Dec 15 2004, 09:18 PM
i find these similar----anyone tell any differences in flight? obviously the rim is a tad narrower with the leopard, making it a little slower, and probably shorter, which is what i am looking for.
Dec 15 2004, 11:31 PM
I used to carry both in my bag, but now I just carry the Leopard. The TeeBird has the potential to go a little farther about 30' for me. But the Leopard is so much more forgiving and predictable, accuracy won out in the end. The Leopard is a little slower and turns a little more, but if fades very little espically for a driver, and that is why I love it, it is like a longer Roc.
Although I would like to try one of the new Pro TeeBird-Ls to see if they are as forgiving and predictable with the added distance. I use Orcs for open distance shots.
Dec 16 2004, 02:05 AM
Champ Leopards are really close I think.I dont like them though, only CE Leopards. Cloudy QJLS are also Candy TLish in that they seem to handle alot of torque on hyser lines.Im beggining to like the cloudy QJs more than Candy TLs and 1st run QJLS'.
Dec 16 2004, 12:53 PM
how do ce and champ leopards differ? also- do you think the champ leopard is more or less stable than a new cfr tl? thanks. oh yea- i think the pro tls are very nice and long and controllable, but are slightly understable.
Dec 16 2004, 01:30 PM
Frist run Ce Leopards are definitely more stable than TL's
But the TL will go much further than the CE Leopard, it is faster.
In an email responce from Dave D. himself, he informed me that the CFR TL and the Teebird-L were not the same disc aside from the different plastic. The Teebird-L is a Teebird that is more "Leopard like" hence the reason the rumor got started about the Teebird top and Leopard bottom. He did not tell me any more then that.
If you line up a CFR TL, a Champion Teebird, and a Champion Leopard. You will see three completely different discs.
With my experiences with a CFR TL, it seems more stable at first then a Champion Leopard. It has more low speed fade then a regular Teebird. However it takes less time to beat-in and turn over then a Champion Teebird, so the TL has gone back into the trunk and I just stick with my Champion Teebird for straight shots 325-375ft.
How does the CE TL fit into what you were saying? Is it close to the Champ. TL, or not? I have one, but am not sure if I want to throw it. To me, if it is more overstable than the Champion plastic, then it would not be what I want. I threw one for a long time as a novice, but that really means very little because I throw a lot differently now. Thanks.
Dec 16 2004, 03:17 PM
I have several Candy TLs that are years old and still dont flip.I use them primarily for S-shots.CE Leopards are strait flyers that beat up into in a Sidewinder.{I have a beat CE Leopard and that is exactly what the Sidewinder flew like to me} I dont seem to notice any difference in the first 3 runs of Leopards, with the exception of white rainbow stamped 2nd runs which I feel are slightly more understable.They are all Long ROCs.
Dec 18 2004, 12:02 AM
All the CFR Champ TLs I've thrown have been considerably more overstable than a Champion Leopard. Personally, I'd go with a KC Pro Gazelle, it is faster, longer, straighter, and more versatile (forehand/overhand).
Jan 04 2005, 11:49 AM
how does a q-jls compare to the cfr tl and champ leopard? stability, distance----thanks
Jan 04 2005, 02:27 PM
Depends on the Q. Personally, I think the 1st run Qs are the most Leopard like in the way you can control them.<Pick your line and put it on> I got some "cloudy" QJLS' from Millinnium {they are mainly clear but have some color swirls, not sure of run,but it is Candy} that have replaced my older runs as they seem to handle more power/ torque without flipping. There is no difference between these "Cloudy" Qs and CFR TLs that I can tell.I took the candy TL out and kept the Q in and havent noticed a difference.They are very stable compared to the earlier runs.
Jan 04 2005, 02:45 PM
I've found that the CFR Tl's seem to be a bit sparatic in their runs, and that the opaque/pearl ones are the only ones that fly true to character. Same thing with the Champ Leopard. Ive had 175 leopards that roll outta the box, and 170's that I cant get to come out of I hyzer.