Dec 16 2004, 04:53 PM
Contribute to EDGE: Support the future of disc golf and get tax benefits, too!

As EDGE (The Educational Disc Golf Experience) expands its operations and brings disc golf to more and more schools and youth organizations, we find that we also need more and more resources with which to work. Continued curriculum development, trainer travel, equipment cost subsidy, and the costs of attending conferences where we spread the word about our sport are just some of the burdens our budget must bear. We wish to expand our base of support from our initial contributors to the entire disc golf community and this is where we can use YOUR help.

What better way to support the future of the lifetime sport of disc golf than by making a tax-deductible contribution to EDGE? As a recognized non-profit educational corporation under Section 501 (c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code, EDGE is able to offer this benefit to its donors.

Please mail your check to:

P.O. Box 524
Blackfoot, ID 83221

or use this handy PayPal button. (

Thanks for your support!

<font color="red">EDGE: Reaching and Teaching the Next Generation of Disc Golfers </font>

Dec 16 2004, 10:20 PM
Jon, has there ever been any thoughts about possibly building a course or working with underprivileged youth and adolescents at a residential facility? I work for a large organization in charlotte, nc, and the land is just itching for a course and some people to work with the many children we service. Just some random thoughts and ideas for a future project.

Dec 17 2004, 12:08 AM

One of the future goals of EDGE is to be able to go into underserved areas (inner city, rural, Indian reservations, etc.) and put in disc golf facilities and teach the adult leaders how to pass on the lifetime sport of disc golf to the kids there. Hopefully, they will get some measure of health benefit from it, but even more hopefully, they will learn about playing by the rules, teamwork, and social cooperation.

I spend a good part of my time writing grant applications to foundations and corporations to obtain funding for such endeavors, but philanthropic money is tight and it will be a while before we are able to do everything we'd like to do.

Thanks for your thoughts.


Dec 30 2004, 08:21 PM
Just about 24 hours left to make a donation to EDGE and get a deduction on your 2004 tax return. Get your check in the mail to be postmarked tomorrow or go to the EDGE Donation Site ( before midnight tomorrow. A big thanks to those who have made contributions through the PDGA membership renewal or through the website so far.

Watch for Ice Bowls and other tournaments and events that will be benefitting the EDGE program during the 2005 season.

Happy New Year from all of us at EDGE! Reaching and Teaching the Next Generation of Disc Golfers!

Dec 31 2004, 01:13 AM
i'll be in the site before midnight tomorrow... I can't donate much but... i know everything helps. :)

Jan 01 2005, 03:37 AM
just made it