Feb 15 2004, 03:17 PM
Kansas Disc Golf Association ( (KDGA) link to (
I wanted to start this thread for its members as well as for the neighboring states of Kansas.
The "OZ Tour" makes tour-stops in different Kansas towns throughout its season, generally 2-3 tourneys/month...a 20+ event calender that starts soon, and will culminate in November.
And, as the title states, the KDGA is the home of the Octoberfriz = Th' of the most anticipated and revered DG events known worldwide! :cool:
Thanks for the info above. I have not been to the Friz but would like to go. Maybe this year!!!! Salina Ice Bowl on Saturday (the date was extended for this event). :) Anyone else goin?
Feb 16 2004, 01:59 PM
Hey Don! I'm Frizless in my DG career...hopefully this year. Nearly everyone I talk with that's ever been, is going back...! Can't make Salina, but the OZ Tour starts hoping to make several events this year. Later! :cool:
Hey Doc, good to hear from you! If you are planning a schedule, I suggest making "the Rock" (indian rock in Salina) definite! That course is a made up course and it is totally cool. It is played on, over, and around this huge rock. Big elevation changes and you throw from the top over this small lake. It is very fun. You can't miss it! Also, Ransom and Dodge City are coming up March 6 and 7. Don't miss them. Great payout and very imaginative course alterations with made up tunnel shots, a rope island and lake, and more. Smitty goes all out. Emporia is fun too! Hope to see you at some of the KDGA events this year.
Hey, when is colwich and winfield scheduled? They historically are coming up quickly.
Feb 17 2004, 12:00 PM
Bob and Smitty both e-mailed out a working schedule of this year's tour. I unfortunately deleted them :confused:, and am eagerly awaiting the KDGA site to be back up...and updated. Kevin, dm4 is right, there are events in Dodge City/Ransom the 6 & 7 of March... How's the knee? :)
Hey Kevin, I emailed Smitty for a schedule. He should know the first few events for sure by now. I know Colwich is on a Sunday this year but can't remember which one. Perhaps 2/29 but I am not sure.
Knee is subtantially better but not as good as I would have hoped. I had to have a second surgery in January to remove scar tissue. After that, things went to hell and it was as if I was back to 3 months after my first surgery. But I have progressed quickly since then and am hopeful I can get back into the swing of things.
I am anxious to scrape the rust off this machine.
Feb 17 2004, 08:25 PM
KB, glad to hear you're on the road to tourney-ville! That's a lot of time to practice your putts and stationary approaches, but I'll bet you're bullet-proof!
Tomorrow I'm gonna play in the slop of The Big Thaw at WyCo around 3 or 4pm...a bunch of us have the itch to chuck some plastic!! :cool: Come on up if you can...
Hope to see ya soon!
Feb 17 2004, 08:58 PM
Here is a working list of events for the KDGA's 2004 OZ Tour thus far:
2-29 Colwich
3-6 Ransom
3-7 Dodge City
3-20 Parsons
3-21 Manhattan
3-27 Winfield
3-28 Ponca City, OK
4-4 Herrington
4-17 Pratt
4-24/25 Salina (Rock)
5-15/16 Wichita (Herman Hill)
5-22/23 Hutchinson - PDGA(?)
5-29 Lawrence
5-30 Kansas City (Ted's Dread :o:D)
6-19 Great Bend/Hoisington
6-26/27 Emporia - Glass Blown Open - PDGA
7-10 Stockton
7-11 Ellis
7-24/25 Beloit
8-28 Colby
8-29 Norton
9-11/12 Hays PDGA(?)
9-25 McPherson
OCTOBERFRIZ (date to be determined) :cool::cool:
10-23 Lindsbourg
11-6 Wichita (Oak Park)
11-13 Salina (Lakewood)
11-14 Salina (Final 12)
Feb 17 2004, 09:24 PM
Hope to see everyone soon, I may opt for more PDGA & less KDGA events this year, I'm practicing practicing practicing. I've heard more KDGA events may be PDGA sanctioned... thats cool.
Feb 17 2004, 09:28 PM
I have played twice at the Friz as Am Master 2002 & as Master 2003. Cashed both years, I love that place! Don & Doc you need to make the trip it is alot of fun... the courses are very balanced....
Feb 17 2004, 09:42 PM
Nice pic you better stay out of the sun boy!!! Are you going to make the trip down the Ransom and DC events?
You the man for getting this started. Let all of your fellow KDGAers know that they have a place to get important info.
See you in the S-town this weekend.
Hey ROG, I did not recognize you in the picture. Have you gained some weight? Anyway, I hope to make the weekend of the FRIZ this year. If I am lucky, I will try for Friday too. :D Are you playin' in Salina on Sat.?
Smitty, I am on my way to recovery. No more feva, no more aches or pains. I still have a lingering cough. :confused: Wish it would go away. See you on Sat. Will the Mrs. be there? Always good to see both of you. Still not talked to you know who. The best news is I get to play today! :D
Feb 18 2004, 03:06 PM
Hey Doc:
We plan on PDGA sanctioning the May 15th & 16th Tournament in Wichita.
The Do Dah Returns :D
Feb 18 2004, 04:02 PM
Was the Mighty Shunga Nunga on the OZ Tour last year?
Emporia, Hutch(?), Hays, Wichita, Topeka(?)...could be 5 PDGA/KDGA events that I will definitely plan on attending...KICK *****!! :D
Bob, hope you and Betty can make the Lawrence/Ted's Dread Memorial Day weekend Blowout!
Feb 18 2004, 09:20 PM
The Shunga has never been KDGA as far as I know. I do not know all the details but I am sure there is a story somewhere.
Plus the fact that the PDGA gets $$$ and the KDGA gets $$ from each entry fee. If you get to many hands dipping into the cookie jar, there isn't much left!
Feb 18 2004, 11:14 PM
You should make your way out to the DC and Ransom weekends. I could put you up on Saturday night.
Plus don't you still owe me a 40? :cool::cool:
Feb 19 2004, 01:09 PM
Smitty, that 40 went down so fast in the 90+ degree August heat you probably don't remember it!
When will Hutch, Hays and Wichita (Do Dah) get PDGA sanctioning? So far, Emporia is the lone PDGA event in KS. I'm doing my '04 monthly planning soon...
Thanks for the offer to put me up, Smitty...ya just never know!
Feb 19 2004, 04:36 PM
Smitty depends on my Band schedule (
Kelly & I are also expecting a baby in August so this summer should be an interesting one.
Of course the new addition will dominate the jr Disc golf scene for years to come..... look out
WTF, Nice name.
Real OG!!
Feb 19 2004, 06:47 PM
I remember that 40 doc. I think I was celebrating a little win at the time.
If the baby comes out looking like that picture you have got some problems you Kracker!!
I think the friz is going to be the 2nd weekend of october. thats what i heard last year at the friz anyways. Doc you have to go to the friz! and Kevin Babbit you should try and make the trip to ponca the day after winfield's tournament! :D
ROG, I keep thinking I'll check out your "band" site, but I just can't seem to click on a link that says "cheesyband". Hey, congrats on the little one! Boy or girl? :)
Feb 21 2004, 10:41 AM
Ah! behold the power of cheese
Monterey Jack the other white meat
Cheese its whats for dinner
Got Cheese?
ROG, what kind of music do you play? I went to the site (I can't believe I did that, but it wasn't that bad) and could not figure it out. Checked out a few photos and it looks like people are having fun! :D
Feb 23 2004, 12:16 PM
Feb 23 2004, 06:11 PM
No gangsta rap???
Feb 23 2004, 08:04 PM
We do some gangsta rap as well, yo yo yo
That does not sound too bad, because I was a teenager in the 80's. I love 80's music! The farting heads are cool. Maybe you should call the band farting heads. Just an idea.
Hey.. good to see the KDGA has some sort of a forum... I can't wait till the KDGA forum is back up and running!
Anyway, just thought I would say Jon is in the house.
Feb 24 2004, 09:54 PM
Kyle sent me an e-mail today. He is planning on getting the site up and running in the next few days.
Feb 25 2004, 10:23 AM
Who all is planning to come?
If ya need a place to crash let me know.
Looking for a place to party night before, my band is playing Saturday night @ Club Indigo in Old Town
Feb 25 2004, 01:29 PM
Paul, what's the Ponca course like? Seems like I've heard good things!
I hope y'all are pumped to play Ted's Dread Sunday of Memorial Day weekend in KCK! There'll be camping available on site all weekend, and Lawrence (Saturday's tour-stop) is just 25-30 minutes away via I-70W...and WyCo, the 8,300'+ monster, is only 10 minutes from Ted's...would make for a great Monday morning Memorial Holiday round! :cool:
The lake course is sweet! its mostly long with slight elevation changes on a few holes. The best part about the course is the scenary, it sits right on the lake which comes into play on a couple of shots. I'm not real good at describing the course with words so i'm gonna try and get photos of all 18 and post them on a geocities site, i'll let you know as soon as i do.
Feb 25 2004, 02:45 PM
Can anyone give me info on the Ponca City tourney on 3/28?Cost,format,start time,etc.. :DSome of my In-laws live there, good excuse to visit them.
Feb 25 2004, 03:02 PM
Do you have more than one course in Ponca, Paul?
Feb 25 2004, 03:08 PM
Fortune, keep checking the KDGA link at the very first post, page'll be updated and up to speed very soon I'm told.
Of course, someone will likely chime in here with your desired info...
Sounds like a fun weekend!
doc, theres the lake course (of course), then theres a 23 year old 9 hole course which is pretty much a roc and putter course with around 20 made up courses that make it pretty cool.
Casey, It'll be 2 rounds of singles at the lake course, probably going to start registration at 8 or 9 then tee at 10-10:30. I'm not for sure on the entry fees, but if i remember right the last couple years its been around 40-50 for open then about 10 less per lower division.
Feb 25 2004, 09:08 PM
Smitty is going to be in Colwich. Who one that tourney last year in open. I think there was some pretty good golfers their.
Nick Bunch, Jazzy, Babbit, Sandman, Jon, Grant, and Dustin. I wonder who did win that, they must have been one hella golfer that day.
Feb 25 2004, 09:10 PM
How many people did you have last year at Ponca? I would love to come down there and play but it is a long way from B.F.E. (also known as DC).
Also I need you phone # to put on the KDGA web-site. Could you send me a private message with you number.
Smitty, we had 45 i think give or take a few with about half of the course covered in snow so i'm thinking that if weather is nice we should get at least that many players again. The bad thing is that this year the tournament takes place the same weekend of the Duncan Lake Hillclimber , i think that may slightly affect turnout from okie golfers. Nonetheless this tournament has always been put on by the local club really well. Tim Arnswald is TD'n the event and his number is 580-761-8762. If you do decide to make the trip I recomend playing winfields tournament ,which as you probably know is the day before ponca. Also if i remember right i think Ron convers won colwich lastyear.
You thought wrong Paul... the real winner of Colwich last year was a very humble man... he goes by the name of Smitty /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif And yes.. he is one hella of a golfer :eek:
Regarding Memorial Day weekend - It's unfortunate that those two tournaments are set on those days. Lawrence and Ted's Dread rock. But the Des Moines Challenge is always on that weekend and is again this year. As everyone in K.C. probably knows, this years World Championships are in Des Moines, IA, only a hop skip and a jump for us Kansans ( or Missourians). Anybody who wants a little practice for Worlds will be heading to the Des Moines Challenge. I may be wrong but I would bet that would include many people from K.C. It definitely includes me.
I only write this to whine about not being able to do both and to hope that there may be some outside chance to move those tournaments off that weekend.
Feb 26 2004, 05:40 PM
You make a great point, Kevin. I was aware of this, but the very traditional & annual Memorial Day Doubles event in Lawrence was the driving force for having the Lawrence OZ tour-stop that weekend...though it's a singles event this year, and on Saturday instead of the traditional Monday.
>>>> Would love to hear other's opinions on this the date can easily be changed...though sooner is better than later. <<<<
I made the list and will definitely be going to Am well as planning to (hopefully) make it up there twice beforehand...tourney or not. Please chime in with your opinions, fellow DGers...
Feb 27 2004, 10:55 PM
What is up boys?? Did you know that we are back up and running on the KDGA site??
I think that Kevin makes a good point. If you can find a weekend with nothing going on it is yours. Send me an e-mail as to what you figure out.
Feb 29 2004, 01:56 PM
The Lawrence/Ted's Dread Memorial Day weekend OZ Tour-Stop will be changed to another weekend...stay tuned.
Mar 10 2004, 12:49 PM
There will be an awesome music and camping festival in Lawrence at Clinton Lake June 18-20. The next post has a link to the official Wakarusa Festival website. 50 bands, 3 stages...and 18 holes of DG!! We will feature our modified temp course at the State Park...which we aim to make permanent.
Tickets begin at $65 this Friday, March 12, and will go up in price w/o notice...
Mar 10 2004, 12:52 PM ( :cool:
the march 28th oz tour event will be held at lake ponca again this year. registration starts at 8:30 players meeting is at 9:45 then the crushin begins at 10:00. open divisions will be 30$ with the other divisions being 5-10 less per level. 2 rounds of singles will be played, and many good times will be had. we'll likely have a ******* lunch like last year but i'm not for sure on that. if you havent played lake ponca you need to get on down here for this event, if you have played it then i know you wan't to again, so do it!
Mar 13 2004, 08:02 PM
Yes the Friz will be the second week of October. 7 months and change away and people are already talking about it, That ought to give everyone an idea of how huge an event it is.
I cant wait.
Some many golfers from so many places, I mean what more do you want.
i totally agree with you on that one, theres not a day that goes by that someone (useually myself) doesnt say something about the friz. for me its the 5 days of the year i look forward to more than any others. most people say that the USDGC is supposedly the best tournament of the year, although having never been i doubt that it can touch the mighty friz.
Mar 14 2004, 09:06 PM
Man I was looking at the oz tour schedule and I have to say that I am extreamly jealous. Us Okies currently dont have anything like that.
Have you ever played at Mitch Macs? If you havent you need to its really "interesting".
i have played mitch macs, as a matter of fact i played in the same group with you last year willy. chris wigg is the only other person i rember playing with.
Mar 15 2004, 08:03 PM
Was that when I got stung by all the bees? My memory is horrible.
yeah i remember that now. i dont think we were in the same group when it happend though, i just remember hearing about it. i hope mitch does something about the bees this year seeing as how its really easy to throw into that sugar cane. :D
Mar 19 2004, 03:55 AM
i'M FROM okLAHOMA and it was worth the drive from tulsa. Weather Sucked and everyone was too spread due to the weather and creek being high like me. But this year's event is bound to be the best friz yet!
Rock on KDGC!
no doubt! its gonna be a rebound friz!!! :D
Mar 19 2004, 12:54 PM
The Lawrence area club, the Kaw Valley Disc Golf Club proudly announces that their KDGA event will be held on Saturday, July 17...the "CRAZY FROM THE HEAT" event!
Our annual membership drive event will be Saturday April 10th...2 rounds at beautiful Centennial Park.
More info will be posted soon re: these events...and we are aiming to have a PDGA D-tier in Lawrence over Labor Day weekend! :cool::cool:
Mar 24 2004, 12:51 PM
Jones'n for an evening league?? Lawrence will be having a league the first Sunday evening commerating Daylight Saving Time...April 4th at 6pm! :cool:
who all is planning on going to either winfield or ponca city this weekend? i'm going to be at both events. should be fun. :)
Mar 24 2004, 07:07 PM hoops!
Ace on!!
Ron Convers took it home both in winfield and ponca last weekend with i believe kevin babbit taking second in winfield, and Jim Soutter losing to ron in a 2 hole playoff on sunday at the lake. Saturday had torential downpours during the first round and extreme wind during the second. Sunday was an absolute perfect day for golf with light winds and sunny skies. much thanks to everyone who made it to both events this weekend.
Apr 02 2004, 01:53 PM
Yeah...I'd have to take DG in the rain and wind...over watching my Jayhawks lose... :( :mad:
Wait'll next year! :cool:
Apr 29 2004, 10:24 PM
Ok someone give me some info on the Blown Glass Open... I'm thinking of making a rodie. Hotels/motels/camping/cool people I can come and crash with?
Any Kanzanians comming down to the 26th Norman PRO/AM Memorial weekend?
Apr 30 2004, 12:09 PM
This will be my 5th year in a row at Emporia...a great and well run tourney! Both courses are in the same park with everything one might need being very motels, Walmart, grocery stores, etc...
Go to the link at the very first post on this thread for a look-see at the KDGA website...perhaps you can find some floorspace through their 'Forum'...
Hope to see y'all there! :cool:
ps Am hoping to make Des Moines Memorial Weekend for a Worlds warm-up!
May 20 2004, 03:30 AM
I heard the Friz is in a cow field. Is this true?
May 20 2004, 01:35 PM
Does that mean some more crop circles :D
May 20 2004, 01:36 PM
Hope so :cool:
one of the four courses at the friz is in what could be considerd a cow field but i have never seen any cows in it.
May 27 2004, 08:35 PM
It is not a cow field! It is a hay field!
Parts of it have been involved in the last 2 Friz. I am sure that it will be part of the Friz this year.
May 28 2004, 01:07 AM
The 15th annual??? :D:D:D
May 31 2004, 12:36 PM
Hasnt every place in Oklahoma and Kansas been a "cow field" at one time or another? arvey does a great job, the Friz is unlike anything you have ever attended.
Last year the hay field had peace signs, crop circles etc moved into it, you land outside of those areas then your OB. The hole that runs down where the old train tracks used to be is my favorite.
you can actually remember the friz? :D
Jun 01 2004, 08:21 AM
On and off
i hear you on that. i can't wait till october rolls around.
Jun 25 2004, 09:46 AM
Emporia, Kansas, home of the Glass Blown Open is this weekend! Definitely one of my favorite tournaments, and my 5th year in a row!!
TD Eric "Discraft :cool:" McCabe will be featuring a redesigned (East?) course that is longer and more technical than last year...and the other course (West?) has a lengthened hole 17 and a new hole 18 bringing the pond in as a hazard!
See y'all in the AM!!!
Jul 06 2004, 12:35 PM
Any of you KDGA folks know when the Shunga Nunga is going to be? It was in September last year. Is it in Sept. again this year? There is no listing on the PDGA schedule yet and I want to plan ahead.
Jul 06 2004, 09:51 PM
Thanks to the Kansas folks that came to Mitch's over the weekend, if you didnt you missed another great and unique event. Tulsa's 25th Riverside Glide is this weekend. Looking forward to the Friz as usual.
Jul 08 2004, 02:49 PM
Anita, yes the Mighty Shunga Nunga Open will be in September...though I'm not sure which weekend. The Topeka club is at - Dawn to Dusk Disc Club. At the Wakarusa Music Festival a couple of weeks ago here in Lawrence, the DDDC had a beer tent going that was to help raise funds for the MSNO - and I believe it was reported they amassed around $3,000! Both Bruce and Terri were there. Hope you can make it down!
Aug 14 2004, 09:16 PM
If anyone sees Chris Breit, Worlds Champ, tell him CONGRATS, that guy has game, way to go, also tell Dan Coffman & Bob Decker great job as well, Good job guys, peace out ROG
hard to believe but the friz is already a month away. i'll be there the tuesday evening before. :D
Sep 08 2004, 05:08 PM
I am headed there wednesday morning myself, see everyone at the FRIZ.... ROG
Sep 08 2004, 05:28 PM
<font color="red"> 15TH ANNUAL OCTOBERFRIZ </font>
ahh the missing braincells from the past 4 yrs :)
Sep 09 2004, 02:38 PM
Who is going to start the thread????
Sep 09 2004, 02:43 PM
apparently it has already started :D
Not sure about this year Will...TFO is the weekend before that and 2 trips north will make me run over my Red River Minutes :)
Sep 09 2004, 08:12 PM
Ive only been once and it isnt much of a delima in my mind. I cannot wait!!!
Sep 10 2004, 01:42 PM
Where is this 'Friz' thread located? I'm not finding it...
Maybe this year will be my first Friz!! :cool:
Sep 10 2004, 05:28 PM
This will be my 9th Friz (if I can remember correctly??!!). It's kinds like Woodstock, if you can remember it, you weren't there! Can't wait. Let's hope for no floods this year!
YEAH the FRIZ is almost here. See you there Anita and Cathy! Can you say FUN! Any other pro-master women going to come and join us this year? This will be my 5th year.
Has anyone heard anything about golf carts this year? Is MoJo going to be doing them againt this year? What's the word?
Sep 13 2004, 10:28 AM
Any other pro-master women going to come and join us this year?
I will start my annual e-mail harassment of Terri Clark ASAP. That girl has been away too long!!
Sep 13 2004, 03:53 PM
Mojo is having some personal issues and word is he probably won't be there, no word on carts from someone else yet.....
Sep 13 2004, 04:10 PM
They said that last year also...and we had carts...though we needed boats :D
I'm sorry to hear about Mo-Jo.
We GOTTA have us some carts. :)
Sep 21 2004, 11:35 PM
Now the word on KDGA website is 85% sure Mojo will be renting carts, YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sep 24 2004, 11:17 PM
If you wnat a cart, you better bring your own!!!!
My camp is set up and I am here to stay until the end!! The "ocean" is sick this year. Harder then last year by far!!
See you all in Frizland!!
i'll be there tuesday! :D
Sep 29 2004, 11:35 PM
Hey, I'm going to be there Tuesday, too!
Seven days and counting....
We will be there Tuesday as well. See you all in Frizland. 5 more days and we will be there, YEAH!!!!!!!
Oct 05 2004, 11:26 AM
5 days of peace, love & plastic YAHOO leaving tonight!!!!!!
This has got to be the longest day of the year... sitting at school (work), watching the clock slowly tick by, waiting to leave for the Friz! The one high point of the day will be eating lunch with my 9 year old daughter. Can't wait for that either, and time to leave for that is, well, now! Bye.
heres the tentative schedule thus far for the 2005 oz tour
12 Ark City
19 OR 20 Colwich
5 Parsons
12 Winfield (SW)
13 Ponca City (lakeside)
19 Ransom
20 Dodge City
2 Emporia (Peterpan Park)
3 Herington
16 Pratt
23 and 24 Salina (THE ROCK)
14 and 15 Wichita (DOH DAH)
21 Stockton
22 Ellis
4 Great Bend
11 and 12 Hutch
25 and 26 Emporia (GLASS BLOWN OPEN)
9 Winfield (Pecan Grove)
23 and 24 Beloit
6 Abeline
7 Manhattan
27 Colby
28 Norton
10 and 11 Hays
17 McPherson
5-9 Winfield (FRIZZZZZ!!!!)
5 Wichita (Oak Park)
12 Salina (Lakewood)
13 Salina (Top 10)
there is a new 18 hole course at the Pecan Grove in Winfield Kansas, it is a sweet course with a wide variety of holes.
Dec 28 2004, 11:04 AM
Is this one of the courses we play at the Friz that has become permnament?
Dec 28 2004, 01:15 PM
Maybe, just maybe...this year will be my first Friz...!
Awesome shot of Laron & Swope #1!!! :cool:
Dec 28 2004, 01:18 PM
Happy Birthday DOC :D
Dec 28 2004, 01:26 PM
Thanks!! Am heading out to play at least 2 courses today...and drink some beer, and.......................!!! :cool:
no its not, but its located where the pecan grove courses are at the friz.
This schedule is subject to change at any time without notice, so please make sure you contact the Tournament Director before traveling to a tournament. If you have any questions about the Oz Tour schedule please call Smitty at 620-221-7973 or email
[email protected]
Date City Contact TD Phone
Feb 19th Colwich, KS Bill Paulson 316-755-2681
Feb 26th Ark City, KS Jon Cunningham 620-229-9045
March 5th Parsons, KS Paul Martin 620-421-3810
March 12th Winfield, KS Harvey Barger 620-221-1017
March 13th Ponca City, OK Tim Arnswald 580-762-3536
March 19th Ransom, KS Chris Smith 620-221-7973
March 20th Dodge City, KS Chris Smith 620-221-7973
April 2nd Emporia, KS (Peter Pan) Eric McCabe 620-794-1238
April 3rd Herington, KS Dennis Vahsholtz 785-258-2494
April 9th Bonner Springs, KS (WYCO) Kevin Montgomery 816-830-0974
April 16th Pratt, KS Kenny Tatro 620-672-3300
April 23-24 Salina, KS (The Rock) Brandon Mace 785-825-4495
May 7th Tecumseh, KS Amy Weinbrecht 785-379-8848
May 8th Topeka, KS Mark Hedstrom 785-554-1639
May 14-15 Wichita, KS (DooDah) Bob Decker 316-683-5064
May 21st Stockton, KS TBA TBA
... ... ... ...
June 4th Great Bend, KS Chris Smith 620-221-7973
June 25-26 Beloit, KS Brandon Mace 785-825-4495
July 9-10 Emporia, KS (GlassBlown) Eric McCabe 620-794-1238
July 16th Winfield, KS Harvey Barger 620-221-1017
July 30th Olathe, KS Ed Gonzales 816-507-0748
August 6th Colby, KS Kyle Klinger 785-462-8145
August 7th Norton, KS Don Mordecai 785-877-5475
August 21st Ellis, KS Skyler Rorabaugh 785-726-3718
August 27th Abilene, KS TBA TBA
August 28th Manhattan, KS TBA TBA
September 10-11 Hays, KS Brandon Mace 785-825-4495
September 17th McPherson, KS Darren Bottom 620-897-6580
October 5-9 Winfield, KS (Friz!) Harvey Barger 620-221-1017
October 29th Hutchinson, KS Randy Mattingly 620-465-2230
November 5th Wichita, KS (OakPark) Bob Decker 316-683-5064
November 12th Salina, KS Brandon Mace 785-825-4495
� 1999-2005 Kansas Disc Golf Association. All rights reserved.
So what happened? Hope it gets fixed soon, I miss reading about KANSAS disc golf stuff!
i don't know, must be down for repairs or something.
Jan 14 2005, 05:10 PM
Just a reminder until the KDGA board is back up...
The Star City Shoot Out in Lincoln has been moved up a weekend to May 28-29. Mark you calendars, kids. Remember, we are Harvey's Friz! That's high praise.
Would someone please post the Kansas Ice Bowls? I did not write them down. I want to at least go to Hays! :D
Jan 19 2005, 07:01 PM
KC is having their's at Rosedale Sunday, January 30th. I know this because I signed up yesterday!
I'm bringing my Habenero Chili...we'll see who the real 'wimps and whiners' are at lunch...and the 'next' morning as well! :o :D
hey its the kdga on the pdga. Anyways, I am gathering up info on who is interested in perhaps attending the USDGC as a state rep spot. I have gathered a list of at least 4 people who for sure want to attend this year, therefore, the kdga needs to come up with a PDGA sanctioned tourny this year for a qualifier. I have talked to smitty and we both agree on Emporia, 1-its close the middle of the state, 2-is a sanctioned event, 3-has the largest turn out in the open field. Anyone else agree?
Jan 20 2005, 02:32 PM
Yup! One of my fave tourneys!! Will be my 6th year in a row!!!
Jan 20 2005, 03:03 PM
The KDGA board is up and running again. The last posts on there were from Jan 11...
the kdga Oz Tour will be having its annual event at the Sweet ponca lakeside course on March the 13th. come one and all to see the course we'll be using for our PDGA event in august. i'll post more info as soon as i get a flyer.
Feb 07 2005, 07:25 PM
Paul, will your August Ponca event be both PDGA and KDGA?
Feb 07 2005, 07:56 PM
A one day tourney?
yes. one day b-tiers are new this year. :D
Feb 07 2005, 09:04 PM
A Saturday or Sunday Tourney...? :D
Will there be doubles? If so when?
Is there another nearby/regional event to make a 2 dayer out of it?
Just razzin' ya...!
saturday august 6th is the PDGA tournament. there will be doubles or skins FOR SURE on friday evening.i was personally considering running a GLOW round on friday night, and i believe somebody is planning co-ed doubles on sunday. if anyone is wanting to camp for a night or two there are several campsites at the lake that are right across from the course(approx 1 mile drive). BIG news should be coming on this event very soon. ( appears to be down again. p.s. the KDGA does not sell CE rocs :D
Feb 17 2005, 12:56 PM
They have problems!!
Feb 17 2005, 01:46 PM
Just curious, who is the keeper of the site?
I admire anyone who would take on such a thankless task.
Feb 17 2005, 02:28 PM
I'm pretty sure it's Kyle Klinger..
Feb 17 2005, 03:47 PM
I miss Kansas DG...
How are the courses in Topeka coming along these dayz?
Crestview Park the first course I ever played.
Dawn to Dusk DG Club first club I ever joined. They are some really cool people and definitly know how to PARTAY!!
I'm pretty sure it's Kyle Klinger..
yup :)
Feb 18 2005, 12:08 PM
How are the courses in Topeka coming along these dayz?
Pretty much same as they have always been..I think Deuce will be at the Big Show at Z Boaz....Will you?
Feb 22 2005, 04:37 PM
Didn't play Z-Boaz went to play Victoria Open instead. What other tournaments you gonna play in Texas this year?
Feb 27 2005, 09:56 PM
Just wanted to send out a big Thank You to the disc golfers from Witchita who made the long trek to Arkansas for our Ice Bowl at Horseshoe Canyon Ranch. This is the best course you have not played yet, and is possibly the best disc golf resort destination in the country.
Again big THANKS to Iqbol and the whole crew that rolled in and showed us how to party and play.
BIG NOTICE!!!! The weekend after the Friz (October 22 &23) make plans to come to the Canyon. More Info to follow. By the way--just over $1600 to charity this weekend. :) :) :)
the ponca city open is taking place march 13th this year. we'll be playing at ponca lakeside like we have for the past 3 years. registration starts at 9 with tee time around 10:30 i encourage everyone to come check out the lake course as there have been a few slight changes/improvements :D.
Open 35
Masters 30
Advanced 25
Novice and Women 20
Junior 15
BIG NOTICE!!!! The weekend after the Friz (October 22 &23) make plans to come to the Canyon
Sounds like may need to mark this on the calendar. Please give us MORE information. :)
Mar 04 2005, 12:01 AM
You either gotta laugh or cry. but here is the scoop.
Now for some not so funny sheit!!! We talked with the owners of the ranch today. October is still consider weekend season for them (BIG $$$), (dramatic pause)
"The B.R.O." aka the Buffalo River Open(Oct.22&23) is dead/Critical Care . We cannot have the canyon that weekend. BOO! :mad::confused:
The ranch can just make too much money off of the dude ranch packages for famailies that may come in that weekend. Upwards of $3000 for the weekend. Hard to compete/argue with that kind of revenue generation. God knows we could guarantee booking that place to the hilt, but we still wouldn't generate that kind of $$$$$, only publicity and future revisits, and still will just on a different date!
However, we are looking to try and pull something off this spring. And on a final positive note the 2nd Peabody Open is supposed to be around the 1st of November, great tourney last year it will be even better this year. Hopefully Chad will be able to lock down a date better than we were. Sorry everyone, we were really looking forward to putting on a great tourney that weekend. When something shakes down on upcoming dates we will let ya' know.
Is this website down AGAIN??? or is it just that time of the month to clean up posts that you don't like???
Mar 14 2005, 01:21 PM
KDGA site? It's working for me...
GO JAYHAWKS!! :cool:
May 06 2005, 06:23 PM
Only 5 months until the FRIZ??????????????????
Jun 14 2005, 07:52 PM
only 16 weeks until the Friz 10/05/2005
getting closer every day!!! :D:cool:
Jul 28 2005, 02:20 AM
Now that is what I am talking about...Harvey, the family and fun!!!
Viva la Friz!!!...
Sep 17 2005, 08:57 PM
Sep 23 2005, 04:10 PM
Post the dates and event details, please. :cool:
I saw Oct 5-9 at
5th through the 9th entry has been 60 for the last 2 years. pick doubles is always on thursday and friday along with mixed doubles and glo doubles on friday night. singles tournament is of course saturday and sunday. i'm not for sure on the field events (distance,MTA, accuracy)
Coda 183
M Steward 190
R Burns 191
Smitty 192
Toe Nail Tom 193
IQ 201
L Gardner 202
Mike D 207
C Mattison 210
Duck 211
M McHugh 213
Shoenhopper 213
D Young 216
B Erwin 216
Sandman 281
Pee Wee Jehan 306
James Haines 366
Mitch Mac 186
B Hudson 194
D Wiegand 201
K Spiers 203
M Martin 204
Harvey 206
R Richardson 207
D Richardson 209
Rog 211
2 211
R Mattingly 211
Hoep 214
J Robert 215
T Hillnichs 216
B Clanton 217
D Johnson 219
Salada 220
Harvey Houng 228
T Osborn 229
D Hickok 230
D Knox 232
C McClellan 239
B Charles 239
L Gordon 377
B Paulson 200
M Barton 202
Mike P 223
M Joy 225
L Hansen 229
Buddy 230
Otoe Aero 234
Phil H 235
S Smith 238
RL Styles 249
C Bowersfeild 251
Tip 295
J Robert 257
C Gardner 278
B Paske 241
C Mattingly 305
K Wilkes 198
Shan Mann 203
J Ohlheiser 205
S Rocket 206
J Tix 207
Don cook 208
Donald Cook 208
Scoba 208
M Wilder 211
Bowlby 212
J Lawrance 212
Zollmanator 212
R Norwood 215
D Maxfield 215
J Ring 217
B Maass 218
J Eller 225
R Carr 226
D Lockwood 229
J Markley 235
J Jackson 236
C Wiggings 243
K Stauffer 305
B Ford 306
R Hanger 433
TJ Ring 468
S King 217
S Slinker 217
P Eklund 218
T Paske 224
M Anderson 224
D Hogland 228
Bruce 228
S Poe 229
J Davis 232
A Quick 232
D King 2347
M Sumner 234
D Foust 239
S Whipple 241
T Diener 242
T Arndt 249
J Sherwood 254
F Valdez 305
A Dalron 250
R Reimer 262
J Poe 265
A Gilly 314
M Fulton 375
Brady Warrior 202
J Schwake 212
M McDaniels 213
D McDonald 218
B Roeder 220
S Miller 222
P Watt 222
M Arnold 225
B Wingerd 229
Bobby D 231
D Poe 232
B Mitchell 232
J Slack 232
Murdock 232
R Robichaut 233
T Brigance 234
J Gilley 234
Monster D 235
Josh Gilley 242
T Lancaster 244
J Laas 325
K Walker 208
C Weigle 212
K Tuter 215
B Hickman 223
Kilroy 223
C Ritch 224
J Bleything 228
K Norwood 229
L Sanderson 230
A Bleything 230
N Newell 235
D Whttenburg 237
B Morgan 238
B Morgan 238
S Yeatman 240
M Krueger 243
M Solt 246
N Fielden 248
R Tate 249
A Ray 251
D Leonard 251
M Rafferdy 257
D Pennington 261
W Neeman 274
J Stewart 277
D Mewhinney 277
Logan Reimer 284 (108 3rd round?? No way take 50 strokes off)
D Wood 285
D White 347
K Brickell 307
A Green 352
Big Easy
Nov 03 2005, 09:58 PM
Anyone have any info on this tourney
Wichita Roundup (
Haven't found any yet.
D.P. :confused:
The Fall Wichita KDGA event will be at Herman Hill set to short pin placements.
Saturday, November 5, 2005 PDGA C tier
Sign-in starts at 8:30am (approximately) & ends at 9:20am Players meeting at 9:30am with a 9:45am tee off (don't be late)
Meet at the Water Works building
The following divisions will be offered if at least 3 players show up for the division:
COST (Prize fund & fees):
Open Men $35
Open Women $20
Masters $35
Am Women $20
Advanced Men $25
Am Masters $25
Intermediate Men $20
Novice $15
Juniors $15
Non PDGA member fee $5
Ace fund $ 1 (ACDGC will add $50 to the fund if a non-ACDGC member hits an ace, ACDGC members get 50% of the club fund.)
Questions Call ROG 316 734 4831
Jan 04 2006, 10:11 PM
First time I have visited, but is something extreemly wrong with this thread?
Jan 09 2006, 02:19 PM
Resurrected! From the depths!!
Sep 21 2006, 12:23 PM
Resurrected! From the depths!!
AGAIN! :cool:
Sep 21 2006, 02:24 PM
Keep the faith.
Is the tournament next month?