Jun 24 2005, 12:58 AM
Just curious how many cities have a ladies' league?

In Huntsville, Al. (known as the Rocket City) we just started the <font color="red"> </font> DGR (Disc Golf Rockettes) about 2 months ago. We have about 4 or 5 consistantly. We have had two that have come out to play and had never picked up a disc. That was great!! We meet Tuesday nights at Brahan Springs at 5:30. It's very casual! I think we talk just as much as we throw!! /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif 4 or 5 may sound like a few but I was the only girl golfer in Huntsville for the first year or two I played so I'm thrilled to have more coming out!

At our first meeting we played a casual round and I picked about 6 holes out of the 18 and whoever got the best score on those holes combined got an awesome butterfly dyed mini from discdiva.com... (awesome site btw!! ;))

What are some things that keep YOUR girls coming out?

Great to see this forum up and running! :cool:

Jun 24 2005, 11:36 AM
The DG gals of KC have 2 "Ladies Night Out" evenings...one at Olathe on Monday nights, and another at Rosedale Thursday evenings. I believe it is free to play and they have collectively invested in a 'lighter plastic inventory' which they sell with no markup. GO KC DG GALS!!! :cool:

Jun 30 2005, 12:11 PM
Here in Cols. we meet Tue nights. We have 6 regulars. We play for a $1. Everyone has a handicap, best score gets the $1's. It is fun playing for the dollar it brings out some good compition.

Jul 09 2005, 12:49 AM
We also have a brand new womens night on Wednesdays. There are 6 of us regulars and average 4 each wed. I made us bag tags that look like the guys here but added color, They are proud to have them, they are even buying bags to put them on. We play 9 holes for the tags in case it gets too hot. They seem to come out even in the heat. WOW! Women of Waco Disc Golf.

Nelle 18131
Jul 09 2005, 03:21 PM
I saw what they had going on in KC and started the Ladies Of Live Oak (LOLO'S) in Texas. We have about 5 regulars but have had as many as 13 women there. We are lucky enough to have many people help us out and give us brand new merchandise to give to the women. We also ran a Discraft Ace Race tournie last year and we used some money we raised to donate a PDGA membership and many tournie entries. Robbie "Rooster" Cooper has donated atleast 4 tournie entrries to give away to the women. I find you can get the women hooked if there are prizes and goodies to pass out.


Jul 13 2005, 09:35 PM
We need something like this in Oklahoma City. What do you think Barbrilla?? (we're back in town by the way!) =)
What can we do together to get this going? You seem very active already- I would love to help in anyway I can.

Jul 14 2005, 01:10 AM
Thanks for the info everyone. We are still working with our 4 to 5 but many women are inquiring. It's just a matter of time. I'll never give up! ;)

Jul 14 2005, 10:54 AM
Wammy, Let's get together and see what we can do.

As you are aware Terrill and I have been running mixed doubles tournaments to get more women involved and it is in fact working, but we could always use more.

Talk to you soon.

Jul 14 2005, 11:56 PM
That's a great idea...Mixed doubles.

Jul 16 2005, 09:20 PM
We have a Ladies Night here in Kamloops BC Canada. We meet every Thurs. at 7pm and keep it really casual. About 6-8 regulars come out, but we have had nights with 10 women playing. We don't have a handicap system set up and we don't use scorecards unless the gals want to. We find that for those who are just starting out, having that score is not as important as learning the basics and having fun.

We have held two women's clinics - May 2004 &amp; May 2005 - each clinic had 30 women in attendence. None of these women had ever played before.This brought out some new players as well. They don't necessarily come out on Ladies Night, but we do see them on the course during the week.

We are hoping that once we have a good base of regulars on Ladies Night that we can start doing something with prizes - CTP on one of the easier holes, best drive of the night, stuff like that.

I think that it is really important to do whatever it takes to make the women feel comfortable with the sport. If that means a whole season of chatting and playing and giving advice on the go, then so be it. Intimidation is our worst enemy!

Cheers and here's to getting more women on the course!

Jul 16 2005, 09:43 PM
Great post Canada! The more they see you out there the more they'll want to join! That's a great idea to hold a Women's Clinic. Good job!! :cool:Keep it up!!

Jul 19 2005, 02:03 AM
Hi, my name is Jeni and I am also located in "huntsvegas". I hate that this says I am "anonymous" but I am waiting for admin to approve my membership or whatever. So...to iheartdiscgolf, I am interested in whether or not your group still meets the same nights of the week you listed here in this post. I am new at the sport and feel I haven't played more due only to the fact that I can't get anyone to go out and play with me. My husband plays as well but is more experienced in it and tries to give me instruction that just gets on my nerves...takes the fun out of the whole thing, you know? Anyway, I heard about your group from him...hope to hear from you soon. I appreciate any information you can give.


Jul 19 2005, 10:56 AM
DiscIn Canada, you have a PM. Thanks.