Boom Boom
Jan 20 2011, 05:30 AM
I don't seem to be able to say too much on the Discgolfer Magazine thread .... not allowed ... just wondering if there are others out there that may think the DG magazine should be produced for online viewing in a pdf. format instead of producing and shipping at a $30 value for the year? The Brits are doing it now for their annual British DG magazine. It's easy to read, you can make a copy if you'd like, there are no production costs to speak of and no postage fees to pay. Money that is allocated for it's hard copy production could be deducted and could allow lower fees for Players Disc Golf Association memberships.

Jan 20 2011, 08:53 AM
Actually, we distribute paper copy of InFlight Magazine to BDGA members and clubs here in the UK, and subsequently publish the pdf version to a wider audience, which is why you'd see that version.