Dec 25 2004, 02:04 AM
I was curious what possible bad effects the cold temps. can have on my discs in my trunk.

Dec 25 2004, 02:17 AM
i dont think cold really will do damage unless the discs are in a awkward position, such as the dome being pressed down for a continues period of time in the cold etc.

Dec 25 2004, 03:07 AM
If anything will happen to them (which is very doubtful) they may seem a little stiff. Nothing a microwave wont take care of. :D

Dec 25 2004, 10:20 AM
Discs in the microwave??? :confused:

Dec 25 2004, 10:24 AM
I definitely think they get damaged more easily. I threw a thumber into the road beyond 18 at Legion in Cedar Rapids a few days ago and it got really messed up (more so than usual). It had a huge chunk out of the side and it was an early run CE Firebird. I think the plastic becomes more brittle at lower temperatures. Not sure if that's what you meant...

Dec 25 2004, 11:48 AM
This sort of falls into the same category...I was wondering if the cold would make them seem more flippy/understable? I played in a christmas tournament and normally my XS's are slightly overstable, yet I was having to rely on my predator pretty much the whole day.

Dec 25 2004, 01:10 PM
no chane I can tell. But it don't get real cold here in Texas. :D
I know that it makes them break

Dec 25 2004, 01:27 PM
I have seen some early runs of elite x plastic xtra's and xs's that actually expand when they get really cold and the dome bloats out to about 3 times normal size. Bring the disc inside and it will return to normal size. Weird...

Dec 25 2004, 01:31 PM
If anything will happen to them (which is very doubtful) they may seem a little stiff. Nothing a microwave wont take care of. :D

It was a joke.

Dec 25 2004, 07:00 PM
If you live in a very cold climate, I suggest you try some Gateway H plasitic. It's not for everyone, but it was designed to behave normally under zero. Nothing like reaching in your bag when it's -15 out and pulling out a disc that's still flexible and friendly.

H is very similar to Innova Pro and Elite x

Dec 25 2004, 11:28 PM
If you live in a very cold climate, I suggest you try some Gateway H plasitic. It's not for everyone, but it was designed to behave normally under zero. Nothing like reaching in your bag when it's -15 out and pulling out a disc that's still flexible and friendly.

H is very similar to Innova Pro and Elite x

I second that. My Chiefs ("H" Wizard) stay exactly the same no matter the temperature. Sure I like the feel of a Soft Wizard better, but only if I can actually feel the disc!

Dec 26 2004, 02:54 PM
If you live in a very cold climate, I suggest you try some Gateway H plasitic.

MOVE TO TEXAS is what I suggest :D

Dec 28 2004, 03:07 AM
in my experience the coldness of a disc only makes it less grippy. when i cant grip a disc well i cant really get a good snap on it so i tend to hyzer colder plastic sooner than i would on a warm day.
...but thats just me

Dec 30 2004, 02:40 AM
we normally play in CT and found that innova plastic becomes stiffer and more stable during exceptionally cold weather. And that means a perfect time to pull out those old discs that used to be your distance bombers and let em rip again. You'd be surprised.