Jun 28 2008, 07:43 PM
Anyone visited the Netherlands ( Holland- NL ) this year 2008? We're playing every Monday Mornings in Utrecht's AmaliaPark from 10:30-12:00 and no lunch! ( so come early for breakfast and help bring the tee signs, extra portables, scorepointe �, etc.)

There's talk of an update on the Park Oudgein course at
the 'new version' of the NL winter tour.

There's a team from NL going to the EC in Germany, can't tell your players without a program:) /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

last weekend in June


Jul 01 2008, 01:54 PM
Mike, I am coming in August, not sure of the exact dates yet. I am willing to play in the Euro Open under an assumed name only if I can wear those funny pants and lederhosen!

I'll let you know asap when my travel dates are confirmed.

Jul 09 2008, 05:32 PM
I'm booked the 16th to the 1st of Sept. I'm not aware of the entry requrements lately... I still think its a country team's event, let me know more if you hear more.

Otherwise I play every Monday Morning here in Utrecht until the 12th of Aug.... unless I hear of some travel !

I hear of a tourney in Rotterdam area one of the two last Sundays ( or both?)... if you join this forum here in NL, every few days there's some news... if you can't figure out how to join, let me know.

I'd recommend the Danish Open in Aarhus from # 3276 [email protected] .. he write's : The 2008 edition of the Danish Disc Golf Championships is held in Aarhus three hours drive north of Hamburg. The event takes place the weekend prior to the European Championships in S�hnstetten.

Are you playing in the World's ?

more later


p.s. shows the map in Utrecht the hostel ( for people coming thru and there's a bed & breakfast in De Meern, not far away

s.a. I'd like to play this course: ( Michael S. is probably somewhere on this site

Jul 09 2008, 05:38 PM
Re: flying disc(s) in the Netherlands in 2008

I'm booked the 16th to the 1st of Sept. I'm not aware of the entry requrements lately... I still think its a country team's event, let me know more if you hear more.

Otherwise I play every Monday Morning here in Utrecht until the 12th of Aug.... unless I hear of some travel !

I hear of a tourney in Rotterdam area one of the two last Sundays ( or both?)... if you join this forum here in NL, every few days there's some news... if you can't figure out how to join, let me know.

I'd recommend the Danish Open in Aarhus from # 3276 [email protected] .. he write's : The 2008 edition of the Danish Disc Golf Championships is held in Aarhus three hours drive north of Hamburg. The event takes place the weekend prior to the European Championships in S�hnstetten.

Are you playing in the World's ?

more later


p.s. shows the map in Utrecht the hostel ( for people coming thru and there's a bed & breakfast in De Meern, not far away

s.a. I'd like to play this course: ( Michael S. is probably somewhere on this site

Jul 14 2008, 11:12 AM
My travel schedule has changed to the first week in September. How about Paris 6-7 Sept?? I remember you did this before about 3 years ago. I can definitely write this into my plans!

Jul 14 2008, 11:14 AM
My travel schedule has changed to the first week in September. How about Paris 6-7 Sept?? I remember you did this before about 3 years ago. I can definitely write this into my plans!

Jul 16 2008, 05:28 AM
Hi Michael
still wondering a disc with two part be put together with a texas stamp :) and still on my short stack...

paris is an awesome notion, I'm looking into the schedule with the dutch federation that is most of the time on the 1st Saturday of the month.

the other part is seeing if I can play physically, if not perhaps as a 'kaddy' but then the contract will need to be negotiated:)

I played with Robert E. #6400 6 holes in the AmaliaPark in Utrecht in the morning and played 9 and kaddied another 9 in Rotterdam,next to the Neptunus Family Baseball Stadium in the Roel Langerak Park. We finished in the Putting Garden with some 'Ronkonkkoma' Putting with a 3-3 of 'konks' and the 'koma' the next time we can play.

I'll be back on this


Jul 27 2008, 07:29 AM
I�ll likely be in the Netherlands in a week or two (currently in Switzerland, heading to Germany) and would love to get out and play some Euro-Golf. My fiancee has been playing catch with me, but I�m all too eager to hear some chains.

Jul 31 2008, 08:43 AM
Hi Michael, I'm up for the Paris Open, although I'm still not 100%. How about we play the doubles together and then negotiate the 'kaddy contract' for Saturday and/or Sunday. I'd love to kaddy for you, for sure! Shall we meet there , or we went a rentalcar w/ Hertz in Utrecht ( Edwin is experience there) Train is busy and need to reserve early)

to save time (?)

MrAedis coming from Switzerland I see a 27 july post, I'm writing on the 31st and I am around until the 15th of Aug and be back the 1st of Sept ( late evening)

Michael Stiller and Hartmut in L�nen ( near Dusseldorf) is supposed to be fun,
coming here on Monday in Utrecht 4 aug, 10:30 Amaliapark, bus #28 from Utrecht CS ( 8 minutes) Korianderstraat busstop and 7 minutes to the Double Disc Courts ( next to the basketball courts inside the fence of the Leidsche RIjn College campus)
Park Oudgein in Niewegein, is a bike ride for 45 min. from here in Utrecht
and the course in IJsselstein along the way.
I've carved out a day tour with bicycles and food along the way with or without a kaddy, send [email protected] for more info or call 030 688 1711


Mike #3129

Aug 06 2008, 05:51 PM
Mike, I am okay with train or renting a car. I leave it to your good judgement. :D

Aug 06 2008, 05:55 PM
Also, I have located another of your favorite discs...165g Roc w/ Texas State Championship stamp...I will pack it for you

Oct 01 2008, 12:13 AM
the French Open is history and the recent website with 1018 pictures , there's still plenty of history to write !

Tilburg tourney in the rain last month and results (

Rotterdam last Sudnay with an ace-race with Ruud Barharth going home with a new golf bag filling with a lot of new discs... 36 tee's with a lot of good practice.

This Saturday, will be in Nieuwegein might mean some real low scores ! :)

Is there a place dg'ers are DISCussing Barack Obama's pdga # ? I understand Ohio is the place to be for discgolf in October! Mike , no doubt , will be there and competitions and 'cometitions' plenty.

til the next time
mike oa #3129

Oct 13 2008, 11:36 AM
I'm lookin to see if I can put this picture as part of a message

Nov 01 2008, 05:03 AM
two months and 2009 comes, today, the Dutch Mountains are being played , next month in Nieuwegein on the 6th of December, next Monday Afternoon Tee-Time at 15:00-16:30... I like to think I can play as senior grandmaster the 33rd Arizona States and then the so Calif Championships in La Mirada :) ... I'm working out an agenda got any suggestions, tips, etc.


Jan 13 2009, 07:51 AM
update 13 januari 2008, Utrecht

we have a 1.7 version of the Flying Disc(s) event schedule for 2009, in short

we play on the 2nd and 4th Monday Afternoon's until April where we will play on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday afternoon's in the Prinses AmaliaPark in Utrecht ( bus #28)

we have a volunteer program developing on the 2nd and 4th Friday's at 15:00 in another part of the park, between the high school(s) and the 'athletiekbaan' [the lighted track and field] even this website is in Dutch, it shows a map of the park. We also play goaltimate close on the far west side of the park with a small hill.



Jan 13 2009, 07:51 AM

Jan 13 2009, 07:54 AM
I'm building up for the senior grandmaster's event in 2010 and only played one round in Rotterdam 2009 recently. I understood even one plays part of a tournament, there is some recognition of participated, with perhaps a reason?

Jan 13 2009, 08:02 AM look for 'sport and recreation' and click it and its good chance the map of the Prinses Amaliapark will appear

Jul 29 2009, 03:09 AM
how to end this thread and begin again for the 2nd half of 2009 and not have to read last years news

Aug 20 2009, 04:43 AM
once again I'd like to end this thread, its now August in 2009. perhaps you can change the order so people don;t have to look all the old news.

Monday 17 aug Jim 'Hud' Hudsen #10538 and Bas Sondag # 31387 and I #3129 played the Nieuwegein course and on the road to play the Jabline course in Paris

Tuesday evening 'disctivity' .. doubles dg for the 3rd Tuesday in Aug yearly with Abdul Karim ( novice) and I (#3129) the reigning champs:)

Tilburg 5 sept opening the winter tour, get there early from Utrecht to Den Bosch, change triains to Tilburg and rent a bike

6 sept Sunday we're working on a 3 prong disctivity with a doubles round(s), then a light lunch at 'the buurvrouw' and at 14:00 a 'cultural walk', the last of a series in the "Leidsche Rijn"

travel to Paris French Open 2009

20 sept 2009 every two months in IJsselstein 14:00 op 'Het Podium' w pictures in March with Bas, Jip #28622, and Alan Vaughn from Arizona