Jan 29 2008, 05:59 PM
Hey everyone,

I was curious if anyone has some advice regarding starting a course design business. I have a relative who is interested in getting something started. He is a landscape architect, but has no disc golf experience. I am a discgolfer, but have no architecture experience... Where would we start??

Jan 29 2008, 06:09 PM
Consider joining the Disc Golf Course Designers (DGCD) group which is a group of 100 designers many who are the most experienced in the country. Contact me at my email in the profile for info. Contact Kevin McCoy who is a member of the DGCD in OK. Contact the local clubs in your area to participate in any current design projects. Read the material on course design on this PDGA site: ( Recognize that course design income is relatively minimal compared to the efforts usually involved to get courses installed in most places, especially in comparison to what landscape architects typically get paid for their conventional projects.

Jan 31 2008, 07:00 PM
Thanks Chuck!!