Jun 23 2005, 02:32 PM
I'm planning on bringing my bag and discs on a plane tomorrow evening. Anyone have any problems with security? Just curious as I don't want to them confused with weapons of mass destruction.

Jun 23 2005, 02:50 PM
1. Leave your bag unzipped when it goes through the x-ray machine.

2. Give them a "what is disc golf?" brochure, if they ask any questions.

I travel so much with my disc golf bag, that TSA at our small regional airport ask me, "Where are your frisbees?" if I show up without them.

Jun 23 2005, 03:12 PM
Exactly. The X-ray machines can not see through the stack of plastic in your bag. You just tell them , your flying out to a Frisbee / Disc Golf tournament. They are usually impressed.

No metal devices of any kind , attached or in the bag. Helps speed things along. :D

Lyle O Ross
Jun 23 2005, 03:15 PM
I've flown with discs about a dozen times now and only had one guy kind of [I'm a potty-mouth!] his head to the side when he looked at them. Most just ignore the discs.

Lyle O Ross
Jun 23 2005, 03:16 PM
Wow! insert turn for [I'm a potty mouth]

Jun 23 2005, 03:42 PM
It looks like you normally carry your discs on the plane with you. Does this seem to be the best way to "fly with them"?

Have you ever "checked" them with your luggage? Does that cause any problems?

Jun 23 2005, 05:05 PM
I have flown with my plastic several times. When I carried them on, the baggage screeners have looked them over. They even used the 'sniffer' thing that tests for explosive residue around the seams of my bag. I have packed them in my baggage and had no problems at all.

Jun 23 2005, 07:32 PM
Just tell them that they're autographed plates from the Last Supper. J/K. Make sure to put a cell phone or PDA in the dump pocket next to your discs. Makes it look like a keg of plastique explosive with a timer on the X-ray machine. I get questioned EVERY time. If you don't want to carry them on, it's your funeral. I'd hate to travel to play and have my discs get lost.

Jun 23 2005, 08:05 PM
I'd hate to travel to play and have my discs get lost.

exactly....it is one of my carry-on with the other being my clothes bag....NEVER pack your discs in your luggage if you wish to make sure you have them when you arrive.....
i've been flying with them since 1996 to about 100 plus tournaments and always carried them on!

Jun 23 2005, 08:10 PM
My last trip I had a laser rangefinder, cell phone, digital camera and MP3 player in my golf bag and some CDs inserted in the undersides of some Rocs in the bag. Never was inspected. Just cruised thru the machine. I had a single Classic Roc in the side pocket of my carryon luggage. They opened that and rummaged thru it to find that single disc.

Pizza God
Jun 24 2005, 11:34 PM
The cool thing about using your golf bag as a carryon is that you can put books, tickets, and other stuff in the pockets.

I don't fly very much, but I always bring my discs as carry ons. On time I flew to KY and only took 3 discs. (putter, CE Valk and Roc. lost the Roc by the 9th hole and purchased one for $6 out of someones bag in my second round)

Jun 27 2005, 08:46 PM
I had only one screener freak out, almost yelling "What's in your bag!?" I flew from Corpus to Houston, to Phoenix, I figured Houston airport would be use to seeing golf discs, not that day.

Just keep the bag unzipped and explain to them before you put it thru that it contains discs. I would recommend taking your bag as carry on.

It would suck to fly out of state, and have the airlines lose your discs along with your clothes. Clothes can be replaced, but your special disc is YOUR SPECIAL disc. :D

Jun 27 2005, 10:25 PM
I unzip and flip open mine before sending it through x-ray. Sometimes the security guy/gal will give me the ole "you don't have to open that" spiel while he's trying to hurry me up. (Like 3 seconds to unzip the bag would make a difference at that point.) Then I will loudly proclaim, so that the x-ray tech can hear, "They're gonna want to look inside. It's full of frisbees and they look weird with the xray."