May 26 2005, 05:02 PM
I got a call today from New York to let me know that my story will air tommorow.The cable station is called Fine Living Network part of wall St. Journal TV.The story will air 6 times over the next month.Starting tommorow at 7:00 PM east coast time 4:00 PM westside.
May 27 4:00 PM 7:00 PM
May 28 4:30 PM 7:30 PM
June 2 4:00 PM 7:00 PM
June 3 4:30 PM 7:30 PM
June 9 4:30 PM 7:30 PM
June 11 10:30 AM 1:30 PM
I have not seen any of the tape it was filmed earlier this year.Ann McDermott reported the story she workrd for CNN for many years on tv.They filmed me at my office ie apt and then went to Emerald Isles in Oceanside and spoke to golfers GMs and disc golfers they took 2 hrs of footage.I think it will be about 5 min long It was to come out in spring but got moved to a summer spot .I am still working on my book, the movie will still be 4 years away, I wrote it 5 years ago.And yes it has lots of typos and is hand written old school.I hope the interview puts our sport in a good light, she sais it was great ,and I will be happy ;). I think even the PDGA gets a plug ,along with some of the manafactures ,and my son.It may not be my 15 min ,but if you put them all together I get 30 :D.Imagine if fly 18 was a team of people not just 1.This is the typy of exposure our sport needs to put us on the map.I look forward to hearing from some of you after you have seen it.
fly 18
May 26 2005, 11:48 PM
Congrats Reese!
I hope it brings you much success. I don't know if we get that cable channel or not, but I'm going to start looking for it. (You know me...I never watch TV!)
Got it set on my DVR. Just wish I could go from DVR to the computer!
Here are two options.
1. If you have a MiniDV or Digital8 video camera, simply run the RCA outs from the TiVO to the camera's RCA "in", then connect the camera via fire-wire to the PC and capture using any number of products (Sonic's MyDVD, ULead Studio etc.)
2. The Adeptec VideOH! converters. You can find this equipment at any CompUSA, Best Buy etc. This small unit wlll convert any analog source to digital output. (and can take the S-Video, too) and connect via USB2.0 to the PC.
You can capture as AVI or Mpeg2 - or DV format. Depending on software, you can burn directly to DVD. I've done both - both work fine. Just keep in mind, if you take two hours of AVI, it is about 25 gig of data... take the same as MPEG2 and it is about 7 gig.
Depending on your geek quotient, there are tons of hacks out there for getting into the DVR operating system (almost always a linux hybrid) directly, but for this you won't even have to bother.
Imagine if fly 18 was a team of people not just 1.
So why don't you hire some?
May 27 2005, 03:56 PM
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$You cant putt on an employee, or tee of off of one . :eek: :DAll my money goes to build courses funded by fly pads.Things are changing for the better.I do always get help in each town while I am there.
May 28 2005, 04:23 PM
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$You cant putt on an employee, or tee of off of one . :eek: :DAll my money goes to build courses funded by fly pads.Things are changing for the better.I do always get help in each town while I am there.
Hey Reese !!!!!
Some guy on another thread , was asking about Crusher rock versus Crusher Limestone , before laying Pads or something.
This may be something you want to look at with your FlyPads. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Hope everything is goin well !!!!!!!
I'm sure the folks in Chicago are stoked to have a new Fly18 course !!!!! :D
See ya soon !!!!!
Donny Olow :D
May 28 2005, 04:29 PM
Yeah there is a course in Houston that has crushed rock below the flypads and they are staked in. Unfortunantly it isn't a very good course.
May 28 2005, 04:30 PM
Yeah there is a course in Houston that has crushed rock below the flypads and they are staked in. Unfortunantly it isn't a very good course.
How are the FlyPads working out ?
May 28 2005, 04:33 PM
They have been in for like three years and they are fine.
May 28 2005, 04:34 PM
They have been in for like three years and they are fine.
3/8 or 1/2 inch thick ?
May 28 2005, 04:36 PM
No clue but I don't fell that it would make a HUGE differnce.
May 28 2005, 04:38 PM
No clue but I don't fell that it would make a HUGE differnce.
Any complaints about the FlyPads ?
May 28 2005, 04:40 PM
Not from anyone I know. :confused:
May 28 2005, 05:05 PM
I saw the story yesterday it was great...It was with intro over 5 min long.It was very professional.It comes on again today at 7:30 pm east coast.Fine living is for the wealthy.It was great for our sport. ;)
May 28 2005, 09:02 PM
I saw the story yesterday it was great...It was with intro over 5 min long.It was very professional.It comes on again today at 7:30 pm east coast.Fine living is for the wealthy.It was great for our sport. ;)
What broadcast chanel ?
I saw the story yesterday it was great...It was with intro over 5 min long.It was very professional.It comes on again today at 7:30 pm east coast.Fine living is for the wealthy.It was great for our sport. ;)
What broadcast chanel ?
It's not on a broadcast channel, just the Fine Living Network. It is on cable...I think it is one of the channels in the digital end. It is a network for wannabee rich people. No rich person I know sits around watching cable channels that are in the 3 digit range...that's for low lifes like me! ;)
Jun 02 2005, 03:41 AM
It shows at 7:00 pm east coast and 4:00pm westside fine living network.The show is a half hr long disc golf is 2nd story.
It shows at 7:00 pm east coast and 4:00pm westside fine living network.The show is a half hr long disc golf is 2nd story.
It was a cool story. Both Kelsey and I were in the stock footage that they used from Worlds. Kelsey was throwing a nice drive and I was standing and watching.
Jun 02 2005, 12:33 PM
Can you tape it for me? Or is your video system all digital, no tape?
Can you tape it for me? Or is your video system all digital, no tape?
Right now we are all digital. If I hit the $500 ace pool at IOS #2 in Crystal Lake ( I'm going to buy a mini DVD camcorder and then I'll be able to make DVDs from my DVR.
Jun 02 2005, 02:19 PM
Speaking of the $500 Ace Pool on Saturday at IOS #3 ( why not put that on the "crawl" at ( where you have the pre-registration scrolling across the page?