Nov 30 2004, 12:14 PM
I need to find some midrange that is overstable. I mean more overstable than a Roc or Wasp. A decent midrange. This is what I use at the moment.
Z wasp - Slight hyzer to straight shots
X Buzzz - Straight shots
beat Photon Glow wasp - straight to slight anhyzer
Z Glide - Anhyzer shots
What I am missing is something I can really hyzer, something a little harder to turn over, and better into the wind. Pretty much the mid range version of the predator. The Z Wasp works good for some hyzer shots but if I am off a bit on the release it will fly flat and straight. Anyone got any suggestions on what I should try?
Nov 30 2004, 12:15 PM
Gateway Demon. Not Speed Demon, just Demon.
Rodney Gilmore
Nov 30 2004, 12:20 PM
Gateway Demon. Not Speed Demon, just Demon
I second that. They don't flip. Ever. All they do is hyzer.
Nov 30 2004, 12:29 PM
you can hyzer any disc you want... hell I can throw a beat 150 class stingray with a hyzer release (doesn't mean it's going to stay on that angle)... I think what you want is a disc that will fade quickly after release... I use a champ whippet for those instances, but maybe a demon is more what you are looking for?? :D
Nov 30 2004, 12:32 PM
Yea, I want something one step up from the Z Wasp in overstability.
Nov 30 2004, 12:36 PM
Nov 30 2004, 12:36 PM
Why fill your bag with a new disc for every shot? Have you tried throwing your overstable driver with less power?
Rodney Gilmore
Nov 30 2004, 12:41 PM
Player One, it's at least one step up in overstability but probably closer to 2 or 3. To be completely honest though, you might not like a new Demon. But if you are patient and stay with it until it gets broken in, you will love a broken in Demon.
Nov 30 2004, 12:50 PM
Demons have SUPER predictable hyzers. Sounds like it is THE disc you are looking for.
Nov 30 2004, 12:51 PM
Demons have SUPER predictable hyzers. Sounds like it is THE disc you are looking for.
Here You Go:
Nov 30 2004, 01:19 PM
try a gator
or a gremlin if you want something a bit longer and faster.
me, i just use my roc or whatever overstable driver i am using at the moment and don't throw it full steam.
Nov 30 2004, 01:20 PM
What about the MRX?
What about the MRX?
Based on my experience, the MRX would not be as overstable as you would like. Go with the Gateway Demon, a very useful disc to have in your bag along with your Wasp and Buzzz. I carry all three of these discs myself.
Nov 30 2004, 01:40 PM
Just throw a DRIVER :D
Too many discs leads to trouble. I like your set up for mids though. I am pretty much the same but i use Z was for Overstable 178 Z BUZZZ for straight and hard. 170 Z BUZZZ for Turnovers and 177 D BUZZZ for flips. I Fan grip ALL my mids though if i need something to FADE HARD that or i just throw a driver.
If your looking for Pred stability but midrange distance just stand still and throw a nice smooth Pred :D
Man that was repetitive
i had this same problem a few months ago, i got a q-sentinal an it has become a great flyer. its basically an overstable candy cobra.
Wasps are a tad more overstable then the MRX.
I am one that likes to throw the same power off the teepad not matter what the distance, I just change drivers/mids for the different conditions.
What weights are you throwing? You did not mention that. As people made note, just throw a disc with less power, very true because you can even get a broke in Leopard to fade if you do not throw with any power.
I have had excellent results with my 178 Z Wasp. Good for hard fades, and head wind shots. And if you really want to crush it, you can get the Wasp to flex and once it comes back flat it will hold the line for a long time. I can get my Z Wasp up to 340ft.
Player one, what is a Z GLIDE? I've never heard of it.
Nov 30 2004, 02:03 PM
I am fairly new player to this sport. Christmas will be a year for me.
Z Wasp is 169g
X Buzzz is 173g
Photon Glow Wasp is 177+g
Z Glide is 172g
When I drive I love to put a lot of snap on the disc. I don't like letting up on power at all unless absolutely necessary and if I do I sacrifice accuracy most of the time. I don't have a problem with distance in midrange. I can easily get over 300 ft. with any midrange. I swear I can throw my midranges farther than my drivers. Which I can't figure out. And weight doesn't seem to matter, I had that photon glow wasp at 177+ and it uses to be my everything disc. But now it�s so beat, I can release it with extreme hyzer and the thing almost immediately flips flat and then all the way over to go anhyzer. Craziest thing ever. I�m just looking for a disc that is almost always pretty much going to fade at the end. Even when it gets worn in. I was looking at the MRX because the ratings look like its more overstable. But then I know you can't judge by that.
Is the Bulldog supposed to be more overstable?
The bulldog is made out of the same grippy plastic as the Hydra, and it is like a beefed up Aviar. It is very thick in your hand.
You may want to try, since weight is not an issue, a 178 Z Wasp. I have had mine for a few months now and it is still an overstable pig. Everyonce and a while I will break my wrist and turn it over, but if you break your wrist you can turn over a Flick.
The only difference I noticed between my Z Wasp when it was new vs now, is that now it is a bit more comfortable in my hand. The Z plastic is more durable then the photon glow. You can try an MRX, but they are only in elite X plastic, which eventually beats up and will then turn over.
Nov 30 2004, 02:18 PM
I am fairly new player to this sport. Christmas will be a year for me.
Z Wasp is 169g
X Buzzz is 173g
Photon Glow Wasp is 177+g
Z Glide is 172g
When I drive I love to put a lot of snap on the disc. I don't like letting up on power at all unless absolutely necessary and if I do I sacrifice accuracy most of the time. I don't have a problem with distance in midrange. I can easily get over 300 ft. with any midrange. I swear I can throw my midranges farther than my drivers. Which I can't figure out. And weight doesn't seem to matter, I had that photon glow wasp at 177+ and it uses to be my everything disc. But now it�s so beat, I can release it with extreme hyzer and the thing almost immediately flips flat and then all the way over to go anhyzer. Craziest thing ever. I�m just looking for a disc that is almost always pretty much going to fade at the end. Even when it gets worn in. I was looking at the MRX because the ratings look like its more overstable. But then I know you can't judge by that.
Sounds to me like you need to up the weight on that Z Wasp to 178 and the flat top ones are more overstable. I dont buy or throw a Wasp unless its a flat top. I used to do the same thing you do. Throw really hard to get accuracy but i could never get the short technical holes because i was always throwing to far or to hard. Try switching to a FAN GRIP once you get inside about 300. That way you can still snap pretty hard and throw hard but the disc wont go as far. I have been doing this for about a couple months now and it has improved my accuracy on shots inside 300 about 10 fold.
Jump up to a 178 Flat Top Z Wasp and you should get the stability you are looking for. I also suggest you take that beat 177 Photon you have and replace the Glide you have with it. Sounds like they are about the same stability now and it will help increase your accuracy because youll always be throwing the same disc on your midranges drives and upshots( i consider Wasp and BUZZZs to be pretty much the same has a bead one doesnt)
Thats all i can tell you other then to just throw a driver from a stand still. Try the fan grip though for sure. I throw with A LOT of armspeed and it has done wonders for me.
Good luck on your quest but i think the 178 Flat Top Z Wasp will do what you want :D
Nov 30 2004, 02:31 PM
One Word: <font size=5>RAM!</font>
Or the more overstable candy version: A CFR Viper (aka CandyHead Viper)
Nov 30 2004, 05:33 PM
I read through this whole thread waiting to state that you should try a CFR (candy) Viper...and someone barely beats me to it! I have quite a few of these since it's such an integral part of my bag. Many people say to "throw a driver with less power." That works for a range of holes for me, say a Champ Firebird for 300-350. Outside those ranges, I'm not as accurate as I would be with a max distance driver, or like in Player ONe's case, the mid-range shot.
The viper is so overstable that it simply can't be thrown all that far. At least I can't...I rip it as hard as I can, and 260-270 is my max. I love that though. When you need to hyzer/skip a shot and end it up 225-275 feet away, it's just perfect. Now if I could find one that flies the same with a smaller skip to it...
Nov 30 2004, 06:22 PM
Now if I could find one that flies the same with a smaller skip to it...
Try throwing it higher in the air. It will land lawn-dart style. :)
260'? Man, you have a huge arm! :D
The disc companies might not like me saying this but take your current midrange disc, for that means any disc, and bend your wrist over and put more hyzer on your disc? Any disc you already have in your bag is sufficient enough for an overstable mid range disc.
Nov 30 2004, 06:37 PM
260'? Man, you have a huge arm! :D
Just trying to make a point! Usually I'm throwing 350-375, with the occaisional burst of 400-450.
Mine seems to skip no matter how HIGH I throw it, or even how HARD I throw it. If a disc had the exact same flight character but in a non-candy plastic, it probably wouldn't skip as much. I mean come on, the thing skips like a little girl on Christmas...a good 45-75 feet depending on how high/hard you release.
Nov 30 2004, 06:42 PM
Stiff 11X Roc 177G to 180G
Nov 30 2004, 07:20 PM
well let me jump on the bandwagon and say I have 5 discs for 150-350 ft distances....
175 Dx Shark... very beat!
177+ KC Roc beat
177+ KC Roc new/slightly beat
178 Z-wasp
175 Champ whippet
obviously you can tell what I use each disc for, but if you're looking for a very overstable/skipping disc... I say whippet, viper etc... but a really good overstable mid, that wont flip over even into really stiff winds... the z-wasp (max weight) is pretty sweet, so just beef up your wasp. :D
Nov 30 2004, 09:42 PM
Why not use Monster /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Nov 30 2004, 09:49 PM
The Demon b gateway is pretty overstable, ive seen some pretty long shots from it too.
Dec 01 2004, 02:03 AM
Yeah, it does do the "ram skip-and-roll" quite nicely. :) Land it 20-40 feet right and let the disc dance the rest of the way.
The DX RAM does the same thing.
Dec 01 2004, 02:13 AM
Just buy a champion Whippet and get it over with. Seriously underrated disc.Why waste money on a demon? Just kidding Daves Slaves.
Dec 01 2004, 08:44 AM
Dec 01 2004, 09:56 AM
Well, I know the CE/Champion Spider can be stable. Again, I have to go back to the stiff KC Rocs for my stable mid-range.
I was recently on the same search myself. My wasps and rocs go real straight, not so good for getting around corners. I do often use my flick or firebird for those occasions, but I'm having a lot of trouble guageing the right amount of juice to give it.
I just picked up an Innova Gator. This is supposed to be pretty overstable, like +4. It definitely has a bigger fade at the end, but I haven't really played around with it enough yet to 'know' this disc.
Dec 01 2004, 10:28 AM
1. Gateway Demon
2. Innova Gator
3. Innova Whippett
I say Demon, but if you MUST look outside Gateway, go with a Gator or Whippett.
(I still vote the Demon though)