Aug 16 2005, 11:47 PM
Just curious why it takes so long for tournaments to be updated on-line...I understand some TD's take a LONG time to get their info turned in but even when it does it takes FOREVER to actually see that paticular tournament under your player statistics.

Tracking your player statistics on-line is the best feature the PDGA has to offer, well I guess saving $5 per tournament makes it worth while also.

What's the solution, new software?

Maybe a new employee should be hired?

I'm not talking about unofficial ratings because who the he11 cares about them.


Aug 17 2005, 01:13 AM
My feeling is that ratings should be updated every month. I know that we are run by volenteers, but isnt it a computer that caculates ratings?

Aug 17 2005, 02:53 AM
Yes and no...lots of hand verification go on first.

I think that they said that updating them more often than quarterly would have players swinging all around ratings-wise. Chuck would probably have the answer though...


Aug 17 2005, 12:32 PM
Take ratings out of the the picture....it's cool to have a rating it's just too bad they are not accurate, so I really could care or less when/if they get updated.

What about simply updating the tournament you played last weekend on your personal player statistics page??? There are a couple tournaments I played over a month ago that still are not under "my personal stats" page and I know the TD's submitted their report.

Once the TD submits their report how hard can it be for the PDGA to atleast update how you finished and how many points you got for it???

Aug 17 2005, 12:37 PM
The last time they updated results was July 19th. They usually keep to a monthly schedule for reporting those results so one should be coming shortly. (And I'm hoping WACO from June has been turned in.)

Aug 17 2005, 01:05 PM
I'm short a few tournaments, that's why I'm wondering what's the holdup...it can't be ratings because they are always "unofficial" until the next ratings update anyway.

PDGA dues should be decreased.

Aug 17 2005, 01:07 PM
I see what you are saying Conners...screw the ratings monthly, but at least update which tournaments you went to, what place you got and how many points. I think that is a spot up great idea! Should do very doable I think. Just set up the upload a little different.

Aug 17 2005, 02:14 PM
Exactly dude...under the PDGA tour schedule not all the events have the little trophy next to it so you can view results :mad: but the ones that do should be linked to your personal stats, right??

I'm glad you agree with me Alex cuz it does not seem like many people do :confused:


Aug 17 2005, 03:15 PM
Some of those little trophies reflect Unofficial Results. Unofficial Results can be put in by the TD prior to submission of the TD report. The PDGA does not consider any event that hasn't turned in a TD report to be Official (for the most part).

Official Results (ie, when they become linked to your PDGA #) are updated monthly, based on what TD reports they have received. It isn't the PDGA (the org) holding these up, it is the slow TD's.

And as I said, they updated last on July 19th. We should be seeing another one soon.

Aug 17 2005, 03:35 PM
Dave turns around TD reports pretty fast for your points when he gets them. It's always a little slower this time of year when PDGA staff is helping run both Worlds.

Aug 17 2005, 03:38 PM
Thanks for responding Tbender, I just wish the PDGA would create a "real time" system for "our" PDGA season.

I understand the official/unofficial results of tournaments...but isn't the tournament just a URL link to your player page anyway, whether it's official or not? If changes are made to the tournament statistics would it change the URL link? I don't believe it would.

Anyways I hope the PDGA makes some educated decisions soon, they could make the system work so good if they really, really wanted to...it's not as if it's not possible.

Aug 17 2005, 03:46 PM
Unofficial results are not elements in the database. Official results are and they are directly referenced to your PDGA number for points calculations. For exanple, you won't see your name misspelled in official results if your PDGA number is correct but some times you will see it misspelled in unofficial results because the info isn't completely linked up. Most people don't realize how much email Dave has to exchange with TDs to get corrections before making results official. I don't see TDs directly posting results to the official database without PDGA staff review.

Aug 17 2005, 04:06 PM
Thanks for explaining Chuck...You do a great job dude, I did not know there was that much information going back forth between the PDGA and the TD...too bad things can't be more thorough.

As players it's just frustrating sometimes when you have to wait so long for tournament information.

I quit playing pool league (APA) in order to play more disc golf...back then I would get an email every week breaking down my statistics for the previous week, and then they would add that to my overall statistics for season...lots of information involved there and they seemed to have it under control.

Maybe one day we will get there.


Aug 17 2005, 04:18 PM
If you want realtime feedback for all of the rounds you want to count, just sign up with the DGU online handicapping service. It uses the same calculation formulas as the PDGA but displays them as handicaps. You can include personal, league and tournament rounds as you desire. www.discgolfunited.com (http://www.discgolfunited.com)

Aug 17 2005, 04:21 PM
Thank you, Chuck.

Aug 17 2005, 04:27 PM
If you want realtime feedback for all of the rounds you want to count, just sign up with the DGU online handicapping service. It uses the same calculation formulas as the PDGA but displays them as handicaps. You can include personal, league and tournament rounds as you desire. www.discgolfunited.com (http://www.discgolfunited.com)

Actually......the more I think about it, me as a current PDGA player should not have to calculate anything "manually"...I figured the PDGA would be responsible for that, part of our PDGA annual dues?

I think I'm going to go ahead and give up on this subject, but thanks for the www.discgolfunited.com (http://www.discgolfunited.com) alternative.


Aug 18 2005, 06:43 PM
I'm just curious what information you (or anyone) is after that is important enough that you want it "now"? Is it just points and ratings (of which Chuck has already explained) or is it that you want to see the standings and get an idea of how everyone shot, how you stacked up, etc?

One thing that is a huge thing in my neck of the woods, and maybe we're spoiled by it I don't know, is that there are local and regional websites that list all tournament results. These results are usually posted within days (sometimes just hours depending on the tournament) of the event. The turn around is far quicker because those sites usually have less to deal with (usually only one or two events per week rather than a bunch like the PDGA deals with) and less to produce (usually no ratings or points involved, but again there's only one or two events per week to deal with anyway). It's instant gratification for seeing everything that went on that day/weekend, and usually fills the void until the PDGA processes the results and publishes them with points and ratings a few weeks/months later.

Look into it and see if the tournament results are posted elsewhere. If not, suggest it to the TD or your local club. Our club website is by far the best way we've spent club money and by far the best benefit we get out of it...it's something tangible and usable for everyone.

Just a thought...


Aug 18 2005, 07:09 PM
...For exanple, you won't see your name misspelled in official results if your PDGA number is correct but some times you will see it misspelled in unofficial results because the info isn't completely linked up. Most people don't realize how much email Dave has to exchange with TDs to get corrections before making results official...

This is a little bit off topic, but I try to keep my players informed by posting on our local message board when the unofficial results are up and when I've submitted the TD report. I find that if they know at what point the process is in they are a little bit more patient.

By the way Chuck, if Dave hasn't ever sent me an e-mail asking for clarification, does that mean I've never made a mistake on a TD report? :) I think Dave must make a lot of corrections himself because I figure I make as many dumb mistakes on the TD reports as anyone else.

Aug 18 2005, 07:19 PM
I'd say 4 out of 5 reports fly thru with little correction. The most common issue we deal with in the ratings processing is matching up courses when the TD uses a name for a course that varies from the official name in the PDGA Directory. For example, over the years the Waco course SSAs are all over the map in terms of which course was actually played versus where the data was processed.

Aug 19 2005, 03:29 PM
I'm just curious what information you (or anyone) is after that is important enough that you want it "now"? Is it just points and ratings (of which Chuck has already explained) or is it that you want to see the standings and get an idea of how everyone shot, how you stacked up, etc?

<font color="red"> Call me selfish but I want it ALL, I did not start playing golf yesterday Josh, I've been a member for 5 years and I know how to get results for "SOME" tournaments on club websites and message boards. You missed my point, I was only curous if a new system was in the works -OR- if a new system/platform could be "created" or a new software package could be implemented/installed to get the PDGA tournament information "real time"....that should be one of the main goals of the PDGA, handling information.

Were not in the 90's anymore...technology is going nuts right now...I sold and marketed information/Database technology for almost a decade. There is always a better way of handling information. </font>

One thing that is a huge thing in my neck of the woods, and maybe we're spoiled by it I don't know, is that there are local and regional websites that list all tournament results. These results are usually posted within days (sometimes just hours depending on the tournament) of the event. The turn around is far quicker because those sites usually have less to deal with (usually only one or two events per week rather than a bunch like the PDGA deals with) and less to produce (usually no ratings or points involved, but again there's only one or two events per week to deal with anyway). It's instant gratification for seeing everything that went on that day/weekend, and usually fills the void until the PDGA processes the results and publishes them with points and ratings a few weeks/months later.

<font color="red"> There are very few club websites out there, even the ones that are out there will rarely post results...Our club website will post some tournaments, I'm jealous you have that option. You should realize not many clubs have websites, they go the PDGA.com to get their information.</font>

Look into it and see if the tournament results are posted elsewhere. If not, suggest it to the TD or your local club. Our club website is by far the best way we've spent club money and by far the best benefit we get out of it...it's something tangible and usable for everyone.

Just a thought...

<font color="red"> Thanks Josh, appreciate your insight but it's not the answer that we were looking for. </font>


Aug 24 2005, 12:09 PM
Bumping this thread because I was wondering when the next update for Results is happening?

Aug 24 2005, 12:28 PM
taken back

Aug 24 2005, 01:11 PM
A little unsure of your target for your point Pat, I'm asking about Results (last updated 7/19 - 3 items down from the red ratings update), not Ratings.

Aug 24 2005, 01:43 PM
um... ok, i take it back

Aug 24 2005, 01:48 PM
Bumping this thread because I was wondering when the next update for Results is happening?

I noticed on Monday morning a few tournaments posted for me, but I'm still missing a couple from a while back...could be errors in the TD reports or what not :confused: