Nov 09 2004, 07:48 PM
Has anyone else found this run of Rocs to be very unstable?

I thought this would have been my overstable midrange, but this past weekend the disc, when thrown with a considerable amount of hyzer, flipped flat and drifted to the right....AND NEVER FLEXED OUT!


Maybe I will ahve to go back to teh Zwasp to be my overstable midrange....

Nov 10 2004, 02:09 AM
The 179 red one I have dosent do what you described. Matter of fact I think its a little more overstable than the other rocs I have. I feel its alot like the super rocs which I also find to be a bit more overstable. Sure you wernt throwing into a head wind?

Nov 10 2004, 08:28 AM
At one of the courses I was so I was expecting it to flip then.

At the other course the wind wasn't noticable on the holes I threw it on.

My roc is 178 and day-glow green.

Nov 10 2004, 09:22 AM
I love mine! I guess I dont have the power or arm speed as you do cause I cant get mine to do that unless its into a real good head wind.

Jake L
Nov 10 2004, 10:02 AM
I threw a 05 roc, It was not in the wind like we played this weekend Will, the roc I threw was as stable, if not more, than a Z wasp. I took a full throw with it, and no flip. The winds down east at Steed were tough. Don't judge your disc based on last weekend alone.

Nov 10 2004, 10:24 AM
Jake. I was throwing this out at Jacksonville(hole 17) and in both rounds it flipped flat and landed behind 18's teepad.

I have been throwing the '05 roc for a few weeks now, mostly at Zebulon and I have had the same thing...flip flat and fly slightly to the right and have very little fade at the end...

*shrug* I have a lot of upper body strength so maybe I should cut it down to 70% power instead of the 90% I used most of the time.

Nov 10 2004, 10:32 AM
I have thrown one of mine, a pink one, and have found it to be identical to the 03 and 04 Rocs.

Jake L
Nov 10 2004, 10:34 AM
could be your strength you big ole manly man! :D

I threw the Z wasp at Steed for shots under 300, and it flew like a slightly beat roc. It worked well. I have been using the wasp more and more lately.

Nov 10 2004, 10:44 AM
have been throwing the '05 roc for a few weeks now, mostly at Zebulon and I have had the same thing...flip flat and fly slightly to the right and have very little fade at the end...

*shrug* I have a lot of upper body strength so maybe I should cut it down to 70% power instead of the 90% I used most of the time.

I say keep the 05 Roc for shots that you need to flip flat fly slightly right then fade a little at the end. Then go out and buy yourself a 178 Z Wasp for your overstable midrange. I throw with ALOT of armspeed and snap and the Z Wasps are overstable for me all the way down to 172 grams. Dont change how you throw the disc if it doesnt do what you want to do. Get a disc that will do what you want it to :D

Nov 10 2004, 11:02 AM
Z-Wasp's are more overstable than CE Rocs. A lot cheaper too! :)

Nov 10 2004, 01:50 PM
Z-Wasp's are more overstable than CE Rocs. A lot cheaper too! :)

All Rocs I have thrown brand new, 180g Champ/Super/KC have all turned-over right out of the box. They are nice discs, but if I need to throw 320ft, then I take out my 178g ZWasp, I can actually release it with a bit of hyzer and it remains stable enough so when it does flip flat it does not turn over. It will hold the line for the remaining 250 or so feet before it starts fading.

ZWasp is becoming one of my favorite discs, that along with my two ZBuzzz's 1 beat for turnovers, another new for straight shots. Other then a MRV, Flash and Flick, the rest of the stuff I throw is innova.

Nov 10 2004, 01:53 PM
So you could call it a Roc-Wasp then. Because it is from the Roc mold.

Nov 10 2004, 02:32 PM
So you could call it a Roc-Wasp then. Because it is from the Roc mold.

Yup except its a little smaller in diameter and is made out of Z Plastic. I guess you could call it a Z Roc if you really wanted to but i like Z Wasp Better :D

Just my opinion though i could be wrong :D

Nov 10 2004, 02:38 PM
I throw Zwasps instead of Champ Rocs. Its the only piece of discraft plastic in my bag. It is more overstable than a Champ Roc with a little less glide.

Nov 13 2004, 08:27 PM
wasps def chump roc
what the hell is DEP????

Raleigh based don't mess with the paste.

Nov 13 2004, 09:02 PM
DEP=Down East Playa