Apr 18 2005, 04:07 PM
Quick question on playing in a sanctioned tournament as a non pdga member...
A friend of mine mentioned that paying the extra 5 bones to play in a sanctioned tournament (or whatever the fee may be) actually buys you a temporary membership for 3 months, at which you get a 5 dollar discount if you join the pdga within your temporary membership. Being the broke college kid that I am, I was going to wait a little bit to join, but if I'm going to have to pay the extra 5 bucks at every tourney I play in this summer, I might as well do it now. Thanks ahead for any clarification.
A friend of mine mentioned that paying the extra 5 bones to play in a sanctioned tournament (or whatever the fee may be) actually buys you a temporary membership for 3 months, at which you get a 5 dollar discount if you join the pdga within your temporary membership. Being the broke college kid that I am, I was going to wait a little bit to join, but if I'm going to have to pay the extra 5 bucks at every tourney I play in this summer, I might as well do it now. Thanks ahead for any clarification.