What is the best ever players package that a person has received?
Mar 03 2004, 08:46 PM
The 2002 Am Nationals Players Package was the best one I ever received. I did not play but I got one for spotting all three rounds.
Im saying what was included in the package also i agree Bruce that the player package at AM Nationals 2002 was really nice. I also heard that the 2002 USDGC package was really nice also.
Mar 03 2004, 10:59 PM
2002 am worlds players package hands down....no contest.....if bruce and his junior girls would have gone he would have found that out
My vote also goes for the 2002 Am Nationals. That waterproof pullover was just awesome.
Directions to a drinking fountain and a 2 minute warning horn ! :D :D :D
This is very interesting. I'm sure that large tournaments have great player packages, but what about smaller tourneys? It would be nice also to know what everyone would like to recieve for a player package. Do you like tee-shirts, plastic,or whatever? Also for am payouts, what does everyone prefer?
Mar 04 2004, 02:46 PM
How about you guys who are answering say what you got in your player's pack too, instead of just saying "Am Nationals." :) Some of us TDs strive to make good player packs and I personally would like to know what was included in what are considered "the best ever" by some.
I thought the 2003 SoCal Am Championships pack rocked: tourney logo Starfire, tourney logo embroidered plush towel, tourney logo CE Aviar Mini that had just barely come out.
Mar 04 2004, 03:05 PM
Rhett, that sounds like a pretty sweet players pack.
I've only been playing for a year and only one tourney I played in had a players pack. For Waterloo, I received a pink Cyclone, a tie-dyed tee, a toothbrush, a Discraft sticker and some discount coupons for Schlotsky's. Seeing as how that's the only pack I got, I'd have say that's the best. :D
Mar 04 2004, 03:14 PM
oktoberfest 03
tourney teeshirt, logoed hat, and tourney stamp disc,
simple, straight forward.
he11, i felt like i cashed before i even tee'd off.
I would love to get collared, dri-fit, tourny shirts. I also like dg stickers.
the 2003 DGLO players package included a sweet screen printed t-shirt, 2 minis, lunch both days, a photon uv wildcat, and a random d plastic disc.
Mar 04 2004, 03:58 PM
At the first Shelly Sharpe, now the Memorial, they gave us a T shirt, a Pink Lady Whamo 40 mold, and a premium beadless Aviar. I thought that was a nice package.
Mar 04 2004, 04:29 PM
While I found great value in the tourney stamped discs, shirt and accessories at KC Am Worlds last Summer...the lunches that were waiting for me after each morning round were priceless! No driving, no waiting, and maximal digestion time before the afternoon round. Bravo!
Mar 05 2004, 12:48 PM
Standing Rocks Open (B tier) has a great pack. They also let you pick your disc of choice for your players pack (1st come 1st served) so you have an opportunity to get a disc you actually use.
Definitely agree about the lunches being key for the player's pack. Asheville put together a great tourney last year for their Mountain Sports Festival, they gave a tourney stamped dx disc, a tourney t-shirt, and a bag of coupons, granola bars, water bottle, etc. Lunch was Pizza on one day, and Chili's on the other. Couldn't beat their deal anywhere.
thats not to bad. but am nationals 2003 Fleece Vest, UV Mini, Z crush, Ron Russel Z Comet, Custom Bagtags with (name and pdga number on it)
The 2002 Am Nationals Players Package was the best one I ever received. I did not play but I got one for spotting all three rounds.
I think I'm the only man to get a player's pack at Women's Nationals in Peoria. Old Man even made sure the disc I got was blue! :DHe gave me a player's pack for hustling around and getting pictures for DGWN at the event. That was the best player's pack I ever got because I wasn't expecting anything.
Mar 06 2004, 01:13 PM
I would love to get collared, dri-fit, tourny shirts. I also like dg stickers.
I played all 4 of the Points Bonanzas last year. Each day we played, we got 10 dollars in merchancdise, and if we played all 4, we got a T-Shirt. So I got an Innova collared shirt, a towel and a T-Shirt
Mar 06 2004, 01:59 PM
yeah, PB got crazy. I won Reedy, got 4th at Renny, and 10th at Kilborne. I think I walked away with about 12 discs, all of em KC or champion. Sweet!
May 07 2004, 12:21 AM
Don't forget a Deluxe Towel also for the 2003 DGLO.
what was included in the players pack at am nationals 2002 that you all are saying was great. Man i gotta get to some big tourneys. the best and only players pack was at a local tourney and my first ever tourney. It included 2 (1 huge and 1 small discraft stickers, innova mini, radios station sticker an innova golf pencil with eraser which i thought was the coolest thing ever then. and and some useless brochures. All players in all divisions get these players packs for just signing up to play. I need to get there that rocks
Dec 21 2004, 03:32 PM
Every USDGC players pack has been awesome, never received anything remotely close.
Dec 21 2004, 03:46 PM
Master Cup ...got a winter time jacket and other stuff.
Outlaws (b-tier) $100 worth body work at the academy of oriental medicine
Dec 21 2004, 03:49 PM
2004 Hickory classic
A black max weight roc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you help clean up the course, you also get a custom stamped roc with your name on it. WTG mini shrek!
Dec 21 2004, 04:41 PM
2004 Memorial -- T shirt. First and ONLY run X Crush with a sweet custom stamp on it. Free entry to the strip club. 5 dollars off our tab at Dukes a few other coupons and i think a discount card for Cal Daze disc store.
2004 DGLO
First run Custom Stamped D challenger
Tournaments Stamped Crystal Challenger
Sparkle Blue Z Tsunami (if anyone has any they want to trade let me know)
Dri Fit Tourny Stamped T shirt
Lunch both days
Discraft Sticker
2 Tone Quadshocks with a USADGC logo rubber patch on one strap and a Discraft logo Rubber patch on the other strap
150 Z Flick
Custom Bag Tag with name and PDGA Number
USADGC stamped Ultrastar mold Mini
The other A tiers i went to were good but these were the best.
Dec 21 2004, 05:29 PM
2004 Red Rock Show
- MDGCC T-Shirt
- MDGCC Innova Disc
- Coupons etc.
2004 Pecan Park Open
- T-shirt
- Disc
- Dry Hands
- coupons etc..
Dec 21 2004, 09:38 PM
Master Cup ...got a winter time jacket and other stuff.
Masters Cup ALWAYS has a killer players package.
Some sort of Jacket/Pull Over/Rain Gear type EVERY year.... :cool:
Dec 21 2004, 10:13 PM
Master's Cup Packs are good
2002 Bowling Green Open Am was good. We got quadshocks and tourney stamped disc.
Can I spread this thread out to ideas for players packages for 2005?
I'd especially be interested in knowing if anyone has any advice about buying stuff bulk cheap. For example: let's say a TD wanted to buy maybe 90 pairs of seal-socks for a tourney; how should he go about it?
I'd like to hear any silly old idea, because even if the idea is silly, it might spark another idea which could really work.
Here's one: I saw this on TV recently. Turns out that you can get custom-sized condoms! Who knew? All you have to do is tell the TD your length and girth and you're all set. Oh yeah, we got something for the ladies too. Glo-in-the-dark is extra, and of course you get the tourney logo on it. Maybe a ghost stamp. Then, while we wait for awards, we can have a game where we match the condoms up with the guy! Then again, most guys are pretty normal sized, so that's probably too hard to play. Maybe just who's got the biggest.
To counter the condom, we can also have a disc/mini/shirt with a DG-appropriate bible quote on them.
Tiger balm might be good. The powerful skanky stainy orange stuff. I read recently that Asians put Tiger Balm on their eyelids for headache. That's pretty ballsy IMO.
etc etc TDs will thank for your effort I'm sure.
Jan 25 2005, 08:52 PM
Jan 26 2005, 02:52 PM
Had to be Peoria 2 years ago, we got a testiculaur cancer self check handbook, some band aids and a chip clip.Im sure there was also some bunk disc.it sucked, but they always have crappy packages,minus last year which was excellent for them.Always a good time and a well run tourney though, with some of the best courses in Illinois.
Feb 02 2005, 07:15 PM
Here's my idea of what would be a feasible awesome player's package:
--Tournament stamped dyed disc (pick from candy Z or Champ, whichever is used)
--Fleece pullover with tourney logo on the upper-left side (if winter time), preferably charcoal-colored OR modern baseball jersey with the easy-breathe sleeves and the tournament logo on the front, preferrable light-grey colored (for non-winter time)---these were used at Paul Giles in Athens,TX a couple of years back
--Tourney-stamped metal mini with name and PDGA number engraved
--Soda-style towel with tourney logo AND a carabiner to attach it
--Coupons for nearby eateries (not everyone likes the same stuff that could be catered)
Obviously to get all of this stuff, the tourney would have to be HUGE and entry huge as well, so using a voucher to pick which item or two of the more expensive ones might be a good idea. And for the items that are somewhat customized (engraved mini's, sized shirts), getting a count beforehand could be done to eliminate the extras.
Feb 02 2005, 07:19 PM
Every USDGC players pack has been awesome, never received anything remotely close.
Amen to that. I use the beautiful duffle bag from a few years ago(2002) frequently, and i've had to use the USDGC umbrella from the '03 event several times this year.
The best player package ever was at the 1996 Octoberfriz
Wall City Disc Golf bag with Walnut Valley Disc Golf Club logo
1 disc, t-shirt, lots of candy, mini, oh and this little white thing that I thought was a rolled up cigarette but it made me choke uncontrolably......it wasn't a cigarette....actually I wasn't there and I didn't inhale :D **** PEER PRESURE!
Feb 02 2005, 08:32 PM
****!!! Wish i would have know 1 year sooner.
My 1st Friz was 1997 :mad:
2004 Worlds, best I ever had
bag, three discs, 10' tape measure(great idea), shirts, etc.
2004 Cross Canyon, worst ever
supposed to be $30, one discraft something, dx style plastic
and not even the stamp of the tourney, you had to buy those!
I just saw something yesterday.
It was from Gottagogottathrow
It was a bunch of generic scorecard sheets stapled together.
It folded in half and could fit in your wallet.
Maybe you could do 20+ rounds of 8somes.
I might put something like that in a players package.
How about a circular scorecard pad that fits in your mini?
They also have "paper" that you can score on even when it's wet from the rain.
Maybe a little mini-first aid kit? Maybe the size of a pack of cards (metal container) with, uh, Lighter (duh), tweezers?, some bandaids, pencils, scorecards, emery cloth maybe, moleskin, etc.
Maybe a waterproof "golf diary"?
They also have a sort of formica/laminate thing you can write stuff on with pencil in the rain and then wipe it off afterwords. Maybe glue it on a mini, so it's a mini AND a scorecard.
Feb 02 2005, 11:37 PM
2004 Masters Cup
Got a nice jacket with pdga national tour Masters Cup writen on it with a fleece liner.
I really like the scorecards they have at golfdisc.net http://golfdisc.dk/grafik/diverse/all-weather-psn.jpg I would love to have a couple of these in a players package
2003 Faultline.
Had a top notch collared embroidered shirt.
A newl released Squal from DGA
Odwalla juice
Tec-nu sample
hand warmer
Innova mini bottle opener
and a few other goodies.
After returning frommajor PDGA event, I was so disapointed with the players package, and running of the event, I returned home hell bent to put togethor a top notch package for the fualtline that year and to run a great show. We tried to think of a survival pack that would have everything a touring pro would usuaully carry.
Now were back to focusing on less package, more pay for this Open only event.
The Masters Cup Watch from 02 was pretty nice. And I still use the Masters travel bag from 99. Tommy does great stuff.
We look to the Masters Cup for our bench mark.
My buddies who come back from USDGC say it's "the first place they fely like a real Pro" Those cool shirts they do with your name and state are pretty nice.
The 24 hour challenge in santa Cruz wound up being really nice with the additional 50 discs we won.
I can't tell you about the other one ... :D
2004 Masters Cup
Got a nice jacket with pdga national tour Masters Cup writen on it with a fleece liner.
Word to the wise. If you put that thing in the washer ...use the gentle cycle ..... better yet, hand wash it :D
2004 Worlds Players Pack was sweet:
Worlds Stamped Starfire
Worlds Stamped Black Pro Challenger
2 Minis (Magnet and Aviar)
Worlds Teeshirt
Scorecard Holder
Invitation to all of the sweet parties
Feb 04 2005, 09:39 AM
And if you ever want to get rid of that Challenger drop me line. :)
I actually sold it at worlds for 25 bucks.
But I do have the Starfire signed by almost every world champion.
2003 Masters Cup, Santa Cruz, got a cool watch with the Masters Cup logo, 2004's jacket was nice, but I live in Texas and will never use it!
Luke Butch
Feb 04 2005, 11:04 PM
DGLO. Never seen anything close.
Buddha, those discgolf.net cards look like a good idea.
I'll check those out, thanks
oct 5-9
By far the USDGC's. This last year we got an emboidered sweatshirt with the USDGC and winthrop logos. A sweet USDGC embroidered backpack. A limited run starfire. A very nice bronze bag tag with your name and USDGC logo. A short sleeve shirt with your name and state flag on the front. Coupons galore for all the area restaurants. Some awsome pastries from a local bakery in Rock Hill. And one of the best players parties with live entertainment and AWESOME food. Your competitors bag tag also allows for you to play the Winthrop ball golf course at no charge. Definately you get back WELL over half of the $225 entry fee. :D
This past weekend at Cracked Plastic i got the best players package i ever recived for a B-tier. A champion beast with tourny stamp and X wasp with tournament stamp. plus hamburgers and hotdogs for lunch the tournament was great.
Nov 28 2005, 03:42 PM
... the "Title" of this thread will be in Tulsa next year for the 2006 AmWorlds ... :cool:
Nov 29 2005, 11:10 AM
Hard to beat personalized embroidered CoolMax polos (along with a TON of other DG merchandise & pies!) at the 2005 MSDGC.
Nov 29 2005, 03:59 PM
Chocolate �clair Table Talk pies�.mmmmmmMMMMMMMMM�. Just wait for the pie eating contest next year. Schweb is going down.
Don't forget the Vitamin Water. I live on that stuff now.
Nov 29 2005, 04:12 PM
Seeing all of these model-skinny folks winning eating contests on ESPN, I'd lay early odds on Juliana (if she plays this year)! :D
Nov 30 2005, 12:13 AM
Chocolate �clair Table Talk pies�.mmmmmmMMMMMMMMM�. Just wait for the pie eating contest next year. Schweb is going down.
Don't forget the Vitamin Water. I live on that stuff now.
As long as the pies that I can eat are not chocolate, I WILL WIN.
Nov 30 2005, 02:14 PM
Chocolate �clair Table Talk pies�.mmmmmmMMMMMMMMM�. Just wait for the pie eating contest next year. Schweb is going down.
Don't forget the Vitamin Water. I live on that stuff now.
As long as the pies that I can eat are not chocolate, I WILL WIN.
I think that a "Least Favorite Kind of Pie Eating Contest" is the way to go. Here I come Pineapple.
Nov 30 2005, 11:41 PM
One of the Best player's package , I have ever received , was at the US Open Championships in 1984 , at La Mirada.
For your $ 65.00 entry fee :
A weeks worth of play at a World class course.
A Pair of Leather Tennis shoes and socks.
A pair of players shorts.
2 Tee-shirts.
3 golf discs and 2 minis.
Lunch and drinks. :eek:
My first tourney '92 Octoberfriz $25 entry got me
4 different rounds of world class golf plus field events, 3 discs, a mini, a tie-dyed wardrobe including :
boxers, sox, hat, shirt, and towel,
free beer, food, and KB all weekend!!!
No wonder I've been hooked ever since.
Thanks Bart & Harvey for all the Friz memories over the last 13 years!
Sep 05 2006, 11:18 PM
This years Am worlds was pretty sweet:
Disc from Innova
Disc from Discraft
Disc from L 64
Collard Shirt
Several Minis
Cupons for stuff around town
$$ voucher for Casino
Deck of cards
Revoultion Bag
Dry hands.
I thought it was odd that we did not get a disc from Gateway?
Sep 06 2006, 01:06 PM
I second that....PHAT players pack at Am Worlds
Sep 27 2006, 10:06 AM
Woo Hoo! Am Worlds Baby!
Joe Rotan can't build a players package without it being awesome!
Oct 04 2006, 01:43 AM
... the "Title" of this thread will be in Tulsa next year for the 2006 AmWorlds ... :cool:
... remember this quote from me ? ... it's on the previous page as well ... it's from November 28 , 2005 ... told ya so ...
Oct 04 2006, 02:07 AM
This years Am worlds was pretty sweet:
Disc from Innova ... ProLine ...
Disc from Discraft ... the new ESP plastic ...
Disc from L 64 ... brrrr-and new , and they were here from Sweden to promote it ...
Collard Shirt ... top-o'-the-line Dri-Fit , embroidered ( like about , uh , $35.00 worth ) ...
Several Minis ... nice custom-stamps ...
Cupons for stuff around town ... some of them v-e-r-y generous offers & discounts ...
$$ voucher for Casino ... gamblin' moolah ...
Deck of cards ... for your Hotel room action ...
Revoultion Bag ... pure-quality construction , -and- sewn with limited-edition colors ... suh-weet ...
Dry hands. ... "handy" ...
a special "Caribeaner" with built-in LED-light
slick 'n' shiny full-color Program
a neat plastic name-tag-holder with Players-name on a "Kicker" lanyard
a bundle of fresh Roses for the ladies
a good ol' full-size Sharpie pen
... 2 Meals during the week ... with Live Bands ... kegs-of-beer ...
THE definitive new Standard for tournament-excellence : "The Course Book" with full-color hole-by-hole of all six Courses
... Nuclear ...
Oct 04 2006, 07:25 AM