Nov 22 2004, 10:33 AM
I am planning on putting a course in on my families land next summer.
What does everyone recommend for baskets?
Any real favorites?
Any you would stay away from?
Are they all good or similar?
Nov 22 2004, 11:13 AM
I prefer Mach IV.
Nov 22 2004, 11:56 AM
Mach V is the next best then the Mach New II.
i dont really think there is a one best basket, dga, innova, discraft and even gateway have at least one quality basket in production. also there is a basket called the strokesaver that are probably the best priced and catch very very well. just dont use the skillshot baskets :D
Nov 22 2004, 01:09 PM
I have a skill shot. Good for practice, but I would never make a course with one.
Nov 22 2004, 01:10 PM
Mach V, Chainstars, Double Chained Discathers....everything else sux
strokesaver, nice deep baskets
Chainstars then Mach V
If money is a problem, get Mach II-news, then add more chains later. It's really close to a Chainstar/Mach V at that point.
Jake L
Nov 22 2004, 01:37 PM
Chainstars then Mach V
Yep, I agree.
Chainstars then Mach V
Yep, I agree.
Mach V then Chainstars.
The two sets of chains on the Mach baskets are seperate at the bottom where as the Chainstars are on the same ring. Seperate is better because then the chains move independantly of eachother. I can count numerous putts, and once center pole hitting near ace, that have bounced out or gone through the chains on the chainstars.
But the Machs are much more expensive then the chainstars. The only disadvantage I see.
Nope, that oversized 2nd ring on the Mach V can kick up and spit out good putts.
You may be right about independant movement of the chains, but that big ring is a bigger problem.
Luke Butch
Nov 22 2004, 02:38 PM
Discatchers w/ inner chains, Chainstars, or Mach III. All quality baskets that catch fairly well. The reason I included Discatchers is that I like them best for a wooded course.
Nov 22 2004, 02:46 PM
Mach III.
Mach III is a terrible basket.
If you hit the chainholders, the disc stands up and starts rolling. Also, there is a hole in the chains just left and right of center than discs pass through sometimes
Nov 22 2004, 03:04 PM
Discatchers w/ inner chains, Chainstars, or Mach III. All quality baskets that catch fairly well. The reason I included Discatchers is that I like them best for a wooded course.
It would be a heavily wooded course and I do like the Yellow cap on the Discatcher. Thanks for all the input.
DO NOT puchase the M-14 by DGA. Even on a shoestring budget like mine, I could've made a better basket. The 14 chains just seem to enjoy frustrating me while taking practice putts. I've cut thru way more thatn I've made from 30 ft. On the upside, if I learn to putt into this pile, then I'm probably good from 50 ft. anywhere else in the world. Kicking myself quitely /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Unless you plan to host some PDGA-sanctioned events, why not an object course?!? Doubly so, if cost is a factor.
The first disc golf courses, in the 1930's, were w-a-a-a-a-a-y before DGA, Innova, Discraft, et al, etc.
<font size=-2>[note to self: Am I the new Dr. Chit?]</font>
Nov 22 2004, 05:48 PM
I'm sorry, I thought this thread was about something else.
Nov 22 2004, 05:59 PM
I can't believe the thread went that long without comment to the title but I thought Hysell would've been the one to do it. :)
It was too obvious. Why bother?
Nov 22 2004, 06:15 PM
The ryhmes on the Bump N Rhyme thread get deleted but this thread can stay with a name like this???
Me thinks Mommy_Daddy isnt doing his job :eek:
Nov 22 2004, 06:28 PM
Discatchers with the added inner chains catch more of my putts than any other you'll have the added benefit of (possibly!) learning to ignore the yellow chastity belt...which will give you an advantage over the folks who only complain about it!
Nov 22 2004, 06:29 PM
I'm sorry, I thought this thread was about something else.
I concur
Nov 22 2004, 06:59 PM
I'm sorry, I thought this thread was about something else.
I concur
dirty, dirty, dirty minds :cool:
well you have to agree your thread title has nothing to do with baskets,i personally don't see the correlation between great snatch and i'm putting a course on my families land next year :confused:
Nov 22 2004, 10:04 PM
what??? SNATCH has to do with the ability to grab and hold tight anything that penetrates. to what other than disc golf baskets could it possibly refer? sheesh!
Nov 23 2004, 12:38 PM
The ching baskets even advertise their snatch action capabilities.
well then scene you put it that way,i guess i was off base with my assumption :D
Nov 23 2004, 12:57 PM
...and I now have a date with my Skillshot this evening! Thanks CHING!! :D
Nov 23 2004, 01:19 PM
...and I now have a date with my Skillshot this evening! Thanks CHING!! :D
dont wanna start anything but i saw some guys putting out on her the other day.
: ) :
Nov 23 2004, 01:35 PM
...and I now have a date with my Skillshot this evening! Thanks CHING!! :D
dont wanna start anything but i saw some guys putting out on her the other day.
: ) :
I can't speak for your basket, but I have a skill shot. They may advertise the great snatch action, but the snactch isn't all that good. I've had better.
...and I now have a date with my Skillshot this evening! Thanks CHING!! :D
dont wanna start anything but i saw some guys putting out on her the other day.
: ) :
I can't speak for your basket, but I have a skill shot. They may advertise the great snatch action, but the snactch isn't all that good. I've had better.
Ok Ok... so the inevitable perversion of this thread has finally been cemented. Took a little longer than most of us thought though I think. :cool:
Nov 23 2004, 04:15 PM
Nov 23 2004, 05:15 PM
I wonder how they got that railcar into the barn? :confused:
Nov 23 2004, 05:18 PM
The ryhmes on the Bump N Rhyme thread get deleted but this thread can stay with a name like this???
Me thinks Mommy_Daddy isnt doing his job :eek:
Nick appears to be on vacation (Rhett too), the board is dead...
Nov 23 2004, 05:44 PM
I wonder how they got that railcar into the barn? :confused:
you dont see the rails ??? :cool::D :eek:
Nov 23 2004, 07:55 PM
There was a rail car and rails????????? They were in a barn???????? :confused: :confused:
I dont see anything but a FINE ACE BLONDE in a bikini. :D
Nov 23 2004, 08:05 PM
I dont see anything but a FINE ACE BLONDE in a bikini. :D
are you calling her an ACE BLONDE cuz you finished in ONE STROKE?
Nov 23 2004, 08:07 PM
Those are not rail hubs, they are tire rims without the tires.
Nov 23 2004, 08:32 PM
Looks like some quality worksmanship went into the frameing of the barn.
Nov 23 2004, 08:32 PM
i'm looking at the camel toe :D
Nov 23 2004, 08:32 PM
Nov 23 2004, 08:54 PM
You know you just went to after you saw this picture? You know who you are.
Rodney Gilmore
Nov 23 2004, 09:55 PM
I was wondering where the was in the pic until I went back up and looked again after your post. If they really wanted people to see the web addy, maybe they should have put it somewhere else in the pic. Lower, halfway down in the frame where we were looking already maybe.
Nov 23 2004, 10:29 PM
Are we supposed to vote for the red top vs. the pink top? :confused: I'd like to go on the record that I'm offended by the turn of direction this thread has taken!
And I'm voting for red, but it's close.
What's this about a website? :confused:
Nov 23 2004, 10:41 PM
Definitely red /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Red definitely looks like the better snatch. :cool:
Nov 23 2004, 11:10 PM
Red definitely looks like the better snatch. :cool:
You guys have gutter minds.
Nov 23 2004, 11:28 PM
Never send a boy to do a mans job.
A ( or
B? (
Or is this about A ( or B? ( :confused:
Please vote now. I'm not sure which model to buy.
Nov 23 2004, 11:35 PM
they dont know what them double Bs mean
I VOTE B on both questions
I would take both A and B from the first question and forget all about buying a basket. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
i'm looking at the camel toe :D
Is that what she's standing on? Camel skin? :confused:
Nov 27 2004, 08:55 PM
I am planning on putting a course in on my families land next summer.
What does everyone recommend for baskets?
Any real favorites?
Any you would stay away from?
Are they all good or similar?
Here is a brief descrition of the new Basket by Gateway, The Titan Pro-24;
We are using 1/2 inch cold rolled steel instead of the 5/16ths. There are also a few changes that add to the catching ability. We have the traditional 2.0 straight link coil on the outside 12 chains, but have a slightly heavier weighted proof coil chain on the inside 12.
Ed Headrick used the term grabber chain for the proof coil, it is more of an oval shape.
When used for the outside chains, our testing showed that it deflected off center hits with out snatching them in.
The heavier chain works great though on the inside 12, as it stops the discs before they hit the pole but they do not bounce out. We actually use 2 sets of 6 chains on the inside connecting them to 2 different rings so they are 2 differnt lengths ( every other one)
We also have a different shaped ring that is smaller diameter and also heavier than the rings used for attaching the chains around the pole. The smaller and heavier rings( shaped like an armstrong bracelet) have way less action on contact, so there are virtually no spit throughs or bounce backs either.
We used a similiar technology to the slider top assembly of the mach v/ chainstar, that really helps allow high center and off center hits to stay in.
We will be sending one off to the pdga for approval and already have several courses sold that will be using them.
They can be galvanized or dipped in a coploymer that is used for park benches and other playground equipment.
The color we are using now is red and it show up so well on the wooded course we just installed. The materila is guaranteed against chipping, cracking and fading.
If you have a sonic restaurant it is similiar to the material on the benches outside of them.
The retail price of the Titan Pro-24 will be around $450.00, but we will be selling a few promotional sets of 18 to get the name out there for less.
Send me your e mail if you would like to see a picture of them on the new course!
PS, how do you make a link to an image for others to view?
Nov 28 2004, 06:01 AM
Once it is hosted on a web server, just click on the image button below and paste in the URL.
Are the baskets you are making different from the one's recently installed in Anna Page Park in Rockford other than the color? I thought those baskets were great as far as catching. I even had a 100ft+ stick! I really like the baskets and only had one concern. The size of the pole kinda freaks me out. The only reason I say this is recently we had some idiots take and bend two mach III's over to the ground!! In the past we have had park guys who obvously don't know how to drive zero radius mowers run into the baskets and bend the poles. This is aside from the abuse they take from the general public. We have all seen the kids climbing on them.
I really like the baskets and the catchablility, I just want to see them last the test of time.....and idiots.
I'm kind of surprised at what baskets everyone likes. I had always thought the Mach III was the most popular basket. This thread shows otherwise! Of course I played on the original Mach I's for a very long time and even used the old cones. If you can putt on these things you can putt on anything. It makes throwing at a Mach III, Chainstar, Discatcher or Titan feel like your throwing at a house.
IMHO If you practice on a basket that is less than the best you will become a better putter. Ever try putting on a basket with no chains? I know a guy who used to putt at a broomstick with two peices of tape on it to mark the catching zone. He's a pretty good putter, now if he could come up with something simalar to work on that head game! :o
when i saw the title of this thread i was thinking something else.
Nov 30 2004, 10:00 PM
I thought we were on a roll with this thread then it went back to baskets?!
Dec 01 2004, 02:01 AM
The Baskets used at anna page are the Sharkbite baskets made with 5/6ths.
These are made with 1/2". We used some of the same technology and improving where needed.
Did you read the description?
The Smaller heavier rings, shaped like an Armstrong bracelet, combined with the Heavier inside chains are HUGE improvements. They never really spit the discs backwards, only down into the 13" deep basket!
The poles used at Anna page, though smaller in diameter are 16 guage thickness which is Thicker than DGA poles. The ones we are using now are 10 Guage, which is MUCH thicker and needed to handle the weight of the 1/2" steel construction.
Besides the new 18 hole Red polymer coated course here in the Lou, There is a 9 hole course in Storm Lake Iowa that is galvanized. Storm lake is a great place for disc golf, unfortunately the course is in a very small park.
The Titan must be some sort of hermophodite freak.
It has both a thick pole and a really great "snatch"
Dec 01 2004, 10:23 AM
The Titan must be some sort of hermophodite freak.
It has both a thick pole and a really great "snatch"
LMAO :eek: :D
Dec 01 2004, 02:21 PM
The Titan must be some sort of hermophodite freak.
It has both a thick pole and a really great "snatch"
LMAO :eek: :D
The Titan must be some sort of hermophodite freak.
It has both a thick pole and a really great "snatch"
LMAO :eek: :D
Uh oh, a disc golf basket on Jerry Springer?
Dec 02 2004, 02:05 AM
Call the shop tomorrow if you can and talk to justin.
Ask him about the ash whoopin he took tonight at Haselweird in the dark
Call the shop tomorrow if you can and talk to justin.
Ask him about the ash whoopin he took tonight at Haselweird in the dark
Called Justin and he claims that you whipped him because you were putting well beyond your ability and inferred a lot of "luck"... sounds like he was trying to turn the smack talk around, but he did admit to getting whipped.