Dec 13 2004, 02:15 PM
There are over 1200 disc golf courses in the United States, and around 650 of them have either grass, gravel, or dirt for their tee pads. Proper tee pads are an essential element to the safety and professionalism of the course. This is especially true on courses that play longer, as the power generated to the throw the disc farther increases the chance of improper footing. During the wetter months of the year some courses are just no fun to play because the tee area is generally too muddy.
DISConcepts has a solution! We have worked with a rubber manufacturer who has listened to the needs of disc golfers and helped us create a rubber tee pad specifically designed for disc golf – the LAUNCH PAD.

The new LAUNCH PAD has superior traction, excellent drainage, high tech durability, and a low cost option to other materials on the market. The mats come in rolls of 5’ X 20’ and 5’ x 24’ which make them easier to handle and can be cut in half to make pads that are 8, 10 or 12 feet long. We only offer mats in the �” thickness and firmly believe that anything thinner than that is too “wavy” and does not provide a flat surface. Your order will include a “how to install” guide that steps you through the best techniques for installing the rubber. Or DISConcepts staff can install them for you for an additional fee, ensuring a professional and long lasting installation.

Pat Farrell of DISConcepts has been in the disc golf course design and installation business now for over 5 years, and has constructed or helped construct 10+ disc golf courses. This includes courses at city parks, county parks, golf courses, ski resorts, schools, and vacation resorts. With the addition of tour professionals Dave Feldberg, Avery Jenkins and Randy Cox to the DISConcepts design and installation team, we will be able to provide East/West Coast distribution for a reasonable price, from a knowledgeable staff.
We are confident that the LAUNCH PAD, when installed correctly, is the best footing option for new and existing disc golf courses available. Let us show you how!

If you are in the process of installing a new course, or are ready for new tee pads on your existing course, please give us a call 864-270-3723 or send an email to [email protected] We will provide a sample of the LAUNCH PAD as soon as possible. We encourage you to hold this product side by side with ANY other material out there and see the difference! Hold the material up to your mouth and blow! Yes, you can blow through it just like water will flow through it.

Special offer through March, 2005 – Hook up the deal, get free goods!
Convince your local disc golf course (park, school, etc.) to purchase LAUNCH PADS and receive $100 cash for yourself! Give us a call for details. We can also assist in fund-raising, community projects, and provide Eagle Scout project support.




DISConcepts LLC
864-270-3723 [email protected]

9 Launch Pads (10’x 5’-$1350) (12’x 5’- $1550)+ Shipping (INSTALLED FOR $2700) CALL FOR DETAILS
18 Launch Pads (10’x 5’-$2650) (12’x 5’- $3000)+ Shipping (INSTALLED FOR $5000) CALL FOR DETAILS


Dec 13 2004, 02:21 PM
< place ad here >

: ) :

Dec 13 2004, 02:40 PM
Maybe you could donate 18 to this years USADGC so that everyone could see these new amazing pads :D.

Im sure all the players would love to have fresh new LAUNCH PADS for this years event. I know i would. Plus it would be a good chance to show players from all over the country how great your pads really are.

Dec 13 2004, 02:44 PM
How are these different from Reese's FlyPads? I know that some of the other copy-cats of the FlyPad don't drain very well and are terrible when wet. The FlyPads have always been excellent to me when wet.

So what's the diff?

Dec 13 2004, 02:46 PM
Just wondering... Anyone know how much cement costs for an 18 hole course?

Dec 13 2004, 02:49 PM
How are these different from Reese's FlyPads? I know that some of the other copy-cats of the FlyPad don't drain very well and are terrible when wet. The FlyPads have always been excellent to me when wet.

So what's the diff?

These launch the disc, as his elloquent testimonial obviously stated. :cool:(Total sarcasm intended.)

Dec 13 2004, 03:14 PM
I might be interested in donating Launch Pads to the USADGC let me think about it.
Harold has already asked to have them at the USDGC in 05’and has ordered the 1st (East Coast) set for the Innova East warehouse.
I do understand there has been quite a few lower quality rubber mats available, but these are the real deal. They ARE porous like I said in my above message which means water does pass through them.
The Launch Pad is made from recycled (passenger car) tires which use a softer rubber. Other products on the market are generally made from recycled (truck) tires. One visible difference is that the Launch Pad has very small specks of white in the black rubber, this is from the white wall lettering of a passenger tire.

Dec 13 2004, 03:33 PM
It would be sweet if you could donate some for USADGC because the pads there are a little worn and not all the same thickness. It would also be a great place to showcase your new product :D

Dec 13 2004, 03:57 PM
The Launch Pad is made from recycled (passenger car) tires which use a softer rubber. Other products on the market are generally made from recycled (truck) tires.


I'm certainly not a member of the Reese fan-club, but this smells fishy.

Dec 13 2004, 04:07 PM
Whats fishy if your not in his fan club? So these havent been installed on a course yet?

Dec 14 2004, 02:40 AM
If the rubber is softer than that made with truck tires will they wear faster? If I remember correctly the Fly 18 pads were a little thicker (5/8?) for a little less $$ ($150 per pad?). Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking what you have going. If your pad is better than it's worth the little extra money. We have a few courses that are interested in rubber pads and I want to get all the info I can. I like the by the roll option so you can cut your own lengths for short and long holes. Do you know what type of adhesive they use in it? Will it hold up in extreme heat and cold? Can't wait to try them out!

Dec 14 2004, 10:40 AM
In my opinion the biggest reason for rubber pads to show wear is that it was not installed correctly in the first place. Of the rubber I have installed “correctly” (excavated, built 4”x4” frame, packed with small rock, power tamp, etc.) I have not noticed any wear. If there is not a wooden frame that the pad is attached to underneath, some wear will occur on the front edge of the pad where people walk off the pad towards the hole. You can install the LAUNCH PAD temporarily on grass or gravel and have it work just fine, but for maximum life I would suggest spending the time to do it right the first time. As for wear and tear on the pad from golfer run ups or foot placement I would expect the pads to last for years of enjoyment.
The other pads that are on the market come in �” and �” thickness. The Launch Pads are �” thick. As I say above, I think anything thinner becomes too “wavy” and allows for high and low spots over the tee area. The LAUNCH PADs sell for $150 each. Cheaper! Just like any rubber product, the LAUNCH PAD will slightly expand and contract when exposed to high and low temperatures. I installed some of the 1st runs of the rubber on a course in Prineville, Oregon, which is in the high desert of the Pacific Northwest at about 5000 feet. They get hot summers and are snow covered a few times throughout the winter. The pads were only 4’ wide and these are 5’ wide, but I would not expect much difference in expansion. The pads have been in for the 1st complete year with no problems. Send me an email with your address and I will send you a sample today!

Dec 14 2004, 03:15 PM
We have a couple course's that have concrete pads but are not worth a dime when it rains. Could the Launch Pad be placed on top of the existing concrete pads ?. If not then we may be looking at tearing out our current pads and replacing them.
The Launch Pad may be an option instead of pouring more concrete. Would like more info on this product please.

Dec 14 2004, 04:06 PM
True dat Girlymon. I was passing through Nashville and tried to play 7-Oaks in the Rain...it was like trying to throw on ice. I was really frustrated as that isn't really an easy course at any rate. About hole 15 I said forget it and pretty much walked on out.

Dec 14 2004, 04:29 PM
It would be nice if the could be paced over the cement you have. We have some rubber teepads at the Baraboo course, don't know the manufacture, but most of them have sunken spots, which collect water and make for a real hazard.

Dec 14 2004, 05:22 PM
If you used 2”x 4” boards when you poured your cement pads, you should (in theory) be able to dig out around the cement, rebuild the frames around the cement, and screw the rubber down on top. You would need to take special care to have a good fit with the frame you build.
The only problems would be if your cement pads are already 5’ wide, as the LAUNCH PADS are 5’ wide themselves, so there would be no room to screw the edge of the pad to. The pads also would not have as good of drainage as if they we installed on top of gravel. But sounds like they would be better than what you are dealing with now. I’ll do more research into how this might work and post then

Dec 14 2004, 08:17 PM
If those pads are so porous, how do you keep them from getting filled with dirt from people walking on them?

Dec 15 2004, 05:03 PM
Next time your passing through give me a heads up and we will play Cedar Hill. The pads are much better their. :D

Dec 15 2004, 05:07 PM
Is there a web site I can visit? If not then e-mail me some more info .

Dec 15 2004, 06:42 PM
I think that's the only one in the Nashvegas area I haven't played yet. No wait I haven't played Cedars of Lebanon. Smyrna was one of the toughest courses I have ever played. Mostly because of the last 3 or 4 holes...the rest wasn't so bad. I think I was 2+ going into those holes and finished about 10+. Which hole is it where there is the 45� dogleg right through a 20' gap about 250' down with the hole another 250' down the tunnel? I lost a flat top roc in the deep jungle on the right side on my second shot.

You coming down this way for any of the Ice Bowls? We have Tupelo, Memphis, Tishomingo, Hattiesburg, Wall Doxey, and Florence between January 8 and February 12.

Dec 15 2004, 06:45 PM
Are these the hard rubber flooring you were trying to pawn off up north?Pat immitation is flattery but you are not the original.You doniated a pad to a course and it was so slick they removed it and put in mine.38 courses and 7 years of life on all the major events around the world.Worlds for 6 years USDGC from its first event the Japan open Hawii and so on and so on.FLY 18 2005 pricing 3/8" x 5 1/ 2 ' 100 ft roll you cut to size are $875.00 per roll hardware included shipping from both coasts :D My 1/2" pads pre cut to size5'x10' and are $145.00 per pad with hardware.They have been out for 2 years plus.They are on all my golf courses also....In america you must have a better mouse trap or cheaper price you have neither buyer beware.The real deal proven and player tested FLY 18 FLY PADS the only way to fly ;)fly18.com

Dec 15 2004, 07:53 PM
Reese, the Launch Pads are a different material than the 1 rubber mat I replaced on a course in Oregon. Our club was looking for a quick alternative replacement because you would not help us get just one or two pads to replace pads that had been cut by a mower and you were VERY difficult to work with. The process of trying that one mat helped push the development of a better product, the LAUNCH PAD. If you would like a sample send me an email with your address.
Maybe you have changed your pricing for 2005 to be competitive with my product but every ad I have seen of yours, for the �” material says NEW (price per 9 $1440) (price per 18 $2880). I’m pretty confident that works out to be $160 per mat not $145???

Dec 16 2004, 12:05 AM
Pat the key word is 2005 pricing we are still in 2004.Because of the volume of pads I have done, I now have better pricing, and am going to pass it down to the coustomer.Win Win for all..As for the pads up north I dont sell single pads in the thin material they come in a 100 ft roll.When I removed the top o scott course I donated the pads for free. All of your supposed employees wear and support fly 18..My only share holders are KC and JK from the begining and still with me.Fly 18 has add will continue to grow the sport in many ways.No need to throw mudd we are in this together.America is about options fly 18 is just 1.....Game On ;)

Dec 20 2004, 07:44 PM
Our new website will be done and running by next month. Feel free to send me an email with your contact information and I will get you a sample packet. Also look for our ad in Disc Golf World News as well as Disc Golf Magazine (February edition). Thanks for the great response and personal emails! Yes, we live in a world of options; choose with care! If you are installing a new course, putting together a proposal, or just curious about our product; please give a call or email and let me tell you more!
Pat Farrell

Dec 21 2004, 03:57 AM
Got my sample luanch pad today! Nice big 18x8 inch swatch! I promptly ran it out to the driveway to try it out. Threw a little water on it (temp is below freezing today) got some good grip. Impressive. A little bit softer than the Fly pads but not much. I like the white wall bits. Thanks much for the package and quick delivery!

Dec 21 2004, 01:07 PM
Fly pads still the best with 7 years to prove it.Do you want to be his guinepig?The real pads costs less and has better shipping rates by far.Fly 18 the ORIGINAL !!!!!!!! ;)

Dec 21 2004, 01:20 PM
Not to put you down Reese.. we all can see that Fly 18 is making big strides in promoting Disc Golf- Fly 18 products and courses (media, etc)... but it appears that you are being extremely defensive to Disconcepts and the Launch Pad...

To an ousider looking in, (98% of the readers on this board), comments like "guinepig" seem very unprofessional.


Dec 21 2004, 01:38 PM

Especially after your post just a few posts up where you say:

No need to throw mudd we are in this together.America is about options fly 18 is just 1.....Game On - flyboy

Dec 22 2004, 01:14 PM
Competiton is fine but when the pdga has an event ie Flagstaff worlds last year.And players see a black tee made of rubber they assume it is a flypad and so did I until I got closer.These pads were hard rubber floring that was slick as snot when wet .The player made comments to me after the event and during that my pads were not that good.They were not mine.They did have my pads at the distance comp they were just layed down on a muddy surface with no prep.What a mess that was.I did not play in that event I was there the last 2 days to spectate comming back from Texas.So yes I do worry about these virusus they do more dammage than good.Both products are made of rubber mine have been used for 7 + years with facts behind them.And played on at all major disc golf events around the world.The original and still the best Fly 18 ;)

Dec 22 2004, 01:22 PM
Do you know which courses have Flypads? The course here in Baraboo, WI has black rubber tee pads that are downright horrible. How can I tell if they are flypads or a knockoff?

Dec 22 2004, 01:36 PM
And players see a black tee made of rubber they assume it is a flypad and so did I until I got closer.These pads were hard rubber floring that was slick as snot when wet .The player made comments to me after the event and during that my pads were not that good.They were not mine.They did have my pads at the distance comp they were just layed down on a muddy surface with no prep.What a mess that was.I did not play in that event I was there the last 2 days to spectate comming back from Texas.So yes I do worry about these virusus they do more dammage than good

I see.

Just a suggestion, but maybe now that more "rubber pads" are popping up on the scene - Fly18 could/should to find some way to differentiate their product from all the others - something visible and distinct so that when it IS a Fly18 pad - there is no mistaking it! Good luck! :)

Dec 22 2004, 01:46 PM
Thanks Girlie

You answered half my question for flyboy. There isn't anyway of telling which is which. That sounds like a missed marketing opportunity.

Discconcepts take note, imprint logo on teepads, imprint logo on teepads ;)

Dec 23 2004, 01:08 PM
That is a great idea but the size and weight make it costly.And if you do logo them they could flip it to the other side.The pads are shipped from both coasts and the thin ones come in a 100 ft roll.Innova did logo the ones they got from me.It sounds like Pats pads have snowflakes in them that is a visable difference between us. ;)No matter what company you use for your pads something is better than nothing.Happpy Holidays to all, and to all have good flight. :D Fly 18

Dec 23 2004, 05:41 PM
Are these the hard rubber flooring you were trying to pawn off up north?Pat immitation is flattery but you are not the original.You doniated a pad to a course and it was so slick they removed it and put in mine.38 courses and 7 years of life on all the major events around the world.Worlds for 6 years USDGC from its first event the Japan open Hawii and so on and so on.FLY 18 2005 pricing 3/8" x 5 1/ 2 ' 100 ft roll you cut to size are $875.00 per roll hardware included shipping from both coasts :D My 1/2" pads pre cut to size5'x10' and are $145.00 per pad with hardware.They have been out for 2 years plus.They are on all my golf courses also....In america you must have a better mouse trap or cheaper price you have neither buyer beware.The real deal proven and player tested FLY 18 FLY PADS the only way to fly ;)fly18.com

I saw a sample at the Southwestern Team Tourney in San Diego. It seemed VERY NICE, but that was just a 4" square.
Id like to see a full sized teepad to use at Stafford for a Test.... :D

Dec 23 2004, 08:36 PM
Haven't tried the "Launch Pad" so I can't say, but the course in Kamloops BC has Fly18 pads, and they're sweet. I only wish we had something like that out here in Vancouver, where it rains like a MoFo!!! :D

Dec 23 2004, 09:49 PM
Kamloops is supposed to get the other 9 next year. ;)

Dec 24 2004, 03:55 PM
We have Fly 18's in Kamloops and they rock. I'm sure the Launch pads do too. However, if these style of pads are not installed properly you will run into probs. We did it right and we haven't done a stitch of maintenance on them since the install in May. However, we just lucked into some wicked Track material from a track in town being redone. It is half inch porous rubber (just like Fly 18) but gripper and a muddy reddish in colour. We got 6 pieces of it and each piece is 10 feet by 80 feet. Cut that into 5X10 sections and you get 96 tee pads. That will cover all our tee pads on all three courses, plus we'll have a bunch left over for temp tees for tournies. The best part of all-they are FREE!!!

Dec 24 2004, 04:12 PM
Posting again to get my post count up !:) Installing hints: use two inches of 3/4 crush gravel, use a minimum 50 pound plate tamper, tamp level but with a slight crown, add an inch of bedding sand, anchor the pad with galvanized 6 inch spikes and washers, then run the plate tamper overtop of the pad. This last step is very effective in "locking" the pad in place. Some other observations: Fly 18's are a bit slippery in frosty conditions. I'm very interested to see how our donated track material will compared since it is pebbled/textured. Also, Fly 18's were very expensive to ship to us in Western Canada. They are/were warehoused in the Eastern US and shipping cost almost as much as the product. I think Launch Pad is saavy to have a west and east Coast distribution point. On a final note, we were going to order more from either Fly 18 or DisConcepts but this awesome donation came out of nowhere. Before we accepted, I checked with the supplier to make sure the material was porous and it is!!! Easily a $5,000 contribution from the Parks Department in the Tournament Capital of Canada!!! They rock.

Dec 24 2004, 04:42 PM
Just a suggestion, but maybe now that more "rubber pads" are popping up on the scene - Fly18 could/should to find some way to differentiate their product from all the others - something visible and distinct so that when it IS a Fly18 pad - there is no mistaking it! Good luck! :)

Good idea Lindsay. I'm sure if you put a big bunghole on them we'd all know they were Reese's pads. :D

Reese, you have your own thread, hijacking a competitor's is b.s.

Dec 24 2004, 06:22 PM
Isn't there some way to add a color element to the pads to distinguish them? I understand its recylced tires and its hard to dye blact, but couldn't you artificially add a substance like the white wall specs to give the pads a distinguishable appearance. Like you said, if people play on bad pads and they think they are yours... then according to them... your pads are the ones that suck no matter if they are or aren't manufactured by you.

Dec 28 2004, 06:04 PM
LAUNCH PADS can now be special ordered in different colors! For an additional $30 per mat ($250 per 9 or $500 for 18). They are available in the regular “black” but instead of white specs, they can come with 17% red, green, or blue colored chips. These would be a great addition to a course that had different sets of tees. Red and Blue are standard colors for short and long tees. However please note that colored chips are NOT UV protected and can fade over time. ~3-5 years.

Dec 28 2004, 11:05 PM
Will the pad even last that long? :confused:Like a cheap rubber can you afford to take a chance. Where do you get colored tires from?Kids bikes?Real rubber is black...

Dec 28 2004, 11:46 PM
Hey Reese:

Be quiet.

Dec 29 2004, 05:13 PM
Will the pad even last that long? :confused:Like a cheap rubber can you afford to take a chance. Where do you get colored tires from?Kids bikes?Real rubber is black...

Post Ho! /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Mar 09 2005, 07:55 PM
DISConcepts is proud to announce they have been chosen to be the “Official” tee pad of the 2005 PDGA Pro World’s in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Stop by our booth at the FlyMart to check out the product or throw from the LAUNCH PADS during the distance competition. We are super excited that so many of the MAJOR events along with new and upgrading courses have made the CHOICE in purchasing the DISConcepts rubber tee pads. We make your new course installation a breeze! Not popular with other rubber tee pad businesses, but who cares! Give us a call and find out why!
Pat Farrell

Mar 09 2005, 10:26 PM
Another reason to try the Disc Concepts Launch Pad over the competitors brand is from a customer service stand point.

While he may not remember I've met and talked to Pat the last couple of years at the USDGC. Very personal guy who sells high quality products.

As for said competitor, well it's Reese what more can you say.

Disc Concepts, a new vision?? :D

Mar 09 2005, 11:43 PM
Good idea Lindsay. I'm sure if you put a big bunghole on them we'd all know they were Reese's pads. :D


Apr 20 2005, 07:20 PM
A few of my customers have asked recently about how many tires it takes to make one 5’ x 10’ x �” recycled rubber LAUNCH PAD disc golf tee pad? Very good question! I was not even totally sure at first but did some research and am excited to announce that the answer is 10 tires! Every 18-hole course that installs our product can say that they saved 180 tires from going to a landfill. Through DISConcepts, disc golfers around the U.S., have already recycled more than 2000 tires in the last year. We hope you feel good when playing our courses that you received a quality product from a recycled source! Please use this as a selling point when presenting your new course idea to a city park, resort, or private course.
Pat Farrell
[email protected]

Apr 21 2005, 12:40 PM
Pat how long do you think your pads are going to last?I have a 1'x2' piece of your pad and and sent it to the lab, it is the lowest grade of recycled rubber and can be torn in half by my 6 year old son.I now send it out, so my coustomers can see your product also.My 3/8" cannot be torn my1/2" is impossible and I challenge anyone yes anyone to try it. In my research, I found this product cheaper ,and I could have made more profit ,but in business quality never goes out of style .FLY PADS the ORIGINAL and still the best.Pat have you tried car sales?

Apr 21 2005, 12:57 PM
kind of feel sorry for a certain 6 year old out there

Apr 21 2005, 03:20 PM
You may have noticed that I have yet to reply to ANY of your other posts as I continue to build a business through quality products, friendly service, and positive relations with my customers. But really felt it was time to speak up.
Your continuing trash talk, misinformation, and desperate attempts to regain the trust of customers whom you have scared off long ago with your twisted outlook on the future of disc golf has easily attributed to increased sales for DISConcepts and the LAUNCH PAD! I have been tracking your outrageous remarks about my product and have seen a direct correlation to requests for samples and orders throughout the U.S. I will no doubt receive countless emails and orders after your last post! Most have learned by now that a direct quote from flyboy should be taken as the complete opposite of what he stated. I’m hoping to get a break from work this summer, do you think you could reply some more?
I’m guessing that you received your sample using another name, as I’m pretty sure I have not sent any samples to fly 18. Anyway’s go back to tearing mats with your kids, I have emails and orders to fill!
If your course is looking for a quality rubber tee pad product without having to deal with the fly 18 circus please send me an email to [email protected] or call 864-270-3723
Pat Farrell