Jul 26 2005, 11:34 PM
I'm probably going to get flamed into tommorrow and back for posting this, but.. /msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

I regularly download live music using the Bit Torrent file sharing protocol. One night it dawned on me to search for a DG related torrent. The only hit I got was a file titled "Zoey 101.111.Disc Golf.LQ.Skootch.avi". So, I downloaded it thinking it might be a Swedish Disc Golf video. Well, it turned out to be an episode of some teeny-bopper TV series starring britney spears' younger sister. While the introduction was playing I checked the filename again and sure enough "Disc Golf" was clearly in the title. It starts with the Antagonist Coach making "the gang" run laps during PE. I start tapping the right-arrow key fast-forwarding 10 seconds a tap and the next thing I know someone is throwing a disc. It turns out this really is about DG, and there are action sequences of discs hitting the chains of a real basket.

So, here's the link to the episode guide:
www.tv.com/zoey-101/show/27867/episode_guide.html (http://www.tv.com/zoey-101/show/27867/episode_guide.html)

And this is the episode summary:

Zoey and her friends are tired of having to constantly run around the track in gym class. They all come to find out that they can get out of gym class if they join a sports team. Since they all want to join a team together, and Nicole stinks at sports, they find a sport that they can all play, Disc Golf. Soon after they present the team info to their gym coach, he says in the rulebook that it says, in order for them to officially be recognized as a team, that they have to win a sanctioned game against another school. So Chase gets a team, mistakenly, from a correctional school. So Zoey and the gang must compete in a game against the correctional kids.

What the summary doesn't include is that they find out DG is not at easy as originally thought, and the one who is sucky at sports gets cut from the team after they find out only five players can compete.

Anyway, I thought it was a hoot and I was suprised when I searched this discussion forum on the keywords "zoey" or "britney" that there were no hits.

I have the AVI and it's a lil' over 80 megs.

I know you are curious ;)

Jul 27 2005, 01:13 PM
Already discussed (except for the torrent stuff).

Previous thread (http://www.pdga.com/msgboard/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=352891&page=&view=&sb=5&o=&fpart=1&vc=1)

Jul 27 2005, 01:20 PM
What's your fav. client?

Jul 27 2005, 01:40 PM
You know they have been cracking down on the torrents. Be carefull as your being watched.

Jul 27 2005, 01:56 PM
It's perfectly legal to download torrent files as long as the material being downloaded doesn't have a copy write. :)

It's also completely legal to down load copy written material in Canada! Gotta love Canada for that! :)

Jul 27 2005, 02:39 PM
Did not know the Canada detail but I know they are watching the torrent activity and logging away. That is cool. I use ftp with a secure shell. :D

Jul 27 2005, 06:11 PM
........well you learn something new everyday. Sorry Canada.......

While it is legal to download in Canada, it is illegal to upload so therefore filesharing of copyrighted materials is illegal. Canadians like to brag about how this "legal P2P" ruling shows how great their legal system is. But it means nothing. You can't share a **** thing if you can't upload. NO ONE in the United States has been sued for downloading copyrighted content over P2P. They have all been uploaders and furthermore with the exception of movie cases and the MPAA, these individuals have had 1000's of files in the shared folders available for distribution, so called "SuperNodes". It takes at least 2 to tango in a filesharing covenance and so you are just as screwed in Canada as anywhere else.

Jul 27 2005, 06:15 PM
Only if you upload though...you could be on a P2P network and only share non-copyrighted material...or nothing at all...

Jul 27 2005, 07:51 PM
What's your fav. client?

Azureus, cuz it's written in java and runs on linux :cool:

You know they have been cracking down on the torrents. Be carefull as your being watched.

They are fighting a losing battle. The beauty of the torrent protocol is that it is very difficult to track. There is software that monitors network traffic looking for "signiture" torrent activity but that's about the best they can do. Your ISP can record that you started a torrent from a particular site that may be on some "watch-list", but then they would have to actually seize your computer to verify that you have the files. They have been trying to make news lately about cracking down on torrents but that's because the only thing they can do is scare people.. at least that's my current thought on the matter.
All digital/copyright legal issues aimed at preserving the status quo (ie, industries that made money in the past will keep making money) are ultimately doomed. Too many smart renegade hackers that love the challenge.

Now the other P2Ps not-torrent are much easier to catch someone uploading. I'm guessing those guys that got busted were uploading 24/7 for months at a time. that's not so smart.

The live music i download is all legal anyway.. Zoey was a mistake.. :eek:

Jul 27 2005, 08:00 PM
Been downloading live music for almost a year now. I use Azureus and have more music than I know what to do with. Not much on my HD 'cept for tunes. Have lots of cds lying around too.! Not much into downloading video, unless it's music related. :cool:Russ3523

Jul 27 2005, 09:46 PM
Already discussed (except for the torrent stuff).

Previous thread (http://www.pdga.com/msgboard/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=352891&page=&view=&sb=5&o=&fpart=1&vc=1)

oops.. forgot to set the date range past 1 month on my search