Aug 29 2007, 11:53 PM
Say I played in a tournament 2 weeks ago, but the official results are not in yet and has not been used in the latest rating calculations. Will the ratings that are used to calculate SSA be those that were official when the tournament took place or the new ratings (those that are official when the calculations are performed)?
Aug 29 2007, 11:58 PM
We use the ratings that were official before an event to calculate the SSA for each round.
Aug 30 2007, 01:38 AM
Another 2 Questions. I read somewhere that propagators that throw 60 points below their rating are thrown out. Is this the same for those that throw 60 points above the rating? Finally, are higher SSA rounds given more weight (thereby weighting each throw equally) or is every round equal or I guess it would also be possible to weight by the number of holes in the round.
Aug 30 2007, 08:32 AM
Propagators with round ratings more than about 70 pts (can't remember what Roger has set right now) are thrown out in terms of calculating the SSA. SSA has nothing to do with weighting but shots are naturally worth fewer rating points the higher the SSA.