Aleksey Bubis #22722
May 20 2005, 12:18 AM
It says I can put a signature up to 0 characters in my personal preferences thread under My Home category it won't let me put in any sort of signature, is there anyway I can put one in.

May 20 2005, 12:24 AM
Did you check the show signature box before you posted your message. :confused: :confused:

May 20 2005, 12:28 AM
Signatures can no longer be added. Existing ones will stay unless you try to alter them.

Aleksey Bubis #22722
May 20 2005, 12:29 AM
Why is that? that very uncool! :(

May 20 2005, 12:34 AM
It's a fairly story, I think tied to all of the anon posting threads that are going on.

May 20 2005, 12:37 AM
Signatures can no longer be added. Existing ones will stay unless you try to alter them.

Who decided this? Was there an official announcement confirming this?

Aleksey Bubis #22722
May 20 2005, 12:39 AM
seriously, this was never announced, I hope this will be fixed.

May 20 2005, 12:50 AM
I wont be altering MINE :o:eek: :p /msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif :mad::cool::o:D

May 20 2005, 01:36 AM
[email protected] :D

May 20 2005, 01:56 AM
You also have to dump your signature line to change your avatar. That is quite lame.

May 20 2005, 02:16 AM
What's the big deal? Can't one just type in a signature line on each one of their messages (see below) instead of wanting it to be done for them? :eek: :D

... I can neither confirm nor deny my ambivalence towards signature lines ...

May 20 2005, 02:48 AM
TOO much work, LOL! benefit, however, is that with that method, the signature is going to stay indelibly connected with the post, instead of changing with each signatue revision.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
<font color="blue"> "It's not an issue anyways, at least not for another 9 months, and 3 weeks, or so" </font>

May 20 2005, 10:36 AM
that pretty much sucks, since i used my signature to advertise pdga events. i'll just have to either always make the event flyer the same name, or just dump the signature and not help the pdga advertise events.

i must say, this beating all the kids because a couple are misbehaving is getting old. i for one am tired of being beaten. maybe i'll retire to my little local bored until the pdga wakes up and realizes it MUST only allow CURRENT members to post except in a moderated area. that is obviously the only way to make it stop since each account would have to be linked to a specific individual. you could verify identity of people joining in various ways if necessary, though if someone wanted to pay 40-50$ for an account and then have it locked out repeatedly, that would just be money in the pdga's pocket....

May 20 2005, 10:54 AM
Looks like the last thread on this topic was deleted. Pretty lame as well. It's time to get our own board guys and gals!

May 20 2005, 10:54 AM
The deal is, your signature changes on every post when you change your signature. When it is time to quit pimping the EIEIO and start pimping the Golden State [or whatever] you change your signature and all your past post signatures change too.

It is a nice feature. The fact that some yahoos were using their signature to post offensive stuff is no reason to do away with signatures. Do away with the yahoos.

May 20 2005, 11:35 AM
Yeah, [inappropriate word] the yahoos.


May 20 2005, 12:14 PM
Looks like the last thread on this topic was deleted. Pretty lame as well. It's time to get our own board guys and gals!

****, this sounds all to familiar. :eek: :p

May 20 2005, 12:15 PM
We are the common denominators! /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

May 20 2005, 12:26 PM
that pretty much sucks, since i used my signature to advertise pdga events. i'll just have to either always make the event flyer the same name, or just dump the signature and not help the pdga advertise events.

i'm still not sure what the big deal is. Can't you keep the sig line you want in a notepad and then cut and paste if to the bottom of your messages? I'll try to do one for the Disc 'n Dat Bluegrass Open B-tier event over Memorial Day weekend. It's at Idlewild and Banklick -- two stellar courses and both are minutes away from the greater Cincinnati airport.

Disc 'n Dat Bluegrass Open -- Memorial Day weekend at Idlewild and Banklick (

*free disc of choice to all women entrants*

May 20 2005, 12:27 PM
Glad I have my avatar and signature all set. Id say my sig definetly reflects on these types of situations. This board is getting quite c e n s o r e d. Have to watch out for those authority figures and differing opinions.

May 20 2005, 12:46 PM
I think I'm done posting at the PDGA board except to pimp the IOS Series ( and other local PDGA events. My signature also is used to promote PDGA events and it is effective. I also am tired of being punished because of other people's actions.

Signing off!!! :p :( :mad:

May 20 2005, 01:32 PM
Jackasses - 1
The rest of us - 0


May 20 2005, 02:03 PM
I think the jackazzes have 2 or 3 now!! what a shame it is!! :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

May 20 2005, 02:17 PM
that pretty much sucks, since i used my signature to advertise pdga events. i'll just have to either always make the event flyer the same name, or just dump the signature and not help the pdga advertise events.

I've got a DATE in mine; can't always hold the event in 2K5!! :o

May 20 2005, 03:55 PM

May 20 2005, 05:29 PM
i could do that rob, but it would be much easier to do it as a signature. i just think it's a shame that a few bad apples are making life tough for the majority. some may call it cencorship, but i call it TROLL KILLING.
posts that deliberately cause anomosity or conflict should just be summarily deleted along with the accounts of repeat offenders. i'm sure there are plenty of non-disc related boards to stir the pot on...

May 20 2005, 10:30 PM
I've solved the problem of not being able to change your avatar without losing your signature. You have to swap the image at the host site using the same url for the new image as the old. I could not do this but the webmaster there was kind enough to do it for me. The webmaster-[[inappropriate word]] here did not respond to my e-mail.

Fishy-fishy, my new avatar, like everything I own, is for sale. Fishy-fishy was a lot of work. The fact that I'm using an oriental woodcut fish for my avatar does not mean that I'm secretly Grunion-Catfish-Fishykitty-ChinaDG although the thematic convergence might seem fishy!

Jeff: if you can find the Precious avatar feel free to start using it. If you cannot find the Precious avatar I can post it somewhere and send you the url, or hunt it down, or e-mail you the image. I meant to put it on a diskette and surface mail it to you with the disc but fever-related brain damage scuttled that plan. I forgot.

May 20 2005, 10:41 PM
Rob: The difference is when you change your signature every post you ever posted previously gets the new signature. If you make a mock signature to pimp your event, that mock signature hangs out there pimping your event long after it is over.

It is a small thing. But this whole message board is devoted to small things. Because, when you think about what are the big things, everything that begins with disc golf is a small thing.

May 20 2005, 10:49 PM

I had to undertake similar ridiculous exertions to change my avatar while keeping my signature file. I had to upload the new image to the server that I hosted my avatar on,, and rename it with the exact same URL address of my previous avatar. Except that hosts images on one of six servers, so I had to keep uploading it and deleting it until I got the right server and the address matched.

All because some [inappropriate word] users around here got abusive with their signature files, and consequently some webmaster/monitor-[inappropriate word] decided that the easiest way around that was to eliminate signature files altogether.

May 22 2005, 07:17 PM
All because some [inappropriate word] users around here got abusive with their signature files, and consequently some webmaster/monitor-[inappropriate word] decided that the easiest way around that was to eliminate signature files altogether.

Well, as the person who did it, I truly appreciate your using whatever [inappropriate word] you called me just there. Nice, courteous touch 'Lung'.

Note on "the easiest way": Yes. I look for easy. Why? Because I work way too hard and volunteer way too hard to not find the easiest way to handle a continuing problem.

Here's another 'easy' way out of a problem. We ban someone and they come back in with a different user name and email address. So, I've had 'joins' on manually moderate for months now. So every new user asks to join, then when I have time I go to the list of new requests and check out the names, email addresses, and IP addresses, and try to see if any are suspiciously like the banned posters that we don't want back in here. Wait, that's not easy. Shoot. It's hard. And a pain in the [inappropriate word].

If I could easily turn avatars off, I would do that, too. But unfortunately, to be able to do that requires a lot of coding work that our very overloaded IT volunteers don't have time to do; which, BTW, is why we can't yet limit some threads to members-only and enforce a no-anonymity rule.

It's rather 'easy' to sit out there and criticize hard working volunteers for taking 'easy' ways out to handle problems with things like signature and avatars that are, after all, not a primary mission for DISCussion anyway, folks.

Blame me for the lack of signature (except for oldies who haven't changed their) - and note that someone who bragged they weren't going to change their obscene 'sig' got it changed for them (first page of this thread).

The problem with signatures is that once a message is posted with one on it, we moderators can edit the message but not the sig. So, a newly-cleaned up message may still have an obscene sig. I happened to notice that I could set the sig length to zero, and so I did.

Now, there can be no new sigs and if someone has an obscene one, I can go to his profile and edit it clearn and he can't change it back. Kind of solves the problem, doesn't it? [And it wasn't easy at all to do.]

I'm thinking that maybe once every few weeks we can open up sigs to changing and then close them again for a while. That way, when the adolescents put in nasty sigs, we can edit them out until the next round of 'open sigging'.

BTW, I've had issues logging in for two weeks due to a 'cookie' problem, but as you can see that is fixed now. Thank-you to those who send nice messages indicating that they understand how hard this job is and how much they appreciate it. Please keep on pointing out threads that need watched - be sure to include URLs so I can find them 'easy'.

P.S. I talked with Theo earlier today and he said he had posted about low tolerance for non-member and anonymous posters. I concur. If I can't tell - *easily* - who you are and you post inappropriate stuff, you are gone. Every posting here should be appropriate as spoken language during play in a sanctioned event. Period.

May 22 2005, 07:36 PM
Boo, hoo: I can't put a signature in my posts.

As the guy in charge of keeping things in order around here, do you really think is is a good idea for you to instigate? :confused:

May 22 2005, 07:46 PM
As the guy in charge of keeping things in order around here, do you really think is is a good idea for you to instigate? :confused:

Instigate? The subject line I used indicates my perception that signature lines are relatively unimportant to the main purpose of DISCussion and that there is a little too much whining about not being able to change or add them.

No doubt it will instigate complaints. But you can simply type in one each time you need one. (Or cut and paste, as some have noted.)

Guess what? I've also just learned how to turn all the avatars off, too. Why don't you (not you personally, individually) folks in 'the community' help set a new standard for posting and avatars and signatures?

I'm gonna turn them both back on later tonight, but it's nice to know that's available now.

May 22 2005, 07:53 PM
Instigate? The subject line I used indicates my perception that signature lines are relatively unimportant to the main purpose of DISCussion and that there is a little too much whining about not being able to change or add them.

I just took at as you calling people babies. IMO, that is just asking for someone to comeback and spout off and then in turn cause someone else to, then you have to come back and defend etc etc etc

Just seems to me that you want things more PC, so since you are in control of that you would want to be extra PC :)

May 22 2005, 08:00 PM
I'm gonna turn them both back on later tonight, but it's nice to know that's available now.


May 22 2005, 08:14 PM
I just took at as you calling people babies. IMO, that is just asking for someone to comeback and spout off and then in turn cause someone else to, then you have to come back and defend etc etc etc

Just seems to me that you want things more PC, so since you are in control of that you would want to be extra PC :)

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, World Domination!!!! After two weeks unable to log in as administrator I crave the ability to control, control, control . . . .


I didn't call anyone a 'baby' - note the lack of any name-calling in my post. But, give me a break: At least two of the posters on the topic called *me* names - and names that are on the 'bad word' list - basically names that no one wants to be called, d'oh! I have little mercy for the feelings of someone who is calling me such names.

As for control, geez. I think it is mostly people who don't have much control of things who think that 'control' is something to be desired. In my book, 'control' is a tool to make a resource do what it's supposed to do. And it usually involves more work.

And 'PC' - do you know what 'PC' was 500 years ago? It was whatever the king, or prince, or shaman, or priest, or warlord insisted on. At least what we now call 'PC' is generated by a majority opinion of an entire group; although it is still resented by those who disagree - and they aren't beheaded when they speak up :D yet.

It should be pretty simple. There are rules to using DISCussion, just like in playing disc golf. No one should post anything that would be inappropriate to say during sanctioned tournament play. (Is having courtesy rules 'PC'? Maybe we should just get rid of those?) And that includes what is in a signature and what can be inferred from an avatar.

When a DISCussion feature is lost or modified because inappropriate posters are causing more work for volunteers than the volunteers have time for - blame the inappropriate posters. (Again, thanks for the kind words via PM by many, many folks who don't want to share them on public DISCussion because they want to avoid harassment.)

May 22 2005, 08:28 PM
LOL!! I think you may have taken my post completly the wrong way.

Not saying you are a control freak or craving control or whatever. (you have gotten overly defensive in you absense :) )

Just disregard what i was trying to say to you because you just don't get it.

PS.that last statement was NOT meant to bash you in any way or insult your intelligence etc ;)

May 22 2005, 08:30 PM
Boo hoo, now I might not be able to sleep tonight from the pain of your criticism :D

May 22 2005, 08:49 PM
You see now if I was like some other people on this board, that last comment (smiley or not) could cause someone to get into a flame fest with you and in turn cause more people to jump in with more flaming and then it never stops. All of that because you (the moderator and person who is on a mission to clean things up) made a bad attempt at trying to be funny. Yes I realize I am being too serious about this(I personally couldn't care less even though it doesn't look that way) but you know as well as I do that most of these threads go to h3ll in a handbasket over something that was taken entirely too seriously. Just thought it was kinda odd for you in particualr to say or do anything that could possibly start something you wish to not have on the board anymore.

Man I hate explaining myself, I should have stuck with a simple "nevermind" or never started talking in the first place :)

I quit. Ya'll go back to your regularly scheduled programming...hehe

May 22 2005, 08:53 PM
You see now if I was like some other people on this board, that last comment (smiley or not) could cause someone to get into a flame fest with you and in turn cause more people to jump in with more flaming and then it never stops.

Gotcha, Scott. Actually, if that happens, my trigger finger is twitching to delete the thread. And I know that anyone who uses his actual real name is definitely one of the good guys on DISCussion!

Pizza God
May 22 2005, 09:47 PM
Hey Terry, please post a warning when we can add a sig line on our profile. I want to list my tournament in mine when I can do it.

May 22 2005, 09:59 PM
Terry, what you are doing is [I'm a potty-mouth!]. [See above.] That makes you a [I'm a potty-mouth!]. Don't feel bad about being called a bad word if you are going to take normal words that appropriately describe a person or activity and then [I'm a potty-mouth!] them.

May 22 2005, 10:13 PM
Terry, what you are doing is [I'm a potty-mouth!]. [See above.] That makes you a [I'm a potty-mouth!]. Don't feel bad about being called a bad word if you are going to take normal words that appropriately describe a person or activity and then [I'm a potty-mouth!] them.

Oh, that is so cool, visually! :)

Actually, Bruce. When I put " c e n s o r " on the list, it was when I was expecting (and got) a nice spike in DISCussion-related hate messages. (Just couldn't face the assertion so many times and so vehemently.) But I took it off the bad word list a day or so later.

Unfortunately, though, I only thought I had. I just checked, and apparently there is a script error in the programming and at the moment I can add 'bad words' to the list but cannot take anything off.

No ETA on a fix. :(

May 22 2005, 10:28 PM
Keep up the good work Terry. It's a thankless job, but I'll thank you anyway. :)

May 22 2005, 10:53 PM
Thanks Terry; harrass away... :DOK now you can delete.

May 22 2005, 11:02 PM
Well, as the person who did it, I truly appreciate your using whatever [inappropriate word] you called me just there. Nice, courteous touch 'Lung'.

But, give me a break: At least two of the posters on the topic called *me* names - and names that are on the 'bad word' list - basically names that no one wants to be called, d'oh! I have little mercy for the feelings of someone who is calling me such names.

Actually, I didn't use one of the words on the 'bad word' list. I simply copy and pasted the text "[inappropriate word]" which was partly to mock the change from "[*****]" to "[inappropriate word]" for such words. Bruce's "[I'm a potty-mouth!]" would be just as bad.

<font color="red"> [] </font> Now that I know that my 'jab' was misdirected to Terry, I regret it - he has a very solid history as a fair moderator and I appreciate him explaining the reasons behind his decisions. I apologize, Terry.

Aleksey Bubis #22722
May 22 2005, 11:02 PM
They must have changed it because I could put up a signature in today. Thanks

May 22 2005, 11:04 PM
And I know that anyone who uses his actual real name is definitely one of the good guys on DISCussion!

I would change my user name to my real name; however the ability to change usernames was revoked some time ago.

Jake L
May 23 2005, 11:15 AM
And I know that anyone who uses his actual real name is definitely one of the good guys on DISCussion!

I would change my user name to my real name; however the ability to change usernames was revoked some time ago.

Why did you change it to "lung"? Your user name was jeff L.

May 23 2005, 12:08 PM
I would change my user name to my real name; however the ability to change usernames was revoked some time ago.

Why did you change it to "lung"? Your user name was jeff L.

It was my college nickname and it's my e-mail address. I changed it several months ago just for a little variety and now we're not allowed to change it back.

Nelle 18131
May 23 2005, 12:58 PM
Thanks PDGA for bringing back the sigs, it makes it fun.

I did notice we are all called disc golfers now, no more roller queens.

May 23 2005, 01:26 PM
Nevermind and thanks, Terry. To quote George Castanza, "Baby, I'm back!" :D

May 23 2005, 01:29 PM
I moved it from 60 character to 200 characters now.

May 23 2005, 01:32 PM
Thanks PDGA for bringing back the sigs, it makes it fun.

Indeed, thanks Terry! Let's hope that users do not abuse this privilege.

I did notice we are all called disc golfers now, no more roller queens.

See the following thread:

May 23 2005, 01:52 PM
Good work Terry-I understand that you have a REAL job and you DONATE your time here so that, ultimately, the sport will grow. I'm not willing to volunteer, and I appreciate what you do.

May 23 2005, 02:02 PM
I appreciate all the hard work from all PDGA volunteers...especially on this board!! Its a great source of information once you wade through all the BS :( Thanks for all you do. :D

May 23 2005, 04:09 PM
Post deleted by monitor

May 23 2005, 04:29 PM
Unfortunately, though, I only thought I had. I just checked, and apparently there is a script error in the programming and at the moment I can add 'bad words' to the list but cannot take anything off.

No ETA on a fix. :(

terry, maybe you've tried this already, but i'd bet you could just manually edit the text file in textedit.

May 23 2005, 04:31 PM
That would interrupt the Brother-in-lawism in the PDGA to do that ;)

May 23 2005, 05:00 PM
That would interrupt the Brother-in-lawism in the PDGA to do that ;)

Who are the Brothers-in-law that are "in the" PDGA?

May 23 2005, 05:04 PM
It was a joke hence the smiling wink dude

May 23 2005, 06:36 PM
It was a joke hence the smiling wink dude

I knew it was a joke, but usually jokes are steeped in truth...that's what makes 'em funny sometimes. But I didn't know who you were referencing, so I thought I was missing out on the joke.

May 23 2005, 06:42 PM
No one in particular. Just hear all the time about "PDGA BOD" being a "band of brothers" who keep out those who are not in their circle [see any post by Underparmikey]

Thanks for killing the joke ;)

May 23 2005, 06:57 PM
was there a word missing after "circle" ?

May 23 2005, 07:06 PM
Actually no, but now that you pointed it out then sure there was ;)

May 24 2005, 10:13 AM
I see alot of posts about how overworked the moderators are but I have not seen any posts asking for relief. Does the PDGA ever ask for help in the overburdening tasks that you have to endure?

Maybe the Mods can start a thread asking for volunteers to relieve certain individuals that are becoming swamped. It sure would free up some extra time for you guys to get out and do more productive things like get us into the mainstream.

Yeah Mike Crump, that'd be a great idea. Let's turn a lot of our member-supported electronic work over to a PDGA hating psycho with the brains to hack and no couth not to.


Go Away! Your abuses have changed this place. Nobody likes sinsorship (sic), but just as important, NOBODY LIKES YOU!

May 24 2005, 10:44 AM
I looked at this thread and saw Mark as the poster and the title Boo, hoo: I can't put and said to myself "Mark, I thought you were over that," then I realized there was only one "t." :p

May 26 2005, 02:53 AM
I just rinsed off a new avatar. A larger image is at:;st=140&amp;#entry24000

May 26 2005, 12:27 PM
I just rinsed off a new avatar. A larger image is at:

I just have one thing to say about your avatar...let's see if this gets past the c-e-n-s-o-r list:


Jun 10 2005, 06:11 PM
O.k., this chicken is not working for me anymore. And I've sold all my good avatars. It is time to create a new avatar. I need something that says "" without hitting you in the head with it.


Jun 10 2005, 07:04 PM
do the chickens have large talons? or are they just dyed on regular talons? :)

Jun 10 2005, 07:33 PM
Unfortunately, though, I only thought I had. I just checked, and apparently there is a script error in the programming and at the moment I can add 'bad words' to the list but cannot take anything off.

No ETA on a fix. :(

terry, maybe you've tried this already, but i'd bet you could just manually edit the text file in textedit.

I'm not sure what text file you're referring to, but the cens[/b]ored word list resides in a mysql database. Apparently, the "delete word" part of the script that modifies that database isn't properly doing so. If Mr. Calhoun or one of the other programmers/moderators involved with this board would like to contact me, I can offer advice and possibly assistance working out some of the bugs. I can at least offer a workaround to modify things like cens[/b]or word lists without using the script. That way, even when bugs are evident, administration can still be done.

May 12 2008, 09:27 PM
I just rinsed off a new avatar. A larger image is at:;st=140&amp;#entry24000

This is a new avatar too. If you go to my glowfoto site, , you can find pictures of the disc in the Austin Collision album.