Dec 26 2004, 10:35 PM
This is a really dumb question, but how do you put an avatar in? Ive tried several times, but it always comes up as a red X.

Dec 26 2004, 11:07 PM
must make sure it is small enuff, and then that may still not work.

Dec 27 2004, 01:07 AM
I still haven't been able to get mine to work

Dec 27 2004, 01:30 AM
Me neither, everything I try the system rejects.

Dec 27 2004, 12:39 PM
What server is hosting your avatar ?

Some do not allow direct connections to graphics.

Dec 27 2004, 12:40 PM
I have no Idea, how do I check that.

Dec 27 2004, 12:42 PM
You have to know what it is to try to use it for an avatar.

What are you putting as your avatar in the profile page ?

Dec 27 2004, 12:43 PM
an old picture of me, from my archives.

Dec 27 2004, 12:49 PM
It has to be available online before you can use it for an avatar.

Dec 27 2004, 12:52 PM
If it doesn't work from the caro_crew page let me know.

Dec 27 2004, 12:54 PM
Nevermind, it works from there. Just get a copy loaded onto the server where the caro crew page is and you can link to it.

Dec 27 2004, 01:00 PM
This is a really dumb question, but how do you put an avatar in? Ive tried several times, but it always comes up as a red X.

A dumb question is only one that is never asked...

If it is coming up as a red X then you may want to go back to the source of your gif/jpg, etc and see if you have a typo or missed an = sign or opening [url or closing [/url]. This is what happens when I didn't put the ] after the opening [url. Now this is what happens when I do put the bracket link (http:// link )..see you get an automatic link. (obviously it's an empty one but it's just for example ). You always have to have the opening and closings to your gif urls so it will know where to go find the the gif or jpg to make it work.

Not sure if this will help you any but wanted to share w/ you what I did.. It always helps to know some html basics if you want to play around w/ the signature and avatar stuff.

Ok in layman's terms:

Click on your 'MY HOME' section
Go down to where it has : Main Configuration
Click on the edit section for : Personal information, email, password, etc.

Scroll down toward the bottom of screen to where it asks if you want an avatar or not.. make sure you click on :

URL to your avatar (80x80 max pixels, may be smaller) (.gif, .jpg, .png accepted)

If it's not in the form of a gif, jpg or png then it isn't going to show. Like mine is this below:

mine is 49x52 pixels

So I made sure I copy/pasted it to the url section for the avatar and that is how it makes mine the hershey's kiss that turns into a smiley face. I got this way back about 5 years ago as my signature from a site called Draacs Gifs. He use to have a free site to download html stuff, not sure if it's still there or if it's even free anymore. It was a great site to learn html 101.

You can almost always find out the source of a pic/gif etc... just by right clicking on any pic/avatar and then click on properties and it will show you exactly what to copy/past to make that same pic/gif. gnduke has a neat one for Christmas.. his would look like this :

his is the max of 80x80 pixels

I just right clicked on his avatar and clicked on properties and it shows you what he put in his url space. Hope you don't mind me using yours as an example as well Gary. :D Gary said it has to be downloaded onto a website of some sort to be able to retrieve it for your avatar. If you just have it on disc or on your hard drive, when you put it in, you may be able to see it yourself but we, (online folks) can't see it because it's on your puter only.

Confused yet? :confused: Sorry if I did.. but I just wanted to show you how I did mine.Someone else may explain it totally different.. ;)

Dec 27 2004, 03:55 PM
how do you get a url for a pic

Dec 27 2004, 04:16 PM
Thanks for the help!

Dec 27 2004, 05:17 PM
how do you get a url for a pic

You are welcome FlyinHigh..

discinfool...try uploading your pic to a website..if you don't have one there are many that are free out there like the one I use alot for our club pics... club photo ( .

You can create a free acct. w/ them and upload tons of photos. After you upload your pic to the website of your choice then it will be assigned a url from that site automatically. If you don't have a digital camera it's ok, you can just scan the pic or get your pics on cd wherever you have them developed.

Here is an example where I uploaded the 2004 Worlds pics to the club photo site:
2004 World's pics (

Give it a shot and let me know how it does...HTH ;)