Jul 07 2008, 11:20 PM
I am a new PDGA member - I have played in 2 tournaments before (well before joining PDGA). I would like to enter some tourneys and am not sure what div. to sign up for. I am 46 and this is my 3rd year playing. I would appreciate any help.
Jul 07 2008, 11:26 PM
If there's an Advanced Master division in your area, I would suggest that for starters. That's amateur men at least 39 years old. Second option would be either Recreational division if offered or Intermediate if neither the Rec nor Novice divisions are offered. Good luck.
Jul 08 2008, 12:47 AM
Is it a local tournament as well?? I know when some local players here ask what division they should play in a local tournament I ask them what their average score is on the course(s). But not knowing that information, and going by the info. given I would have to go with what Chuck said, and choose Adv. Masters or Recreational.
Jul 08 2008, 01:01 AM
I was going to figure an unofficial rating from your previous tournaments, but I cannot find the scores on-line.
There is a lpatform tennis facility down the road from me. If you're that guy, and not merely a namesake, I hope you enjoy being out in the woods instead of in a cage! :D
Jul 09 2008, 07:16 PM
I was going to figure an unofficial rating from your previous tournaments, but I cannot find the scores on-line.
There is a lpatform tennis facility down the road from me. If you're that guy, and not merely a namesake, I hope you enjoy being out in the woods instead of in a cage! :D
I only joined the PDGA a couple of months ago, and the 2 tourneys I played were well before that. They were both at FDR Sate Park in Yorktown, NY. Both were dubs also, though I played Cali in one with no partner. Now more importantly - the platform tennis reference. I checked my profile and wanted to make sure I hadn't put that down as another sport I play. I did not see anywhere where I did. However, I am an avid, long time paddle player. Been playing around 16 years or so. Anyway, clue me in.
Thanks everyone for the advice on where to enter.