Jan 07 2010, 04:24 PM
Not sure who this question should be posed to, so I figured I would just start a new thread.
I always thought that you received points for playing in sanctioned doubles events. I know I have in the events I played in the past. Last year I played in the US Doubles Championships. I was kind of counting on those points to receive an invite to Am Worlds. For some reason in the last ratings update there weren't any points applied for that tournament. I know the rounds are rated and that's fine, but what about the points? Any help is appreciated.
I always thought that you received points for playing in sanctioned doubles events. I know I have in the events I played in the past. Last year I played in the US Doubles Championships. I was kind of counting on those points to receive an invite to Am Worlds. For some reason in the last ratings update there weren't any points applied for that tournament. I know the rounds are rated and that's fine, but what about the points? Any help is appreciated.