM
I will get to meet your pie hole self, that has cabin fever ,at worlds this year.I cant wait :(

That wasn't a thinly veiled threat, was it, Reese? I sincerely hope not, for your sake.

Now that there is an alternative, the Disc Concepts Launch Pad, who would want to work with you? Why don't you find a new vision purpose.

Mar 10 2005, 03:09 PM
I think the propylactic business was pure genius! :D

Mar 10 2005, 04:01 PM
Wow, play nice boys!

Reese, you have a PM. If I can be of any help with the installation of the new course in Chicago, please do not hesitate to contact me via PM or e-mail.

Jeff, your sharp wit is always good for a chuckle! And thanks for your descriptions of the east coast courses, particularly those in Pennsylvania. Your Web site has been most helpful in previewing the course that will be used for 2005 Worlds.

Mar 10 2005, 04:37 PM
And thanks for your descriptions of the east coast courses, particularly those in Pennsylvania. Your Web site has been most helpful in previewing the course that will be used for 2005 Worlds.

Thanks, John!

Mar 10 2005, 11:24 PM
Fly 18, to answer the original question, is a way for slow or off-season ball golf courses to make extra revenue. It is in no way a threat to regular disc golf. It's a way to expose the sport to a new demographic. Preppies and yuppies from the country clubs will see people tossing and get excited.

It's a way to spread the disc golf disease to the rest of the human race at large, instead of keeping it quarantined to the small demographic of stuck-in-the-60's deadheads on acid and hacky sack players in blonde dreadlocks.

Mar 11 2005, 01:09 AM
Jeff it is not spring yet ,go back under your rock.I will get to meet your pie hole self, that has cabin fever ,at worlds this year.I cant wait :( I am bringin my bad grammar and puncitation...Spellcheck that :oHave a nice winter :cool:

The Lung got "punked"tured by Reese :D

Reese keep up the good work, I like playing your courses.

Mar 11 2005, 10:20 AM
It's a way to spread the disc golf disease to the rest of the human race at large, instead of keeping it quarantined to the small demographic of stuck-in-the-60's deadheads on acid and hacky sack players in blonde dreadlocks.

I knew there was a sinister plan behind all this :D

Mar 11 2005, 01:25 PM
The dates for chicago are april 2 saturday.I will be flying there on the 28th to start design.The course will be awsome for all levels of play.The course will have dual tees on every hole.The course will also have a winter set up much smaller in distance .We will have scorecards, golf carts, beer, and food.The par will be 66 for all.Pricing with a cart weekday $15 weekends with cart $18 .I will have the walking rates today along with twilight.It looks like there is going to be a doubles event on sunday the 3rd.The Edgebrook golf course will be the only course inside the city limits of Chicago.126 baskets on golf courses and 256 places to tee from.This is more than a concept.Next month my 5 min short story on fly 18 will air on fine living cable network.This is a Wall St. Journal show .My book comes out in April of next year FLY 18.While some of our own people throw stones at Fly 18.Like water we will all seek our own level. ;)

Mar 11 2005, 01:32 PM
While some of our own people throw stones at Fly 18.Like water we will all seek our own level. ;)

Yeah and last I checked water flows downhill. :D:cool:

Mar 11 2005, 04:24 PM
Looking forward to the book and movie. When is the CD coming out? What about the video game? Waiting also for the line of clothing and the reality TV series.

Mar 18 2005, 05:05 AM
Reese, a big, belated thanks for coming to Eldo, dragging pad with you...I much appreciate that! It was just my bad I wasn't organized enough to make any good of the're top shelf in my book! :cool:

Mar 18 2005, 12:06 PM
Slo for your hard work, if you have never played one of my courses, I will treat you to a free round with cart at either of my socal courses.The choice is yours par 56 or par 71. ;)

Mar 18 2005, 05:23 PM
I didn't play, but I drove the cart for a friend @ Mission Trails [the event where Ken and Juliana attended], and had a your other course the one in Fountain Valley? That's quite close...I seem to recall you got Oceanside "in," but that it isn't technically "yours".

Mar 19 2005, 06:28 AM
I didn't play, but I drove the cart for a friend @ Mission Trails [the event where Ken and Juliana attended], and had a your other course the one in Fountain Valley? That's quite close...I seem to recall you got Oceanside "in," but that it isn't technically "yours".

If Reese wants to comp you a round here w/Cart, It's fine with me.

Besides I was planning on it anyway when You finally make it down here. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Mar 19 2005, 04:48 PM
May the road rise to meet ye, and the wind always be at yer back! ;)

Mar 19 2005, 07:39 PM
It's a way to spread the disc golf disease to the rest of the human race at large, instead of keeping it quarantined to the small demographic of stuck-in-the-60's deadheads on acid and hacky sack players in blonde dreadlocks.

I knew there was a sinister plan behind all this :D

Yeah and it's spreading to the married, middle class, sedan owning, parent of two, short hair me.



Mar 21 2005, 02:06 AM
I have some questions about flypads. Have they been used in a freezing climate? Can they handle ice, mud, & extreme conditions?

Mar 21 2005, 11:56 AM
No dis to the fly pads, but for the money and overall longetivity, you should invest on concrete for our arctic climates in WI. I have had experience with both, and would opt for thr concrete. Just IMO.

Mar 21 2005, 12:59 PM
Over half of the courses that have my pads are in the snow.Concrete is made of water and will freeze into a block of ice.Rubber will not and will not crack either.I have seen events where my pads were spiked on the ice.I have 3 ski resorts that have my pads.I have plenty coustomers that you can call in the north east.I am packing for CHICAGO fly in chi.

Mar 23 2005, 03:37 PM
Concrete is made of water and will freeze into a block of ice.

Reese, would you please at least TRY to learn something about what you're talking about before making such outrageous statements?

Concrete is virtually devoid of water content, and is the result of a chemical reaction that takes place when you mix cement and gravel with water, then let it cure. During the curing process, the water content is evaporated out over a period of several days - the warmer the weather, the faster the evaporation rate.

Once you have concrete, you have no appreciable amount of water left to freeze into anything

Mar 23 2005, 03:56 PM
I I I I I, and ME ME ME ME ME oh yeah I I I I and don't forget about ME ME ME ME ME.

Mar 23 2005, 04:09 PM
Over half of the courses that have my pads are in the snow.Concrete is made of water and will freeze into a block of ice.Rubber will not and will not crack either.I have seen events where my pads were spiked on the ice.I have 3 ski resorts that have my pads.I have plenty coustomers that you can call in the north east.I am packing for CHICAGO fly in chi.

So then it would be safe to assume that a "FlyPad" on Snow, that freezes, would then also be a "Block of Ice"
Since the pads are Permiable then the water in the pad would then freeze leaving a "Block of Ice" right... :p

:confused: concrete is Water, huh....another educated statement by the "future of our sport"

Mar 23 2005, 04:46 PM
Iceberg Goldberg :D

Mar 24 2005, 08:28 AM
Over half of the courses that have my pads are in the snow.Concrete is made of water and will freeze into a block of ice.Rubber will not and will not crack either.I have seen events where my pads were spiked on the ice.I have 3 ski resorts that have my pads.I have plenty coustomers that you can call in the north east.I am packing for CHICAGO fly in chi.

Hands down one of the most ignorant statements I have ever heard. Sorry Reese but that was bad. Not only have I lived most of my life in the great white north but I am also an (this probably won’t mean much to most) ACI Level 2 concrete technician. In other words, I hope you were joking when you said that about concrete otherwise I know a lot more about concrete than you and apparently that doesn’t take much.

Concrete gets used in freezing climates all the time. I know because I have tested thousands of cubic yards for bridges, curb, sidewalk, foundations, etc... The reason you can do this is because people figured out a long time ago that if you entrain it with an air admixture (meaning you put microscopic bubbles in it) the freezing temperatures normally encountered outside will have little or no effect on the concrete’s strength or it’s finish. I was even the field engineer for a bridge that was almost 95% concrete a few years ago and the last I checked it weathered the last several winters rather easily. Also, if the concrete is cracking then it wasn't installed correctly, the wrong mix was used or it's really really old.

I could go on but I sense I’ve already put a few people to sleep, so I will stop. Reese, please oh please tell me you were joking.


Mar 24 2005, 09:52 AM
The sad part is, he was serious. :confused: :p

Mar 24 2005, 11:47 AM
I'm STILL waiting for 'abstract' tee pads...

Mar 24 2005, 01:20 PM
Thanks for the in-depth response, Dave. I will feel safer the next time I drive across a concrete bridge now that I know it won't crack because it is frozen. Reese's post had me worried! ;)

Mar 24 2005, 02:18 PM
The sky is falling chicken little run as fast as you can.Rubber great to throw from ,and works in the bedroom also :D.Ok so I am not a moleculal concrete expert. :o