Jul 18 2005, 12:09 AM
I was reading the new Disc Golf Magazine and saw the article "We are Women. Hear us ROAR!". It was written by Jay Reading...thanks Jay! :)....and was about the Texas Women's Championships, which looked awesome!! Great coverage!! I need to plan for next year!
I know Vanessa, Michelle, Kathy and Barrett (just to name a few) have helped out tremendously with articles in Disc Golf World News. Thanks for all you do, by the way!! ;)
My thought is this...
Let's all ban together and get pictures of our ladies' leagues and each write about 100-250 words about each club. We can submit it by the next issue and have a HUGE article!! Then when husbands/boyfriends/friends read it they can say... "Hey, look! There's a ladies' league here and we didn't even know it. We need to check that out!" OR "Hey, they have a ladies' league. We should start one here". FREE ADVERTISEMENT too!! ;)
Who's with me!!?? .....(I can't "show you the money" though, for all you movie buffs out there! But I hope I had you at "HELLO!!!" LOL) /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Jul 18 2005, 03:10 AM
Good idea. Maybe we can get someone to write about the A3Disc Rolling Hills tourney this past weekend. They didn't even plan on having a Women's division. It was a small local tourney, but still... They had all Men's divisions and even a Junior division set up. The TD had nothing planned for the women. 6 AM women showed up to brave the rain and thunderstorms... Thank Jah for Terry Calhoun and his influence to allow the divisions to be created so at least they competed.
Nothing shows the respect for the women like having a local Pro woman (and although unopposed) pay her $35 and receive $20 for winning. (The same as the 7th place finisher in Am2 men.) :(
Jul 18 2005, 12:38 PM
COME TO TWC....we are engaged in the ladies.
I have over 100 pictures from the event....next year WILL be bigger and even better
Jul 18 2005, 04:25 PM
Jul 19 2005, 01:32 PM
I love the idea about joining forces and writing an article about leagues for the next DGWN!! I'd be willing to collect all the articles/pictures, edit them, and submit the article. Let's start right now. I'll write about the Women's League in Madison. Who else wants to contribute??
Jul 19 2005, 06:49 PM
Has anyone gotten the new issue yet? It'll give the deadline for entries for the next issue.
ALSO, I will get in touch with DGWN to let them know what we are doing. It'll be great!!
Thanks for the enthusiasm!! :D
REMEMBER!!! No group is too small! Just to get a lot of female pictures in DGWN.... :eek: and not just the ones with Hooters shirts !! You all know what I am referring to ;)! LOL
Deadline for the next Disc Golf World New is 9-2-05.
I don't know the deadline for the Disc Golf Magazine, the last issue I have is June/July. This June/July issue features the Texas Women's Championships.
I have a number of pictures of women from the Paske Partners Mixed Doubles Tournaments. If you like I can send them to you and you can forward to the proper magazines.
Jul 21 2005, 01:01 AM
Thanks on the heads up about the deadline date. Do you have a ladies' league as well? Maybe the article could be about how cities/clubs are getting women to play in general, which would INCLUDE ladies' leagues AND mixed doubles and other ideas....
Would you like everyone to submit their pictures and brief descriptions to you? If you are too busy I'll be happy to help! Just let us know!
I will contact all those around the south to submit pictures. Not a lot of women in the south but that will change soon! ;)
Memphis, TN has TONS of women golfers!! They just don't travel. :confused: I'll be there the end of this month and can get a picture.
Article names???...
"A League of Our Own"
"Disc Golf Women Across the Miles"
"Women Rock the Sport"
"D.I.S.C. G.O.L.F.-- Do I Suspect Change? Girls Only League Fellas!"
cheesy?? oh well...lol :D
So far we have Huntsville,AL, (I'll get Memphis, TN), Madison WI, Oklahoma City, OK.... who else?? Come on ladies!!
Jul 21 2005, 03:00 AM
IHeartAddie! You're awesome and great idea. Contact Lyn at DGWN for getting info in there and see what she thinks and what info, etc she'd want. Her email is all over the place for the PDGA Women's Committee, but here it is again...
[email protected]
On a related note, we still need input for flyers on starting leagues and also on clinics for women. The info on what is needed and where to contribute is all in the latest DGWN. We want to have flyers that can be handed out by anyone/everyone on starting leagues and holding clinics to get more women familiar and playing. Lorrie is wonderful at getting out any info provided to new women signing up PDGA and women renewing or just asking. We just need to supply her with the resources.
So anyone who has a league and has ideas to get one going or has done a clinic and has ideas for that...let us know!
Right now we're flip flopping a league between Denver and Colorado Springs, one week we drive to Denver, the next stay home. Beyond an organized league, it takes a lot of "Hi, what's your name?", then throw a few holes and make a new friend.
Keep it up ladies and see you all at the USWDGC if not before!
Jul 21 2005, 12:13 PM
I really like the idea of the article that showcases the various women's leagues across the country. Articles have been written about getting more women to play and such. I think it makes for a more interesting article when you actually are talking about specific people or groups, rather than just generalizing. I think it would be both interesting and informative to know how other women run their leagues. Someone reading DGWN may read about all the women's leagues and say, "hey! those women are having fun. I'm gonna try that in my community." Then, they can use ideas from the various leagues and design a league of their own. By the way, I think "A League of Our Own" is a great title for the article!
iheartdiscgolf, I don't mind being the contact person for the article, but it's your idea, so if you want to be the contact person, let me know. I won't take any credit for the article. I was just thinking it would be less confusing for one person to collect all the articles. I could read over the articles and make any adjustments. Then I could send them over to you for review too. Think that will work? Let me know. I'll send out an e-mail to the PDGA Women's Disc Golf list as soon as I hear from you.
Jul 21 2005, 03:01 PM
Marie, I don't know if you have one or not, but Carla has a picture CD from the Wham Bam tournament, It has alot of pictures of the women that played. Or, contact Dane and I'm sure he'd be happy to send you some photos.
I know some women in Texas who have Women's League's, I'll contact them and ask them to jump in.
Addie, just my opinion,, but I also like the "League of Their Own" title as well as the last one... ;) I am also sending you a PM about Saturday. :D
Nelle 18131
Jul 21 2005, 05:26 PM
Happy Birthday Jeni!!!
The "League of Their Own" title is really awesome. I am in on this one for sure!!!
Jul 21 2005, 05:36 PM
I just received an email from Rick Rothstein and he said that we need to get a more concrete idea...I hope I understood that right....
Honestly, I was just throwing the idea out there. I'm glad people are wanting to get involved!
I pictured about 3-4 pages of pictures in a collage with numbers labeling the pictures. At the end of the "article" it would give a description of the picture with corresponding numbers... make sense?? Give the name of the league and/or event, city, state, brief description to the league/event.
I'm new at all this..I have a lot of ideas but I tend to brainstorm by typing cause I'm so excited!! Maybe I should hold off until I get all the details before I start "yapping". /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Marie, I'm all for volunteers. No credit needed here! I just want to see us all in the magazine! LOL :D
I sent an email to Lynne so maybe she can help sort out what we want and give advice as to how to go about getting all these pictures! We may need our OWN magazine...OPPS there's another idea again!! :D LOL
Jul 21 2005, 06:19 PM
Hello Ladies-
Glad you all liked the article on the Texas Women's Championships in the June/July issue of Disc Golf Magazine. It was great working with Jay to present what looked to be a very successful and enjoyable event for all involved.
We are hoping to put together a similar article for the upcoming Women's Nationals in Iowa. As for other ideas about women's specific content, feel free to send them along. I would also be happy to help you guys come up with concepts, edit content, or anything else you might need to bring your ideas to reality. As a free publication delivered to more than 13,000 players through pro shops, retailers, events, clubs, and subscribers around the country, I'm sure Disc Golf Magazine can help spread the word about women's disc golf to a wide range of new and experienced players.
We do have an issue that is at the printer now and will hit the streets next week. The next issue after that comes out October 1, with materials due sometime around September 1. We also have an issue coming out December 1. Materials for tha would need to be submitted by November 1.
I look forward to working with you all to bring more women's specific coverage to the readers of Disc Golf Magazine. if you have any specific idea or questions, feel free to contact me via email to
[email protected] or on the phone at 540-428-2901.
Danielle, Looks like you got Ladies of Live Oak covered (LOLO'S). Now we just need to get Ginger - (WOW) - Women of Waco Disc Golf in on this as well as Juli - (NTL) -North Texas Ladies. I will be seeing Juli on Friday for the Paske Partners Mixed Doubles event, so I will talk to her about this.
Jul 21 2005, 07:07 PM
Hi Barb, count me in! I like the Iidea of all the groups sharing what they do. We can all use some fresh ideas to keep it exciting. I have some photos of WOW playing,
Nelle 18131
Jul 21 2005, 07:47 PM
Dont forget the Temple women, I think they have something goign as well.
Count Columbus in! This week we had 2 new gals show up...and they have game! I will get some pictures.
Keep up the good work :)
Jul 22 2005, 12:13 PM
So let me get this right. The article will be 3-4 pages. It will consist of individual segments. Each segment contains the following: 1. Name of league, 2. City, state, 3. 100-200 word description of event, 4. Pictures.
I don't think it can get more concrete than that. If anyone has reason to believe this won't work, please post your reasons! Your input will make a great article!!
Jul 22 2005, 06:02 PM
I could have misunderstood Rick so don't quote me on the "concrete idea" thing. I sent another email asking if I understood what was/is expected.
This should be great! I'm looking forward to hearing Lynne's input. That will help these ideas.
It seems pretty simple though....
Pick someone to receive all the pictures and descriptions. Once received, send them to Lynne at DGWN.(Maybe we can bypass the middle person and just send it straight to Lynne. I'm not sure if she would want everything at once or everything coming in at different times??) We get the pictures in by "such" date to be in the next issue.... Seems simple.
I'll post when I receive a response from Lynne and we can go from there. :cool:
Thanks for the Happy Birthday wishes, Nelle! I had a wonderful day! :D
I think that is a great idea as well. My fience and his partner just opened a disc golf course in Saco, Maine ("Boom Field" presented by R&R Disc Golf & Design) I am very proud of him. I haven't really thought much about getting into turnoment, but he has really been on my case to play with him in a doubles terny. I have been playing disc golf for about a year know. So i am still pretty new to the game. The first time he brought me out i was hooked.
I would love any feedback anyone can give me. Thanks, Jessi