Jan 06 2005, 02:31 PM
I'm quite surprised I couldn't find anything on this already, but does anyone know if there's any sort of organization going on with the women in the PDGA? Creating a separate organization for the ladies seems unnecessary, but I think it would be great to have a part of the PDGA or an affiliated club that caters to women in the sport. Is this in the works somewhere?

Jan 06 2005, 02:43 PM
Ther's actually quite a few of them. Danielle has Ladies of Live Oak in Live Oak, TX, Juli and a few others have formed North Texas Ladies in the Dallas area. There is also the Women's National Championship held every year in Illinois. I'm sure there are more than what I mentioned.......these are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head. Goord luck and welcome to the board :D

Nelle 18131
Jan 06 2005, 02:51 PM
Once more women start playing and stick with playing I am sure the PDGA will start something. Thats could be years from now. I am sure women have been struggling in this sport for years and have only seen the numbers grow slightly. All we can do right now is try to get the numbers up by introducing as many women as we can to disc golf.

Jan 06 2005, 03:01 PM

maybe uniforms would help.

Nelle 18131
Jan 06 2005, 03:03 PM
Classic reason why there are not many women playing disc golf.

Jan 06 2005, 03:04 PM
I think your on to something there Martin :D

Jan 06 2005, 03:04 PM
I feel like there are quite a few women out there who love disc golf but aren't doing it competitively. For myself, part of why I haven't been competitive is the lack of other women. I just played my first monthly a week ago (the only female there), and it was awesome and I plan to do more now. I realized that playing against the guys is actually quite fun. But I feel like if more women KNEW there would be other ladies to compete with, or that some sort of women's club/association sponsored events, then they would be much more likely to go compete. I considered driving 3 hours for a monthly just because I knew there would be other females there.

It shouldn't have to be years from now. If 7% of the PDGA members in '03 were women, that's about 600 of us. That seems like plenty to me to have a sort of "subgroup" of the PDGA.

Nelle 18131
Jan 06 2005, 03:14 PM
Your right it shouldnt have to be years from now. I myself feel fine with being included in the PDGA like everyone else. I hate to be seperated because I am a female. Start your own ladies day in your hometown, you would be amazed how many women eventually come out. And the more you play the more other women will see you out there. For awhile I was the only female in my area playing but now I have women from my ladies day traveling and playing tournies. The key is dont get discouraged by the lack of women playing, do something about it and share this wonderful sport with as many females as you can. It all starts with baby steps and the door is wide open for growth.

Jan 06 2005, 03:20 PM
I agree wholeheartedly -- I don't want to be separated just because i'm a female either, which is why I was asking about some sort of organization within the PDGA. I'll stick to my guns though, and keep playing, and hopefully find more women out there. Thanks, Nelle.

Nelle 18131
Jan 06 2005, 03:22 PM
And try to ignore sexist men who make it hard for us to play. Dont make me contact the war department Martin. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Dave, I am ignoring you now.

Jan 06 2005, 03:22 PM
There is an official PDGA Women's Committee but it's my understanding that no one has volunteered to head it up or be on it for several years.

Jan 06 2005, 03:25 PM
I agree with marshief. I think the PDGA should consider a sub-division for women. There are women all across the country who are starting leagues, playing in tourneys, and introducing friends to the sport. I think it would be great if all these women had a unifying association.

Jan 06 2005, 03:27 PM
I think a lot of women had no idea that the PDGA had an "Official" women's committee. Could you please tell us more about it?

Jan 06 2005, 03:35 PM
I told you what there is to know right now. It can be whatever the Women want it to be but the Committee is there if desired. It's been a while since any women have run for Board positions, too. Perhaps women feel the Board has been sufficiently addressing their needs for the past several years so it's not needed?

Jan 06 2005, 03:38 PM
How would a group of women go about bringing the women's committee back to life?

Jan 06 2005, 03:44 PM
Contact the PDGA HQ and ask.

Nelle 18131
Jan 06 2005, 03:53 PM
Thanks Chuck. I also did not know about the Womens Commitee. So ladies what do ya say?

Jan 06 2005, 04:13 PM
Dont make me contact the war department Martin. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

you're right. i'm sorry.


we should all go to hooters after work today and pay our respects.

*please don't kill me, nelle.* :D

Nelle 18131
Jan 06 2005, 04:28 PM
How about less of this

And a little more of this on the course:

THAT will bring the girls out to play.

Now doesnt that make you feel good? Dont ya want to go play now? Imagine if there were hundreds of women playing and one of you. And everyone wanted you to look like the bottom guy, would you want to play?

Jan 06 2005, 04:40 PM
Where'd you get my college photo??? :eek:

Jan 06 2005, 04:44 PM
I feel like there are quite a few women out there who love disc golf but aren't doing it competitively. For myself, part of why I haven't been competitive is the lack of other women. I just played my first monthly a week ago (the only female there), and it was awesome and I plan to do more now. I realized that playing against the guys is actually quite fun. But I feel like if more women KNEW there would be other ladies to compete with, or that some sort of women's club/association sponsored events, then they would be much more likely to go compete. I considered driving 3 hours for a monthly just because I knew there would be other females there.

Having other women with which to play is a popular concern. To that end, we now have a "first-timers, and women play free" policy at our minis...

Here are some other Womens' threads from the last year:

Involving Women & Juniors (http://www.pdga.com/msgboard/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=260089&page=&view=&sb=5&o=&fpart=1&vc=1)
Ladies League (http://www.pdga.com/msgboard/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=169740&page=&view=&sb=5&o=&fpart=2&vc=1)
Play for Free (http://www.pdga.com/msgboard/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=149372&page=&view=&sb=5&o=&fpart=1&vc=1)
Live Oak Welcome (http://www.pdga.com/msgboard/showflat.php?Board=Courses&Number=288866&Searchpage=21&Main=146764&Search=true&#Post288866)
Live Oak PDGA Membership Giveaway (http://www.pdga.com/msgboard/showflat.php?Board=Other%20Clubs&Number=288869&Searchpage=22&Main=47304&Search=true&#Post288869)
Womens' League, NW Chicago (http://www.pdga.com/msgboard/showflat.php?Board=Other%20Clubs&Number=288869&Searchpage=22&Main=47304&Search=true&#Post288869)
SoCal AM Women (http://www.pdga.com/msgboard/showflat.php?Board=Players&Number=139459&Searchpage=22&Main=22435&Search=true&#Post139459)

Best of Luck!!! :D

Jan 06 2005, 04:50 PM
I didn't know you had a beard in college, Chuck. :D

Jan 06 2005, 05:00 PM
That's both my After and Before pix :p

Jan 06 2005, 05:00 PM
wow, thanks for all of the great input. I think it would be great to get the women's group back to life -- a good way to hopefully get more women jazzed about our sport! I'm on it...

Jan 06 2005, 05:10 PM
How about less of this

And a little more of this on the course:

THAT will bring the girls out to play.

Now doesnt that make you feel good? Dont ya want to go play now? Imagine if there were hundreds of women playing and one of you. And everyone wanted you to look like the bottom guy, would you want to play?

Nelle if I would have knowing all it would take to get more ladies to play Disc Golf was for me to play without my shirt I would have done it a long time ago :D

Jan 06 2005, 05:12 PM
Chuck, you must be getting lots of exercise cutting trees by hand at Highbridge! :D


Nelle 18131
Jan 06 2005, 05:15 PM
no thanks Dave, we have seen it.

Jan 06 2005, 05:17 PM
If you ladies would like to join an email discussion list that is for women only, I have just created one for you. You can do what you want with it, I will just administer it and do my best to verify that all subscribers to it are in fact women by moderating subscriptions but not really be a part of the list myself.

If you do revive the PDGA Women's Committee, using that list might be a useful tool to do it with, without having to wade through tacky photos of Hooters girls.

To subscribe, send a message to "[email protected]" with the word "subscribe" in the subject line of the message. After that, any message you send to "[email protected]" will go to the entire list and also be archived on a Web archive.

If you feel this might be useful, then join and use it. If I reject your subscription because I am not sure you are a woman, please let me know: [email protected]

I'll be monitoring the list, so you can ask me any technical questions once you are on it. It's not limited to PDGA members, so tell all your women DG buddies.

Jan 06 2005, 05:40 PM
Women need to figure this one out and let us know what we can do. I've given it a lot of thought and it is a conundrum. My wife really enjoys disc golf. But she really doesn�t enjoy tournaments. When I ask her why she answers that it�s because there are no women.

Now that is not exactly accurate. There are women, but I think I get what she is saying; for dudes there are usually enough guys around that at almost any event there will be a couple of buddies or at least someone that you can relate to, whereas for women there might be one or two other women who you don�t know, are in a different age group, and have nothing in common with. Would you show up again and again at events if you a) didn�t know anyone there (of your gender), b) had nothing in common with the few of your gender that did show up, c) knew that if you did start to make friends that those gals would likely not be at any other events you came too?

I�d love to get her more involved, but I know, that after working my tail off to get her to events, she is sorely disappointed. I�m not going to sit here say �Women like this or women like that�, Lord only knows all of that. What I will say is that I know what I like, and if I was a women there wouldn�t be much to keep me coming back.

I see folks really make an effort to be nice and friendly, and I appreciate it, but I think it just comes down to people of a feather tend to flock together, and unfortunately so far that match is not between women and disc golf.

But I am ready and willing to do what I can. I can�t tell you how many times I�m out on the road in a cool town meeting cool people and think to myself, �Man! I wish she was here��

Jan 06 2005, 05:44 PM
I'm getting in shape at Highbridge to handle those 18" pines at the NDGC later this year.

Jan 06 2005, 08:56 PM
I think real cheap if not free enties would be a great initiative for more females to compete!!

Jan 06 2005, 09:09 PM
Imagine if there were hundreds of women playing and one of you. And everyone wanted you to look like the bottom guy, would you want to play?

God, are you there, is this Heaven?
Sorry but disc golf and women does it get any better, plus if there where hundreds of them at least one of them would have to be at least an 8.5 or maybe even a 9.5

P.S. I think it's great that you ladies are trying to get a league together.

Jan 06 2005, 10:36 PM
I think real cheap if not free enties would be a great initiative for more females to compete!!

problem with that is that the entry fee is often what goes into the prize money... lower entry fees = lower payoff. granted we're all in it for fun, not money, it still is something to be considered.

i'm glad there's a community out there that supports this idea. i think there's a way we can organize something for women that's an integral part of the PDGA. we don't want to separate ourselves. i'm glad the ball is rolling.

Jan 06 2005, 11:23 PM
no thanks Dave, we have seen it.

i thought Seattle was just voted healthiest city in America, what gives? :D

Jan 06 2005, 11:26 PM
Dang tourists!

Jan 07 2005, 09:15 AM
I think real cheap if not free enties would be a great initiative for more females to compete!!

problem with that is that the entry fee is often what goes into the prize money... lower entry fees = lower payoff. granted we're all in it for fun, not money, it still is something to be considered.

i'm glad there's a community out there that supports this idea. i think there's a way we can organize something for women that's an integral part of the PDGA. we don't want to separate ourselves. i'm glad the ball is rolling.

with the normal female turnout , I do not believe reduced entries will matter too much!! Also the option of trophy only , is somewhat parralel to this thought!!!

Jan 07 2005, 10:44 AM
How about every guy commits to sponsoring one entry fee for one woman into one tournament this year?

I know Nelle and the Ladies of Live Oak are always appreciative of a sponsorship for there growing group of ladies.

Jan 07 2005, 11:07 AM
I think this would be an excellent idea.
I live in Maine and run a disc golf course here. I have been trying to get more women involved also, and have started a ladies only night for this summer. We have gotten a good response for women signing up so far.
Basket Case Links Disc Golf Course
Edgecomb, Maine
Let me know if something comes up for a ladies only PDGA site or committee, I would be happy to join.

Jan 07 2005, 11:24 AM
How about every guy commits to sponsoring one entry fee for one woman into one tournament this year?

I know Nelle and the Ladies of Live Oak are always appreciative of a sponsorship for there growing group of ladies.

how realistic would this be with minimal entry fees for woman!! I would participate.Am women especially!!

Nelle 18131
Jan 07 2005, 12:35 PM
This all sounds great. When we all come together it benefits everyone. If there were more women, or I will say WHEN there are more women maybe the sport will get the recognition it deserves. I like the idea of lower/free entry fees for RECREATIONAL women only, but the higher divisions should be treated just like the guys. I cant speak for all the ladies but once I was an avid player, I want to be treated just like the other disc golfers. No short tees for Advanced or Pro women. We love the sport as much as the men and want to be treated like "athletes" as well. Women really appreciate all the support the guys give, keep it up.

Jan 07 2005, 12:57 PM
No short tees for Advanced or Pro women.

Women and all players should play the tees in competition designed for their skill level. Top Pro women play at the Blue tee level which matches Advanced and local pros. Blue tees are the typical long tees on public courses. Most Pro women and Adv Masters play at the White tee level and Adv Women, except the very best, play at the Red tee level.

Nelle 18131
Jan 07 2005, 01:05 PM
The problem I see with that is advanced women play short tees and then go to pro and play championship. I think playing advanced should prepare you for pro. I find it silly that the first time you play long tees is in the pro division. Does that happen in the mens divisions? Advanced women should play the same tees as advanced men, and if they dont have the skill to do that then they should not be in advanced.

Jan 07 2005, 01:22 PM
I'd have to echo that sentiment for the Adv Masters division as well. The next step for most of us is Pro Masters.

Jan 07 2005, 01:32 PM
This is not just a women issue. I believe Houck has the Adv Masters play the White tees. No one is policing what tees players play when practicing. That's where lower rated players can see how they do on the longer tees. All we're talking about is competition. If you don't play tees close to your skill level, you won't get the spread of scores intended for that skill level. Read some of Houck's articles on 'dumb holes' where everyone in a division shoots a 3. Unfortunately, most courses only have two tees even though there are standards for four different levels.

Nothing wrong with White level players playing up on Blue tees for competitions which is typically the case. But the Advanced women cannot throw as far as Advanced men. (See driving data from 2002 Worlds http://www.circularproductions.com/drivinglengths.htm) In most cases except majors, Advanced women should be playing the Red level shortest tees in competition. The course for the Advanced men should not be compromised with shorter water crossings for example, to accommodate players who can't throw as far.

Overall, top Open Women Pros can hang with the GM Pro men and the top Advanced Women can hang with the Adv GM men. These Adv GMs should also not be playing the longest tees, not just the Women. At Pro Worlds, the Open Women and GM male pros play the same tees when alternate tees are provided on some holes. That's been true for at least 8 years.

Jan 07 2005, 01:41 PM
This all sounds great. When we all come together it benefits everyone. If there were more women, or I will say WHEN there are more women maybe the sport will get the recognition it deserves. I like the idea of lower/free entry fees for RECREATIONAL women only, but the higher divisions should be treated just like the guys. I cant speak for all the ladies but once I was an avid player, I want to be treated just like the other disc golfers. No short tees for Advanced or Pro women. We love the sport as much as the men and want to be treated like "athletes" as well. Women really appreciate all the support the guys give, keep it up.

that is pretty much what i was thinking of danielle. I think a lot more females would be more receptive to entering tournaments etc. if there is less financial obligation involved!!

Jan 07 2005, 01:47 PM
How about every guy commits to sponsoring one entry fee for one woman into one tournament this year?

I know Nelle and the Ladies of Live Oak are always appreciative of a sponsorship for there growing group of ladies.

As a new woman disc golfer and a member of the Ladies of Live Oak I just wanted to say that when men like you Rooster, Chris Himing of course and others support us, sponsor us and donate to womens clubs. It really makes us feel that we are part of this great sport. When you have women like Danielle Vargas( Nelle), Des Reading who work so hard to encourage us to keep playing and to spread the word to other women. There is no limit on what the future holds for women in Disc Golf.

( Just wanted to express my feelings about all this ) /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Laura Karshis (Ladies Of Live Oak, Texas!)

Nelle 18131
Jan 07 2005, 01:55 PM
So rec women and advanced women should play the same tees in competetion? Thats where I think its wrong. I am totally aware that most advanced women can not throw as far most of the advanced women, but its not all about throwing far. Advanced women should not be held back and then thrown in the fire when they turn pro. Dont get me wrong, I am not trying to be ugly or rude, I am only sharing my thoughts. If you baby the women (not talking about beginners) then they will stay babies and will be treated like babies. Do women play short tees in ball golf? Not being sarcastic,I am really asking.

Jan 07 2005, 01:58 PM
Yes, Nelle, they do.

Even Women's championship tees on the LPGA tour are shorter than the Men's championship tees on the same courses.

However, in the last couple of years, when women have competed head-to-head against men (Anika Sorenstam and Michelle Wie come to mind), they have played from the same tees as the men.

Nelle 18131
Jan 07 2005, 02:03 PM
I would much rather have the long tees. Not like I have something to prove but I like feeling like I played the same course as the rest of the advanced groups. Thanks for your info Rooster, BIG SUPPORTER OF WOMEN IN DISC GOLF!!!

Jan 07 2005, 02:16 PM
Do women play short tees in ball golf? Not being sarcastic,I am really asking.

Yes, at all levels. They just televised the three tour challenge where the PGA, Ladies PGA and Champions (geezers) Tour players competed against each other on the same course. Except on a few Par 3s, the women teed off on a forward tee. The geezer guys sometimes played a forward tee.

All course design in ball golf, and we're working on it in disc golf, is based on player capabilities. Length is the most common variable but difficulty can also be factored in such as using shallower angles for lower skill levels.

Again, you have to separate competitions from recreational rounds which is the bulk of play. Everyone should try Winthrop os Renny Gold tosee what the big boys face. But there are holes I design for that Gold level that I cannot throw effectively at my Blue level skill. I shouldn't be regularly playing those courses in competition and those courses shouldn't be dumbed down for my skill level either.

An Advanced Woman can play and practice long tees all she wants. It's not like it will be some surprise when she moves up to Pro Women. Nothing prevents any woman, or Adv Masters, from playing in a Pro division, especially leagues, to try the longer tees in competition.

The worst scenario though is to play holes where everyone in your group takes the same score because the hole is the wrong length for your division. Also, it's got to be disheartening for Int and Rec players, men or women, to not even have an opportunity for a birdie 2 on a course.

Nelle 18131
Jan 07 2005, 02:38 PM
Thanks for the explaination and your input Chuck.

Jan 07 2005, 03:14 PM
I'm an advanced woman, and I really enjoy the opportunity to play long tees in tourneys. In most of the tourneys I've played, the advanced women play one round from the short tees and one round from the long. Women that play advanced are probably a little more serious about disc golf. They look for challenges to make them better. If they didn't want the challenge, they'd probably still play intermediate. Playing from the long tees challenges the advanced women and prepares them for when they go pro. Sure, all women can't throw as far as all men, but there are a lot of women who have huge arms. Sure, playing from the long tees doesn't mean as many birdies, but you'd be surprised by how many pars the women achieve. Afterall, there's more to disc golf than the drive. Putting and up-shots are also key!

Jan 07 2005, 03:34 PM
Since most courses are in public parks, it's rarely possible to design holes that a player the next skill level down cannot actually play. We did have a hole where you had to be able to throw 250 feet off the tee to get across water and there was no bail out option left or right. If you could not throw 250, you could not get across and could not play the hole under current rules. The TD would have to do a special exception like Winthrop 17 where you go to a drop zone after three tee shots (but in this case you would lose three discs in the process). Should we not have holes like this that are no problem for legit Blue and Gold level players just because lower level players want to play the long tees?

I realize this is an extreme example but as we get more challenging private courses, there will be more of these holes. I'm not against players trying longer holes. But if it's a relatively open course in competition, there's a chance several holes will just be pushes with everyone in the division getting the same score. It's like these holes didn't even need to be played. Fortunately for now, many current courses weren't consistently designed for a specific skill level from a set of tees so this effect will be masked. On wooded courses, you'll rarely see it at all. However, designers are getting more savvy and you'll see this becoming more of an issue if divisions aren't playing the correct tees.

Jan 07 2005, 03:53 PM
I would have to agree with you on Houck courses, the whites are not bad. I still prefer the blues on most holes, but Houck courses with three tees are not the majority of courses out there.

I also think that driving distance chart needs to be redone. A lot has happened in the last couple of years, or that chart is measured funny.

Jan 07 2005, 06:23 PM
Very few of the advanced women I play with cannot throw at least 250 ft. I know 16-year old girls that can throw that far! Women are throwing a lot further now than even a few years ago. I think having challenging holes and allowing advanced women to play those holes is great for the sport. Like I said, if the woman doesn't like that challenge, she can step down to intermediate.

Jan 07 2005, 06:43 PM
Who is an Advanced Woman by self labeling is quite different from their actual skills. The ratings range of those who call themselves Pro Women and the ratings range of those who call themselves Advanced Women are some of the widest we have for any division. The measured throwing distances were for a relatively narrow range of ratings.

I don't doubt that some women might be throwing farther. Typically the longer throwers, male and female, are the ones passing thru a skill level and have the distance needed to get to the next level. The design guides aren't for them but for the bulk of players who have topped out at their 'natural' level (or their stable level of skill they can attain based on the time they can devote to DG).

The design guides are regularly tested by Houck, myself and other designers and so far the data from 2002 holds up based on actual throwing and scoring results. We'll get even more accurate info at the Mid-Nationals this summer when we'll have the largest fields of men and women of all ages in very tight ratings ranges to see how their scores compare to the design guides used on the courses specifically designed for those levels.

Jan 07 2005, 06:59 PM
Keep us posted on how it works out.

Jan 07 2005, 08:25 PM

I think real cheap if not free enties would be a great initiative for more females to compete!!


problem with that is that the entry fee is often what goes into the prize money... lower entry fees = lower payoff. granted we're all in it for fun, not money, it still is something to be considered.

Sorry I didn't elaborate...first-timers and women can play for free, they just don't 'qualify' for prizes/payout [although I did let them in on the CTP last time]. It's an incentive to play; the payout really isn't diminished.

Nelle 18131
Jan 14 2005, 06:19 PM
I really have a good feeling about the ladies "movement" in disc golf. I have seen more and more women talking to each other about golf and inquiring how to get more women out there. Good job everybody, male and female. 2005 is going to be a great year for women in disc golf, I can feel it. :D

Jan 14 2005, 06:41 PM
Call me "Smokey"; I'll second that emotion! ;)

...it sure seems to me, there more ladies making use of DISCussion, the past several months...that's a good thing! :)

Jan 17 2005, 01:17 AM
I completely agree with you, Nelle! We just need to get the discussion going on what to do with this women's committee.

On a side note, I went skiing in Colorado this weekend and noticed that snowboarding has had a lot more luck recruiting the ladies than disc golf... I wonder why that is.

Jan 17 2005, 09:37 AM
There are now more than 60 women in that email discussion list for women only, including beginners and up through top Pros. That's probably enough critical mass for a discussion to start there.

Jan 17 2005, 01:52 PM
<font color="red">[Images removed by admin] </font>

Jan 18 2005, 01:53 PM
:D It's been way too long since we had a Marka - big girl joke. Thanks, My Hero. :D

Jan 18 2005, 02:26 PM
Images removed by admin


Jan 18 2005, 02:40 PM
Folks, this thread has a topic and it is one that clearly is not served by posting images of people of either gender who presumably are odd or unattractive in some way.

It's a cute idea, yes. And it's funny - unless you happen to be someone who is morbidly obese and sensitive about it, or very old and lacking teeth, or have long hair and a beard. Guess what? We have lots of players and members who fit those categories.

But those images constituted "thread hijacking." If there is a place for them on DISCussion at all, and I am not sure there is, it is in an appropriately-named thread down in the "Misc" category where fewer people are likely to find them.

Jan 18 2005, 02:42 PM
**** i missed it!!

Jan 18 2005, 02:56 PM
Regarding your recent board monitoring quest-
have you now taken it upon yourself to cease thread drifts?

Good luck with that. /msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

Nelle 18131
Jan 18 2005, 02:59 PM
I would like to bring it to everyones attention that it took only 30 minutes after the original post for a "sexy" picture of Hooters girls to show up, this was a discussion about ladies in the PDGA, now its about pictures.

Jan 18 2005, 03:07 PM
are you serious???
though those pictures may be offensive to the smallest of small PDGA demographics , they are quite funny :D
HOW politically correct do we need to be when using the board?
I know this is probably your job to do this (monitor the threads and stop thread hijaking), but do we really need a thread gestapo?
(sorry, "gestapo" may be offensive to the older german war criminals and people of the Jewish religion demo., my appoligies) :D

Jan 18 2005, 03:17 PM

Hooters- A known disc golf tournament supporter-
and its employess, females, throwing frisbees.
Entirely appropriate if you ask me, which I know you did not- but I am bringing this to your attention.

I know your gripe is about how women are treated on the course- but this is a public forum- and expressions will be expressed, and you ain't gonna like all of em.

Jan 18 2005, 03:18 PM
as the originator of this thread, i was highly offended by that post and am quite frankly THANKFUL that those images were deleted. it was simply uncalled for and rude. the discussion here about ladies and PDGA is an important one that is seeing a lot of action lately, and inappropriate responses by the general DISCussion board population has lead us to others venues, when in fact it should probably be taking place right here.

And you wonder why there aren't more women in disc golf...

Nelle 18131
Jan 18 2005, 03:26 PM
Do you really think that is why those pictures were posted Josh? The original question was "why are there not more women in the pdga?" The caption under the picture was "maybe uniforms would help" or something like that, nothing like "Hooters supports disc golf" or "Hooters sponsors tournies". I know exactly why the pictures were posted.

Jan 18 2005, 03:31 PM
I think just a few of you guys are missing the point. We *do* want more women playing disc golf and we do want an environment here for women to engage with DISCussion.

This is a private space, not a public space. Read the rules: "This PDGA-sponsored board does not guarantee freedom of speech. Messages containing profanity, inflammatory comments, or other offensive content may be removed at the discretion of the board monitors. Individuals who persist in this behavior may be barred from future posting."

Postings that offend a group of players we are trying to encourage work precisely counter to the purposes of the PDGA. Just because some posters here may spend their lives unconcerned when, or even delighted when, their actions and statements hurt others does not mean that we will accept that here.

Jan 18 2005, 03:31 PM
You are right- I did not see the caption when I posted that. I digress.

Dammit Tasker!

Jan 18 2005, 04:56 PM
Your're totally right. I can see "how" the post "could" be offensive to women and morbidly obese people. No doubt. Also, I can definitely see how it is a thread drift and how it could be especially "offensive" on this thread. Point taken.

I DO wish for there was a larger number of women playing the sport as well as I wish there were more morbidly obese people attempting to play the sport (it's good exercise :D). It's just we need to monitor the amount of monitoring in these threads.

What I meant by that post was that maybe we all need to not be so defensive and offended by such little everyday things. I mean, come on people, if we start monitoring and editing everyting, what's the point of having a discussing board if it is in such a police state. Have we all lost or sense of humor, or I guess some of you would lke to believe your sense of humor is so refined and politically correct, that things like that (the post of the hooters girls, etc.) aren't even remotely funny to you.

I honestly think that plays into some of you guys/girls defensive nature and tendency to attack anything that could possibly found offensive. Maybe you guys should look into this...
why do you find these petty things so offensive??? They really aren't that offensive at all.

Why couldn't have we all just seen that post, gotten a good laugh and let it be. Do you guys write tv shows and magazine, etc. everytime you see something bordering on possibly offensive? I think we all need to be a little more lienient towards what we see as offensive, because if you all really want to get down to it, almost anything thats not a factual statement could be seen as offensive.

I honestly find all of your guys intolerance absurd. I, personally, have never posted anything deragotory or offensive to others (besides this post, i guess...), I've actually spent quite a bit of time posting positive things, addressing people who help further the sport, and addressing those who DO make offensive, rude, condescending, etc. posts or posts that arent conducive to the PDGAs goals.

But really guys, come on now... you always go back to that "this board is private, blah blah blah", you want to expand the sport, but seemingly only to 100% politically correct people who have a narrow-minded sense of humor. Shouldn't the PDGA accommodate more than this to a reasonable degree? Who decides what is offensive or not? This is all subjective and I think you guys are way too easily offended, i believe that we all should have the right to decide what we find offensive or not, especially with such borderline cases as the spoken of post. If you cant even stand seeing that and just simply overlooking it or even loking past it, thats your problem. Being easily offended or easily angered is actually a cognitive distortion/ personality disorder that I learned about in psych class last semester! Seriously guys... It was a joke!

A psychologist is quoted when referencing a particularly offensive joke (if you guys keep up with the news, it was dealing with what Billy Connely said about Kenneth Biggely, the British hostage in Iraq in early October):

"The psychology behind the human being's need to tell jokes is deeply rooted and sometimes hard to understand. But it is human nature and God forbid that we should ever lose the art. "Political correctness" is a ridiculous arena for the weak and pathetic, it will probably rob humanity of the right to joke about anything one day!"

I concur...

I really do think some of you are only offended because you want to be. Some of you are only offended by it, becasue you believe being offended is the politicallycorrect thing to do. That in itself is truely offensive to those with true conviction.

If I have offended unintentionally anyone in his/her GENUINE conviction, I offer my apologies...

I know that you state that you were "highly offended" by that particular post. Were you really highly offended, why??? (just a retorical question, no answer needed). I know that you can TELL me WHY you were highly offended and all. But being offended is a feeling, did you REALLY, 100% honestly FEEL offended by that post???

Sometimes I just think we get caught up and lost in being politically correct, that we don't look to see if it really applies to our situation... :(

Jan 18 2005, 05:05 PM
As a husband and father of 2 women players I understand and support a more respectful attitude toward women players.

With that being said; the most "offended" I've ever been on a disc golf course was following my wife's group for a few holes at Worlds last year. The continous foul language and crude comments on her card were far worse than anything I had ever heard in 4 years of tournament golf in the mens divisions.

Respect goes both ways.

Jan 18 2005, 05:10 PM
Life is a two-way street...

Jan 18 2005, 05:22 PM
dont stoop to my levels, nix. leave that to us male pigs. :p

Jan 18 2005, 05:30 PM
offended, yes, because the deleted post showed a complete lack of respect for the topic at hand -- a rather serious topic that honestly deserves more intelligent conversation and open forums for discussion. I posed my question about women and the PDGA here on the PDGA board to hopefully get some information from someone closer to the bowels of the disc golf community. I ignored the Hooters posts and haven't said anything until this last post in question. I'm a chick, and i play disc golf, which means that i have to have a pretty wicked sense of humor and a thick skin. But that one just crossed the line for me, like I said, due to its complete lack of respect.

i understand people on this board are upset about "censorship" and this new heavy moderation that is going on, but there's really no need to blast about it all over the board.

Honestly, if i felt a good discussion of women's 'issues,' if you can call them that, could take place on the PDGA board, I'd rather do it here than any other place. But so far that hasn't happened. In the discussion that's taking place elsewhere, the focus is on reviving the PDGA's Women's Committee, and as a PDGA issue, should it not be discussed on the PDGA board? Sadly, those of us involved in the conversation do not feel that a productive dialogue can take place on this board.

Please don't get me wrong, i actually laughed at the hooters girls post, but then worried that that's the only type of response I would get here and nothing productive would result. Luckily Nelle and a few others proved me wrong, but now we're back to this.

I suppose you have a point, maybe "offended" is not the proper word for it, but I can't really think of a better word from the vernacular.

Nelle 18131
Jan 18 2005, 05:39 PM
Yes respect does go both ways. I am not offended by much. Those of you who know me know that I am not a confrontational person. If you see any of my other posts you will know I love to joke around with the best of them, I like being sacastic and I do not think I am above anyone on this board. I can take a joke and bad language and almost everything else. I am not a very serious person, but when it comes to a thread titled Ladies in the PDGA and Hooters girls are posted within 30 minutes, I am offended 100%. I feel if I post anything about women in disc golf, guys jump all over it and try to find anyway and everyway to rationalize things that they have said or ways they have treated a person. A thread gets started about women in the pdga and it gets turned into an argument??? It should have stayed very positive, I dont see a reason it couldnt have. If you read the thread from beginning to end, we know why there arent more women. I know this sport, with these people, can and will be more respectful and welcoming to women without having to change the spirit of anyone.

Jan 18 2005, 05:47 PM

that post WAS disrespectful to the thread...
if a thread can be discrespected...

But that was definitely not what you were all saying.
All of you jumped on the womens movement bandwagon and went off on the post. It was a joke...

What STILL perplexes me, is that you believe the thread now to be highly offended... how is going off on another tangent ,which happened to be a somewhat related joke, considered "highly offensive"??? This just boggles my mind...

Should we now shun all those who mention a 8x Roc on the CE Roc thread??? That is "highly offensive" to the CE Roc thread and its beginning nature. But I believe (as intrinsic with the word "discussion" in discussion board) that the nature of a discussion board is to discuss, and with that said, you would be hard pressed to make a thread that only one particular question could be answered. Come on...

I really think you all just jumped on the womens movement bandwagon and went off on that post because thats what you have been programmed to do. So much of the discussion that has gone on with the whole more women in disc golf thing is soleely based off blaming males for the lack of female involvement. Albeit this may be true, like I said before, life is a two way street and women need to "own up" to that part that they play in their lack of representation.

I am 100% for the progression of ladies in the PDGA. I think it is very very sad that our sport is so poorly represented in the female demographic. However, this too is a two way street and responsibilty lies with both MALES AND FEMALES. I don't think I need to go into this further..

This isn't the 1900's ladies...
no need for a womens liberation within the PDGA.

I would like to believe that most of the PDGAs constituency is made up of educated and informed members of society, ones who could SEE THAT POST IN ITS CONTEXT AND AS NOTHING ELSE. It was a joke!


i find it hard to believe that you were highly offended by the poster's disrespect for the thread... come on now... :confused:


if thats what you all really meant, then maybe we have a bigger problem here than I thought :D

and futhermore, whos to say that your thread is anymore important than anyone esles, this kind of entitlement worries me as well...

I have PLENTY more to discuss on this, but class beckons me... :D

Jan 18 2005, 05:51 PM
perhaps your psychology classes will teach or have taught you about transferrence.

you're jumping to conclusions about my personality based on 8 posts on an internet discussion board. i am feeling defensive now, which means that i must have been offended.

Nelle 18131
Jan 18 2005, 06:01 PM
It seems as if you are not reading anything that is being written, you are only reading "I am a woman hear me roar!!"

Stop and think about it, you may see the Hooters thing as a joke, we dont. There may be a time and place for that joke but its not funny on this thread. No this thread is not better than any other thread, I find it to be worse.

If a thread was started about African Americans in PDGA would you post a black joke? I dont think so because you know it is offensive and wrong. If there were a "Hispanics in the PDGA" thread would you tell them that they were jumping on the "equality bandwagon"? I would hope not.

Jan 18 2005, 06:13 PM
class can wait for this one...
nelle and marsheif, you both contridict yourselves in your posts reacting to my post and with what your original response to the deleted post...
how can i take anything you say seriously from this point on?
Even in this post Nelle, you seemingly contradict yourself...

I really don't even know where to start...

so I'll leave it with:

"Read my other posts with your selective reading/listening/comprehension off"

I wasn't arguing anything, you actually cant really have an "arguement" within the context of a "discussion board," I know that the two go hand in hand, but there is a fine line between an arguement and a discussion. this was brought up many a time in my public discussion class.

We are in a dicusssion board, right???

Anyways, like I've said before, I'm 100% for the progression of women inthe PDGA. However, I am not for "feminazis" who take every chance they can to hate on men and blame them for their problems (not saying thats you guys... take it as you will), nor am I for people who flip-flop from saying that the post was offensive to women, then just offensive to the thread...

I CAN TAKE A JOKE and bad language and almost everything else. I am not a very serious person, but when it comes to a thread titled Ladies in the PDGA and Hooters girls are posted within 30 minutes, I am offended 100%.

Obviously you can't take a joke...

IT WAS A JOKE! (one in poor taste albiet, one i wouldn't even think of making, yet a joke still it was...)

and you even contradicted yourself within a sentence, i applaud you, thats a very hard thing to do unless it's been done many times before :D

I feel if I post anything about women in disc golf, guys jump all over it and try to find anyway and everyway to rationalize things that they have said or ways they have treated a person.

...play the victim anyone???

I'm not shooting down your feelings or anything...
but if you feel that way, thats your problem, not everyone elses... with that statement you just made a HUGE generalization and streotype of the typical male PDGA member, a VERY VERY untrue one, I would find it hard to believe that more than 1% of our members ACTUALLY think in this manner.

If you truley feel that way, maybe you should try changing it, rational emotive therapy works well..

that whole "blame them" thing is very unproductive, especially when trying to further the progression of women in a male dominated sport. Look at ball golf, before they had an LPGA, women said the same thing... and nothing happened! surprise! ...until women did something about it

I reallyhope you guys read this and my earlier posts and TRUELY comprehend what I'm trying to address...

I mean, I DID skip Abnormal Psych to make this post... :D

Jan 18 2005, 06:17 PM
I agree. Most of the women I often play with would not be considered "ladies" according to their behavior. It is disturbing to me, but I have just determined it is the way disc golfers are. There are a few people in the thousands that play disc golf in Texas that don't drink, don't smoke, and don't cuss on a regular basis. We are the minority and looked down upon as such.

Nelle 18131
Jan 18 2005, 06:26 PM
Laura, believe me I have never looked down on you for your manners or anything, quite the opposite, I highly respect you and Don. Your a great gal and dont change a thing. I have been unlady like on cards at times and I will work on that.

I will no longer repsond to the cf person, because I am getting upset and I dont want to do that. You think your way and I will think mine, but we do have disc golf in common so your okay in my book. (not saying my book is better than anyone elses :D) <------- see little joke

Jan 18 2005, 06:30 PM
I have thought about it, Nelle, and the only basis you have for that post was that the person who made it posted it int the context of a joke. okay??? so then, if you see it as not a joke, thats not their, nor my, nor anyone but your own problem. right? I'm not just hearing the "I am woman, hear me roar!" thing, but thats what you were saying, then you flip flopped to "thats offensive to the thread and way out of context of ladies in the PDGA". am I right? or what?
sorry, you're wrong...
it was funny on this thread

and by the way, ANYONE, FEMALE OR MALE, may post on this thread, you preach all this women in disc golf stuff, then try to say that that joke was innapropriate on this thread? there ARE men disc golfers too, right?

"If a thread was started about African-American in PDGA, would you post a black joke?"


You cant even compare a joke made through the nature of men to a joke that would be derogatory towards a race via moking them for a stereotypical attribute or quality.

What are you talking about???

And as far as the whole accusing me of:

If there were a "Hispanics in the PDGA" thread would you tell them that they were jumping on the "equality bandwagon"? I would hope not.

Guess what...
I WOULD tell some of them that if they were jumping on the whole equality bandwagon and lacking true conviction.

Are you even reading my posts or just REACTING to them???

Like I said before, falsifying true conviction for a cause is far more offensive than anything else related to this. And you better believe I'd call them out on this too.

Anyways, like I've said many times before (you never read it though, this is getting quite redundant):

1. I am 100% for the progression of women in the PDGA
2. I did not make the post and found it to be quite distasteful and in poor judgement
3. If I have offended anyone with true conviction, I am greatly sorry and do appologize

next post!

Jan 18 2005, 06:33 PM
im sexist, not a racist.

and if this was a thread called Blacks in the PDGA, i would probably find a picture of dave chappell looking like Prince and post, "Uniforms might help".

didnt mean to fuel the fire, nelle. my joke was aimed directly for nelle and not at women's participation in the sport. i felt i could pull on your chain a bit and it got a weee bit out of control... not that i am implying nelle is a b*tch and i guess i need to quit saying, "don't be ***" to lou and randy after they shank a shot... not they are ***.. and that's fine if they are. :o

whew. i thought i only had to apologize to three women in my lifetime. nelle makes 4.

signed, the sexist pig, martin t. #18372.


Jan 18 2005, 06:37 PM
Chris, your post
This isn't the 1900's ladies...
no need for a womens liberation within the PDGA.

is exactly the reason why women aren't going to have a viable thread on the Big Bored. This thread was probably not intended for you to air your thoughts and opinions about free speech- though that is what it has deteriorated to.

I have not
jumped on the womens movement bandwagon

here- I for one do not find the pictures or comments that offensive. But, some do. Whether or not the offended parties should or shouldn't find the posts offensive is immaterial.

Unfortunately, the fact that you
have PLENTY more to discuss on this

is probably why Terry has to screen all applicants before allowing them to join the new women's discussion board...

Jan 18 2005, 06:39 PM
first of all, in my psychology class they taught me to spell transference correctly :D

secondly, that principle DOESN'T EVEN APPLY here...

transference a phenomenon where patients undergoing clinical therapy begin to transfer their feelings of a particular person in their lives to the therapist

or at least thats what they teach at school...

and when you talk of me basing my perception of you off of 8 posts on an internet discussion board, yes, i agree, thats all i have to base it off and what you put in those 8 posts is what anyone would have to make it out of. also, those 8 posts, if you are truely speaking from the heart would embody enough for me TO make a somewhat uninformed idea of what your personality is like, unless your personality totally cahnges on the internet, then that syour problem, and maybe you should look into why you cant be yourself sometimes.

lastly, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, i didn't want this all to turn into an arguement, just a heated discussion (the best type, sometimes people say what they truely mean), I was simply trying to discuss things relating to that whole "innapropriate post", I thought thats what DISCUSSION boards were for, my bad...

Nelle 18131
Jan 18 2005, 06:45 PM
Martin, I consider you my friend and I dont want you to feel like you need to apologize to me. I know you did not mean any harm to me personally. I just wanted to make you aware that I dont find it cool and some women might agree or disagree. Nothing but love for you brother, I know you know me.

Jan 18 2005, 06:49 PM
my comment about feeling defensive was that i was offended by you, not by that post... it was a bit of a switch of topic. i admitted to not being personally offended by the post, but lacking the proper term for how i felt. as for the "thread" being "offended" well the thread has no feelings. the lack of respect i noted was for the discussion at hand (you may ask how one can "respect" and inanimate object, well i'm not going there). You're right, it's a discussion board, and open discussion should take place.

that whole "blame them" thing is very unproductive, especially when trying to further the progression of women in a male dominated sport. Look at ball golf, before they had an LPGA, women said the same thing... and nothing happened! surprise! ...until women did something about it

well, we're trying to do something about it. that's why i started this thread -- to try and get something done about it. i don't blame the other disc golfers for the lack of female participation. i do, however, from personal experience, blame other disc golfers for making females feel uncomfortable on the course. while you may argue that it's 1% of those who participate, i will ask you where it is you play and who it is you play with. my guess is that on most small public courses when random people who aren't competitive are out there, it's a different group from PDGA members. when i first started playing, i had to keep convincing myself to go back to the course because iwas sick of having my [*****] blatantly stared at every time i picked up my disc or putted. now that i've started playing competitively and met more people who are serious about disc golf, it doesn't seem to be an issue on the course any more. the people i now know and play with on the course see me as a disc golfer, not just some chick who bends over every few minutes.

i digress, i'm sorry, and i understand it was a joke, i just didn't appreciate that particular joke.

Jan 18 2005, 06:50 PM
I was simply trying to discuss things relating to that whole "innapropriate post", I thought thats what DISCUSSION boards were for

Then find the thread devoted to things relating to inappropriate posts- THIS thread is for discussing Ladies in the PDGA !!

Also- you should use spell check if you are going to throw stones at other people's spelling abilities!! :eek: :D

Jan 18 2005, 06:50 PM
wow, this is the last one...

"...is exactly the reason why women aren't going to have a viable thread on the Big Bored. This thread was probably not intended for you to air your thoughts and opinions about free speech- though that is what it has deteriorated to."

I'm sorry, I like to stick up for people whom I see being wrongly persecuted... once again... my bad...

and deteriorated... come on

"here- I for one do not find the pictures or comments that offensive. But, some do."

EXACTLY, so why should you side with those who do???
(i.e. deleting the post)

"is probably why Terry has to screen all applicants before allowing them to join the new women's discussion board... "

hmm... did you even read my prior posts OR even the sentences before the "have PLENTY more to discuss on this"??? or did you just jump to a conclusion ASSUMING I was talking about something unconducive to your thread....

Unfortunately, the fact that you

cant take things within context

-is not my problem.

I'm through.... thats it... think what you may, my intentions with all of these posts were good ones and hoping to help give some of you another perspctive upon things. Take it as you will. :(

ps. imapackerfan- no need for the condescendingness and lack of rspect for my posts, i was simply trying to give others another perspective on things, it is VERY SAD to see how unreceptive some of you are...

Nelle 18131
Jan 18 2005, 06:53 PM
ps. imapackerfan- no need for the condescendingness and lack of rspect for my posts, i was simply trying to give others another perspective on things, it is VERY SAD to see how unreceptive some of you are...

LMAO, hello Pot, meet Kettle.

Jan 18 2005, 07:00 PM
I was simply trying to discuss things relating to that whole "innapropriate post", I thought thats what DISCUSSION boards were for

Then find the thread devoted to things relating to inappropriate posts- THIS thread is for discussing Ladies in the PDGA !!

Also- you should use spell check if you are going to throw stones at other people's spelling abilities!! :eek: :D

Did I bring up the whole discussion about the inappropriateness of the post??? I didn't think so... if you look back, you'll obviously see that I simply wandered upon this thread and saw that people were discussing the innapropriate post, you didn't really look into the thread, did you? you just jumped on me... :(
its cool though, and yes, i did spell a couple words wrong, my bad, i really didn't care if they spelled transferance right or wrong, I was simply noting that they had spelled it as another word was spelled and they must have had no idea what they were talking about because that psychological phenomenon had ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with anything at all... I guess that lack of being able to relate one related thing to another must apply to all of your posts... :o:D<-look, i can use sarcastic smilys too! :D

Jan 18 2005, 07:05 PM
I thought you werent responding to me any more???
How does THIS make any sense???

When was I being unreceptive??? if you really look and read and comprehend my posts (for the millionth time) you'll see that i agreed that the post was in poor taste and even stated that I would make no such post myself. I didn't make the post... and if you correctly read my posts, i was simply trying to give others another perspective on the matter at hand... when ever, did i shoot down anything any one of you had to say, I may have questioned it (i.e. questioning your true conviction to the innapropriateness of the post), but if you look there, i once again stated directly that i could be wrong and to take it how you will and that i apoogize to anyone i or the poster i was defending may have offended,


Jan 18 2005, 07:06 PM
thanks, nelle.

Jan 18 2005, 07:15 PM
I hope having your [email protected]@ looked at every time you bend over wouldn't keep you off the dg course. Cause if your [email protected]@ is getting looked at there it is getting looked at at the library at the grocery store every where that there is people. Plain and simple fact.

DGer's are hard on noobs in general and if you want to compete you have to have a thicker skin than the average joe , sad but true.

I've been beat by a girl (Nelle). I've also had the old " Man, Lance beat you you must suck " thrown around. The second is much worse than the first.

I admire the few lady golfers I have had the chance to play a round with.

I also apologize in advance if part of the pleasure of playing with you is the fact that you are female and therefore more attractive than my male conterparts.

Jan 18 2005, 07:17 PM
I hope having your [email protected]@ looked at every time you bend over wouldn't keep you off the dg course.

part of the pleasure of playing with you is the fact that you are female and therefore more attractive than my male conterparts.

have you ever seen lou bend over to get his mini? grrrrrr!

Jan 18 2005, 07:18 PM
(yes, Chris, I read the WHOLE thread, contrary to your belief- which is why I questioned your need to jump into the discussion in the first place) But now, ENOUGH ALREADY!! What about your earlier post...
wow, this is the last one...

Contrary to your belief, you do NOT need to have the last word. This thread will become 75 pages long before tomorrow if you keep defending yourself. Please, PLEASE let it go!

Back to the original topic ----

marshief- unfortunately, having a seperate place for women to group together on a national level isn't going to help your situation. You (and by "you" I mean "YOU") have to get the local ladies interested. Host a clinic (post flyers on the course kiosk, and give flyers to the guys to take home to their girlfriends, sisters, neighbors) or put a little ad into the local college newspaper. It ain't easy, but it CAN be done... but if women aren't already playing competitively in your area, simply having a forum devoted to women isn't going to fix it. Boosting the number of women playing will ultimately bring more ladies into the competitive mode! Good luck.

Jan 18 2005, 07:41 PM
It would be nice if the threads in the top 2 levels of the board were mainly left for serious discussion, and the Misc groups left open for more frivolous postings.

I think that posts of jokes or pictures that are obviously intended to upset or offend those that are trying carry on a serious on topic discussion should be deleted. At least in the main forums.

Nelle 18131
Jan 18 2005, 07:44 PM
I hope having your [email protected]@ looked at every time you bend over wouldn't keep you off the dg course. Cause if your [email protected]@ is getting looked at there it is getting looked at at the library at the grocery store every where that there is people. Plain and simple fact.

DGer's are hard on noobs in general and if you want to compete you have to have a thicker skin than the average joe , sad but true.

I've been beat by a girl (Nelle). I've also had the old " Man, Lance beat you you must suck " thrown around. The second is much worse than the first.

I admire the few lady golfers I have had the chance to play a round with.

I also apologize in advance if part of the pleasure of playing with you is the fact that you are female and therefore more attractive than my male conterparts.

Lance!!! :o
The guys at the grocery store, or library dont know the women personally, the men we play disc golf with do, so I do expect some respect.

And I would hope that beauty is not the only reason you would enjoy playing disc golf with a female, what about the fact that you both like the same sport? Or maybe she is a nice girl?

Jan 18 2005, 07:58 PM

The guys at the grocery store, or library dont know the women personally, the men we play disc golf with do, so I do expect some respect. "

You know what I mean. The LOLO's are about half of the few girls I've played with. And you all have better personalities than the guys down here. I put it in black and white so it's hard to argue out of. I like seeing ladies on the course for a variety of reasons.

I hopefully have a future Lady DGer under my wing and I hope the guys when she is older will not be total pigs. But I'm also aware that some will be no matter what.

I will try to do my part to make ladies more comfortable in the future.


Jan 18 2005, 08:19 PM
Back to the original topic ----

marshief- unfortunately, having a seperate place for women to group together on a national level isn't going to help your situation. You (and by "you" I mean "YOU") have to get the local ladies interested. Host a clinic (post flyers on the course kiosk, and give flyers to the guys to take home to their girlfriends, sisters, neighbors) or put a little ad into the local college newspaper. It ain't easy, but it CAN be done... but if women aren't already playing competitively in your area, simply having a forum devoted to women isn't going to fix it. Boosting the number of women playing will ultimately bring more ladies into the competitive mode! Good luck.

this is always the first reaction to the topic at hand. apparently everyone thinks that local women's leagues are the only way to go. well, respectfully, i must disagree. i feel that that answer is simply a way to appease the masses and quiesce the ignorant vocal ones. I've seen enough women bring up instances of apparent lack of proper representation of female in the governing boards of disc golf to feel that something on a greater scale needs to be done. i applaud those who have organized their own local women's leagues, however i do not feel that it is a long term solution to the apparent problem of lack of attention to women's issues. Just my humble opinion.

Look, I saw some women bring up a few topics so I started asking some questions. I didn't mean to start some massive women's movement, I don't consider myself a women's rights or women's anything activist, I'm quite content with where i am in life as a woman. I just started asking questions and getting a discussion going. I just joined the PDGA this month, so I really dont have enough experience to state in my opinion whether women are properly represented in disc golf, but I do have plenty of experience conversing with women in disc golf.

Jan 18 2005, 10:53 PM
wow this thread has really blown up!!

Jan 19 2005, 12:09 AM
Wow, I missed a lot today. There were so many things said on this thread today that I would love to comment on, but I don�t have the energy to go back and put it all together. But I do want to say something.

The following is a list of words that I have seen used on this thread. It was started as a thread to simply discuss an issue that is important to women, and has now been turned into something else. As usual.

Narrow minded

I have a word that I want to add. I think it is a word that will sum things up quite well.


This is a word that I feel best describes what you guys are when you post stuff like that. A simple word when you think about it. But boy, when we get tired of seeing stuff like that, and say something about it, we get called some pretty strong words. Feminists, Feminazi�s, men hater�s, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah����

�and hey girls, remember�
Men are like blenders.
You need one, but you're not quite sure why :D

Jan 19 2005, 12:45 AM
�and hey girls, remember�
Men are like blenders.
You need one, but you're not quite sure why :D

Now us men are offended :D Its okay when you do it isn't it? You can make all the men jokes that are offensive and its okay but when we say one thing its all out war.

But seriously I wish we had more people men or women in the UK. Good luck with everything in the US. You Go Girls as you say.

Jan 19 2005, 12:57 AM
Earlier this thread, Chuck Kennnedy wrote: "There is an official PDGA Women's Committee but it's my understanding that no one has volunteered to head it up or be on it for several years....

"Contact the PDGA HQ and ask."

...so, did anyone, etc.?

Jan 19 2005, 01:46 AM
did that a while ago. if you can sift through all of the posts from today, i'm pretty sure i mentioned that there are some women trying to revive that committee. not telling you to go read all of that, just don't want people to tell me i'm repeating myself. so no, i'm not just sitting here posting on the pdga board and whining about the situation, i'm actually doing something about it.

z Vaughn z
Jan 19 2005, 02:13 AM
I feel the more Lady disc golfers there are, the better. I like that they are directly involved in the PDGA and are involved in tournaments I play in. If a seperate league, or organization is set up for woman disc golfers, where am I suppose to meet my future wife?

Jan 19 2005, 02:38 AM
No complaints; just curious on the progress...when there's something 'official' in the works, I'll likely see here, or from Discette @ a SoCal (http://www.socaldiscgolf.org) meet.
I see higher exposure for Women this season, regardless of what's up with WcPDGA. Something to do with plain inertia, I feel.

Jan 19 2005, 02:41 AM
Looks like Socal got our MFA president and we didn't get a draft pick? That's great that three of five Socal Board members are women.

Jan 19 2005, 03:03 AM
Pioneer Tita Ugalde, and Beth Verish are the other two, for those taking notes. ;)

I trust our Regional Secretary won't mind that term? Sounds better than calling her an "MFA". :D

Jan 19 2005, 10:09 AM
two things:

1)slo, if you'd like to be kept up to date on the situation, you can do one or more of several things:
- sign up for the email listserv that Terry Calhoun set up,
- send me a pm with yer email addy and i'll shoot you updates
- keep checking here, i'll try to post updates here too.

2) orc_and_mindy: we women disc golfers love carousing with the guys just as much as the next "guy" literally. one major concern we have is to not inadvertently segregate the women from the boys. so don't worry, your future disc chick is out there still and we won't snatch her away from ya :)

Jan 19 2005, 01:04 PM
two things:

- sign up for the email listserv that Terry Calhoun set up,

2) orc_and_mindy: we women disc golfers love carousing with the guys just as much as the next "guy" literally. one major concern we

I'll take "2)" first: We all need to keep in mind that on the course, we like each other. There's no doubt in my mind that everyone posting here would be great fun to play with. It's just a lot easier in a virtual environment to overlook the huge percentage of normal communication that is not verbal or in writing. Everyone pretty much sounds like less of a nice person on line.

It actually is best, on line, to take a step up and communicate at a more polite level than you normally would on the course or elsewhere in the real world. That way you can be perceived on line more like you really are in person.

To join that email list for women disc golfers, you can just send a message to "[email protected]" with the word "subscribe" in the subject line (best if there is nothing in the body). As has been mentioned, your request will come to either me or Lorrie Gibson, in the PDGA office, for approval.

By the end of the day today, I think we'll be over the 100 subscriber mark in that list!

Jan 19 2005, 03:40 PM
I thought the list was for Women only?!? :confused:

Jan 19 2005, 03:47 PM
my bad, it is. since you asked how to keep on top of things, i just rattled off every possibility i could think of.

Jan 19 2005, 03:56 PM

By the end of the day today, I think we'll be over the 100 subscriber mark in that list!

RAD!! :cool:

Jan 19 2005, 04:03 PM
Thats Awesome!

Jan 19 2005, 05:27 PM
for real keep up the ##ss

Jan 19 2005, 05:56 PM
Sounds good except that I've been playing Advanced since I started. Not because I AM Advanced, but because of the shortage of women there is no Novice or Intermediate division. The Pro women here play with the Advanced Men because there are not enough of them for a division either. So yes, I want to use the short tees. I often am not allowed to and my game suffers. I already know I don't stand a chance of winning because I'm in the wrong division, but making the game agony instead of fun doesn't make me want to come back either...

Jan 19 2005, 05:57 PM
oops, forgot to hit 'quote'. The previous post was in reference to several folks saying the Advanced women should use the Pro tee pads...