Oct 04 2004, 07:02 PM
I feel compelled to tell y'all how much I like those white baskets at Emerald Isle. They look good. They catch good putts good. They don't catch non-perfect putts worth a crap. :)

Since they pretty much won't catch a darn thing that isn't dead-center, I have found that my cencentration whilst putting has improved dramatically. It's amazing, actually. The DFA baskets at Emerald Isle are non-standard: they have 3-0 chain instead of 2-0, which is heavier and quieter than the lighter stuff. As a result the baskets are even less forgiving. They also have an extra wire wound through the chains. The configuration pretty much stops any cut-throughs, but again they won't catch anything that isn't dead center.

But I liles 'em! :)

You would think I could putt like maniac on one of those realtively super-easy baskets on the other courses, but alas, it hasn't worked out that way. I guess I know that those other baskets are far more forgiving so I don't get that good focus while lining it up at them.

But I like those white baskets.

Oct 05 2004, 06:34 AM
I miss the CHING!

That wire through the chains keeps the chains from hitting the center pole. Hence, no CHING!
More of a klunk rattle.

Oct 05 2004, 01:23 PM
I second that blarg... never seen one of those baskets, but my one enjoyment of playing DG is hearing that Ching 18 times a round ( or more if I get kicked out :mad:). Don't take that magical sound out of the game. :)

Oct 05 2004, 11:49 PM
One of the local courses here has these baskets without that wire. They seem to catch more of my puts than the disccatchers do. They do ching also.

Oct 06 2004, 02:09 AM
The ones at Emerald Isle have the wrong kind of chain. It's quieter than the 2-0 chain.

I still like 'em. :)

Oct 06 2004, 11:58 AM
These baskets were made for a golf course.I have made some changes along the way quite is one of them.Looks is a big part of it.The chain configuration will change a little with the new baskets.The new baskets will be made of plastic top and bottem chains and pole will still be steel.I took a lot of flack in the beginning with Freds baskets but players are finding out what what I learned. The course owners love them.Thanks for the support. I am building these courses for players like you Megan keep playing I will have a car soon spinning in a pond with your name on it.My next course will probably be in Chicago?Play on plyers. ;)

Oct 06 2004, 01:58 PM
I am building these courses for players like you Megan keep playing I will have a car soon spinning in a pond with your name on it.

What does that mean?

Oct 07 2004, 02:32 AM
they have cars in golf events that seem to be floating on water that are pirzes.Just keep playing ;)