Nov 30 2004, 02:21 PM
Anybody thrown one yet? How are they flying?

Nov 30 2004, 02:45 PM
I heard FLIPPY :D

More FLIPPY then a CHAMP VALK :eek:

Nov 30 2004, 04:17 PM
I heard FLIPPY :D

More FLIPPY then a CHAMP VALK :eek:

i would think so with a -3 rating!!

Nov 30 2004, 04:20 PM
I heard FLIPPY


Please note this message about the newest Innova disc comes from the Discraft Pimp. :D

Nov 30 2004, 04:24 PM
watched J reading throw one a few times this past saturday, and yes it appeared to be under stable!!

Nov 30 2004, 04:41 PM
Please note this message about the newest Innova disc comes from the Discraft Pimp.

I think girlies new goal on the board is to ROAST ME :D

You have to note that i said I HEARD. I only HEARD that its FLIPPY AS ALL GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe ill pick one up see how it flys just to see then sell it for like 8 bucks or trade it for some Discraft :D

Nov 30 2004, 04:56 PM
he said
"Anybody thrown one yet"

not if anyone has HEARD of anyone thowing one yet

Nov 30 2004, 10:08 PM
Yeah how we gonna believe someone from discraft?

Nov 30 2004, 10:19 PM
***see other thread***alert***see other thread***alert***see

It's a roller.

Or it's a long driver for someone who isn't a "big arm".

Dec 01 2004, 08:34 AM
Thanks everyone, especially the great leather bird. I was away from my computer last week, only checked back two pages, and didn't do a word search. I'm a lazy bastage. :o

Dec 01 2004, 09:36 AM
You mean copycraft? ;) I have seen a couple of people throw the sindwinder. It is understable. I do remember DaveD saying it will be a great roller driver straight out of the box.


Dec 01 2004, 09:50 AM
I threw a whole round with one last week in windy conditions. It was great. It is flippy but that is what it is supposed to do. It has great glide and distance for an understable disc. Hard to compare from the holes I was playing but it felt like it had as much distance in a wind as anything else I would have thrown. I can't wait to throw it with no wind. This is one new disc that should stick around.

Dec 01 2004, 10:47 AM
I have one that's overstable.........must be a rare one.
My other Sidewinders are excellent rollers. They are awesome. I'm now rolling 70+ past my longest rolls.
They stand and go !!!!!!! I will get more soon !!!!!!
If you like to Crush rollers, try this disc. It Kicks A !!!!! :eek:

Dec 01 2004, 11:03 AM
Good deal that's what I wanted to hear. I don't really "like" throwing rollers but sometimes ya gotta and sounds like these bad boys do a good job of it. Mine should be here tomorrow. :)

Dec 01 2004, 11:07 AM
I have one that's overstable.........must be a rare one.
My other Sidewinders are excellent rollers. They are awesome. I'm now rolling 70+ past my longest rolls.
They stand and go !!!!!!! I will get more soon !!!!!!
If you like to Crush rollers, try this disc. It Kicks A !!!!!

sarcasm/on NO WAY :eek: You have an Innova disc that when you bought a few of them one was OVERSTABLE but the rest flew completely differnt :eek: NOW WAY THAT IMPOSSIBLE. sarcasm/off

LMAO. Sorry but i HAD to do it :D

Dec 01 2004, 12:06 PM
sarcasm is always on.

and like discrap doesnt produce any discs like that. you ever thrown 2 different colour flashes, of crushes for that matter. ??

Dec 01 2004, 12:26 PM
and like discrap doesnt produce any discs like that. you ever thrown 2 different colour flashes, of crushes for that matter. ??

Yeah but atleast i KNOW Discraft flies different between colors. With INNCONSISTANT you NEVER know what your going to get. Red 175 Valk Red 175 VALK. 1st ones FLIPPY the second one is OVERSTABLE :eek:

Ill stick with knowing the color difference with Discraft instead of just GUESSING and wasting my money on the DARK SIDE :D

Dec 01 2004, 12:41 PM
I wonder if the sidewinder stamp made it onto a valk or orc by accident :operhaps that would explain why only one disc is overstable out of the bunch. :cool:

Dec 01 2004, 12:51 PM
That proves my earlier compliment ;)

Dec 01 2004, 01:20 PM
It looks close to a Viking. Still , this Sidewinder rolls a L O N G way. Does not matter what color either ;)

Dec 01 2004, 01:24 PM
Pimp is the Roc man!!!

Dec 01 2004, 01:39 PM
Man you know i dont throw that CRAP :o

Im the BUZZZ and Wasp man :D.

Rocs are only good for selling and trading not throwing :eek:

Dec 01 2004, 03:24 PM
Buzz, Wasp hmm Spider, Roc? hmm copycraft?

Dec 01 2004, 03:36 PM
Buzz, Wasp hmm Spider, Roc? hmm copycraft?

I will 100% agree that a wasp is a copy of the ROC what i WILL NOT even come close to agreeing with is the BUZZZ is a copy of the SPIDER????

First off put the CRACK PIPE down and go pick up a SPIDER and a BUZZZ then come back and try to type something close to intelligent.

Second off have you EVER even held or thrown a Spider OR a BUZZZ because a spider is OVERSTABLE and has a BEAD and is a SMALLER DIAMETER disc. Pretty much a smaller ROC. The BUZZZ has NO BEAD is the SAME DIAMETER as a WASP and is a STRAIGHT FLYER so therefor it is NOTHING like the Spider.

THAT was by far the WORST comparison i think i have seen on this board yet :eek:

Dec 01 2004, 07:11 PM
Unfortunaly im gonna have agree with Millz on this one.

The Spider is not even close to a Buzz, the spider, is like the old Puma just without a thumbtrack., the Buzz, cant even be compared to another disc in its class, just the nose and lip on it are compltely differant then anything ive seen. Also the Wasp, is a more overstable Roc, this is why i like a wasp better then a roc.

Dec 01 2004, 07:16 PM
the spider, is like the old Puma just without a thumbtrack.

That would be a Panther.

Dec 01 2004, 07:17 PM
Hang on putting down the crak pipe. wow....what are you filling that with Mills? haha. Ok I know the spider was bad to compare. I just like razzin you Mills. I have a few Wasps and I swear the CE Rocs are just as stable. Then again it is all on how it is thrown too. I am a 10X & 11X roc thrower so I never really use the wasp or ce roc. I feel the 10X and 11X Stiff rocs are stable enough.

Dec 01 2004, 07:31 PM
I just like razzin you Mills.

:p You see? I'm not the only one! :D

Dec 01 2004, 09:00 PM
You see? I'm not the only one!


Atleast some people can razz me back and not come back and RIP MY FREAKIN HEAD OFF when im not even being serious :D

Dec 01 2004, 09:23 PM
Isn't this thread about the Sidewinder, not the Sidetracker, AKA, Mr. Millz?

Dec 01 2004, 09:44 PM

Dec 01 2004, 10:46 PM
Isn't this thread about the Sidewinder, not the Sidetracker, AKA, Mr. Millz?

I dont know what it is but EVERY time i post something on a thread it seems to drift off into PIMPLAND :D

Dec 02 2004, 10:05 AM
Sidewinder. It's like a Stingray on Steroids.
Or...........Some say a Flash type of Stingray.
Should we call it a Stingroid ? Or a Flashray ? :D
Oh..............color or weight really does not matter in the overall flight . I have now thrown 14 different ones. It's really fast. :cool:

Dec 02 2004, 01:51 PM
[/QUOTE]THAT was by far the WORST comparison i think i have seen on this board yet :eek:


Nope, the worst was when someone was saying that the Flick had the same flight path as the Buzzz. I think that was in the "weighted flick" thread.

Dec 02 2004, 02:54 PM
Did a little science project with the Sidewinder over lunch. Threw my longest rollers ever and will replace my light Valks for long turnovers. Yeeeha. :)

Dec 02 2004, 02:59 PM
didnt Dave D. call it the Valk-ray

Dec 02 2004, 03:20 PM
Work interfering with play again. Didn't get to finish the thought a while ago. Like Matt said, the Sidewinder hits the ground at the perfect roller angle, stands up slowly while still following the desired line and really seems to resist that pain in the butt, long button hook at the end that most roller discs have. I'm sold.

Dec 02 2004, 06:21 PM
Ok so I took one out into an open field today (orange star stamped 175g) It flies nice, personally I find it to be like a beat Dx beast, but with a different feel to the rim. As touted it is a good roller, and will hold an edge much longer than you would think. overall it's a good begginer disc, or a good roller. I dont really have any use for it, b/c as I said it's like a beat Dx beast (FOR ME) and I have a few of them already...

cheers :D

Dec 03 2004, 03:25 PM
I just bought a Sidewinder off of E-bay. I sure hope this thing flys and is not adament about rolling like an archangel.

Dec 03 2004, 04:11 PM
It's gonna roll, but hey, that's a good thing. ;)

Dec 03 2004, 05:08 PM
Ive been hearing people say they can throw big S lines with this disc, Is this possible?

Dec 03 2004, 06:28 PM
With the appropriate hyzer release and disc weight anything is possible, but it is such a dream for long anhyzers and it is absolutely the best thing I have ever thrown for rollers, so just stay with Pro-line or Champ Orcs for the big old S's. Then again ya gotta realize when you are talking to me you're talking to a dried up old man. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Dec 03 2004, 10:17 PM
any one know how many Sidewinders were run with the star stamp ?

Dec 05 2004, 12:11 PM
I don't know the answer to that but I did just pick one up off of ebay. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Dec 05 2004, 12:32 PM
i'm pretty sure Dunipace said there were around 4000 with the mini star stamp.

Dec 05 2004, 03:36 PM
I'd say this is a killer beginner / intermediate disc.

I only know how it flies for me: it's more stable than a Leopard, flies straighter farther, fading less at the end and flying ~10% longer. I just started this spring throwing with the Leopard and the time has come for me to move to a new main driver, this disc has very nicely become my go to disc on straight and gentle anhyzer shots. I used a 166 g and I think a 175 g will be my next disc purchase to replace the 175 Leopard and a 175 Valkyrie that I found and use in heavy wind.

It helped me take 2nd place Intermediate in the 2004 Winter Blaster in Roseville MN, my first tournament. It's got a place in my bag till it stops working for me :)

Dec 05 2004, 05:12 PM
Its an archangel top with an L (flat rather than concave) bottom. Since there are maybe 4 roller holes in all of NE I haven't tried my archangel/leopard ;) yet.

Some of the light/gummy ones have a noticably thinner flightplate and thus no dome. Seems to be a common feature of that plastic. Dunno how they'd fly, probably overstable and fast with poor glide. :confused:

Dec 05 2004, 05:43 PM
Can anyone compare the width of the rim to the other innova drivers? I am wondering specifically if this driver is more comparable (at least in rim width) to a valk or more to a beast/orc? Thanks

Dec 05 2004, 06:06 PM
I have a blue 174 SW. Love it. The rim is similar to teebird. Valk/Viking is only 1/16 inch bigger than Sidewinder.

Dec 05 2004, 06:46 PM
Cool. Thanks.

Dec 06 2004, 07:56 AM
Wow. That's all I gotta say.

I got a chance to use it in a tournament this weekend. My first pro tournament. During a practice round with Brad Hammock, I threw the biggest best roller of my life. Then I threw the biggest, best roller of my life again. I am a self proclaimed sucky roller thrower. I dislocated my shoulder bad mountain biking and it doesn't like the weird angles I have to release discs at to get them to roll. This thing I throw like I would a flex shot with my Starfire. A tad bit of anhyzer, full power, aiming just right of my target, throwing REGULAR HEIGHT. I throw as hard as I can. It lands at about 200 feet, at a 50 degree angle, and takes forever to stand up. When it does, it just keeps going. Sometimes straight, sometimes with a curve, all depends on that angle you land on.

I threw it on hole 3 at Hampton, 625 feet. I was in the middle of the next fairway (540ish feet) and another I was throwing a little aero approach shot (520 ft).

I threw it on Hole 8 at Hampton, 575 feet. I had a PUTT! Last hole at Hampton for me was that hole and I was within 60 feet of the basket again when I rolled it under a low tree branch.

at Hampton Sunday morning, I also tried rolling it across a water hole with a 240 foot tee shot to get across the water. I was aiming for an 8 foot gap between some trees, that had a 30 foot wide road behind it which would have put me in good approach shape for a 3. I hit my line, but I was about 10 feet short of a perfect landing spot because I hit on the upslope from the water that took all of the steam out of the disc. another 10 feet in the air and I may have been pin high. (hole 6)

Brad had one in his bag, but I don't think he used it much because he throws a good roller. I showed him my technique and he tried it and his first roll was 70 long of a 450 foot hole. I gave Dave Gray a little lesson and he threw his first roller with it 500.

Thanks Dave! I do believe this is the roller disc for people who can't throw rollers.

Oh, and Stan McDaniel was throwing his typical straight as an arrow airshots with it 400 feet. He's deadly with this thing.

Love it. Love it. Love it.

Dec 06 2004, 10:59 AM
Matt- can you give me some lessons, too?

Dec 06 2004, 11:25 AM
Mine should be in this week. 4000 made with the star stamp? Thats cool, I'll hang this one on my wall and wait for another to throw.

Dec 06 2004, 12:41 PM
Yup, Matt I know of what you speak. Well not the parking of a 575' hole part, but the dramatically increased ease of ripping off a substantially longer roller than I have ever thrown before. Was playing a casual round Saturday with friends who know how "D" challenged my game is. On #5 at Yadkinville I used the Sidewinder to outdrive my group on an open, gently uphill roller. Then on the long pin position, anhyzer into the woods on #8 I again outdrove the group with a roller. "Mole" Wallace astutely knew something was up as he is the one who taught me the roller and I have very rarely outdriven him with my beat to crap Stingray in the past. "OK, what disc is that you just drove with?" :confused: "I don't know, just something I picked up." :D When I rolled under the pines down the left side of the fairway to within fifty feet of #10 in the long placement he was positive something was up, so when I picked the driver up so I could three putt I tossed it to him without explanation. He looked at the bottom and since SW didn't fit into his knowledge of Innova discs turned it over to look at the mini-star stamp on the top with a "What the hey" kind of look on his face. "Mole" isn't much on new plastic so I'm sure it will take another round or two of my roller-challenged butt out driving him before he will get one, but you can absolutely bet he will. :D

Dec 07 2004, 09:10 PM
I just got me one of them there sidewinders. Haven't tossed it yet, though. I'm not sure the blue 167 will be able to stand up to my cbdiscchimp-like powers :D!!

Dec 07 2004, 09:28 PM

Now thats a NEW one. I like originality :D

But its Mr. CBdiscChimp to you :p

Dec 08 2004, 02:16 PM
Just got a Sidewinder in the mail on Monday (175 gram Red) and have gotten a couple chances to throw it..... so here's my initial findings.

First off, I really like this disc..... but I can't see how it gets a -3 rating on high speed turn. A number of the reports show this as "flippy", but that's not the case for me. I've got a Pro Line Teebird L (max weight) that is much more flippy.... and it's rated at less than -3. Maybe it's because I've got a wienie arm (300 feet is a good pull for me), but I'm finding this disc holds pretty much any line I put on it. If I release it with a hyzer, it rolls to flat and then turns back at the end as it slows down. If I throw it hard and flat, it does a nice slow turnover.... but still comes out of it and fades back left slightly at the end. I'm going to pick up a lighter weight Sidewinder (169 g) to see how it compares in hopes that it will turnover a bit more. Regardless, I definitely see this taking a spot in my bag.


Dec 08 2004, 08:31 PM
Pimp, what are u doing reading an Innova thread? :eek:

Dec 08 2004, 08:44 PM
Curious how a sidewinder compares with a non-DX Leopard in the air? Anybody?

Dec 08 2004, 08:53 PM
Based on all of these reports, I can't wait to get one!

GED ( ;)), I am curious why you are throwing such heavy plastic if 300' is a good pull for you? Have you tried lighter stuff?

Dec 08 2004, 09:31 PM
I took my 160g Sidewinder out for test drive today. It was a very straight roller for me.

Dec 08 2004, 10:28 PM
Pimp, what are u doing reading an Innova thread?

Just seein what this disc is all about. Maybe ill see if it rolls further then my Flashes :eek:

Dec 08 2004, 11:33 PM
JFirst off, I really like this disc..... but I can't see how it gets a -3 rating on high speed turn. A number of the reports show this as "flippy", but that's not the case for me. I've got a Pro Line Teebird L (max weight) that is much more flippy.... and it's rated at less than -3. Maybe it's because I've got a wienie arm (300 feet is a good pull for me), but I'm finding this disc holds pretty much any line I put on it. If I release it with a hyzer, it rolls to flat and then turns back at the end as it slows down. If I throw it hard and flat, it does a nice slow turnover.... but still comes out of it and fades back left slightly at the end. I'm going to pick up a lighter weight Sidewinder (169 g) to see how it compares in hopes that it will turnover a bit more.

Robbie, if you want to get rid of the 175, I'm sure I can find something to trade for it. That being said, have you tried throwing it anhyzer?

Dec 09 2004, 07:19 AM
[/QUOTE]Robbie, if you want to get rid of the 175, I'm sure I can find something to trade for it. That being said, have you tried throwing it anhyzer?


I've got a 169 in transit and will try and compare them next week. As it stands now, I still like the 175 though... and if the lighter weight does throw differently, I may end up with both in the bag. Haven't really tried an anhyzer with it though. I will be at the Durham monthly on Saturday, so if you want to give it a try, hook up with me early before Cornwallis.... or during the break at VS.

Also the local PIAS doesn't have them yet, but they're onsale at Sun King Discs for $9.99 with $5 shipping on any order.

Dec 09 2004, 10:09 AM
Pimp, what are u doing reading an Innova thread?

Just seein what this disc is all about. Maybe ill see if it rolls further then my Flashes :eek:

Yea........it rolls further than your Flashes. Not even a question or statement. Just Fact !!!!!! :D

Dec 10 2004, 01:06 PM
Yea........it rolls further than your Flashes. Not even a question or statement. Just Fact !!!!!! :D

Hey, I need you to be on your best behavior. I'm working on a trade. Maybe I can get a bag of chips or something for you.

(did you write down my shopping list last night?)

Dec 10 2004, 01:54 PM
:eek: Oh , Oh ..............busted. :D

Didn't mean to offend or discredit. My appoligies dude.

I have your list. You know you can always count on me /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Anything else besides your list ? New Quad Shocks ?

Dec 10 2004, 02:01 PM
:eek: Oh , Oh ..............busted. :D

Didn't mean to offend or discredit. My appoligies dude.

I have your list. You know you can always count on me /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Anything else besides your list ? New Quad Shocks ?

Nothing I can think of. I'll throw pretty much anything gummy.

Gummy mid-weight buzz? I'd like to try one.

Did you find that box? I can come over and help you look if you like. If only I was willing to part with my two mint DGA Sure Shots with Chain Chomper stamp... :-)

Dec 10 2004, 02:02 PM
Hey , they open at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow. Want to go ?

Dec 10 2004, 02:24 PM
Hey , they open at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow. Want to go ?

Hmmm... after you called, Angelica said "well, we haven't visited your parents in the past couple months"

So, she was hinting that maybe we should head up that way. I'll call you tonight and let you know.

Dec 10 2004, 03:58 PM
Anyone have a comparison between a light Sidewinder and a 150-ish JK Valk? As another weenie arm (270'-300'), a light JK Valk is a good S-curve disc for me.

Dec 10 2004, 05:37 PM
Hey Drew. In the past I have thrown 150g CE Valks as my primary long anhyzer disc. In addition to being a great roller the Sidewinder is a great long turnover disc. On Wednesday of this week I played Barber in Greensboro. With the 159g Sidewinder I missed an ace on the big anhyzer in the woods on #17 by a gnats [*****]. Immediately after that I threw two throws on #18, the hard anhyzer coming out of the woods. The Sidewinder was parked at six feet, the Valk was parked at 8 feet. It may be a tomato/tomatoe type thing but the Sidewinder with it's better glide "feels" like a more dependable turnover disc than the Valk, at least to this old man's arm.

Dec 10 2004, 07:12 PM
For me, it flies much straighter and farther than my Pro-Line Leopard of the same weight. I think it holds it's speed and spin longer, too as it seems to fade less at the end. About 3/4 of my drives with drivers are with 166g or 175g Pro Leopards. A Sidewinder will take over quite a few of those.

I didn't try to roll it , but people say it motors so I plan to try that tomorrow.

Dec 11 2004, 09:23 AM
Add my name to the sidewinder fan list. The rim is between a Flash and a Valk. Throws like a long stingray, great control/turnover driver.

Dec 12 2004, 06:10 PM
rim is as wide as valk/firebird. i find it to be a valkyrie-L. it has the L-type bottom, and a lot of dome

Dec 13 2004, 01:23 PM
Does the Sidewinder compare at all to the Glide? I have a glide but have never thrown it, and am not sure I want to buy yet another disc just to see if I want to throw it. I don't like that many molds in my bag anyway. But I would like a more consistent roller... Just wondering if a Glide is similar or how it might be different, and try to be objective, if you can. Thanks. :D

Dec 13 2004, 03:33 PM
Well one difference i think is that the glide is a mid range. And the sidewinder is a driver.

Dec 13 2004, 04:20 PM
i cant tell the difference between the starfire rim and the sidewinder rim. they look identical. the starfire is flat on top compared to the sidewinder, and the sidewinder definitely turns over and glides a long ways, i couldnt get it to hold any kind of hyzer line, it always drifted to the right. (rhbh)

Dec 13 2004, 04:36 PM
I threw a brand new one this weekend. It was a 171 and not broke in. I expected it to go straight and It just turned over and held it. This is what the ArchAngel should of been.

Dec 13 2004, 04:45 PM
Could someone that throws Valks for a roller compare how this disc rolls. Don't forget to include how long you can roll a Valk as well as how long the disc goes in the air before it touches down to roll. Thank you.

Dec 13 2004, 05:25 PM
Well one difference i think is that the glide is a mid range. And the sidewinder is a driver.

You can tell I don't throw a lot of "new" plastic. I thought the Glide was a LRD. Anyway, thanks. :)

Dec 13 2004, 05:47 PM
the sidewinder for me is a faster version of the leopard. just a little more stable.

Dec 13 2004, 08:27 PM
A disc review comming from you Thong?

He11, I can throw my putter as far as you can drive. :D

Dec 13 2004, 09:53 PM
Um...the starfire and the sidewinder do not have the same rim....

Starfire and Orcs are similar

Dec 14 2004, 12:48 AM
Could someone that throws Valks for a roller compare how this disc rolls. Don't forget to include how long you can roll a Valk as well as how long the disc goes in the air before it touches down to roll. Thank you.

I was just about to post a quick review. I throw a broken in 167 champion valk and 171 broken in valk for rollers. I throw right-hand back-hand for rollers.

I picked up a 171 sidewinder today and played with it a bit at Delaveaga. Out of the box it felt very similar to the lighter valkerie in the air, but I really didn't throw many air shots with it.

It was interesting to me that it was understable enough to hit the ground as a roller when I released it at about 10'oclock (maybe 100 feet off the tee), but then stood up straight and rolled straight for 300 or more feet and then still turned over at the very end to curl to the right.

I think when the sidewinder is a little more broken in I'll use it for much longer sky-rollers. When I tried to throw those today I didn't get a full turn-over in the air. The disc just anhyzered way off to the right.

I'd say it's similar to the valkerie, and definitely less stable than my 166 pro leopard.

And it seemed that I could roll the sidewinder maybe 30 feet longer than I could roll the valkerie (which I roll only about 450 or so). But I'm not 100% sure about that. Hopefully in the next couple of days I'll get out to a field and test 'em.

Dec 14 2004, 02:26 PM
I had a chance throw a 172g Sidewinder over the weekend. I liked the feel of this disc in my hand. For all the talk, I expected this thing to be fairly understable but it was not. I got some long airshots with it, which varied from straight to a nice slight left-to-right flight pattern(RHBH) I could make it hyzer flip if I threw it low and hard enough. Of course, in a headwind, it turned over pretty badly. Unfortunately, the courses that I played were either soggy or snow covered and so I wasn't able to throw any rollers. I'm hoping to get an opportunity soon to throw some rollers with it and see if I can achieve the success everyone else has.

Dec 14 2004, 02:36 PM
I threw one over the weekend at Emerald Isle... the Sidewinder now has a place in my bag.

If you're a weenie arm, this is a dream disc. You'll be able to get it to flatten and plane out, maybe even drift over a little, and get lots of distance compared to your other drivers.

If you're a strong thrower, you'll like this disc for long shots that require a big turn. You're not going to trust it on a hyzer drive, though (unless its fairly steep uphill).

I'm a middle of the pack power guy, and I love this disc (I can throw it 400). I happen to like throwing discs that will plane (flatten) for me, or even drift a little. And this disc definitely does that.

I haven't tried rolling one yet.

Dec 14 2004, 03:17 PM
Mmmmmmmmm................Roller. :D

Dec 14 2004, 03:37 PM
Mmmmmmmmm................Roller. :D

Who invited Homer Simpson to the party?

Dec 14 2004, 11:16 PM
I threw my blue 167 about 10 times today. In calm conditions if flew beautifully. It stayed in the air for a long time. I would compare it to a valk like most people here. I like the grip too. I want a heavier one now. It's easy on the arm.

Dec 17 2004, 05:21 PM
Mmmmmmmmm................Roller. :D

Who invited Homer Simpson to the party?

Someone who could Out-Roll you !!!!! DooooHHHHHHH !!! :D

Dec 17 2004, 08:47 PM
Mmmmmmmmm................Roller. :D

Who invited Homer Simpson to the party?

Someone who could Out-Roll you !!!!! DooooHHHHHHH !!! :D

Well, my last roller was 500 feet... of course, the hole was only 400. :mad:

It was a nice par putt, though, wasn't it?

Dec 17 2004, 10:04 PM
The only comparison to the Valkarie that I can see is the stability. The speed and glide are far superior to that of a Valkarie, and the distance as well. When I try to crank a Valkarie they just seem to crap out on me, where as with the Side Winder it just holds the line that you put it on. I think that it is closer to a beat in beast with more glide.

Dec 17 2004, 10:42 PM
i am new to rollers and have been trying different discs/techniques over the past week or so. i can get the longest rollers with a sidewinder. if it is a shorter roller or i have to get it down sooner-i like the stratus. i am curious though why the sidewinder seems to fall over right pretty harshly near the end of the roll. i have had it even skid out it fell over so hard. i have had a shot land and roll almost perpendicular to the teebox from right to left [did not stand it up enough], only to have it start to fall over on it's top and roll back to the right again. it seems to fall over on it's top really hard. i did not notice it being as extreme with other discs. [beat-up dx beast for instance] i noticed on one of the roller threads, someone said the same thing about the sabre. anyone notice this? could it be the amount of dome weight in relation to the amount of weight on the bottom half of the disc? again i get the most roller d from the sidewinder, but i can't stand it up too much, or it falls over. to get max d, i have it land without much angle and it slowly stand up while flying right to left, the quickly falls back right at the end. like a big s. start right, roll left, finish right. is this normal? thoughts?

Dec 19 2004, 05:54 PM
this disc also works good when you are tired....

Dec 20 2004, 09:44 PM
I just got a 172 urine-colored sidewinder

Very flippy, probably the new stingray.
Happy to see innova putting out an understable disc for a change for the weenie arms

Dec 27 2004, 03:30 PM
From looking at 3 champion-star-stamp sidewinders and 2 "normal" champion sidewinders, it appears that the star-stamped ones are significantly more flippy.

Dec 28 2004, 03:12 AM
can anybody say "common champion archangel?"
thats all it really is when you get down to it.

Dec 28 2004, 03:38 AM
The problem is, so many of us got them for Christmas presents, it wouldn't be nice to say that!

The Sidewinder is the best Christmas present I ever got from Innova! :D

Dec 28 2004, 04:31 AM
I love the sindwinder. it stuck its line for a good 300 feet before slightly "S"ing out, great glide to it. -3 might be a bit too generous but it is a great addiction to any bag.

Dec 28 2004, 09:12 AM
I would have to agree. I think it is maybe a touch more understable than any archangel that I have thrown. Then again, I haven't thrown an archangel in about 2 years, so... It is definitely an easy disc to roll, or to throw with some major hyzer and have it flip over and anhyzer for about 350 ft before it starts s'ing back out of it. The first time I tried rolling it, the thing just rolled forever. I hope that this disc hangs around for quite a while.

Dec 28 2004, 10:33 AM
Nice addiction to my bag too. :D

I have two at 166, one with the star stamp and one "regular" stamp, as far as I can tell they fly exactly the same.

Dec 28 2004, 11:08 AM
Just got mine @ Marshall street and this disc is awesome. Its as sweet as the pyramids course and that is really saying a lot. Its a great understable driver for a weenie :) I have only tried airshots with it, and I agree that its a Stingray with balls.

Dec 28 2004, 12:41 PM
can anybody say "common champion archangel?"
thats all it really is when you get down to it.


Dec 28 2004, 12:44 PM
can anybody say "common champion archangel?"
thats all it really is when you get down to it.


He is correct....the Archangel wouldn't take the CE mold correctly so they made the sidewinder...the information is on the ask Dave thread

Dec 28 2004, 12:50 PM
The sidewinder is FASTER and has MORE GLIDE than the Archangel. It doesn't matter to me how they got to the end result - I like it. ;)

Dec 28 2004, 12:59 PM
Very versastile disc. I've been throwing a 154g (star stamp) for a couple of weeks & find that when ripped with a pretty extreme hyzer release, it'll double-S & glide FAR. When ripped with a flat release, it'll turn over & roll VERY FAR. Or, when thrown 75-80% with a flat to slight hyzer release, it'll flip up & track gently right (RHBH) all the way to the ground. IMHO, a lot like a perfectly-seasoned DX Leopard, but with way more length (& durable, gummy plastic).

Dec 29 2004, 01:02 AM
can anybody say "common champion archangel?"
thats all it really is when you get down to it.


exactly. 'common' champion archangel is an oxymoron, isn't it?

Dec 29 2004, 04:19 AM

Dec 29 2004, 04:22 AM
17684, I thought maybee he said the candy arcangel just didn't turn like they wanted. Prolly cause candy is so slick and as a result, overstable.

Dec 30 2004, 07:18 PM
More info

I noticed a 160 and 165 sidewinder and it's flatter than the heavyweights I've seen. They were both dark colors, maybe that had something to do with it.

I read that someone said that the SW turns sharply and semi-skids at the end. I think that's because the SW are usually pretty domey and top-heavy. Some people can't roll a top-heavy disc like a SW, cyclone, etc, but many people can cut-roll them really well. Ron Russell for example.

In light weights, this could be a good beginner driver. The newbie thinks he's getting a really sexy driver when he's actually getting a good durable pretty-reliable straight golf disc. I bet Japan will love it in light weights too.

Also, because the disc can hold so much air under it, it's probably a good choice to bring up to high-altitude courses, especially rocky ones that can tear up a DX archangel for instance. Way to go Innova.

Dec 30 2004, 07:23 PM
Good point for a SW being a 'sexy' newbie driver!!

Today I threw one downwind (30+ mph) with about 60% power and quite low. It flew as straight as a Roc well past all my other practice drives by a good 60'! Freaky!

Dec 31 2004, 10:51 AM
i use it for a big turn over disc,let it go flat out of your hand and let it work it's magic. like a real worn valk but brand new :D

Dec 31 2004, 01:42 PM
I second that!! most understable candy disc i have ever seen.

Jan 08 2005, 02:11 AM
I threw my Blue 175g star stamp today (airshots) and it worked to perfection. Lots of high speed turn and finished with some left fade at the very end. :eek: :D

Jan 08 2005, 02:40 AM
I throw it hyzer and let it work its magic.......at least 550 ......he thing just keeps flying....my buddy with a short arm can throw it 400.....mine is a 173 ...weird weight for innova.....

Jan 08 2005, 09:49 AM

Jan 08 2005, 12:11 PM
in everyones opinion how does the sidewinder compare to a ce valk?? as a roll , and back hand etc.?

Jan 08 2005, 01:28 PM
Out of the box, the Champion Sidewinder is faster, has a lot more high speed turn, and less low speed fade.

Jan 08 2005, 01:29 PM
I throw it hyzer and let it work its magic.......at least 550 ......he thing just keeps flying....my buddy with a short arm can throw it 400.....mine is a 173 ...weird weight for innova.....

Is that 550 feet on level ground? If so, what's your PDGA number and can you putt?

Jan 08 2005, 09:00 PM
I need my sidewinder to be more beat up, but it's still the best candy driver for wussies like me.

I'm having trouble throwing it straight, tends to fade hard.
Nice hyzer-distance disc
Nice, sometimes amazing, anhyyyyyyyyyyyyyzer flight.

A big arm or two accidently throws too high and then the disc flips anyway and it's going faaaaaar.

Maybe a Big D in the Desert disc thrown way high?

My rollers are OK with it. Football field rollers can be very impressive, but actual golf shots for birdies are certainly good, but not amazing. Could be just me tho.

I'd like to hear about any sub-160 comments.

Jan 09 2005, 02:48 AM
I throw it hyzer and let it work its magic.......at least 550 ......he thing just keeps flying....my buddy with a short arm can throw it 400.....mine is a 173 ...weird weight for innova.....

Is that 550 feet on level ground? If so, what's your PDGA number and can you putt?

I agree...no freaking way he throws a Sidewinder 550 feet in the air (not roller) on level ground.

Jan 10 2005, 02:07 PM
550 post boast = 375 tape measure distance

Jan 10 2005, 02:48 PM
:Dyou forgot to add downhill and on a hole that was 'measured' but not with a laser :D

Jan 10 2005, 02:55 PM
and the 30mph tailwind

Jan 10 2005, 11:39 PM
Earlier I said that the champion SW is more stable than the star-stamp. But now that they've hit a few trees, they are pretty much the same.

I'm getting more and more sold on this disc as it gets tuned.
BTW it's getting tuned pretty darn fast for a champion disc.

This might a more valuable disc for old-school guys, rather than young punks who started out throwing low from the getgo.

Jan 11 2005, 10:46 AM
"valuable disc for old-school guys"

First of all, maybe so, because I sure love it. Second of all 7/22/? :)

Jan 11 2005, 08:42 PM

Jan 11 2005, 10:38 PM
de nada. gotcha. '52.

Jan 12 2005, 12:21 PM
I got a 160 first-run SW, and thought it would be flippier than my 150 JK Valks. However, the SW is straighter (not as flippy) and a little bit faster than the 150 JK Valk. I have a noodle arm (280'-300' drives), but I think that both the SW and the Valk will be useful.

Jan 12 2005, 12:33 PM
I've been auditioning a 154 Star stamp SW in my bag for a couple of weeks. Released flat, its a great long-range roller (almost TOO long, a lot of times). Released with pretty extreme hyzer & thrown hard, it gradually flips flying gently right (RHBH) & far all the way to the ground. No lo-speed fade back left for me if thrown w/ sufficient snap. A lot like a DX Leopard for me, but substantially longer.

Jan 13 2005, 01:34 AM
I got one for Christmas, and it works great for my anny shots :D. I had been working on learning an anny for several months....couldnt seem to figure out how to keep the nose down. Once I kind of figured that out, I was throwing my best anny's with my beat up Flash. Then, I threw the Sidewinder.....

I knew immedeatly that this was my anny disc. Also, I can throw a flater anny that goes farther then with my Flash. And yes, I have also noticed that it seems to perform very well in the wind.

Take it to a field on a calm day Chris! That sucka' will gliiiiiiiide :cool:


Jan 14 2005, 06:16 PM
Great air discs. I throw Champion Teebirds for my main driver, and this disc I can control. It does turn easily, but the glide keeps it in the air if you keep it high. The turn is slow, much slower than if you get over on a Beast or a Viking. The most effortless 400' i've found.

Jan 14 2005, 08:12 PM
i throw ce firebirds, ce eagles,starfires to drive and this disc is so unlike the previously mentioned theyre not comparable...but i like the 167-170 gr. range sidewinder for those turnover drives that need to go a long way, 400 feet if im lucky....the 160 gr. weight rolls great but breaks too fast for me to throw in the air and the 175 gr. feels a little too heavy out of the hand for what your trying to do, which is anhyzer a drive as far as you can.....ive been practicing with the first run sidewinders and got rid of the 160 grs. today since there are no roller holes where i live. and the 175 gr. is back in the box... but im keeping the 168 grs., look out world...... :eek:

Jan 14 2005, 11:58 PM
I LOVE SIDEWINDER! It is in my bag ! I have four star stamped SW ! LOng roller plus fast long straight or anhzyer when I need most for through the trees! :D

Jan 18 2005, 11:33 PM
bought a red champ 175
more flippy than the other ones.

Most to least stable so far
1. yellow champ 173
2. yellow starstamp 173
3 tie. urine-colored starstamp 173
4 tie. red champ 175

Jan 19 2005, 12:56 PM
This disc is a great roller. I haven't used a roller in the past, but I'm starting to add it; and this is a great disc to do so with. It's very understable (moreso than any disc I've thrown in durable plastic). Just toss it out to the left of the target (for a RHBH), ~40 feet high with a very slight degree of anhyzer, and it will hit the ground on a pretty good \ edge. It will try to stand up for me, but never tanks to the left if I hit the angle right. I can't wait to throw it some more...especially on a less windy day. Great job Innova! The thing is understable, even in a headwind!

Jan 19 2005, 02:52 PM
Huh....an understable disc that is even understable into a headwind...imagine that. :D

Jan 19 2005, 02:54 PM
isn't almost everything understable (flys like it at least) into a good headwind? :confused:

Jan 19 2005, 02:59 PM

Jan 19 2005, 03:02 PM
you like answering my posts with "no" don't you :D

Jan 19 2005, 05:32 PM
The thing is understable, even in a headwind!

Yall didn't catch that sarcasm?!?

Actually I had a brain fart and meant tailwind. I barely released it with Anhyzer, and it still flipped into a good roller.

Jan 20 2005, 12:59 PM
FWIW, my 166g "name-stamped" Sidewinder seems to be nowhere near as understable as my friend's 172g "star-stamped" one.

Jan 20 2005, 01:24 PM
FWIW, my 166g "name-stamped" Sidewinder seems to be nowhere near as understable as my friend's 172g "star-stamped" one.

Is yours a lot less broken in?

Jan 20 2005, 02:14 PM
Nope. Both brand new and both thrown by the same 2 people.

Clarify - two of us went out and threw both of them for about 20 minutes, on different days, when they were brand new. For both of us, the star-stamp one threw more understable than the text-stamp one.

Jan 21 2005, 03:49 PM
WHat do the flight plates look like compared to each other. Dave said the lighter wieghts (160 and below though) were LESS understable. Ive got a star 160 and its plate is flatter (and more stable than its heavyer siblings. When you hold them up, a finger on the center could push the plate up, hold them buy thier side or set them flat.

Jan 21 2005, 05:15 PM
I throw 150-155g Champion plastic for 99% of drives & find that that is the case w/ all ultra-light Champion plastic. The flight plate seems to "cave in" a bit, flattening the disc & making the flight more overstable (or less understable, depending on how you look at it). The Sidewinder is no exception, as my 152g Sidewinder can make a sweet double-S if I rip it with a pretty extreme hyzer release, while my brother's 174g Sidewinder turns into a roller for me from a hard throw no matter the release angle.

Jan 21 2005, 05:40 PM
i thought dave said that lighter than high 160s and heavier than low 170s (in the first run) are more overstable and high 160s and low 170s are true to the sidewinder flight path...

Jan 21 2005, 05:41 PM
this holds true as my 171 sidewinder acts exactly how its supposed to

Jan 24 2005, 03:30 PM
I'll compare the shapes next time I get together with the other guy.

I did find the flight pretty interesting on the course the other day, though. It came off flat and straight, then eventually turned right a little before fading back left. This is unlike my beat up Dragon and Valk, which both start turning right immediately on release.

Jan 25 2005, 09:01 PM
i finally got to see a sidewinder today. they feal sweet in the hand very simliar to a TL,leopard or valk.

Jan 25 2005, 09:03 PM
that is why I really like it. Similar glide to the TL, just a lot less stable. I love throwing it with tons of hyzer. It flattens really nice and goes FAR!

Jan 29 2005, 02:53 AM
Thats what i seemed to find, Kid, but i didnt want to hype it as it might be a fluke (especially this one throw i shanked (grip lock on a hyser release) and the thing went crazy far! need more time (and less snow!) to dial it in tho.

Jan 29 2005, 03:04 AM
I parked hole one at Veterans with it the other day. Nice roller. 15' past it. I think the hole is 550' a little downhill.

Jan 29 2005, 11:50 AM
I parked hole one at Veterans with it the other day. Nice roller. 15' past it. I think the hole is 550' a little downhill.

that's hot

Jan 29 2005, 11:53 AM
Happy Birthday Greenbeard!

Jan 29 2005, 01:27 PM
Thanky and Arr. :)

Jan 29 2005, 09:53 PM
A buddy of mine peddles plastic here locally and just got a fresh stack of sidwinders in and when he pulled 'em out of the box there was a 157g that had "Sallie Mae" written above the weight in the same ink and handwriting as the weight. It obviously was someone having a laugh at the factory, might make a sweet collectible someday... :cool:

Jan 30 2005, 09:02 PM
Threw a 156 yesterday
It was flatter, but certainly more flippy then a 170+ weight.

Jan 31 2005, 12:37 AM
I don't get it. True I am a begginer, but I have developed a decent technique. I can throw valks and vikes with dependabiltiy. I have 3 Sidewinders: a 168g 1st run, a 169g Santa Claus, a 174g regular run. These things are like pigs for me. They are definitely flippy when I throw sidearm, but backhand they will only go straight for a while then they fade hard left. All I wanted was a nice easy S curve disc or long turnover. I do have a 158g on the way and hope that I can get true SW love out of it.

Jan 31 2005, 12:49 AM
Try more spin

Jan 31 2005, 11:17 AM
I traded a buddy of mine for his slightly used 175 sidewinder. Had it in the bag for all of 1 day, and aced # 8 @ Lakeway with it. Left to right about 275ft. I was definately digging the way it threw even before the ace. I'll get another one for sure. Throw it with just a little anhyzer, and it glides out nicely. Hard and flat, with good snap, and it will flip right a little, and fade back at the end. Released with hyzer it flipped up and went straight, and faded left at the end. Nice disc !

Jan 31 2005, 03:20 PM
If a sidewinder isn't flippy enough, try a 150 JK Valk...it's muc flippier.

Feb 01 2005, 10:56 PM
Zoonker, I wouldn't consider a SW a sidearm disc for most people. It's just as tricky an S disc as a finicky valkyrie I would think. I think your 158g will be flippier, but still might be tricky to get reliable S shots out of them. I personally have gotten really long S shots out of them, because they take so long to S. As I've said before, the SW is a weird disc (at least for me) to figure out, but I think it's going to be worth it to figure out, as it appears to do a couple of things better than any other disc I know of.

I've noticed that when my SW flips in the wind, it's goodbye Charlie! Instant nosedive into the ground. Like a light valk does for me sometimes, but a SW can do it from 20ft in the air!

Threw a 397ft SW with a slight hyzer today, not quite an S shot. Easily the longest hyzer-like throw I've ever done. Miniscule tailwind.

Feb 06 2005, 05:17 PM
I also think that the SW is a little weird. Mine is 174 with the text stamp. If I release it with some hyzer it will flip up flat and stay that way for a long time and fade out a little at the end. If I release my 175 champ Valk with the same hyzer it will flip up and turn over before coming back a little at the end. It gets weird when I realease both discs flat because the Valk will anhyzer and the SW will flip over and roll. I guess what I'm saying is that the SW is less stable than a Valk when released flat and the Valk is less stable when released with some hyzer. If released with the right amount of hyzer and some spin the SW can go really far.

Feb 06 2005, 05:23 PM
I threw a Star stamped SW for awhile, but have a X-out 1st run Viking thats a little lighter {170g} than I normally throw {175} and it has very similar flight patterns

Feb 06 2005, 06:24 PM
Distance discs are a finicky bunch...

Feb 06 2005, 06:36 PM
Did a little SW rolling practice yesterday.
It's pretty cool to see a new champion plastic disc that you can throw 250-300 feet in the air and still hit the ground on a roll edge. I'm not sure I can get a new stingray to do that! Imagine a big arm throwing over a friggin forest of trees and hitting a roll edge with a new disc!

Mar 07 2005, 10:24 PM
Just got my first 150g Ch Sidewinders today and threw them this evening. On a downwind throw with consistent 15-20 winds the 159-160's for the most part flew further. I would anticipate that being reversed in calm air, but we shall see. Interestingly, in these conditions, stability was pretty much identical. With a tail wind quartering off my left shoulder, RHBH, they would actually fight back into the wind on the fade. My opinion remains unchanged on these - quite impressive little discs. From a purely esthetic standpoint, all the 150g versions I recieved were barely tinted with the flight plate crystal clear. Another good one Innova boys and girls. :D

Mar 08 2005, 12:50 PM
I throw forehand, the sidewinder rolls better for me than
anything I've ever tried. And in the air, it can make the
big right to left forehand curve. I'll carry a 175 to roll,
and a 168 for the air.