Dec 10 2003, 09:49 AM
After giving this some thought, I sent in my bid for this program. I felt a little funny about writing a DG resume though...I've only had my Official's card for a couple of years and compared to the likes of some of you other cats out there, I'm still a babe in learning mode. :eek:
Has anyone else sent in their application for this yet?
What do you think about it? I'm thinking that it sounds like it could be a good thing in terms of helping a TD out by not putting them in the position of making difficult calls, especially when they might involve local players or potentially even sponsors of the tourney. And Heaven forbid if a TD actually needs to penalize a touring player for some reason... :o
I think it is going to cause problems if the TD does not agree with a call the Marshall is making. Hopefully this will be addressed before the Marshall's start showing up.
my question for the nez, is if the marshall is marshalling at a tourney, does that mean hes not playing in the tourney, or can he?
or does that cause a conflict of interest?
nez doesnt mention those kind of guidelines in the original posting....
Dec 10 2003, 11:15 AM
yeah...I was kinda wondering about the "pecking order" of whose call supercedes whose...but given that most TDs would hate to have to DQ somebody, my guess is that the paid Official's call will be one. In that regard, it would be like most other professionally refereed sports. The umpires in baseball, the bevy of officials in a football game, or even the Marshals in stick golf.
When you pay someone to do the job, then you have to let them do the job. I've also got to imagine that the PDGA will put together some kind of review team to review the calls and performance of the marshals.
I can almost hear all the jokes about being a Texas Marshal now! :D [John Wayne voice on] "Marshal? This course just ain't big enough for the two of us." [Duke off] :D
Dec 10 2003, 11:16 AM
Larry, after reading Nez' post, the duties of the marshalls are much different than I anticipated. I was thinking "marshalls" in the sense of "cops on the course." While that is one of their duties, they will also:
promote the PDGA through on-site marketing and merchandising;
assist the event Host with PDGA membership and on-line scoring needs; and
provide short stories and photos for immediate use on the PDGA website(s).
In short, they appear to be an extension of the PDGA provided to the TD.
All in all, It sounds like a good idea. However, I tend to disagree that their duty of helping TDs make difficult calls is important. IMO, this is their least important duty since all TDs already have this ability.
Dec 10 2003, 11:22 AM
James - you are very right about that! The photography and creative writing aspects I thought were very interesting. I also thought that the handling of PDGA sign-ups and renewals would be a great thing since most of the TDs would probably rather not have to fuss with that!
I just think that "officiating" the tournament would be one of the most controversial aspects of the program that everyone might have strong feelings about - one way or the other.
I'd like the idea of seeing the PDGA banner flying at more events too! It's all good PR for organization IMO.
Dec 10 2003, 11:56 AM
I think it is implied that if you are helping run the event, you are not playing in it. This is an NT event, not a local C-tier. How can you be expected to input the live scoring if you are playing? How can you provide results, photos and stories to those of us patiently waiting by our computers if you are playing? What if the host club needs you to act as a course director?
I can only hope the PDGA merchandising would be limited to memberships and items with the PDGA logo, and not include disc golf equipment. I believe selling anything other than PDGA logo items could put the PDGA in direct competition with the host club. I know The Minnesota Majestic counts on disc sales at the event to help the purse, and wouldn't want the PDGA to take potential customers, unless they give a percentage of sales to the event.
I think the Operations Marshal is the ultimate PDGA representative at the NT events. They will be expected to do far more than settling rules disputes. I believe 90% of all rules problems can be averted by providing all players with maps that clearly outline the OB and specifics for the course.
Do you view the Operations Marshal as a top PDGA Certified Official or more as a PDGA marketing postion?
Dec 10 2003, 12:09 PM
both, plus junior reporter and photog
I don't want to taint the discussions, but I am watching very closely for input and insights.
Re a couple questions posted that are worth answering:
The Marshal will have the final say in event rulings, IF AND ONLY IF the TD superceeds his rights to this prior. We are highly recommending they do, and are giving the events a chance to review the choice of Marshals assigned.
The Marshals will only be selling PDGA customized merchandise, which might include embroidered gear, NT or PDGA stamped discs, etc. It was viewed as a way to help let the Marshals make a little extra to help offset the fees the PDGA can afford. We are also trying not to compete with the event merch sales, so it will be limited in scope.
The Marshal can not play
The Marshal is there to help take the slack from the TD relating to memberships, uploading scores, gathering stories for the web, representing the PDGA, and of course rules issues.
I look forward to continued insight here.
Nezzzzz.....sounds like a great program. Not for me, but a very noble effort, I dont forsee a problem finding people to step up for.
I look forward to future endeavors.....
Dec 11 2003, 11:30 PM
please make me a marshall!!! i am a sober golfer and have some rules i would DEFINITELY enforce!!!! and i already know that people don't like me cuz i bring the truth<with proof> and am unable to sugar-coat it.. but i have the mentality to help as well to enforce!!
JB, remember you cnat play and marshall at the same time....
Dec 12 2003, 11:26 AM
yes i know...
Dec 12 2003, 12:02 PM
I have no real opinion on the issue Mr. Bart alludes to, but I hope that the marshalls will be charged with consistency. I don't think it serves the PDGA well if the marshalls are out to enforce their own agenda (unless or course, their agenda is also the PDGA's agenda).
I would hate to see a program where one marshall is known to focus on substance violations, one is known to focus on foot faults, and others known for other things. If they are to be "rules enforcers," the PDGA should identify what rules they should focus on so consistency is maintained.
Dec 12 2003, 01:14 PM
The rule book is about 35 quarter-size pages. We should be able to focus on all the rules.
What do you think the fallout will be when marshalls start calling foot faults on touring players at NT events?
Dec 12 2003, 01:27 PM
Rhett, I have no problem with any rule being called or enforced. My basic concern is that in order to gain stature and respect from the players, all marshalls should be focusing on the PDGA's concerns (whatever they are), not their own pet issues. Otherwise, the credibility of the program will be diminished IMO.
With the example of foot faults, I do have concerns about equity, if they are only following the lead group.
Dec 12 2003, 01:40 PM
Fallout would probably be an increase in the number of courtesy violations issued to hot heads who can't handle being called on foot faults :)
Dec 12 2003, 02:36 PM
I don't have any question that Marshalling should be done. It should be. The question that concerns me is "Who?". I know that DG resumes' have been asked for. Is this just a formality to make the membership think selection based on expertise is taking place? Have the Marshalls already been selected based on the buddy system?
I personally have no interest in wanting to be a Marshall. I do question whether the PDGA Constitution allows the BOD to hire them. If so, how is the criteria set? How much is this costing the members? Is this just another play by the BOD to get some buddies paid?
I don't have the answers and I doubt I'll ever get the true answers.
Regardless, Marshalling is a good thing if the Marshalls are accountable for their actions and whoever oversees the program is also accountable.
Let's just hope this program is set up right in the beginning and does not turn become another costly oops by the BOD!
Dec 12 2003, 03:33 PM
I do question whether the PDGA Constitution allows the BOD to hire them. Why anyone would expect that our Constitution would not allow the PDGA Board to hire and fire staff is beyond my ken. Here's a direct link to the Constitution, ( Read and interpret at will. :D
If so, how is the criteria set? I think that the criteria which will be used are pretty obvious from Nez' postings. As to how they were set, that would be by Nez and Guru, as they have to make the decisions about hiring, but I am sure they are in accord with what we want the marshals to accomplish.
How much is this costing the members? The current budget line for marshals in 2004 is a total of about $20k out of the entire budget of about $760k, with options for reducing the costs once the year gets underway if they don't work out or if finances turn bad. (So we're investing a little less than 3% of the 2004 budget on this new program, which is in response to many calls for the kinds of things that the marshals will do.) All money is fungible, of course, but philosophically, at least, I think these funds are intended to be from the increase in event fees from players.
Is this just another play by the BOD to get some buddies paid? If this were a "fair" question, the answer would be "No," but it's not. It's a "When did you stop beating your wife" kind of question, and just plain unfair, if not only because there probably is no one person who is a "buddy" to all of us. I'd also like to know when and what were the previous instances where we manipulated things to get "buddies" paid.
I don't have the answers and I doubt I'll ever get the true answers. There you have the answers, to the best of my knowledge, which to me is a "true" as it gets.
If this were a "fair" question, the answer would be "No," but it's not. It's a "When did you stop beating your wife" kind of question, and just plain unfair,
Only if you choose to read it that way.
I'd also like to know when and what were the previous instances where we manipulated things to get "buddies" paid.
The mandatory "subscription" of all members to a dg magazine whose publisher "just happened" to be a member of the BOD, through a portion of their membership fees might very well have been perceived by some (many) as "manipulating things to get a 'buddy' paid," especially since there was at least one other subscription-based dg magazine on the market at the time. (Honestly, how many members would be subscribing if it weren't included "free" with their membership?)
In and of itself, the decision may have been a reasonable one since DGWN is a tangible benefit to members, and, from what I've been told, Rick recused himself from the discussion and the vote; nevertheless, in the eyes of many, it created the perception of a conflict-of-interest.
Dec 13 2003, 09:07 AM
"Aristophanes," whoever you are, you have a long memory, because DGWN has been a benefit of PDGA membership since before I even knew disc golf existed. And when I *did* and when I joined the PDGA, five years ago, I clearly remember that "getting the magazine" was at least equal in weight to any other reason for my joining. I can clearly recall deciding to join with a DGWN in my hand.
When I said "we," above, it surely meant the current BoD, not the one from, what, ten years ago? Fifteen?
If someone is distrustful of the institution of the BoD, regardless of its membership, and can go back with examples of possible misconduct on its part further in time than most of the current BoD members (and membership in general, for that matter) have been members of the PDGA, then that's a distrust that won't yield in that person's lifetime. :p
Dec 13 2003, 05:00 PM
I have already submitted my disc golf resume to be a Marshall (and I am extremely excited to see a program instituted into disc golf), but I have do have just one question (or assumption to be refuted or confirmed). With the limited number of Marshall positions being offered (6 to 8), I assume that there will be only 1 or 2 Marshalls at selected stops. Therefore, the primary responsibility of the Marshall during the actual rounds is to basically wander throughout the course (or position themselves on a "signature hole") in order to gather pictures and information for stories. While doing this, the Marshall will be able to call competitors for rule infractions as they happen to witness them, or as they are called to particular groups in order to make calls. Is this a correct assumption? Or, is it intended that the Marshalls will stick with the top 2-4 groups in order to collect pictures, stories, and make rulings as seen fit?
It is in my thoughts that in most organizations the BOD would have thought this through, and once they pick the applicants for the job, then they would be trained as to their specifc duties, an amount of time would be spent on training, discussion would occur as to the focus, behavior, assigned tasks, and limits they need to excersise. Finally, it would seem appropriate that this position is not a way to include buddies, or they wouldnt have offered the chance to apply for the job, they would have just implemented the program. I will say that I am new to this forum, and as a member of the PDGA, but I have never seen so much distrust, scepticism, and general negativity towards anybody with even the smallest amount of administrative power...It is truely sad that the BOD, administration, or anyone has to spend so much time defending every little thing, that I am sure that it actually takes time away from getting constructive things done. Not to say that I am not sceptical about things, but at least give them a chance before ya rip em a new one.
Dec 13 2003, 11:15 PM
This is classic! LMFAO!
You gotta admit it's pretty funny stuff being said here:
"Our Board of Directors throwing their hundreds of thousands of dollars around to feed their pork barrel constituants."
Stop! You're killin' me. LOL This isn't Junior throwin' US Tax Payers dollars in his best buddies pockets at $60 million at a chunk!
Classic mess bored. :p
Dec 14 2003, 12:31 AM
Seems as though this is a positive step. One question, 6-8 people are needed for the positions, are the ideal canidates supposed to be strategically placed throughout the country? In the job description it says- Willingness to drive personal vehicle up to 300 miles each way to/from PDGA sanctioned event(s) under mileage reimbursement- Are all the NT and select Super Tour events that close to each other that they only need 6-8 people? Have the select Super Tours been selected yet, if so what are they? It may help to understand where all the locations are.
A few more clarifications:
- Yes only 6-8 or so Marshals are intended, so as to keep consistency and uniformity in their actions. Only 1 (maybe 2) Marshals are intended per event, unless there are more than 2 courses, such as Worlds.
- We intend to conference call with all Marshals chosen, and discuss issues like you bring up here, ie. what to call, how to call, how to wander course(s), etc. A Rules Interpretation Guidelines book is being considered to support their action
- We will have Marshals for all Majors and NT events (see schedule). Our goal is to also have a Marshal for the first 3 Mace Big Show SuperTours, the Cross Country Am and Pro SuperTours, The Gentlemen's Club SuperTour in Vegas, and perhaps the Bowling Green Am SuperTour (pending concurrence of TD and budget constraints of PDGA). These are the events where membership renewals are likely to be sky-high and could really use PDGA help to handle administrative functions.
Dec 14 2003, 11:15 AM
Thank You, Nez
Dec 14 2003, 11:32 AM
A few thoughts:
It would be tough to maintain a consistent level of fairness in making calls with only one Marshall per event. I mean if you were sitting in one place, you would only be monitoring 1/18th of that round for rules compliance.
I'd hope that the marshall would make calls if present when a violation occurred, but for the most part be on hand for players calling themselves. They do not need to see the violation to make a ruling on it (just as the TD doesn't). They should be no more mindful of the rules than the players. (Which in some cases would be a lot more mindful, and in other cases less mindful.)
I do not think that Marshal's should be police-like. Before, between, and after rounds they would just represent the PDGA presense. The key is to show that these folks are serious assets to the events they help run, and that the PDGA is providing a beneficial value-added services.
Dec 14 2003, 12:35 PM
"Aristophanes," whoever you are, you have a long memory, because DGWN has been a benefit of PDGA membership since before I even knew disc golf existed. And when I *did* and when I joined the PDGA, five years ago, I clearly remember that "getting the magazine" was at least equal in weight to any other reason for my joining. I can clearly recall deciding to join with a DGWN in my hand.
When I said "we," above, it surely meant the current BoD, not the one from, what, ten years ago? Fifteen?
If someone is distrustful of the institution of the BoD, regardless of its membership, and can go back with examples of possible misconduct on its part further in time than most of the current BoD members (and membership in general, for that matter) have been members of the PDGA, then that's a distrust that won't yield in that person's lifetime. :p
As long as the current board understands and respects the history of our sport. Change is good, but I dont EVER see the Ams playing for ribbons and not merch. Its been established for too long. If we tried to change that drastically they (the Ams) would just go away.
Terry, you defend Rick so stoutly, BUT "Aris" has a point. It was right about the time that the PDGA was discussing "conflicts of interest" when the deal was made to give ALL members the Magazine.In ALOT of members eyes that was REAL FISHY. Now I love the Mag, and I know it does great things for our sport. Without it we would not have the Media presence, no matter how small it is. But we would have more mags, like Disc Golf Journal and other small publications that basically went away after the PDGA put all its support to Rick, Who was on the board at the time...
I wish the PDGA would pay my way thru life......... ;)
Dec 14 2003, 03:47 PM
That is one way of looking at it. I remember wondering about it myself in similar terms. Better to avoid any chance of impropiety. Regardless of whether it was all on the up and up or in the best interest of our association, it's rather easy to come away with the impression you detailed.
Since then I have been lucky enough to get to know some of the BOD members and based on that find it unlikely that that sort of dishonesty is going on and would therefore be a little more cautious about pointing fingers, but you are right, it's a tough thing not to conclude with the info that is available.
I try to be a little more cautious about painting such broad pictures of corruption though. (And I'm trying to learn the same as concerns the folks who appear to be mudslinging or make slighting remarks, a lot of work to do in that department.)
I would advise you Mike to take the initiative and see if you can get the whole story from the BOD members that were involved. I mean, it obviously is something that you are interested in as well as have a strong and public stance on, so it seems natural that you'd want to know what was involved. I'm guessing that they would be glad to give you some background details.
It's not really a big concern for me. DGWN is a welcome part of my membership and I have found nothing of any significance in the actions of the recent BOD to question their integrety. I think this came up in this thread because someone worried that the BOD already had folks picked out as marshals, and intended to roll out these "huge" perks (LOL) to their buddies. I seriously doubt if their is going to be a flood of folks interested in being a part of this program, so it is likely that those who are picked will be known already to the BOD and Membership. It would be kind of cool to have it be an elected position in the future so that these sorts of concerns have no foot hold. But even if, in this first year of the program, the marshals were hand picked, there will be time enough to adjust and improve the plan in the future.
The biggest thing to this BODs credit is their ability to make decisions and take action. Economic times are tough now, but even with that the PDGA has seen steady growth and has worked harder than any BOD before them to position us for the future.
Dec 14 2003, 05:35 PM
I am not trying to start an inquiry or anything, just trying to give a little support..... ;)
Those issues are in the past and I am all for going forward. Since the PDGA made the deal with DGWN it has grown into a GREAT publication. I wish we on the West Coast got a little more coverage, but I guess that would happen if we had a writer to send in the Articles more often as Ruth Steele has done recently :D
Back to the Course Marshall issue....I see it as most appealing to Amateurs who take the sport seriously...I, myself would love to be a Marshall, heck Id probably make more Money at the events than had I played, BUT I still want to be able to play those evnts soooo that puts me off the list...
I think that Ams best fit the mold, if they take it seriously enough. Most NT's, which is what the Marshalls will be concentrating on this year, are Pro only so its an opportunity for Ams to be involved in the Pro scene, Make a little $, and be able to grow with the sport as a whole.
On the flip side, they would have to be able stand up to a screaming idiot, who "doesnt want to hear what some Am thinks anyway" (Ive actually heard that from a "Pro" at an event when he was questioned on stance by an Am) Its a tough one....
Maybe Ill rethink this one :confused:
Dec 14 2003, 09:45 PM
i still want to do it!! i live by the wish creed.. do you know what that is?? watch the kings of comedy<cedric the entertainer> and it will help you out..
Dec 14 2003, 11:20 PM
I suspect that you are 100% right about something here:
"Make a little $", very little. And no where near the amount of work that is likely to be involved in this first year as everything is worked out.
I suspect that overcoming this aversion to courteous play, by that I mean not being able to deal with being called on something, will have to be a part of this first years plan. To promote the idea that knowing, playing by and yes sometimes calling or being called on the rules is just a part of our game. Without this understanding our game will become more and more at risk of spinning out of control as we grow.
Better to get the process underway sooner than later.
Dec 16 2003, 12:04 AM
Hmmm. I hope that Magilla and all aren't thinking that I have any "buddies" on the BOD. Well, I actually know one of the BOD members, but I don't think that it gives me much of an inside track on being selected or not. As often as I've disagreed with Nez about stuff in the past, it may even work against me! :eek: :p :D
It's just my two cents here, but I think that this program could be a really good thing for everyone involved. For one, we'd probably get more and more coverage of some of the head-to-head battles going on at some of these tournaments. See some new action photos from the competitions...add a little color commentary to the Box Scores section of DGWN.
Putting on my TD hat for a second, I'd welcome some help with membership renewals and registrations. I'm wondering if as a TD I can simply hand over the $2/$3/$4 per player fees on the spot.
I've always been a big proponent of seeing more people being able to make a living at this sport, whether it's touring Pros, Pro TDs or Pro Officials. While nobody is gonna make much money being a marshal, it is a sure sign that our sport is trying to grow in an incremental fashion.
Jan 05 2004, 01:58 AM
Okay - so the deadline (sort-of) has passed...who are the Marshals gonna be?
I know of one other guy from Tejas (besides me) that applied. And up-thread, Mark Southard of North Carolina said he applied.
So if we're gonna implement this gig in time for Mace's Big Show, then there's work to be done, right?
Jan 05 2004, 02:48 AM
I also applied. I'm kind of curious as to who gets picked, what kind of training is going to happen, and when to get started. I'm not sure who else applied. I haven't heard of anyone else applying in the midwest, but I'm sure there were some.
Jan 05 2004, 08:11 AM
I know at least 1 other besides me applied from the Mid-Atlantic region. Would be nice to here something soon.
Jan 05 2004, 06:18 PM
Could anyone in the know provide an estimated time of selection? I know it originally said that resumes should be submitted by the 1st, so I am assuming that the decisions as to who the marshalls will be is forthcoming.
Jan 06 2004, 10:05 AM
Those of us that expressed an interest in working for the Marshaling program should've gotten an e-mail from the Competition Director asking for our availability/willingness to work specific NT and Worlds events yesterday.
I listed 4 events in Texas and one event in Michigan.
The deadline for replying to the e-mail was set at January 9th, so I'm guessing we'll all be hearing something shortly after that. Good luck to all of you who have applied for this program! Sounds like there were so few of us that applied that we're probably almost certain to get selected, eh?
Jan 06 2004, 11:22 AM
... Good luck to all of you who have applied for this program! Sounds like there were so few of us that applied that we're probably almost certain to get selected, eh?
I got that impression also from the e-mail, but wasn't sure if it was just me or what. :D
Jan 06 2004, 11:26 AM
yes please let us know who these Marshall's are so we can stay away from them !!! :D
Dave I applied for the position as a Marshall and was wondering when I would receive the email talked about in the thread? Thanks, Steven Heckathorne
Jan 06 2004, 11:40 AM
You have a PM Steve! :D
Jan 06 2004, 11:56 AM
yes please let us know who these Marshall's are so we can stay away from them !!! :D
You can run, but you cannot hide!
Ray :D
Re: DGWN vs Disc Golf Journal - This is hardly the focus of this thread, but I have seen this concern come up a number of times, and have never seen someone set it straight. The chance to be the official publication of the PDGA was offered twice to Tom Schlueter, the publisher of DGJ. Tom was not interested until much later when Rick Rothstein had been doing it awhile. Even if Tom had taken it on, it is most likely that being the official PDGA publication would not have altered Tom's decision to end DGJ. DGWN could certainly be improved, especially regarding fact checking, but the magazine is much better than it was when it started, and it's audience is still pretty small.
Jan 15 2004, 03:39 PM
How did you know about Tom being offered the PDGA info? Has Elaine been talking in her sleep again? :D
Jan 15 2004, 04:33 PM
True true Praire Dawg ..
Jan 15 2004, 07:08 PM
yes please let us know who these Marshall's are so we can stay away from them !!! :D
You can run, but you cannot hide!
Ray :D
I will be at the ZBoaz Am event only so you can relax Chris :D
Bill, it is not like it is a secret, it just happened so long ago that there are not many around who would remember, assuming that they were even paying attention in the first place. I was certainly much more aware of what was going on in the board when Elaine was an active part of it, but there is not much then that was not available knowledge for any member that wanted to know. I am sure that the current board is just as open.
Jan 16 2004, 02:10 PM
Thanks Ray. I was getting worried!! :D
Jan 16 2004, 02:35 PM
I got the Email about which tourneys on the NT each could cover. I was really dissappointed to find the lack of tournaments in the North East section of the country! There wasn't a tournament I could drive to!
OK Guys, thanks for the patience. I have been out of town since before the Christmas break on my paying gig, so I've been working the PDGA business between the lines on a 28.8 kb access.
We have received over 15 applications for PDGA Operations Marshals. We are now in the process of matching applicant availability with events. Each event TD has the right of refusal on any Marshal, and can decide to keep the final Ruling Official hat for himself. We must also try to do this within the context of minimizing travel costs, as we are not intending to pay for airfares for this program. We still are weak in the FL, Las Vegas and California areas BTW.
We are covering the 3 MaceMan SuperTours in N. Texas, the 2 Crosstown Classic events in FL (if we can find support in FL and get gdisc to respond!), The Las Vegas early year SuperTour (if we can find support) and all the NT and major events. Ray Murray will be covering the first ZBoaz Am, and Larry Kruse the next two, The Big Show and ZBoaz Pro. From there, Jon Lyksett will be covering The Memorial (we could use a second if any applicant will be there anyway), and John Houck will be covering the Waco Charity Open (subject to confirmation from Joey H). We are still matching personnel for the rest of the positions.
Note that this program is just getting off the ground. Details, training, etc. are still being worked out, and I suspect for the Mace and FL SuperTour events, we will be doing a little one-on-one training guidelines, etc.
If you are interested in still applying for a Marshal position, we are in need in the Florida, N. California and S. California area. The remainder of the events we have ample applicants.
Thanks for supporting this program. Keep the suggestions coming, and we hope this program will increase the PDGA support to our TDs and maintain the high degree of professionalism we are striving to obtain.
Dave "Nez" Nesbitt
PDGA Competition Director
[email protected]
Jan 19 2004, 11:42 PM
Yeee Hahhhhh! Can't wait to get my issue of shiny new spurs, an official badge and my trusty six-shooter! :D
Watch out C-dub! :D
I'm really looking forward to seeing this program be successful for the TDs and the PDGA! I just wish we Texans weren't the ones for working out the inevitable "kinks" in this program.
I'm really hoping to get lots of feedback in the wake of this effort...not just from the players, but also from the TDs involved. Guys like Mace are probably going to be a good source of feedback as they run enough events that they really will be able to determine if the Marshaling program takes any load off from them.
The part I'm most looking forward to is to try my hand at a little creative authoring of tournament coverage. I've written stuff before, but never really anything like covering a tournament. (I'm gonna try and get photos of every foot-fault I see Ware make too!) :D
Dec 09 2004, 12:43 AM
John Chapman has taken over the Marshal Program with his replacement of Dave Nesbitt on the PDGA BOD. I'd like to thank Dave for his efforts into getting the Marshal program off the ground in 2004.
It's time to try and get some Marshals lined up for the early 2005 Super Tour, National Tour and Major events. If you attended one of these events this year you most likely saw and/or met one of the Marshals. I hope your experince was a good one :cool:
To try and get Marshals for these events Chappy is trying to get anybody that is interested in becoming a Marshal this year to submit a Disc Golf Resume to him through the Competition Director's link on the PDGA web site.
You must be a Certified PDGA Official and have helped run tournaments before. Skills in multi-tasking, writing, photography and interviewing are a plus.
John would like to add some new Marshals in the west (especially California), and at least one in the Northeast as well.
Step up and help be a part of this organization and submit your DG resume to the Competition Director asap. :)
Dec 09 2004, 06:07 PM
I second what Ray just said above.
We're especially looking for Marshals in California and the Northeast U.S., but I'll accept any applications for persons from any region. Please include any disc golf related experience or any other officiating experience. If you've been a TD or course official somewhere, that's a plus.
Feel free to submit using the Competition Director link on, or email me by clicking on this link (
[email protected])
John Chapman
PDGA Competition Director