Jul 15 2005, 06:22 PM
PDGA elections for Board of Directors and State/Provincial Coordinators are underway - this year electronically! As well, your input is needed on two important referenda questions that have been added to the ballot.

Those PDGA members current as of the end of June '05 who have provided HQ with an email address have already been emailed their personal ballot and online voting instructions by CampusVote.com.

For those of you without email you will be receiving a post card in the mail any day now outlining your online voting instructions.

If you have yet to vote or can't find the original email, another emailed reminder with instructions will go out once more in early August.

Anyone wishing a hard copy ballot please call Matt Gillis at 706-564-5091 before August 3/05.

All ballots must be received by August 20/05.

You are the PDGA, let your voice be heard!