Oct 22 2013, 05:25 AM
So after 26 weeks of league, I guess I play better at tournaments...lol
Our league is small, some of the top players aren't current so their not propagators. Most players in our rec division score between 800-850 on most nites. Our courses are tough...so it's not easy by any means.
I'm PDGA 54129, man...down another 7.
How do you do is you're a 800-875 player on your league.
Oct 22 2013, 08:38 AM
If you have a bunch of rapidly improving players without a number of established players, the round ratings for leagues are going to be depressed.
Oct 22 2013, 07:23 PM
Round ratings for the same score in several cases are lower in leagues than in tournaments on the same layout because the course plays easier with less pressure. On average it means the propagators are just playing better in leagues due to less pressure. You don't get worse ratings in leagues because everyone shoots a little better and produce the same relative ratings to each other. In other words, if everyone averages 2 shots better, then the same rating would be applied to a score that's 2 shots better in league. The only players whose rating may be hurt playing leagues are touring pros and pros not from the area that play a league because they don't get the benefit of local knowledge like locals who can torch the course in league. Also the best local player may not be able to average two shots better because it's harder to do so when you're already shooting real well on that course.
Oct 23 2013, 05:09 AM
It will be interesting to compare our league nights to our upcoming tourney for the same setup. Only a few advanced players torch out courses at league.
Most all of us rec & novice players have seen our ratings lowered thru our league. We're not complaining but most of us are down 15-20 pts.
Oct 23 2013, 09:25 AM
Overall, league players cannot lose points. Some players can lose them but other players must be gaining points. The total points awarded to the same group of players playing league is always the same as the total points awarded if that same group plays the same layout in a tournament. A group of players cannot lose points in any event.