Jun 09 2005, 03:58 PM
This one is easy for me...

Number 3 - Trophy Lakes, Charleston SC.

First off, this is one of the dumbest courses I have ever played - not many fairways, a basket literally in the ground where you slide the disc upside down on the ground and it goes in, and a crane am that acts as a triple mando (i landed in the cranes driver seat in my practice round).....

Anyway, this hole is like 340 straight - tee off in a field and throw into the woods - for some reason (I guess just b/c this course needs something else to make it stupid), there is a pick up off to the right of the hole - about 40 feet right and 40 short of the pin....during the second round of the Charleston Classic, my drive hit a tree and landed in the back of this pickup.....missed my putt and took 3....

What a stupid course

Jun 09 2005, 04:30 PM
This isn't my strangest lie but it is the strangest thing I have seen. On hole 15 in Temple there is a little ditch that runs 15 feet behind the basket. During a single round two players in my group threw into this ditch. When we walked up to the ditch their discs were leaning up against each other forming a teepee shape (like this ^) off of the ground into the air.

Pizza God
Jun 09 2005, 08:30 PM
A guy in my card one time threw his disc over the road and into the bed of a truck. Lost his discs.

On that same hole (at Fritz Park Irving) a guy rolled his disc into the road, just when you think it was going to be OB, a car hits it and it rolled back in bounds all the way down by the basket for a drop in 2. If I had not seen it with my own eyes, i would have never belived it. It is the only 2 on that hole I ever heard of. (#16 about 800ft hole with a park road running on one side and OB shule on the other side of the fairway. Oh yea, the hole is also slightly up hill. This is a true par 5 hole)

Jun 09 2005, 10:34 PM
This didn't happen to me but happened to a guy I met on the course. He playing a wooded course near where I live and when he went to pick up his disc, he saw two turtles doing the nasty. Yes, it was mating season. As he reaached for the disc the two tango-ing turles simotaniously looked at him like, "Can we have a little privacy here?"

I said, "I bet that screwed up your next shot."

He said, "No, I was laughing so hard it screwed up the rest of my round."


Jun 09 2005, 11:11 PM
well, there was this chick that worked at the checkout counter at the grocery store... she got my phone number off of my check one afternoon... called me early that evening... anyway, we went to this dance club...

oh wait, you said "best LIE".... nevermind...


Jun 10 2005, 12:54 AM
Zebulon had flooded due to heavy rains before the '03 Am Crosstown. I made my final putt of the 2nd round on #15 from knee deep water (played casual) from about 20 feet.

Jun 10 2005, 09:45 AM
Deep inside a hollow log.

Took a while to find, and not easy to get out once it was seen.


Jun 10 2005, 10:07 PM
Cabin Creek DGC, Butler Co. (Cincy area) Ohio. Threw straight at a tree about 200 off the tee. The tree was dead and hollow-it went through the bark (made it's own hole) and landed inside the tree-it was a foot below the hole, just over head level....good thing the tree wasn't hollow all the way to the ground....(and yes, I took a stroke!)

Jun 10 2005, 10:11 PM
Not sure you needed to take a penalty. I probably would have argued the disc was on a defacto playing surface and not above 2m, kind of like landing on a picnic table. Mark lie behind tree based on the large object marking rule.

Jun 10 2005, 11:28 PM
I probably would have argued the disc was on a defacto playing surface and not above 2m, kind of like landing on a picnic table.

Picnic tables aren't a playing surface. They are specifically listed in 803.04.A, along with signs, trash cans, etc., as an obstacle, from which no relief is granted. The "Multiple Playing Surfaces" ruling does not apply because that ruling implicitly defines man-made playing surfaces as man-made on-course objects intended for foot traffic.

803.07.A specifically addresses the situation of a disc at rest above the playing surface in a tree or other object on course and the correct procedure for marking a disc that is inside a tree or other solid obstacle.

Jun 11 2005, 01:28 AM
I was playing with "Worm" Lee at Glenbournie Park in New Bern, NC. There was a double wide mobile home on a huge trailer parked in the 17th fairway and he had to throw from directly under it on his knees.

Jun 12 2005, 01:21 PM
On #4 at Raleigh's Kentwood park, there is a culvert just to the right of the fairway, which runs parallel with the fairway. I once put a disc about 15 feet into the culvert. It was a casual round, but I'm not sure what the ruling would have been in tournament play.

Jun 12 2005, 08:31 PM
Playing Hole # 18 at Morley Field.
Threw a roller towards the pin, was a bit wide.
There is a storm drain near by the hole.
Hit the storm drain hole........Cleanly...
Went to look for it..............Gone !!!!!!
25 further down the fairway , there is a Manhole cover for the end of the storm drain.
Had some help with 2 other guys. Lifted the manhole cover.
20 + feet down.................saw my disc with a flashlight as a Family of four , looked on.
I have a golfball retriever. Ask the Father of the family for his wristband/ playband to fashion a hook at the end of the device.

With the Family looking around the top of the Manhole cover , I proceded to retrieve my disc from the depths of the storm drain. A friend of mine , held the flashlight so I could see.

Got the disc !!!!!! Replaced the manhole cover and entertained the Family !!!!! One of the younger kids said " Thanks for the entertainment !!!!!! The Father , Mom , daughter and son were all Happy !!!!!!!

My face was red. My friend and I couldn't get out of there fast enough !!!!! :eek:

How's that for determination !!!!!!! Had to be there.

Witness Proof : Ask - Kona Kauffman or Kent LaGree !!!!!

Dooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!! :D

Pizza God
Jun 13 2005, 12:33 AM
There is a store drain on #17 at Greenbelt that I have rolling into 2 times so far. (it is about 400ft from the tee)

Jun 13 2005, 12:08 PM
Hole F at George Ward Park, Birmingham. It is a simple hole that is fairly straight forward. 320ft, narrow 30ft wide fairway that has staggered old growth oak trees on each side. The hole is designed on the side of a hill that slopes down to the left the entire way.

My shot starts to go as normal (turnover midrange released with hyzer), however a breeze from the rear left pushes my disc into a tree on the right. It kicks back and to the left side of the fairway. The best part, it lands on the roof of a bathroom built into the side of the hill. On the fairway side the roof is only 3ft off the ground but on the other side it is 8ft. The disc settles in the middle and since it was only a practice round I played it as it was, no 2m penalty. The only shot I had remaining to the basket was an overhand pancake shot about 10ft over my head through a gap in the leaves. Total distance was about 100ft. Take a beat up Roc, and chuck it. The dang thing lands 10ft from the basket and proceeds to slide, belly up, up hill to the basket and hits the pole.

It remains today as my favorite non-tournament par save.

Jun 13 2005, 07:49 PM
The top of a 2' tall stump that was about the same diameter as the disc that stopped on top of it. It was somewhere like 16-17 on Chandler during Green Country Doubles. I park the hole, and my partner flicks, the disc skipped up landed on top of the stump and stayed there.

Jun 13 2005, 08:11 PM
I'm surprised McCoy still hasn't penetrated this thread... :o

Jun 14 2005, 12:10 PM
Years ago playing in Columbia Missouri, I stuck a disc into one of the honey locusts there. A thorn penetrated through the whole rim and the disc stuck there, still horizontal. When I broke it off, the thorn was sticking about one half inch under the disc. I never did get it completely out of the disc.

Jun 14 2005, 01:03 PM
I'm surprised McCoy still hasn't penetrated this thread... :o

I'm surprised that someone could use "McCoy" and "penetrate" in the same sentence without being dirty. :D

Jun 14 2005, 10:00 PM
Hole 10 at the Mt. Kisco Ice Bowl. Short little 260 footer with a huge rock formation about 10-15 ft right of the pin.
My drive drifted right the whole time and hit the formation. After searching for awhile, we found it lodged in the snow on top of a rock. i had to put one foot on the edge of a very sharp rock with my other on a more solid rock on the other side of a 10 inch crevice.
I was about 4-6 feet above the pin and only 15 feet away. Nevertheless, for all that effort, I canned the deuce.

Jun 15 2005, 01:25 AM
Threw a roller on Hole # 3 at Morley Field. Wind ,blew it out into the street. A passing Lincoln Continental , 76-78 , heading north bound , caught the disc in its front grill.

Car kept going with a roller stuck vertical in its front grill.

Never saw that disc again. Not a lost disc, just gone down the road !!!!!! :eek:

Jun 15 2005, 02:00 AM
that's a long roller buddy! hook a brother up with some snapping tips!

i can't roll for jack [I'm a potty-mouth!]...wait a sec. that's not a true statement ;)

Jun 15 2005, 02:13 AM

No problem.....................

Seen lots of guys , Bomb Monsterous Rollers.

400 is about my deal now. Need to be able to Crank a 600 +

:eek: Just to keep up with the X generation !!!!

Jun 15 2005, 02:17 AM
i will figure them out....though i am a jedi master roller in other arenas ;)west coast rolling experiences rock!

Pizza God
Jun 15 2005, 06:28 PM
In april of 1999 I had a disc actually land in a basket at Autobon in Garland #9. Have not been able to do it again in 6 years. :D

Jun 16 2005, 03:48 PM
I don't know, it could still be a good lie... :p

well, there was this chick that worked at the checkout counter at the grocery store... she got my phone number off of my check one afternoon... called me early that evening... anyway, we went to this dance club...

oh wait, you said "best LIE".... nevermind...


Jun 17 2005, 02:17 AM
I've been dying to say this, but I didn't want to hijack the thread.

Just two weeks ago, at the Pillage the Village, I landed in a maple tree over two meters. The way the anti-two-meter-rule people talk, there is like a one in a bazillion chance of this happening. Next round I did it again. One in a bazillion squared!

O.k., if anyone comes running over here to argue the two-meter rule just ignore them.

Back to your regular programming...

Jun 17 2005, 04:32 AM
Did you run out and buy a lottery ticket ?

I'd hate to waste a run of odds like that. :cool:

Jun 22 2005, 12:47 AM
During the Fire Fighters Classic in Troy, MI. T.D.'s had set up nine alternate holes. On hole A, simple sidearm for duece with water on the right, I put my tee shot 25 ft. deep. I proceed to putt kind of high hit the top of the chains and my disc falls down to come to rest upside down, bottom up, on top of the cage. Not on top of the basket above the chains but below the chains on the top ring of the cage. Dan J. was witness to this amazing feat. Wish i had a picture.

Jul 08 2005, 03:18 PM
1997 - Riverside Park, Hammond, Indiana, during Doubles...Hole #5 - 275 ft. hyzer shot thru Oak trees with park road ob. on left. Threw high hyzer which skips into.....Get this!!......OLDS Electra 225 parked with open truck and several dudes drinking beers from cooler, all then diving out of the way of my green Cyclone. Since car was parked with driver-side wheels touching inbounds, call was made and I proceeded to climb into trunk and throwing while kneeling...deuce from 35 ft.

Jul 11 2005, 04:43 PM
Bombed a Valk' off the tee on hole 5 at Center Chains in Waterbury Center, VT. Landed within inches of the largest pile of doggy poo I have ever seen. More lucky than strange.

Jul 11 2005, 07:24 PM
Well, the strangest I've been able to record. This lie is suspended by the roots/bark of a Carob tree. ;) Not mine; I think it was a righty overhand roller, but the film was "in-the-can" a long time! :o:D

Jul 11 2005, 11:39 PM
Is that under 2 meters?

: ) :

Jul 12 2005, 06:49 PM
This lie happened this past weekend on hole 9 at Green Pines. A guy in our group made an upshot that looked to be close to the pin from down below the rocks (for those that dont know, the green on this hole is elevated about 15ft. with huge rocks to climb up to get to the pin). I'm laying on a rock and make my upshot not being able to see the basket from my lie. I put it right next to the pin. We walk up looking for the first guys disc and we cant find it. We thought maybe it went long but from our point of veiw we couldn't really tell. We look for about 2 mins and finally I see some blue under my white disc. My disc had landed DIRECTLY on top of his disc. I've seen discs land on top of each other before but I'm talking, if you stood over top of my disc you could not see his. I probably wouldn't have spotted it if his disc was white also. What if we had declared his disc a lost disc and found it right after I played my shot? That would have been some funny *****!

Jul 12 2005, 08:20 PM
same hole as eddie we spent three minutes looking for a disc, we thought it was on top of the rocks. guy takes his second shot where we last saw. eddie walks up(group behind us) looks at the base of the rocks. "here's your disc" that sucked. but scott still won buy 5 strokes

: ) :

Jul 13 2005, 12:14 AM
that was crazy Eddie. his disc was literally completely covered by yours. one of the strangest lies I've seen

Jul 13 2005, 02:17 AM
Threw a roller on Hole # 3 at Morley Field. Wind ,blew it out into the street. A passing Lincoln Continental , 76-78 , heading north bound , caught the disc in its front grill.

Car kept going with a roller stuck vertical in its front grill.

Never saw that disc again. Not a lost disc, just gone down the road !!!!!! :eek:

That must have been the longest drive ever.

Jul 14 2005, 01:44 PM
I saw Schweb throw an air shot at ECU once and it landed in the back of a pick up going about 50 down Charles Blvd - that drive went a looooooooooong ways

Jul 14 2005, 01:57 PM
I read about that on more than one thread and more than one occasion :)

Jul 14 2005, 07:10 PM
Had a roller find it's way into a groundhog hole. It was really difficult to find as the ground hog hole was covered with honeysuckle and the disc was about three feet underground.

Oct 28 2005, 09:32 PM
Hole 16 at the ECU course. I threw what would have been a really nice drive (past the corner of the softball field and into the woods) had one of the grounds crew gators not rolled around the corner just as my disc was about to reach the woods. Landed in the bed of the gator. Grounds crew guys were ticked, threw my disc into the holly bushes and screamed at me in Spanish.

Oct 29 2005, 12:06 AM
"I still love you, honey, she's just a friend, and we're just experimenting."

Oh wait, that was "had" not "heard."

My bad.

Oct 29 2005, 01:01 PM
mark, read the fourth post on this thread. you are only 4 anda half months behind me, fool.

or was that your daughter posting again? :D

Oct 29 2005, 01:06 PM
So that was your boyfriend who slept with my girlfriend ?! At least now I know.

"I still love you, honey, she's just a friend, and we're just experimenting."

Oct 29 2005, 02:05 PM
I was playing Pekin's McNaughton Park and was throwing off the tee for hole #2. I threw way too much of an anhyzer and landed right in #1's basket as the players on that hole were coming up to put. They were pretty ticked, but it was definitely worthy of a laugh.

Oct 29 2005, 08:58 PM
OK, twice this year now, my disc has ended up in someone's trunk. At the MSDGC, I was throwing on hole 18 at Pyramids, when my disc failed to turn over and glided into an open hatchback of a subaru, I think. That was cool.

Today, I was throwing some warm up shots on hole 1 at Sugaw Creek, then another player threw a couple shots, his second shot was really bad and anhyzered into the access road, right when a car was exiting the lot. I am pretty sure he hit it. As I am walking up the fairway, I see the guy picking up a disc and waiting for us to walk up, he proceeds to throw it in his trunk. Who's disc did he throw in? MINE. And not only that, it was a pretty new Ontario Roc. I was sufficiently [I'm a potty-mouth!]. The other guy was amused. This made me sufficiently really [I'm a potty-mouth!]. I am still [I'm a potty-mouth!]. Stan owes me an O Roc for putting a hole in that has a high probability of hitting a not so nice person's car. GRRRRRRR.

Oct 30 2005, 12:16 AM
I don't think I have had any strange lies....

Some really bad

At ChaChing and Zing in 2004 my drive landed in one of those disc eating bushes on hole 3. I found my disc, and since I had over 400 to get to the basket, I did a runup and threw. Well the disc eating tree decided it wanted ot eat me too.

Nov 01 2005, 10:33 PM
Watched someoneon my card Sunday have to crouch under some stairs to throw. That was interesting.