Dec 20 2006, 02:08 PM
I thought since the new ratings just came out and my rating didn't move, this would be a good time to address what reference material is provided for TDs regarding reporting. I played a couple of tournies over the past couple of months, yet none of them have been PROPERLY reported, thus not factoring in to my rating. I've heard other's complain of this issue and it got me to wondering what information is provided by the PDGA to perspective (and seasoned) TDs.

Also, what are the most common errors on TD reports that will cause the PDGA not to accept them (Chuck Kennedy, please humor us!)

And can a TD who constantly doesn't report or reports incorrectly be repremanded by the PDGA (ie not be able to run sanctioned events)? Or do the players take this into their own hands by not showing up to future events?

I know running tournies is difficult and time consuming...and a lot of times it's very difficult to make money. I'm not complaining...I'm trying to be proactive so this issue will become less prevelant in the future.

Dec 20 2006, 02:20 PM
From an S.C. point of view.

The information provided to TDs is outlined in the sanctioning agreement (last page)

Not later than 21 days prior to the event, the PDGA will email and/or mail an event package to the TD including reporting forms, paytables, rulesbooks, and other resources to assist in event management and promotion. A set of on-line scoring instructions will be emailed prior to the event, and a tailored list of current members and player ratings will be
emailed to the TD 2-3 days prior to the event.

You can look over the electronic td report in the 2006 tour information docs to see what is required from the TD. I have found the most time consuming portions to be accounting for the financials and entering information concerning non-members, new members, and renewals.

The PDGA is finally starting to crack down on TDs and clubs that fail to meet the obligations they agree to when signing a sanctioning request. The most common punishment so far is a suspension of the TD from the PDGA. A more drastic punishment is removal the TDs official status and a delay in allowing the TD to retest. Since you must be an official to be a TD, it prevents the TD from sanctioning another event, but still alows them to play in A-Tiers and Majors.