Mar 24 2008, 09:56 PM
ok i played in the Ga super six tournament in feb at the crucible i played rec and we played from the short tees (no ssa that i know of from them) everyone else had a round rating but the rec players (men and women) i was wondering if there would ever be a rating for those rounds.
i know there are other ways than going off of what a pro would shot on the course but could someone explain becuase i dont really under stand the so many players over 799 way
Mar 24 2008, 10:18 PM
Calculating a rating for a round is based on using the scores of at least 5 players whose rating is based on at least 8 rounds and is over 799. They are called propagators, props, or gators. It's not uncommon for a Rec division alone to not have enough props to calculate ratings. TDs hopefully look at the numbers and make sure that more than just the Rec division plays a certain layout so there's a better chance of having at least 5 props.
In the case of GA Super 6, if just three of the four Rec players with ratings are props (and you played the short tees both rounds), you will get ratings when they are done officially because the scores from both rounds would be combined and you would have 6 props with the three of them counted twice.
Mar 24 2008, 11:19 PM
ok that makes some since will start working on the math and see if i can figure out my ratings for the rounds im bord and love math so