How Can a Loser Ever Win? :confused:
Jul 27 2005, 01:33 PM
Practice and find some thing that makes you play for the win.
Jul 27 2005, 01:33 PM
Jul 27 2005, 02:52 PM
Impossible....a Loser can Never win. Only Winners win.. :D
How can you stop the rain from falling down?
How can you stop the sun from shining?
What makes the world go round?
I finally got it!!!!!!
The Bee Gees song...with the other How do you mend a broken heart topic....dang I am smart! :cool:
Jul 27 2005, 07:07 PM
How Can a Loser Ever Win? :confused:
"A Winner Is A Loser Who Never Gave Up"
How can you stop men from singing like girls
What makes their voices change?
I would have liked the Bee Gees if their balls ever dropped
How deep is your love Anne?
Jul 28 2005, 04:43 PM
How Can a Loser Ever Win? :confused:
Quit golf and start gambling :o
Aug 01 2005, 02:56 PM
a loser will never win with that attitude.
Aug 01 2005, 03:40 PM
really....keep repeating to yourself, I am not a loser, I am not a attitude change must occur first though
Aug 01 2005, 03:54 PM
Just remember...players win, and winners play. Have a lucky day. :D
Even if you're the biggest *******
If you always make your putt
You will always win the game
Even if you're completely lame
Even if you're a smelly putz
Who picks his nose and sniffs his nuts
A slimy pathetic little yutz
Who has no balls and has no guts
And smokes discarded cigarette butts
You will always make the cuts
If you always make your putts
That's how a loser wins at disc golf. Here's how a loser wins with girls:
You might have a pizza face
From all the times you're sprayed with mace
Short and fat and have man-tits
Rolls of lard and smelly pits
Hair coming out of every hole
Especially where you have a mole
You have a voice that sounds like Nanny
Except that she is much more manly
Your clothes came from the Goodwill box
Your skin looks like you have smallpox
But you will get more girls by far
If you learn to play guitar
really....keep repeating to yourself, I am not a loser, I am not a attitude change must occur first though
Your mind doesn't process negatives like that...if you are saying to yourself " I am not a loser ", your mind is hearing, "I am a loser".
Try saying , " I am a winner ..I am a winner".
I practice this during bad putting spells, where my tendency was to always tell myself while I was putting, " Don't miss this putt"...or, " I can't miss this putt". After a little research I found that I was hurting my confidence like that. Now it is, " I can make this putt " or "I will make this putt". It truly does help in removing all negative feelings during your thought process.
Aug 03 2005, 11:20 AM
Doesn't it hurt your self esteem to repeatedly prove yourself a liar when you don't make that putt ? :D:cool:
No doubt about that bro :(
I said it helped remove the negative feelings...I never said I actually make any putts :D
Aug 03 2005, 01:25 PM
How Can a Loser Ever Win? :confused:
Stop thinking you are a loser and have fun, no maTTer what.
can IS negative word, as well as I will try is negative as well. It is interesting to sit and listen to all the negatives we use not really knowing this.
Aug 04 2005, 09:59 AM
All I say and think is it's a putt, it could be a hundred footer but it's still a putt, and I can make a putt.
Mar 10 2006, 11:45 AM
Doesn't it hurt your self esteem to repeatedly prove yourself a liar when you don't make that putt ? :D:cool:
but then i look at myself in the mirror and say
i'm good enough
i'm smart enough
and doggone it people like me
Mar 10 2006, 12:34 PM
Mar 10 2006, 12:40 PM
If all you are worried about is WINNING, that is your first problem. You need to learn to have fun with the game. Winning will come with lots of practice and a good attitude. I always play for fun, even in tourney play. I never keep track of my score(like, let me see the card every freakin' 2 minutes!!) Looking at the card after every hole isn't gonna change your score. It will just make u try harder than normal get out of a routine to catch up!! Just play and have fun, you will be suprised at the end of the round at how good you did compared to the "worried about winning" players out there.
Just my 2 cents!!! It helps my game..
Mar 14 2006, 10:04 PM
Who wants to name their top 5 losers on the message board??? Maybe it will make this loser stop feeling so bad.
Mar 15 2006, 10:48 AM
Who wants to name their top 5 losers on the message board??? Maybe it will make this loser stop feeling so bad.
tonya harding
The arizona cardinals
kobiashi (dude eats hotdogs for a living) and hesproudofit
raphael palmero
jose canseco
maurice clarett
honorable mention: proffesional rastlers(steriods are for losers)
male ice dancers
kansascity royals
ron artest(ron was teaching that fan a lesson never waste a sip of heineken)
ryan leaf (he's currently redeeming himself)
napolean dynamite
anybody trying to mess with bugs bunny
Mar 15 2006, 11:16 AM
those folks are on the message board???
Mar 15 2006, 11:22 AM
God Freakin Idiot
: ) :