Nov 01 2004, 05:25 PM

Nov 01 2004, 06:18 PM
When Innova makes a new mold or re-tools an old mold, they put the city where they are currently located into it.

Nov 01 2004, 06:22 PM
I believe ontario are said to be a little less stable than ranchos...

Nov 01 2004, 08:02 PM
Ontario plasic is stiff and the discs are domier. I have a stiff Roc Lobster Ontario sweet disc.

Nov 01 2004, 08:26 PM
Ummmm.....the city name doesn't indicate the plastic if the mold hasn't changed. Stingrays and Aviars still say San Marino or Ontario on them even though the new ones are run in the new DX plastic that is not hard like San Marino Rocs or old Hammers.

The city name changes when the mold changes.

The original poster didn't ask about Rocs only. Maybe that's what he meant, but that's not what he asked.

Karma Police
Nov 01 2004, 09:06 PM
As said before the major difference is the stability. I use all three molds of rocs. When new the rancho and the ontario are comparable stability wise. But when the ontario gets beat in it makes for the best turnover Roc ever. I've got one in my bag that's really beat in and it turns over and glides to the right forever. That's my 2 cents. All said, I'm very fond of the ontario roc mold. And yes, the the different molds indicate in what city the mold was changed. Aviars still say San Marino b/c they haven't changed the mold since they were located there. Let me know if I'm wrong! I'm sure somebody will. :)

Nov 01 2004, 09:40 PM
Sorry I should have qualified that post I was speaking about Rocs.

Nov 02 2004, 02:25 AM
A rancho roc has a more blunt edge, more concave on the rim and a bigger bead than the Ontario. Most Ontarios are more domey and usually more firm.
I pretty sure that ontarios are way less overstable than any rancho when new.
I hear there are 2 "different" rancho molds, but im not sure if Ive ever noticed any differnce.
Dave D could answer in the ask dave D thread.

Nov 02 2004, 03:07 AM
I would have to say the same as above. The Ontario "Rocs" seem a little domier than the Ranchos and more understable.

Nov 02 2004, 09:23 AM
what is the difference between those 2 and the San Marino then?

Nov 02 2004, 10:54 AM
SM-Rocs have a sharper nose radius and I believe a thinner flight plate than Ontarios.
There may be some difference in the wing or bead but I'm not sure.