Jul 22 2005, 05:40 AM
according to Timmy Gill,the owner of Par72discgolf.com you are.....booooooo!

Jul 22 2005, 08:21 AM
They are only if they litter and we have to pick up after them on the courses.

Jul 22 2005, 09:49 AM
according to Timmy Gill,the owner of Par72discgolf.com you are.....booooooo!

Since we all start as rec, doesn't that tend to imply all disc golfers are riff-raff? ;)

Jul 22 2005, 09:57 AM
according to Timmy Gill,the owner of Par72discgolf.com you are.....booooooo!

Since we all start as rec, doesn't that tend to imply all disc golfers are riff-raff? ;)

That means I am not, I played a tournament 9 days after I first picked up a disc. Finished 11th out of 16 people in MA2!

I'm not riff raff, I'm not riff raff.

What exactly is riff raff? It sounds like a bullies name from some sort of Broadway musical. "You better watch out, or Riff Raff will get ya! La ta da dee da, do da doo dee doo...."

Jul 22 2005, 10:23 AM
Just call me "Lazy riff raff Furdog". :(

...and if Tiny Timmy Gill don't like it then he can kiss my (_._)!!! :p :D

Jake L
Jul 22 2005, 10:43 AM
The difference between a smart man and a wise man is....the smart man knows what to say,and the wise man knows weather or not to say it.... [QUOTE]

A smart man would not have brought this up in a public forum.

A wise man would adress Tim G personally.

Jul 22 2005, 12:03 PM

Timmy Gill -Futzy Smurf
Dex Aspen-Noxious Smurf

: ) :

Jake L
Jul 22 2005, 12:10 PM
Thats funny. My name is "Yakuza Smurf".... isn't Yakuza a type of Asian gang (triad) name or something?

Jul 22 2005, 02:14 PM
yeah japanese i believe. and my boss got the same one. which is funny because he's from japan.

: ) :

Jul 22 2005, 02:23 PM
son of smurf
does that mean I'm a serial smurf killer? :eek:

Jul 22 2005, 02:33 PM
Kris Allen = Stanky Smurf

That is FREAKIN AWSOME! I am going to start marking my discs Stanky Smurf instead of my name. Sweet.

Jul 22 2005, 02:51 PM
Hello again Dex,
Sorry I had to delete your negative posts on the Par72 message board and you had to bring it here. We are about the positivity and the promotion of the sport:
You stated, that you "tag" picnic tables. Nuff said. Riff Raff.

Jul 22 2005, 02:54 PM
I'm Disgruntled Smurf /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Jul 22 2005, 03:04 PM
I'm an erotic smurf?!?!?!?!?
That's just WRONG! :p

My 17-yr-old son was into tagging for a while.
The creative freedom he found with a can of spray paint appealed to him.
One day, the teepads at our local course were tagged by gangs and he got really upset.
He soon realized the difference between art and vandalism.
(If the 'canvas' isn't yours, its vandalism!)

Jul 22 2005, 03:25 PM
"Queasy Smurf." I guess they knew that I ate at the Chineese fast food place in the mall for lunch.

However, if I change my last name to "Awesome," I get "New-and-Improved Smurf."

Jul 22 2005, 03:42 PM
When I first got into DG I tagged the basket on my first 2 aces unknowingly that it was frowned upon. I am riff raff as I dont feel anyone is perfect. I know it may be your opinion but sometimes you gotta look at yourself before you point fingers. We all grow and that is the direction this thread should be going in and not just being negative.

United Disc Golf is coming people.

Jul 22 2005, 04:17 PM
If I put the second part of my first name i'm "You go smurf".
If I put the first part of my first name i'm "Pantless smurf".
If I put the both parts i'm "Jurassic smurf".

Jul 22 2005, 05:00 PM
Jake L,

I did bring this up with Timmy Gill first.I explained myself in a professional and curteous manner and he just dismissed me as being a clown and negitive.Which is fine.He can think what he wants,I'm not trying to start a fight with him,I just wanted to get my point across that not all Rec players are "riff raff" or "generally horrible people" as one person put it and they should stick up for the good guys too insted of focusing on the bad ones.I brought this to a public forum to get the opinions of others....Rec and members,thats all.....Plus I pimped his website for him too...

I take pride in my artwork (tagging) and put it there for everyone to enjoy.I'm sorry if you misunderstood what I was trying to convey.From now on I'll try to be more descriptive with my comments before I go and just blurt things out.

Jul 22 2005, 05:07 PM
Maybe you should read your tagline a little more carefully.

Many of the posters on this board are people that put in tremendous hours developing and maintaining public lands for our enjoyment. Most would see your "artwork" as vandalism regardless of it's artistic merit. I would have to agree. If Da Vinci was painting park benches without permission, it would be vandalism. If it can be connected with the DG community, it could cause problems for the very people that work so hard to get the courses installed keep them in the ground.

Jul 22 2005, 05:15 PM
You shouldnt be TAGGING anything. If you want to tag some paper from your house laminate it and put it on the course fine but dont use someone elses property as your canvas. Thats how courses get yanked. Because disrespectful punks draw on tables and trash cans and break down trees and all the other garbage that casuals do.

Do yourself a favor and dont TAG anything on the disc golf course because I can tell you what. You wouldnt want me to walk up on you TAGGING something at ANY course that I was playing because I dispise punks like you who deface public property. If you want to tag something go tag the side of your HOUSE. If you want people to see it that bad put it on your car or your house or your discs but dont put it on other peoples property.

Tagging is childish and illegal and if you cant see that then your either ignorant or just plain stupid.

Timmy was right. If your tagging tables and benchs at the park your nothing but some punk AS$ riff raff who doesnt deserve to play the sport :mad:

Jul 22 2005, 05:31 PM
My full name = Killdozer Smurf

Tinfoil Buddha = M.C. Smurf

Jul 22 2005, 05:36 PM
Well put pimp, this guy is a clown. "I was tagging so other people would enjoy my artwork," what an [I'm a potty-mouth!]. We have a problem with vandalism at so many parks in MN to the point where Oakwood park is being reformed and the city is wondering whether or not disc golf will be part of the redesign. This clown won't let his name be known because he knows we would kick his arse if we ever saw him tagging.

Dude, I don't care how artistic you are, DON'T TAG OUR COURSES!

Jul 22 2005, 05:36 PM
Nagativity is not how you stear someone in the right direction. Have'nt you seen the results from the antics of the BOD?

I am sure we all have written our names on a table at one time or another. I dont see where he said he was spray painting things at the course. Point is, he is a golfer and pushing the right way is always better than pointing fingers.

Grunion is becoming wise. ;)

Jul 22 2005, 05:39 PM
That approach would make some people tag your name on the table just to cause trouble. Kill with kindness people. ;)

Jake L
Jul 22 2005, 05:39 PM
Mr No-Name Aspendex,

I understand now. You started a thread, trying to put-down a well known golfer. If you go back and read your original post, that is the only thing one can assume about your intent.

When the thread didn't start attacking Tim G, you explain. "I'm sharing my art with you" Now that is the only important part of the thread. Regardless of your artistic talents, you were defacing public property.

.I explained myself in a professional and curteous manner and he just dismissed me as being a clown and negitive[QUOTE]

What you did was negative! You acted like a clown, foolishly.

When you grow up, and watch people destroy what you care about, maybe you will understand his actions.

There is a time and place for everything. A disc golf course is for disc golf.

I hope you learned something. I'm not trying to flame you, but you don't seem to understand you were in the wrong, 100%

Jul 22 2005, 05:40 PM
Sometimes you just have to resort to as$ beating :D

Jul 22 2005, 05:44 PM
I thought it was called "Thinning the Herd"! :eek: :D

Jul 22 2005, 05:46 PM
I am excusing myself as the attitudes in here are not from a concerned approach. More like people want to vent their issues on this guy for making a mistake. What is better? The mistake which we all have made or the position of being an azzzzz.

You be the judge.

Jul 22 2005, 05:46 PM
Your tags may be "artistic", but tagging is associated with gangs and other trouble makers.

By tagging public property, you lump yourself in with these people. Expect the backlash for the damage you create.

Jul 22 2005, 05:50 PM
^^^^^^ This is Karma and we should all leave it in the hands of just that^^^^^^

Jul 22 2005, 05:52 PM
Grunion, vandalism is illegal, costly, difficult to erase, destructive, and promotes further vandalism. Sorry if that sounds too negative.

Public property does not mean that the land is available for any individual's destructive OR ARTISTIC whims.

Jul 22 2005, 05:58 PM
Your stating the obvious and I am commenting on other posters approaches to promote what is right. Not finger point. I know I dont have to explain this to you as you have displayed that you are an educated person in other threads.

Jul 22 2005, 05:59 PM
Nagativity is not how you stear someone in the right direction. Have'nt you seen the results from the antics of the BOD?

I am sure we all have written our names on a table at one time or another. I dont see where he said he was spray painting things at the course. Point is, he is a golfer and pushing the right way is always better than pointing fingers.

Grunion is becoming wise. ;)

Some of us have never tagged something that didn't belong to us. Tagging shows a certain arrogance. You think that everyone would be pleased with your drawing, or honored to have your name on their stuff. Come off it. Don't defend any taggers. For some reason I am not surprised that you did tag a course.....

Jul 22 2005, 06:03 PM
[banging head on wall]

Jul 22 2005, 06:04 PM
This guys is a clown and everyone knows it. I dont care if your a newbie or not. Tagging is illegal and I dont want anyone in our sport that would deface our courses like that.

Jul 22 2005, 06:05 PM
How am I defending him? Now stop assuming. Your arrogance makes my head hurt.

Jul 22 2005, 06:07 PM
you are defending him by saying things like, everyone has written on a table...quit being so negative....don't tell me that isn't defending him.

Jul 22 2005, 06:07 PM
The poster might receive more favorable treatment if he felt that he had made a mistake (as you have said about tagging your first aces on baskets), but he proudly advertises that he is sharing his artistic works with others by defacing public property. He does not see what he is doing as a mistake, and the other posters are attempting to point out the general responses he can expect from those that attempt to maintain the facilities he beautifies without permission.

Cedar Hill recently had cement tee pads poured. Many of those were aesthetically enhanced by well intentioned artists. This so impressed the city parks department that was doing the work that they almost stopped pouring the tee pads before the project was finished. This type of activity has a real impact on the enthusiasm requests for new courses receive from parks departments.

Jul 22 2005, 06:14 PM
I am stating to look within before you start pointing fingers. Oh thats right, your perfect. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Nuff said.

Jul 22 2005, 06:17 PM
Agreed. I was ecouraged to change. This path was not promoted the way this thread is going. That is all I am trying to say. Now........stop tagging please. I did. ;)

Jul 22 2005, 06:20 PM
Yes, I am perfect, perfectly aware that you resort to ad hominem attacks in most discussions.

Jul 22 2005, 06:23 PM
Your so positive. It could not be considered an attack now could it. DOH! :o

Jul 22 2005, 06:51 PM
The bottom line is, Timmy has done more for this sport than any riff raff i know!

Disc golf courses are usually found in city parks. City parks don't like vandalism. Tagging is vandalism. Vandalism gets disc golf courses ripped out of the ground. Catching the point?

Jul 22 2005, 06:54 PM
The bottom line is, Timmy has done more for this sport than any riff raff i know!

Disc golf courses are usually found in city parks. City parks don't like vandalism. Tagging is vandalism. Vandalism gets disc golf courses ripped out of the ground. Catching the point?

Kinda hard to take a dancing fat man seriously but then again you can't take john Kerry in drag serious either. :D

Jul 22 2005, 06:59 PM
I'll sit on you and force you to smell my fromunda cheese! :)

Jul 22 2005, 07:02 PM
I'll sit on you and force you to smell my fromunda cheese! :)

Oh that sounds like fun :D

Jul 22 2005, 07:02 PM
Gross! :D

Jul 22 2005, 07:05 PM
Gross! :D

http://www.sodamnfunny.com/Animation/Gif/fbf.gif That's gross. :o

Jul 22 2005, 07:06 PM
The bottom line is, Timmy has done more for this sport than any riff raff i know!

Disc golf courses are usually found in city parks. City parks don't like vandalism. Tagging is vandalism. Vandalism gets disc golf courses ripped out of the ground. Catching the point?

Hero, you must have missed my reply to gnduke. Here it is.

Agreed. I was ecouraged to change. This path was not promoted the way this thread is going. That is all I am trying to say. Now........stop tagging please. I did.

Its ok, Scooter likes cheese! :D

Jul 22 2005, 07:08 PM
There's sure a lot of fat guys on here. :D

Jul 22 2005, 07:10 PM
I only have a fat head. :o

Jul 22 2005, 07:13 PM
The bottom line is, Timmy has done more for this sport than any riff raff i know!

Disc golf courses are usually found in city parks. City parks don't like vandalism. Tagging is vandalism. Vandalism gets disc golf courses ripped out of the ground. Catching the point?

Hero, you must have missed my reply to gnduke. Here it is.

Agreed. I was ecouraged to change. This path was not promoted the way this thread is going. That is all I am trying to say. Now........stop tagging please. I did.

Its ok, Scooter likes cheese! :D

Sorry for the confusion Mike. I was replying to the thread in general, not to you specifically. You were simply the post above me. I was saying all of that to DexAspen. My bad. Carry on. Cheese anyone? :D

Jul 22 2005, 07:14 PM
You may see it as vandalism,I see it as another outlet to showcase a passion of mine.Just as you do with DG or anything else you feel strongly about.Everyone does things you may feel are wrong but that does not give you the right to threaten or verbally attack them.To each his own.

Smoking pot while playing DG is also illegal but that dosent seem to stop anyone from doing it and is almost expected, by what I've read on this site it seems to be widely accepted.And apparently all the good I've done for the game is for naught because of one simple thing that a select few people deem so horrible.But you don't know me so you assume.Think what you will about me but I will not apologize for something that I belive is harmless.

P.S.-I'm not in a gang

Jul 22 2005, 07:14 PM

****, take the picture already!

Jul 22 2005, 07:17 PM
just say that you won't deface the public parks and you will be on the right path. If you would like to make a mural then I would suggest painting tarps made out of canvas. They rock and you can display your art where ever you like.

Just say you will stop defacing public proprerty so this thread will die.

Jul 22 2005, 07:17 PM
and the wise man knows weather or not to say it....

Is it going to rain today? Party cloudy? Snow for MN?

Is the wise man a meteorologist or an artist? :D

Jul 22 2005, 07:19 PM
You may see it as vandalism,I see it as another outlet to showcase a passion of mine.Just as you do with DG or anything else you feel strongly about.Everyone does things you may feel are wrong but that does not give you the right to threaten or verbally attack them.To each his own.

Smoking pot while playing DG is also illegal but that dosent seem to stop anyone from doing it and is almost expected, by what I've read on this site it seems to be widely accepted.And apparently all the good I've done for the game is for naught because of one simple thing that a select few people deem so horrible.But you don't know me so you assume.Think what you will about me but I will not apologize for something that I belive is harmless.

P.S.-I'm not in a gang

Sorry dude but there is no way to justify what you are doing just like you can't justify smoking Pot which i do not do nor do I accept it.

Jul 22 2005, 07:21 PM
Mike, I was not jumping on you, but using you as a good example. I agree that complete negativity isn't a great approach to use to influence most people in most cases.

This thread appears to have been started with an attempt to take a respected players comments out of context and gather inappropriate support for the person to whom the comment was directed. That appearance also plays into the level of negativity displayed by many of the posters. And to some degree it is venting on the general topic by many of the posters, but it is also possible that quite a few of the posters have never "tagged" anything they did not own. I can not recall ever doing it but I can't really recall my grade school days that well.

But there can really be no justification for taking pride in tagging public property without permission. If the person in question was truly gifted and secure in the artistic value of his work, and convinced the parks department to allow a beautification project where he decorated the equipment with the approval of the owners, that would be something to take pride in.

Jul 22 2005, 07:21 PM
No comment on the participation but I deffinately am a liberal. :D

Jul 22 2005, 07:23 PM
i think I will have to steal the fat guy from you Mr. hero :D:D

Jul 22 2005, 07:23 PM
but I can't really recall my grade school days that well.

Can't recall! What are you, some OMB? :D

Jul 22 2005, 07:23 PM
i think I will have to steal the fat guy from you Mr. hero :D:D

Once you outweigh me....he's yours. :eek:

Jul 22 2005, 07:24 PM
I hear you loud and clear. No offense was taken. You know, this type of manner is how we should have started off back in the day. ;)

Jul 22 2005, 07:24 PM
i think I will have to steal the fat guy from you Mr. hero :D:D

Once you outweigh me....he's yours. :eek:

Time to head to the Gym :D

Jul 22 2005, 07:25 PM
Don't you mean the Pizza joint?

Jul 22 2005, 07:26 PM
Don't you mean the Pizza joint?

Muscle weighs more than fat /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Jul 22 2005, 07:27 PM
What about brains? More specifically, artistic minds? :D

Jul 22 2005, 07:28 PM
Hey that is a stereotype. I am artistic! :p

Jul 22 2005, 07:30 PM
You may see it as vandalism,I see it as another outlet to showcase a passion of mine.Just as you do with DG or anything else you feel strongly about.Everyone does things you may feel are wrong but that does not give you the right to threaten or verbally attack them.To each his own.

Smoking pot while playing DG is also illegal but that dosent seem to stop anyone from doing it and is almost expected, by what I've read on this site it seems to be widely accepted.And apparently all the good I've done for the game is for naught because of one simple thing that a select few people deem so horrible.But you don't know me so you assume.Think what you will about me but I will not apologize for something that I belive is harmless.

P.S.-I'm not in a gang

Wow. To lump all disc golfers into the pot smoking stereotype. Wow.

What good have you done for the game? I think your comments would lead the any sensible reader to believe that you probably have not done much.

Your creative outlets and the assumptions you are making about disc golf and pot are not a positive.

Jul 22 2005, 07:30 PM
Don't you mean the Pizza joint?

Muscle weighs more than fat /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Me too I can write my name when i pee. :D:D

Jul 22 2005, 07:33 PM
Wow. To lump all disc golfers into the pot smoking stereotype. Wow.


Yeah we are big time now; we smoke crack :o:o

Jul 22 2005, 07:37 PM
Is that your weight loss program? You phaukers with your avatars are confusing me.

I thought I was talking to the original jelly roll. :D

Jul 22 2005, 07:38 PM
Is that your weight loss program?

No speed is. I need to quit if I want the fat man. :D

Jul 22 2005, 07:39 PM
Don't give them any ideas. :D

Oh, that sitting thing.... I thought you were talking about a different type of crack. :eek:

Jul 22 2005, 07:39 PM
I here the akins meth diet does wonders. :D

Jul 22 2005, 07:40 PM
Wow. To lump all disc golfers into the pot smoking stereotype. Wow.


Yeah we are big time now; we smoke crack :o:o


Crack...so cocaine wasn't strong enough for ya? :p

(dumb jokae alert) I prefer crank, and speed. That way I can crank out some fast drives.

Jul 22 2005, 07:41 PM
I prefer acid so I can halucinate that hole in one on every tee. I win I win!!!! :D

Jul 22 2005, 07:43 PM
I am outa here for the day. You dopers have a high day! :D

Jul 22 2005, 07:45 PM
I am outa here for the day. You dopers have a high day! :D

Oh you know us potheads we will. :D

Jul 22 2005, 07:46 PM
Crack-baby, crank-heads is the proper term I believe.

Jul 22 2005, 07:47 PM
Crack-baby, crank-heads is the proper term I believe.

I'm a Krack-Kid :o

Jul 22 2005, 08:24 PM
You may see it as vandalism,I see it as another outlet to showcase a passion of mine.Just as you do with DG or anything else you feel strongly about.Everyone does things you may feel are wrong but that does not give you the right to threaten or verbally attack them.To each his own.

Smoking pot while playing DG is also illegal but that dosent seem to stop anyone from doing it and is almost expected, by what I've read on this site it seems to be widely accepted.And apparently all the good I've done for the game is for naught because of one simple thing that a select few people deem so horrible.But you don't know me so you assume.Think what you will about me but I will not apologize for something that I belive is harmless.

P.S.-I'm not in a gang

Will you please stop playing our game and leave us alone. You deface public property and your and other like you are part of the reason courses get yanked and never return. I dont smoke pot on the course and I dont think that it is an acceptable practice either so dont open your mouth when you dont know who your talking to or what your talking about. A TON of casual golfers may smoke pot on the course when they player but the majority of serious tournament players do not smoke on the course while they are playing tournaments so dont make generalizations like that either.

I got a question for you. Can I come to your house and draw on the front door and spray paint on the siding and on your driveway??? Then can I go in your room and spray whatever I wish on the walls and your bed??? Would that be ok with you??? I mean I would just being showcasing a passion of mine. I mean who cares that its your stuff that im doing it on, right???

Get a life and please dont let it involve disc golf or defacing any more of our public parks and disc golf courses :mad:

Jul 22 2005, 08:25 PM
yeah, after I typed it, I thought it might be insensitve. Maybe what I should've written is crack-*****. Because that is what I am.

Jul 22 2005, 08:27 PM
yeah, after I typed it, I thought it might be insensitve. Maybe what I should've written is crack-*****. Because that is what I am.

You don't get much action though huh? :D

Jul 22 2005, 08:29 PM
I can't believe it didn't [I'm a potty-mouth!] *****?? Well, when you sell your sexy body for crack, you really can't be choosy....I guess what I am trying to say is no. I don't get much crack. Action on the other hand...well, that sums that up.

Jul 22 2005, 08:32 PM
I watched a show on the Bunny Ranch last night. Now those women are real whores. We should get them to sponsor a tournament :D Maybe we could get a coupon for a discount on their services in the players pack :eek: :D

Jul 22 2005, 08:34 PM
I watched a show on the Bunny Ranch last night. Now those women are real whores. We should get them to sponsor a tournament :D Maybe we could get a coupon for a discount on their services in the players pack :eek: :D

But wouldn't your "HOT" :confused: girlfriend get mad.

Jul 22 2005, 08:35 PM
But wouldn't your "HOT" girlfriend get mad.

She likes girls too :eek: :D

Jul 22 2005, 08:37 PM
That was kind of sad when one of the prostitutes left the owner (Dennis Hof??). I almost started crying, but I got distracted by one of the girls walking around scantily clad. But, that was a very sad episode last night.

Nevada folks, how about it? Start up a tournament sponsored by women of the night. Or what would more likely happen, get some prostitutes to come out to the course so the golfers could sponsor them! I am sure that would encourage a family atmosphere, welcoming women, children, and pirates alike!

Jul 23 2005, 01:01 AM

your more than welcome to put down anything you want,as long as its tasteful.Also,do me a favor and take a look at all the posts in this thread(look really hard too)and tell me where I said I've "spray painted" anything.Your friends here may find you witty and intelligent,but as far as I'm concerned your just making yourself look foolish...Good luck with your future grammer..

Jul 23 2005, 01:39 AM
Please go away Mr. Anonymous [I'm a potty-mouth!].

Your little anonymous attempt at raking Tim Gill through the mud isn't going so well, is it?

Here's my guess on what went down: you were the riff-raff that was in his grill, and he called you on it. Since you are a rec player you decided to come on here and lie that Timmy called all rec players riff-raff. The reality is that you are riff-raff, and it doesn't matter what level of disc golf you play.

Does that sound right?

Jul 23 2005, 02:42 AM
Rhett you missed out!!! The post before you made a "grammer(sic)'" comment!! I thought it was your turf to respond to such things... :D

Jul 23 2005, 04:51 AM
your just making yourself look foolish...Good luck with your future grammer..
The difference between a smart man and a wise man is....the smart man knows what to say,and the wise man knows weather or not to say it....

you're not your
whether not weather

"tagging" is vandalism. Simple as that. Down here in these parts we don't do alot of talking about taggers, we handle the issue the old fashioned way with a good ol [I'm a potty-mouth!] kicking.

Jul 23 2005, 04:51 AM
[I'm a potty-mouth!],

look up his website....its under the Hyland Hills thread

so were done with the tagging aspect of the conversation?...
now your just reaching for things to [I'm a potty-mouth!] about...lol
I'm glad I gave you guys something to amuse yourselves for the day....I'd still like your opinion on the original question if you can pull yourselves away from thinking up new things to attack me about....

Jul 23 2005, 04:53 AM
oops....spoke to soon...apperently were not...

Jul 23 2005, 12:29 PM

your more than welcome to put down anything you want,as long as its tasteful.Also,do me a favor and take a look at all the posts in this thread(look really hard too)and tell me where I said I've "spray painted" anything.Your friends here may find you witty and intelligent,but as far as I'm concerned your just making yourself look foolish...Good luck with your future grammer..

I dont care what you use to do your tagging. Its still just something that a disrespectful little punk would do. Whether you use a pencil or pen or marker or paint of crayon or anything. Your still just a little punk with no respect for someone elses property. Timmy Gill is a good friend of mine and I dont like when little punks like you try and make him out to be something he is not. Hes done more for the game this year then you will prolly ever do in your life. Actually I would hope you quit this game and go deface something other then my beloved disc golf courses. Timmy was right when he called you riff raff. I hope you run into someone while tagging up the course who gives you the AS$ whooping your deserve. Please leave our board our sport and our courses if your going to act like a punk.

Take your showcase of art and stupidity somewhere else.

Jul 23 2005, 12:44 PM
i don't care if you spray paint or merely Carve you work into the wood of picnic tables.... IT's still destruction of public property and in some areas will carrry a very heavy fine and even possibly jail time for future offenses.

It's illegal and It's disrespectful... It's not your right as a citizen of the United states to destroy public property for whatever reason and if you do so you have to be willing to face all punishments resulting from such actions. If you did it at my course we'd probably call the cops on you. I don't care if you etch/draw the best piece of art i've ever seen. There is a time and place for such things and Public/Private property is not that place.

You have quite the twisted view point and i would assume you are either very young, very young and horribly ignorant, or very young and horribly arrogant and your mommy and daddy pay for all your mistakes anyway. You aren't doing us a favor by allowing us to see your Artwork. If you want us to see your artwork then go make some work and put it in a gallery and maybe we'd show up.

You are committing a crime at the expense of other peoples property and it is not tolerated.

-Scott Lewis

Jul 23 2005, 02:10 PM
'd still like your opinion on the original question

The original question ? The thread title ?

No large group of players is riff raff, but certain members of most groups are riff raff. The thing is that most tournament players are also volunteers at some point. Once you start putting your own time and energy into the sport, you take some ownership, and avoid activities that put the sport in a bad light. The idea of taking a little personal responsibility for the public perception of the sport is what separates the riff raff from the concientious player.

Pizza God
Jul 23 2005, 05:16 PM
according to Timmy Gill,the owner of Par72discgolf.com you are.....booooooo!

Hello again Dex,
Sorry I had to delete your negative posts on the Par72 message board and you had to bring it here. We are about the positivity and the promotion of the sport:
You stated, that you "tag" picnic tables. Nuff said. Riff Raff.

mmm, Timmy Gill has more cred than Dex, I see why he called you Riff Raff.

You may see it as vandalism,I see it as another outlet to showcase a passion of mine.Just as you do with DG or anything else you feel strongly about.Everyone does things you may feel are wrong but that does not give you the right to threaten or verbally attack them.To each his own.

Smoking pot while playing DG is also illegal but that dosent seem to stop anyone from doing it and is almost expected, by what I've read on this site it seems to be widely accepted.And apparently all the good I've done for the game is for naught because of one simple thing that a select few people deem so horrible.But you don't know me so you assume.Think what you will about me but I will not apologize for something that I belive is harmless.

P.S.-I'm not in a gang

"another outlet to showcase a passion of mine" I think that says it all. Vandalizm as a passion. Add Trolling to that why don't you.

As far as saying that this board promotes disc golf and "smoking", I don't think so. The MAJORITY of the posters on this board will not agree with you. There is a number of players who do "smoke", most that play tournament learn early on that it is not to be done at the disc golf course. What you do in the privacy of your home is your own business, don't bring it to the course.

And when I do see "smokers" on the course, I always look at them as Riff Raff :D (but at least they are not defacing park property)

Pizza God
Jul 23 2005, 05:22 PM
Oh yea

Bryan James = Doctor Smurf
Pizza God = Trusty Smurf
David Bryan James = Super Absorbant Smurf

Jul 23 2005, 05:54 PM
Whats up with the names? Smurf?

Jul 23 2005, 06:57 PM
Smurf name generator (http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mule/smurfgen.html)

If MY is my 1st name and Hero is my last name then:

My Hero = Cletus the Slack-Jawed Smurf :confused: :D

Jul 23 2005, 06:57 PM
Whats up with the names? Smurf?

Grunion = Groupie Smurf
Mike Crump = Cleft Palate Smurf

Jul 23 2005, 08:08 PM
grunion crump = golden flah smurf ;)

Jul 25 2005, 09:00 AM
Not all Rec players are riff raff. Remember, we were ALL recs at one time. The "after work wirh a six-pack and two old discs in a shopping sack" could fall into the riff raff category. Most of those folks don't care about the course and do a majority of the damage here in Texas.

As for the "taggers", that is just WRONG. Go tag somewhere else. Not the baskets or the benches or the tee signs. If you're proud of your ace, tag the back of your disc. Alot of work goes into keeping a golf course clean and respectable. We have enough to do picking up empty cans, bottles and other trash. When we approach the city for funding a major discgolf upgrade, the officials always bring up the trash question.

Do the right thing...leave the place in better condition than when you started!