Jan 05 2007, 09:17 PM
No, not Ben Gordon, Bowling Green. Has Clark said he would go to this? I know he has to worry about that job thing, but Blowing Green seems more important to me.

Jan 08 2007, 05:34 PM
i think if we all carpool, chip in for hotels, and help each other out - it is more than likely clark will be interested in tearing up some D..

so let's get this discussion out in the open. Who/What/How?

i assume the dows be caravaning as usual and staying at the holiday inn.

last year - we had frog, ron, kent in one car

Machine in an SUV

Jason thomas in a car

Steve Vose in a truck

surely we can do better carpooling this year?

I'm joining Machine this time around.

Jan 08 2007, 05:55 PM
Actually I rode down with Jason, but we still had one car too many. I think this year we (Dows) are staying at the Hilton Garden across from the Holiday Inn. It's cheaper than the Holiday Inn and just as nice, if not better.

I doubt Murphy goes.

Feb 15 2007, 05:04 PM
ride check.

Machine, K, Brean in Machine's auto

Dow caravan

who else?

Feb 15 2007, 08:18 PM
Can we have a little discussion about BG. I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings, and no disrespect to BG. But except for all the players and the itching to play in the spring, I have lost my interest in BG. I would rather take off a friday and go play at the tough course River City Challenge in the Quad Cities. Especially if Ziggy gives me about five disc to throw that will probably go into the lake forever.

Feb 19 2007, 11:20 AM
i need the points if i ever get a chance to plan on going to am-worlds.

1,--- pts, 1 tourney. check.

QC tourney is mother's day wknd. :(

Feb 19 2007, 09:55 PM
I think in the past five years not one player has been turned away from the Am Worlds. However, next year 2008 could be the year someone doesn't get to go because(I think) it will be combined Pro and Am Worlds. I'll take my chances and go to a couple other tournies that I hope to have more fun at.

Feb 20 2007, 02:23 AM
Bowling Green is one of the most fun tournaments you can go to. The payout isn't the greatest, but that isn't what fun is about.

Feb 20 2007, 01:47 PM
BG is 500 ppl, 8 courses.

QC be capped, hmm?

Closest experience to a worlds is offered by BG.

Feb 20 2007, 10:52 PM
I know you guys like BG and all the players but it isn't fun to me anymore. Maybe if I went again I would change my mind. I really don't like any of the courses except HB I'm kind of getting into that stage of wanting to try some new tournies. I would really like to go the International Disc Golf Center Grand Opening Tourney. I could tell my grandkids about it in 15 yrs and they could be thinking, Sooo?

Feb 21 2007, 11:53 AM
Keriakes is the bomb, yo.

IDGC, be sure to stop by Lake Olmstead.

Feb 21 2007, 11:39 PM
Keriokis, has a handful of good holes. I would say I like Morton course better than Keriokis. Sometimes the orchard holes get a little boring.

Feb 23 2007, 01:35 PM
Mr! i like to play the player..not the course..

there's 500+ players ready to be played!! as opposed to 100.

Feb 26 2007, 09:23 PM
OK, Ziggy you almost didn't talk me into going. One time on a trip to Nashville, a fellow traveler wanted me to play a great game but I changed my mind. I think I must change my tag to I like to play the 3 players in my group on some really good new courses that are 2hrs away. You need to go to Highbridge instead of BG.

Feb 27 2007, 11:00 AM
i will be going highbridge.

last wknd may - in lieu of a bachelor's party.

Mar 01 2007, 10:46 PM
Ziggy, if you play the five courses at Highbridge you will then again only be 10 courses behind me. See if you can get some ideas at Highbridge for different Safari holes in Springfield.

Mar 12 2007, 01:03 PM
Ziggy, if you play the five courses at Highbridge you will then again only be 10 courses behind me. See if you can get some ideas at Highbridge for different Safari holes in Springfield.

Yes - i was hoping to make #7 to #8 become 1 hole.. especially when the baseball field is in play as OB

screaming hyzer shot over the baseball Outfield Fence to the basket nestled in the 3 trees or a safe three anhyzer around the leftfield.. (when baseball games in effect, must anhyzer)

bowling green has 600+ registered. there is rumbling that bledsoe might close pre-reg earlier than normal..

Mar 12 2007, 02:55 PM
Where do you want extra holes to be put in if you are combining some?

Mar 12 2007, 06:49 PM
glad you asked..

There is plenty of land to go around the tennis courts

There is options of splitting some holes with uphill and downhill shots instead of wasting space going across the two hills..

For instance - what would you think about starting #12 at the bottom of the valley.. uphill - towards #5 long pin - incredible 300+ uphill shot

Mar 13 2007, 08:41 PM
Good hole, there are too many of the same shot at Douglas.

I completely trust any hole you put in Ziggy, I am sure you have played more courses than anyone in the area.

Mar 14 2007, 12:07 PM
I would also love the option of raising some baskets.. would make a good picture hole as well as the challenge of parking it or upshotting.