May 06 2005, 05:01 PM
Does anyone know of any TD's who are not current members but run sanctioned events?
I know that you need to be an official to be a TD and have to be a current member to be an official, so technically you have to be a current member to be a TD. But are there guys who do all the work of TD'ing, but who maybe have a "front man" to be to official TD?
May 06 2005, 05:16 PM
Yes. Yes.
I know someone who was banned* from running PDGA tournaments for a year who just had a "front man" be the official TD for the event.
*he might have just been asked nicely to not run tournaments for year, it might not have been any kind of official discipline action.
May 06 2005, 07:13 PM
Yeah but his "front man" was actually there doing the grunt work for the duration of each event with the other volunteers, and not merely lending a name to the event while playing D&D somewhere 200 miles removed from the event, or at the beach, or whereever.
No names, please. It is all just amusing history that need not be dredged up!
The question is interesting. It assumes that the term TD is defined in some manner other than, "The person who consents to have his name listed as the TD on the sanctioning application." To the original poster I'd ask, "What do you think a TD is other than a person who consents to have his name listed as the TD on the sanctionng application?"
For the first sanctioned tournaments I TD'd, Mark Ellis served as the MC, Senior Advisor, Sponsorship Coordinator, Park Liason and Financier. He covered a lot of responsibilities. Basically I was a non-playing volunteer who did promotional work, payouts, trophy acquisition, merch inventory, and PDGA paperwork.
There are a dozen areas of responsibility that have to be covered for a tournament to be successful and well run. Some TDs delegate almost all of it to various partners and volunteers. Sometimes the group of people who undertake the process delegate the title of TD to one individual for PDGA paperwork purposes, but that is just a formality.
No names, please. It is all just amusing history that need not be dredged up!
Let me guess: Jon is fronting for Bruce this year. :D
May 06 2005, 11:14 PM
No names, please. It is all just amusing history that need not be dredged up!
Let me guess: Jon is fronting for Bruce this year. :D
No, Jon, Brett and I are all current and are all officials. I just don't think we need to embarrass anyone by mentioning names. And there are lots of arrangements that get the job done. If a TD was quietly informally suspended for a year [and I'm not saying that was the situation] and he got the job done by involving other volunteers in roles of greater responsibility, I think that is a good thing.