Dec 05 2004, 12:58 PM
Picked one of these up at a local torney. A few of the guys were driving with them at the long distance comp. They said they were the best. Anyone know anything about this run?
Luke Butch
Dec 05 2004, 01:49 PM
Does it have a 1.5 or a 1 stability rating? If it has the 1.5(which the early ones were) it is a slightly overstable driver, and one of the best discs I've ever thrown for long slight hyzers.
Dec 05 2004, 01:55 PM
Its a 1.5 rating. But so is the newer wildcat I have. The Blue one has different wording on the inside, it just simply says "Discraft Inc, USA" where the newer one says "Discraft Inc. Wixom, Mi USA" So apparenty they are different runs.
Big Easy
Dec 05 2004, 02:49 PM
I do not have any blue early run Z - wildcats...
But from what you say the earlier run
which does not include the "WIXOM, MI" print on the underside is more stable?
I have the first run red UDGC ghost stamp but it includes the full version of the wording you mention.
Those by far were the most stable run of the Z wildcats.
They are almost as stable as the current Talons.
The later runs on the wildcats were definately less stable.
Luke Butch
Dec 05 2004, 06:15 PM
Sorry, the drop from 1.5 to 1 were Z- XL's.
I had one of those 1st run red Z Wildcats. They were awesome! Might have been my favorite driver ever.
Dec 05 2004, 10:31 PM
The blue's were a factory goof. WAY too much color. It gave it a very non-Z feel. Somewhat like the new DGA plastic, but not identical. The red ones were softer than the "Carolina" blue's, but still had more color than normal leading to a softer feel. I've got a red and my friend swears by the blue's. Definitely hard to find.
I throw all clear (white) Wildcats. I've only had one run be understable. The rest are exceptionally close to my X Talons (overstable) until I get into a headwind. Then they prove that they're Wildcats.
Hope that helps.
Dec 05 2004, 11:08 PM
I assume you're talking about the opaque blue Z-cats? They're crap. What do you want for it?
Dec 05 2004, 11:45 PM
Big Easy
Dec 06 2004, 01:23 AM
Sorry, the drop from 1.5 to 1 were Z- XL's.
I had one of those 1st run red Z Wildcats. They were awesome! Might have been my favorite driver ever.
I have 3 new Ghost Stamp USDGC's, Max Wt.
I have 3 more in the bag in varying degrees of wear.
I have several more in the same color of red, non ghost stamp,
but are still quite stable for z-cats.
One of the most predictable drivers I have,
Not necesarilly the longest, but predictable.
That means in not super sensitive to any particular wind direction, than most of the newest generation of drivers are.
D.P. :D
Dec 06 2004, 09:41 AM
Maybe we can use this thread to convince Discraft to run more of them. Anyone from Discraft reading this?
Dec 06 2004, 01:37 PM
My favorite Z-Cats (3 of them) were more of a Duke/navyish blue... Seemed more overstable into headwinds than the Z-Cats that other DGers threw. Great feel, excellent D, and dependable...except around water. Dang, those Cats loved the water... ;) their demise!
Ain't that the truth! Threw two in at Emporia last year! Good news is, lots of guys and gals went swimmin'. Got both of them back! :D
Dec 06 2004, 01:57 PM
Yup! Lost 2 of mine there 2 years ago. One the week prior to the tourney...and it was returned to me the day the tourney started! 9 lives, I hope!! :cool: Still got one of them in my archives/stacks...
I thought it was only blue cat found the water on #5 @ USDGC.
Actually funny story, threw forehand roller from row of bushes on right. Cat rolled across fairway and just trickled into the lake...UPSIDE DOWN. Spotter couldn't get to in time while it slowly filled with water. By the time we finished the hole, the wind blew my cat into the middle of the lake, and it promptly sank - never to be found again!
Dec 06 2004, 06:05 PM
yea...but that's your own fault. You moved around sooooooo much last year that your CAT had a serious case of jet lag and forgot it was a WildCAT, not a CATfish!
Rest in Peace!
Dec 06 2004, 06:05 PM
Adam, still have that D-Wasp I traded ya?
U bet! It's still the best understable mid-range I have!
LOL. My discs are about to be confused again b/c it's about that time...for the last time!
Dec 06 2004, 06:40 PM
Now where ya movin' to, BBD?
Dec 06 2004, 06:46 PM
The final move! No more moving for you!!
I've still got my(/your) "Goin' to the Bucket" Proline Firechicken which netted me my farthest drive (on a particular DG hole in KCK)...into a 25-30mph headwind!
Cheers, Adam! Here's to no fire~ants! :D:o
Big Easy
Dec 06 2004, 06:54 PM
Maybe we can use this thread to convince Discraft to run more of them. Anyone from Discraft reading this?
I PM'ed Kieth about a year ago,
His response was along the line of...
They were much more stable than we intended... :o
Try the Z-Talon... :mad:
Sorry there will be no rerun :(
Heck I offered to buy a 100 of them.
D.P. :D
Dec 06 2004, 07:00 PM
Well, that explains why I've not liked other runs... Those blue Z-Cats 'were' my moderate-headwind driver of choice!
Big Easy
Dec 07 2004, 09:24 AM
Has anyone moved from the 1st Run Zcats over
to the Talons after running out of stock???
How do they compare???
I have a 1st Run Proto ghost stamp Talon.
It flipped a little more into a moderate headwind But..
It came back harder at the end.
So if you were in the open it would end up basically in the same place as the 1st Run Z-cats.
I threw the Re-tooled Talon (per Kev.)
It was closer to the later run Z-Predators...
Anyone else have the same experience or not...
D.P. :D
Dec 07 2004, 10:13 AM
The Talons I have thrown don't seem to glide at all. They just drop out of the air for me. A beat-in X-Predator is a reasonable replacement but then they get too beat too fast. Fortunately, I have about seven of the blue Z-cats tucked away.
Maybe if we keep this thread alive Discraft will have a change of heart. Discraft, bring back the best driver in the best plastic ever!!!!
Big Easy
Dec 07 2004, 08:56 PM
One can only hope.
D.P. :D
Christmas is around the corner; it would be a shame to forget those who have not forgotten you and your fettish...
(S-Wizard, please...)
Dec 09 2004, 12:25 AM
I got four of them from you. Wish noted.
Dec 09 2004, 11:21 AM
i wonder why the pimp has not chimed in... maybe he does not want to admit that discraft has inconsistancies also? sorry for the drift. i actually had a few of these cats when they came out. loved and lost them, and never could find anymore like em
Dec 09 2004, 11:34 AM
i wonder why the pimp has not chimed in... maybe he does not want to admit that discraft has inconsistancies also? sorry for the drift. i actually had a few of these cats when they came out. loved and lost them, and never could find anymore like em
I didnt ever say they didnt have inconsistencies. I just said they dont have as many as Innova does. Atleast if you throw Discraft you can buy the exact same disc and have it fly the same. Same color same weight= Same Flight. Innova discs are like a box of chocolates, You never know what your going to get :eek: