Nov 06 2004, 06:31 PM
any reports? --i love dx plastic. dx tee and beast are in my bag. i find the beast to be like the teebird, but longer and a little less stable---wondering where the viking fits in. can't wait to try vike and orc.

Nov 07 2004, 12:02 PM
dx Viking was flippy

Nov 08 2004, 03:31 PM
I won a 168 DX Viking in a tourney this weekend. Have thrown it about 3 times. Seems like it might beat in real flippy, but at the moment it is pretty straight. Definitely doesn't have the stability of the firebird like I saw one blurb say. I have a 174g on the way, will have to wait and see how that one is.

Nov 08 2004, 03:36 PM
very flippy, but I like it - i threw it about 400 on a pure anhyzer - very controlled anyhyzer - didn't roll over and didn't hyzer out

Nov 09 2004, 07:30 AM
172 and under are flippy, 174's are not. The Viking was a great choice to put in DX plastic..........now only if Monsters would come out in DX.......hhhhmmmmmmm. ;)

PT Woods
# 20431

Nov 09 2004, 11:20 AM
172 and under are flippy, 174's are not. The Viking was a great choice to put in DX plastic..........now only if Monsters would come out in DX.......hhhhmmmmmmm. ;)

PT Woods
# 20431

DX Monster="S" Spirit or Speed Demon :D

Yeah, I know they don't FEEL the same. Keep buggin 'em Dion, they'll cave after a while!

Nov 09 2004, 11:38 AM
haha...SPEED DEMON???

I don't think the monster is that overstable :-P I know someone that can actually flip one flat and have it glide for a long time before it falls off.

Nov 09 2004, 12:52 PM
haha...SPEED DEMON???

I don't think the monster is that overstable :-P I know someone that can actually flip one flat and have it glide for a long time before it falls off.

Yeah, I know. I was giving PT a hard time.

Nov 09 2004, 01:41 PM
Are they really coming out with a DX Orc? If so that would be sweet. But it would probably become a turnover disc once beaten in, even the champion ones flip after a few months of hitting trees. That is why I only throw mine in the open and keep a new one in the car at all times.

Nov 09 2004, 01:50 PM
i was curious about the dx vike and am curious about the dx orc---as the dx beast is suprisingly stable and straight. dx firebird is also nice--like a tsunami or a new heavy x-pred in dx plastic.

Nov 09 2004, 03:44 PM
haha...SPEED DEMON???

I don't think the monster is that overstable :-P I know someone that can actually flip one flat and have it glide for a long time before it falls off.

Yeah, I know. I was giving PT a hard time.

By the way, good trade on that Starfire. It fits perfectly in my game.

PT Woods

Nov 09 2004, 07:29 PM
I like my end of the trade too! Thanks again!

Rodney Gilmore
Nov 09 2004, 10:39 PM
Steven, I don't know if you noticed or have even looked but the early Champion and Proline Beasts were a different, less stable mold than the DX. The edge of the older Champion Beasts was thicker and more squared off. Just from looking at them the current Champion Beasts (BS) look like they are the DX mold. I carry both a DX and an early Champion (not BS) because of the different flights. I use the Champion as a turnover and the DX as a stable disc. I think it's kind of like the first run CE Firebirds being FL's. Innova compensating for the extra stability of the CE/Champion plastic.

Nov 11 2004, 01:46 AM
175g Viking came in a couple days ago. Definitely not flippy and quite long. It remains to be seen how these beat in in DX.

I tried to put the 168g on an annie today and it came out right quick. These have very good glide. I'm having trouble finding a good reliable turnover disc so maybe the light one beat in a little will work. At Johnson Road Park hole 7 is a 230' or so foot hole with a big long right turn with dense woods on the right and water on the left. Eventually whatever I am throwing as a turnover disc will hang/flex and end up in the lake, so I have a hard time beating dx stuff in enough to have a consistent turnover disc.

Nov 11 2004, 01:58 AM
just throw a thumber over it, even though its not very far, it should get you parked everytime

Nov 11 2004, 07:16 AM
Cdale, try a lighter Flash or X-Xpress for the annies.

PT Woods
# 20431

Nov 11 2004, 11:35 AM
Sorry for the Drift...but
Cdale, Try a Leopard or Valkyrie for Longer anhysers or a Stingray or Stratus or Putter for shorter ones. Or just learn how to throw sidearm...but remember you have to throw Annies hard with spin or they will fade out, even if it is a understable beat up disc.

Nov 11 2004, 12:34 PM
Thanks guys. I usually end up flicking instead of throwing annie. In general I use 160's DX Valks if I do throw the turnover, but I should probably give the Xpress and Stingrays a try too. This is for annies longer than my beat roc or omega can reach.

Dec 25 2004, 02:14 AM
i got one of these as a Christmas present, i like the new DX plastic it feals good. anyone think its more durable than the last stuff?

Dec 25 2004, 10:27 AM
There is new DX plastic? :confused:

Dec 25 2004, 02:09 PM
Just a new blend i believe.

Dec 25 2004, 03:37 PM
yeah the new dx is definately different. it feels gummier and more similar to the pro plastic. i dont really like the feel of it.
but thats just me

Dec 25 2004, 09:41 PM
Why yes there is Chris! Are you looking for new roller material??

Dec 27 2004, 12:02 AM
possibly... they'd be cheaper than those CE TL's in the bottom on Jones

Jan 15 2005, 02:19 AM
My aplogies for the drifting

I primarily throw discraft, the few innova discs in my bag are rocs and a xd which was a mistake..anyhow..I'm playing in a tourn. coming up and am thinking of a dx viking, however have also considered an eagle or beast in the players pack and don't want to make the same mistake that I did in the last tourn. I am wondering which would be similar to the Elite X - XS but maybe a touch more overstable.


Jan 15 2005, 02:34 AM
a viking is rather similar to an XS dont know about the DX viking as the one i had got delt.

Jan 15 2005, 10:28 AM
The Sidewinder is similar to an XS and is more overstable.

Jan 15 2005, 12:33 PM
I was under the impression that a sidewinder is understable, and I can only pick from viking, beast, and eagle

Jan 15 2005, 01:16 PM
If your familiar with discraft, the Sidewinder is like a beat in Flash. Normally the Flash brand new for me is slightly understable, but beat in it will turn like a valkrie. Release the sidewinder at 45 degree anhyzer (RHBH) and it will roll forever. But thrown flat, with "noodle arm" power, it will still fade at the end. A big arm can turn over a brand new sidewinder when released flat.

"All my assumptions are based on throwing the proper weight disc for your arm. Too many people throw stuff too light or too heavy."