Feb 06 2005, 07:07 PM
How have you seen TD's handle un-won Ace Pool monies?
And, how do you feel about that?
Feb 06 2005, 09:09 PM
most have a CTP and the closest 3 throws split it.
I've seen a few different ways to settle an unwon ace pot:
-full pot going to winner of a CTP throw off
-full pot going to the club or charity
-CTP throw off for half of the pot, the other going to the club or charity
I have no problem with either as long as it's advertised. Heck, even if it's not advertised they can do whatever they want with it. I gambled on my getting an ace. If I don't ace I don't expect to get any money.
Feb 06 2005, 11:53 PM
At the IOS 7 we'll be rolling ot over to the next day, whenever the next day is.
Feb 07 2005, 10:47 AM
The most common way is to have a throw-off CTP contest like described above.
We like to carry ace pots over from tournament to tournament (and league night to league night) held at our course. If it goes a while before it gets hit (our doubles pot is unhit at over $250 currently), the ace pool becomes a big attraction for even the small local tournaments.
We also have an ace pot that carries from event to event within our state series which got to over $300 at the end of last season. Makes for a good draw to event #1 of 2005. :p
Feb 07 2005, 12:01 PM
I'd say the most creative way was by Dave McQuay.
He put up the list of names and threw three darts and whoever the dart hit, got the money
yeah, u and dave would think the same. :D