Jun 14 2005, 01:36 PM
I need the help of my fellow disc golfers, I work at the University Nebraska-Kearney and had all but baskets ordered before we received this note from facilities:
"at this time it would be too much of a safety hazard to have a disc golf course on our campus"

Course was designed by a certified course designer with safety in mind, and funds for baskets were accounted for.

What I need from you:
Direction to--or

A list of courses on campuses where disc golf has worked- email me the names of 1,2,20� of the ones you know

Testimonials or positives a course has brought to your campus.

Concerns which have arisen and how those problems were solved.

Please post or email me at [email protected]

Jun 14 2005, 01:44 PM
Might be some good help in here: College Disc Golf (http://www.pdga.com/msgboard/showflat.php?Board=Other%20Clubs&Number=146480&Searchpage=0&Main=146480&Search=true&#Post146480)

Jun 14 2005, 02:26 PM
The University of South Florida has one. It's become widely popular in the past year.

Luke Butch
Jun 14 2005, 02:52 PM
Indiana University(of PA) has a sweet DG course.

Jun 14 2005, 03:18 PM
Indiana University(of PA) has a sweet DG course.

But only half of it currently remains - apparently the university has pulled the back nine at the IUP College Lodge course because of repeated instances of beer drinking on the course.

Jun 14 2005, 04:48 PM
Pick a spot, same thread is in the course design area.